@CarLaTeX I think it partly reflects that depending on site size and age, 20k rep would be a highly-restrictive condition. From memory, the Powers provide various stats during the election, and one of those is I think number of flags raised, to show 'engagement' with mod-like stuff.
@MarcelKrüger An l3build question. Looking at some stuff for pgf, I've got github.com/josephwright/pgf/commit/…. I think a 'nicer' way to keep-the-source structure would be good: thoughts?
@MarcelKrüger Alternatively, I could stick with the suggestion made by Henri in app.element.io/#/room/#pgf-tikz:matrix.org, and read the list out of Git - would welcome thoughts from others too
@JosephWright I think there are two things we could look at here: One more general hook to allow modifying installmap for projects with special needs and then a separate one for purposes like this to just preserve some directories as a whole. Maybe providing a Lua dictionary which maps (source) directory names to installation locations and then just copies them as a whole.
@JosephWright Then the question if they use the existing recursive globbing or rely on git is kind of independent, but I would just do a recursive copy for consistency and to avoid depending on the used version control system.
@JosephWright recursive copy of input structure is probably a useful feature but also making pgf not load 10000 files at runtime would probably improve its loading performance does it really need such a deep input tree (I realise that changing pgf isn't really an l3build question)
@samcarter luapstricks has a feature for that (github.com/zauguin/luapstricks/issues/43). It's linked to \psMatrixPlot since I always thought that people who have to plot matrices should be given an excuse to do something else.
@MarcelKrüger Based on matrix.to/#/!NuxCISwYQJuyWwNsEI:matrix.org$66_6f-3KO1LI9mz6W4WjHUBtsJD996Qc1sM4jr4fkXE?via=matrix.org&via=tetaneutral.net&via=matrix.nicfab.it, I think I'll look at a 'just copy the entire source tree' option
@MarcelKrüger Well that link didn't work but see Henri's comments about the (to me strange) Lua sources
@StefanKottwitz -- Husband agrees with you about crabs; he grew up in lobster country. I guess you'd prefer to revert to no punctuation at all. What about spaces separating words? Would you toss them out too?
@StefanKottwitz -- Yes, I know about German and spaces. One of my degrees is in German literature. But I readily admit that I was thankful for the spaces that were present.
@StefanKottwitz -- That's today. May I advise you to keep watching jp1lib.org -- the first editions of a couple of your books are posted there for free download. I suspect it won't take too long for new editions to appear.
Some different animals have been associated with LaTeX, depending on where you look.
If i look on this site I will most likely come to believe, that the mascot of LaTeX is a duck.
If i look at the official LaTeX project I end up thinking: The mascot is a hummingbird.
And last but not least, if...