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7:32 AM
@samcarter_looks_forward_TUG'21 oooh!
7:43 AM
putting \verb|code| inside figure caption is giving me error
\begin{wrapfigure}{R}{5cm}                 % tex.stackexchange.com/a/56177/114006
\caption{Using \verb|code|}
LaTeX Error: \verb illegal in command argument.
@raf you can't use verb in the argument of any command
what should I use instead?
@raf if it's literally the word code then \texttt{code}
no, it will contain codes like \begin{figure}...
[2/8, 00:02/06:23] update: circuitikz [1647k] (59421 -> 59598) ... done @Skillmon it's on the air now ;-)
@raf \texttt{\textbackslash begin\{figure\}}? for very complicated things maybe explore tex.stackexchange.com/questions/8810/…
7:57 AM
@raf for a one off you can use \texttt{\string\begin\{figure\}} or you need to re-structure things. \verb and verbatim work by changing the interpretation of characters in the file so they are not special, but if you put them in an argument they have already been parsed getting the argument so it is too late. Consider \verb|}| which makes } but \caption{ ... \verb|}|...} can not work as \caption grabs the argument as { ... \verb|} before \verb is even executed,
@DavidCarlisle Now I get it. Thank you for the explanation!
@Rmano I don't like to use \textbackslash things... it will get messy. I tried other answers too. but didn't work for me.
oh sorry. using \cprotect works for me!
Thank you!
8:16 AM
@raf You're welcome (Bruno's \cprotect is magical)
1 hour later…
9:23 AM
I just read a newspaper article about windows 11: image the revolutionary invention of rounded corners! Maybe they just found a copy of windows vista in the cellar ....
1 hour later…
10:34 AM
@samcarter_looks_forward_TUG'21 I have my google feed full of "Breaking news: gossip says that windows 11 will be the next version after windows 10"... LOL
10:50 AM
@Rmano Well, counting beyond 10 is difficult, one already need to use ones toes :)
@samcarter_looks_forward_TUG'21 Given that Microsoft called Windows 10 the „last version of Windows“ it's hard to outnumber the last number. So I can understand their difficulties ;)
@TeXnician Oh, I see the problem. Then let's just close this version of the universe - we don't want to cause unnecessary trouble for microsoft if they run out of numbers :)
@TeXnician Can't they solve this Bond style: "Never Say Last Version"
@samcarter_looks_forward_TUG'21 Or they simply rename Windows so that they can restart numbering. Maybe they could switch to a Linux kernel while doing so :D
@TeXnician :) if they do this an provide a way to uninstall their windows stuff, maybe the system becomes usable :)
I look forward to Windows 13. That aught to be interesting. :p
11:04 AM
@Plergux Will it work only on fridays? ;-)
@PhelypeOleinik Yes. Which is more than what you can say about many other operating systems. :p
@Plergux LOL
@Plergux At least it's predictable
@PhelypeOleinik yeah, and I mean, any operating system is only as useful/reliable as the user :p
@Plergux I should better shut my computer down then :)
@PhelypeOleinik you and me both!:p I should have a large sign saying "I void warranties" XD
11:13 AM
@Plergux hahahaha
@Plergux So the most useful operating system is one without users because then the statement “for all user: user is reliable” holds? :D
@TeXnician absulutely! users are the worst! XD
@Plergux My findings agree with that. I have always found that operating systems I use are useful and reliable.
@Plergux Oh, that definitely. But I don't know whether I would support that definition of usefulness ;)
11:27 AM
@TeXnician Obviously. Ones definition of usefulness would depend entirely on what one needs. :p
@DavidCarlisle Well, I wouldn't expect anything else from a tech-priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus :p
11:47 AM
What's the function of the * in \begin{figure*} .... \end{figure*} environment?
@raf two-column spanning figure
oh, Okay.
        \caption{Lorem ipsum}
        \caption{Lorem ipsum, lorem ipsum,Lorem ipsum, lorem ipsum,Lorem ipsum}
    \caption{Caption place holder}
	minimum width=3cm% to force left-alignment of all nodes
	\node (n) at (0,0)  {$A: tp$};
	\node (m) at (0,-1) {$a: tm\ A$};
here, if I remove the % after \end{subfigure}, the two photos don't remain side by side.What's it's function?
The math within those nodes is not left-aligned, but centered. How can I make it left-aligned?
11:54 AM
        \caption{Image of A}
        \caption{Image of B}
    \caption{Comparison between the images of A and B}
@raf upside down?? with or without the % you are specifying things that can not fit, you have two subfigure .5\textwidth` wide so if you want them side by side they must have no space between them, as it is you have ~ between them so a no-break space followed by a normal space. Without the % you have ~ ` so normal space nobreak space normal space` but either way it is wrong.
@raf better although the \hfill is doing nothing. Also if that is in a two column document it will not work as you are specifying a total width of \textwidth but putting it in a songle column figure which will be less than half \textwidth wide
I am confused! I thought % is only for commenting. :|
I like to keep both images side by side horizontally, with a moderate blank space between them.
no, in latex newlines are semantic
so it makes a difference whether you insert <newline> or %<newline>
in the latter case latex pretends that you didn't insert a newline at all
(i guess)
My document is one-column
what should I change in the code?
@raf here
@ComFreek thank you. I didn't know it!
12:41 PM
@raf it is, but a space is a space and a commented out space is nothing.
@raf the second version you posted is fine (athough you could delete the line in the middle with \hline as it is doing nothing.
1:00 PM
@raf You don't need the first \centering as you fill the whole line
also you should probably not use [hbt!] as that prevents the float appearing on a float page (so makes it probable that it goes to the end of the document) also of course only use ! in exceptional circumstances (that's why it is !) it doesn't make sense to use that in normal cases)
@raf ...however the most serious problem with your code is that it uses example-image-b instead of the much better example-image-duck from @Skillmon's duckuments package :)
1:22 PM
@ComFreek \node[align=left] should work
2:01 PM
@MarcelKrüger meeting?
2:23 PM
@Rmano yes, I saw. Let's see how many bug reports come hitting us :)
@Skillmon Let's see!
@Skillmon I also submitted an update to circledsteps that I know will break if somebody uses catoptions... but I hope nobody does now. I am bracing myself anyway.
2:51 PM
hi @samcarter_looks_forward_TUG'21
@Rmano if somebody uses catoptions he deserves no sympathy! It isn't compatible with LaTeX anyways, so if one has an up to date LaTeX installation (so has access to a recent circledsteps version) he can't use capoptions anyway, doesn't matter whether he uses your package or not.
3 hours later…
5:36 PM
For several versions, the manuals of pgfplots.pdf and pgfplotstable.pdf asks me, whether I want to save before closing. But there is nothing to save.
Is this a bug?
5:50 PM
@cis there is something to save, the pdf contains form fields somewhere which force an appearance and adobe reader see this change. You get the same with this (and you could avoid it with the option (this could also need a setting in the reader)

@UlrikeFischer Aha.
3 hours later…
9:13 PM
@JosephWright May I ask for your opinion about github.com/josephwright/beamer/pull/514 ? Personally I would simply use 149 instead, which is only 1 mm different, but as the PR already exists and multiple users seem to be in favour of it, what can it hurt?
2 hours later…
10:51 PM
Hi chat!
$\bf{x}v = Av + \bf{x^{*}}$
returns v, A in bold as well
Any help how to avoid that
I only need $x$, $x^{*}$ to be bold
\bf{x}v = Av + \bf{x^{*}}
the code i used
11:13 PM
@BAYMAX -- This is supposed to be LaTeX? \bf is a switch; it doesn't take an argument, and everything following will be bold...until something else is specified. You want \mathbf{...}.
11:27 PM
cool! thanks@barbarabeeton
that works!
long time no see
11:51 PM
Hey CaptainBohemian!
yeah! happy to come back and see

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