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6:59 AM
@JosephWright ooh plans
7:29 AM
user image
7:40 AM
@PauloCereda but first, b.....
@DavidCarlisle .... this?
8:02 AM
@JosephWright yesterday the question came up if grapheme are actually language or script dependant?
@AlexG Perfect comma placement :)
8:51 AM
@UlrikeFischer language. I’ve not yet implemented that for the expl3 code, but it would be easy enough to sort
Fat Bear Week: bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63125242. A Bär in Bonn is considering to take part:
user image
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@UlrikeFischer ooh
9:45 AM
@UlrikeFischer Oh, a bear's beer belly! ;-)
10:17 AM
@JosephWright @DavidCarlisle babel redefines \MakeUppercase, and beamer redefines \ref and both together manage to make this looping. I think it is new, I got the error when I tried to recompile my tug presentation.
\MakeUppercase{see \ref{a} xxx}
@DavidCarlisle well while I think it would be better if babel wouldn't patch, the main fault is in beamer. Making \ref fragile again in beamerbaseoverlay.sty isn't really good. It compiles again if I change \let\beamer@origref=\ref \def\ref{... @JosephWright @samcarter
@UlrikeFischer Definitely new. It still works with TL2022 in overleaf, so some change between summer and now
10:37 AM
@samcarter Yes looks like a recent babel change. But the underlying problem is the fragile ref in beamer.
@UlrikeFischer I'll take a look
@UlrikeFischer Hopefully once I land the Unicode stuff I can get Javier a proper approach to \MakeUppercase - likely we want that optional argument too
1 hour later…
12:15 PM
@UlrikeFischer Can you ask the Bär is this is one of his relatives? travellingteddy.com/ganz-viele-teddy-bilder
(I particularly like the Viking helmet travellingteddy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/total-671.jpg :) )
@samcarter wow, what a nice idea!
12:34 PM
@Rmano Indeed! Just saw that there is a calendar by the travelling teddy -- I'm very much tempted :)
1 hour later…
1:45 PM
@UlrikeFischer kvsetkeys .... (texlive-list)
Page proofs of a friend's book. Oops. :)
@AlanMunn using one of your classes I assume? :-)
@DavidCarlisle Don't talk to me about my classes. The university suddenly changed the thesis formatting and now I'm dealing with a bunch of complaining grad students that it's not working.
@DavidCarlisle Combined with the fact that the thesis office's main unit of measurement is the "double space" it's a frustrating time.
2:03 PM
@AlanMunn tell your friend (s)he has a double space between ??? and hspace so should be happy
2:23 PM
@AlanMunn I wonder who, at the university, is deciding upon changes? Do they have any feeling for typesetting, or do they just unknowingly give some people a lot of work every now and then?
@DavidCarlisle I would say not my fault ... (or perhaps my fault because I dropped the tds but still not my fault).
2:44 PM
gobble-user is a lot of code to fail to do nothing
@DavidCarlisle ? Oh you mean the search pattern?
oh there is a package with this name ;-)


@UlrikeFischer ^
2:59 PM
@DavidCarlisle One of the LaTeX rules: there is always a package one never has heard of before ;-)
@DavidCarlisle seems to be a miktex user on the main site.
@UlrikeFischer I guess so, since it didn't error
4:05 PM
@mickep Definitely the latter. This has nothing to do with typesetting and everything to do with assertion of bureaucratic power.
TikZ people: why are all my boxed nodes uneven?

\begin{frame}[fragile]{A frame}
\matrix [
matrix of nodes, nodes={draw, align=center,minimum size=3em},
p/.style={fill=orange!30}] {
& & & & & $e$ & $\theta_{N}$\\
1 &|[p]| 3 &|[p]| 5 &|[p]| 7 & 9 & 2/5 & 3.1\\
|[p]|11 &|[p]| 13 & 15 &|[p]| 17 &|[p]| 19 & 3/10 & 4.3\\
21 &|[p]| 23 & 25 & 27 &|[p]| 29 & 6/15 & 5.5\\
|[p]|31 & 33 & 35 &|[p]| 37 & 39 & 9/20 & 6.6\\
presumably because / has depth? what happens if you add \strut
set text depth=xx,
text height=xx,
minimum width=xx
No, wrong post :) ^^^
4:22 PM
@CarLaTeX Thanks setting depth to 0 and height to 1ex improved things.
@AlanMunn There is also a more elegant method but I can't find the right post
@AlanMunn Sad, but not surprised, to hear.
with minimum height=xx,
anchor=center (or anchor=base?)
@AlanMunn -- I'd have tried using \smash, but don't know if it works in a tikz context.
2 hours later…
6:53 PM
@UlrikeFischer ooh sillytable
7:10 PM
@AlanMunn I use the following (you'll need to completely check the size of the boxes, this will silently overprint to in both vertical and horizontal direction):
\node[inner sep=0.5*<square-size you want>,draw]
7:45 PM
@AlanMunn to avoid overlapping borders add column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
row sep=-\pgflinewidth, as matrix options
7:59 PM
\begin{frame}[fragile]{A frame}
\matrix [column sep=-\pgflinewidth,
row sep=-\pgflinewidth,
matrix of math nodes, nodes={draw,
text centered, minimum size=3em, text depth=0pt,
text height=1ex},
p/.style={fill=orange!30}] {
& & & & & e & \theta_{N}\\
1 &|[p]| 3 &|[p]| 5 &|[p]| 7 & 9 & 2/5 & 3.1\\
|[p]|11 &|[p]| 13 & 15 &|[p]| 17 &|[p]| 19 & 3/10 & 4.3\\
21 &|[p]| 23 & 25 & 27 &|[p]| 29 & 6/15 & 5.5\\
8:13 PM
@PauloCereda ohh
8:35 PM
Is there an easy and quick way to produce a GIF from an animated PDF? Or do I need to capture the screen, clip the resulting video and convert this to a GIF?
Ah, export option of animate package ...
8:47 PM
@JasperHabicht Depending on your operating system, there are also apps which will screen capture as gif, e.g. for macOS there is Giphy Capture
@samcarter The problem is: I am trying to convert the output of this to a gif to place it underneath the answer. It has 180 frames which seems to be ... to much for Photoshop on my device (which I cannot really believe actually)
@JasperHabicht Unless you'll choose a really, really crappy resolution, 180 frames will also cause a problem with the maximum file size for images on stackexchange.
@samcarter Yes .. .maybe I should skip every second frame ... or so
@JasperHabicht yes, that might work. Or you could look at some of @AlanG's answers. I think he has some workaround in which he uploads an animated svg to github and then includes this in the post.
9:09 PM
@samcarter Got it. I just created a new PDF with less frames from PDFLaTeX, then converted this via an online converter tp a GIF and tweaked and optimized this with PS. So, not the most convenient way ... but at least I got a small and uploadable GIF \o/
1 hour later…
10:28 PM
If it brightens anyone's day, know that I read the documentation for every new and revised package I use.

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