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1:29 AM
@Plergux -- It appears that your volcano has started to erupt, but it's flowing, not exploding. I hope it stays that way, so people in the area can keep breathing safely.
6 hours later…
7:37 AM
Hi. Where are \DeclareTextCommand and fellows documented?
7:53 AM
@barbarabeeton Yeah, I found out last night because I was visiting friends. Otherwise I would probably be clueless :p
@PauloCereda aaawww... poor ransom :(
8:14 AM
@Plergux quack <3
@Plergux Also, Century Gothic :)
"I am in a room full of sheep" <- this sounds like a great plan :)
@Plergux oh please be safe, sheep person <3
9:16 AM
@Plergux What I hate most: "– Insert Figure 1 about here –"
9:29 AM
@JairoA.delRio source2e.pdf
user image
@CarLaTeX @Plergux ^^ this is what I did when supervisors asked for silly changes in my academic texts. :)
@PauloCereda lol
@PauloCereda @StefanKottwitz and me talking about the runlatex interface
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda don't tell @StefanKottwitz though.
9:41 AM
@DavidCarlisle of course, I won't tell @StefanKottwitz :)
We ducks are very good at keeping secrets
@PauloCereda if you fail it could influence choice of lunch
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@PauloCereda baaa
@PauloCereda XD
@PauloCereda I'll be fine :) It's a lava flow thing so no exploding fire and ash. As long as there isn't much gas blowing our way I'll be fine. :)
@Plergux ooh
@PauloCereda LOL
9:49 AM
@Plergux My favourite part, "type the text to prove you are not a robot." Text: "I am a robot" :D
@PauloCereda XD
@PauloCereda yeah, loled :p
@CarLaTeX ugh...
@PauloCereda And the following video is this one:
@CarLaTeX oh
@CarLaTeX Thankfully I have no procrastination monkey. :)
10:09 AM
@PauloCereda Only procrastination duck
@CarLaTeX :)
1 hour later…
11:28 AM
I was about to think how can you hide the contents of all the (sub)sections and only show the headers. A minute later I realized that that's what \tableofcontents is doing.
1 hour later…
12:54 PM
@yo' Lol
@michal.h21 you asked the other day what I was missing with make4ht, if I start with \includegraphics[height=1cm]{example-image} I end up with <img width='28' alt='PIC' height='28' src='example-image.png' /> which then just shows the alt , would it be possible to configire make4ht/tex4ht to copy images found via kpathse locally, or should I try to do that in the external wrapper scripting?
ah and if I specify an output directory it fails more vocally:
$ make4ht -d zout aa083 mathjax
[STATUS]  make4ht: Conversion started
[STATUS]  make4ht: Input file: aa083
[ERROR]   mkutils: File example-image.png doesn't exist
cp: cannot stat 'example-image.png': No such file or directory
[STATUS]  make4ht: Conversion finished
1:47 PM
@michal.h21 ah this works in this case at least (from mkutils.lua)
local cp_func = os.type == "unix" and "cp" or "copy"
-- maybe it would be better to actually move the files
-- in reality it isn't.
-- local cp_func = os.type == "unix" and "mv" or "move"
function cp(src,dest)
	local command = string.format('%s "%s" "%s"', cp_func, src, dest)
	if cp_func == "copy" then command = command:gsub("/",'\\') end
	log:info("Copy: "..command)
  if not file_exists(src) then
        local ksrc=kpse.find_file(src)
        command = string.format('%s "%s" "%s"', cp_func, ksrc, dest)
2:16 PM
@DavidCarlisle thanks, I can add it to the future make4ht versions. too bad I uploaded a new update yesterday.
2:37 PM
@michal.h21 I wasn't sure where else you use copy and if it would be better to have a separate kpse-copy command, but as in this version it only changes the error case it's probably safe enough?
3:00 PM
@DavidCarlisle yes, this is the only place where copy is used. So this is used only with the --output-dir option, which is a good thing, I think, as I think it could be confusing if these files found by kpse were copied to the current working dir by default.
3:20 PM
@michal.h21 yes I think it's Ok if it doesn't copy the files in that case
1 hour later…
4:27 PM
@michal.h21 @JosephWright ^^ multi-file html/png return from latexcgi texlive.net :-)
(private front end for now, not accessible in general)
4:47 PM
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright Is there a procedure for closing issues on learnlatex? github.com/learnlatex/learnlatex.github.io/issues/137. Can I use my best judgement or is there something more formalized?
5:19 PM
@AlanMunn no formal policy I think you can close
@DavidCarlisle wow. What is that for a previewer?
@UlrikeFischer er it's in a web browser, it can render html
@DavidCarlisle oh ;-)
@UlrikeFischer same as the log files, there is no indirection like pdf.js I just send the generated html back
@DavidCarlisle all the context menu options looked so special. That is all in the mathjax javascript?
5:45 PM
@UlrikeFischer I lost about an hour this morning trying to debug the perl before realising perl doesn't accept Lua syntax.
@UlrikeFischer you mean right menu math context? that's mathjax, yes
@DavidCarlisle that's the problem with many languages ;-).
@UlrikeFischer string concatenation is + in javascript .. in Lua and . in perl and I am using all three here, but not necessarily in the correct files...
@DavidCarlisle why is perl in the lot?
@UlrikeFischer latexcgi is written in perl
@DavidCarlisle you could add a bit lisp ...
5:54 PM
@UlrikeFischer it's all written in emacs of course so lisp controls it all
@DavidCarlisle ;-) and how do one write string concatenation in lisp?
@UlrikeFischer (concat "aa" "bb")
@DavidCarlisle so (concat ".." "+.") mixes all together?
6:09 PM
@UlrikeFischer concat takes an arbitrary list (concat "aa" "+" "bb" "." "cc" ".." "dd")
@DavidCarlisle better ;-)
@UlrikeFischer LL should never have stopped at \@car and \@cdr
@DavidCarlisle I was pinged because of \@car, lol
@DavidCarlisle you could throw in \str_concat:NNN.
@UlrikeFischer what weird language is that? I know nothing.
6:17 PM
what are the triggers to avoid the autocompletion? on texnique.fr I have a button for a pdf snippet and this looks weird:
6:31 PM
@UlrikeFischer do you have a link?
@UlrikeFischer I suspect that is an older version if the first line doesnt' start with % or contain a \ the latest version will skip.
@StefanKottwitz I was just going to ask same:-)
@UlrikeFischer did you refresh? ;-)
@StefanKottwitz well I did load the page, but now after an explicit refresh it worked.
@StefanKottwitz do you think you'd want make4ht support in the runlatex-sk version (once it works) texlive.net/test-make4ht.html
6:34 PM
@UlrikeFischer I was working on the site these seconds
@DavidCarlisle sounds cool, just honestly I never saw make4ht posts in the forums or other sites I maintain
@DavidCarlisle I would love to have a small setting similar to % TEX none, in the html, because some blogs explain stuff with single lines and adding % TEX none everywhere looks redundant, can you think of a html option such as <pre tex=none> or so? (or even the engine in pre for the pro pre bloggers)
@DavidCarlisle looks great!
@DavidCarlisle Second idea, perhaps easier: a site wide js variable to switch off autocompletion (and then the compiler button only appears when it starts with \documentclass, as the first versions
@michal.h21 now I'm wondering if I should allow %!tex mathjax 3,mathml,mathjax or whatever I am planning not for first verson, it hardwires 2,mathjax I don't want to handle configuration errors or having to upload configurations so just haveing a demonstrator with some fixed reasonable configuration is current plan, but we'll see...
@StefanKottwitz so give up on the snippet/fragment additions?
@DavidCarlisle no, the autocompletion is great! I mean a global <script> option: autocomplete or no autocomplete
@DavidCarlisle I was wondering how to pass options. you may want also to pass config file sometimes. but that would complicate everything. so hopefully in the future :)
6:45 PM
@DavidCarlisle forums benefit much from autocompletion, blogs and galleries don't need it
@michal.h21 :I allow options for makeindex so allowing them here would be easy enopugh, I just don't currently:-)
@DavidCarlisle just an option to not enable it
@DavidCarlisle ah, so that would be great for the future versions!
@StefanKottwitz yes sure (or you could use the learnlatex version) but it would be easy enough to be able to disable it also if you can get class=noedit or class=none into teh <pre> from your forum markdown that could be used instead of the TeX comments (noedit probably works already)
@DavidCarlisle yes, like a class option, and right, I could use the learnlatex version, that is good for blogs as carefully edited sites, while the -sk version makes the forums happy
6:51 PM
@StefanKottwitz the original noedit test was:
if(!(p[i].classList.contains('noedit') || p[i].parentNode.parentNode.classList.contains('noedit'))) {
@DavidCarlisle my problem was here: latex.net/class-form but I can probably just switch to the learnlatex version, I did not try yet
@StefanKottwitz so a class on the pre or a surrounding div (coming from markdown it isn't always clear where the class ends up) I could put that back into the -sk version, but let me look at the link you just gavce..
@DavidCarlisle perhaps you have a good idea to handle it
6:55 PM
@StefanKottwitz how do you author the page? Can you change <pre>\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}</pre> to <pre class="zzz">\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}</pre> ? If you can do that it is easy to have classes for no edit or no texlive.net button
@StefanKottwitz you could use the original file but it is probably easier to custiomise the -sk version as the localisation setup is then the same for all your sites.
@DavidCarlisle yes, I can change the page source
class=noedit and class="norun" ?
@DavidCarlisle yes, that's good
@StefanKottwitz I think I can smell duck dinner being prepared so it may be a bit later but that is easy to add this evening
@DavidCarlisle thank you! Enjoy your duck dinner!
7:03 PM
@StefanKottwitz I don't want to check in now as no time to test but I think just two line change
	if(!pretext.match(noeditregex) && !p[i].classList.contains('noedit')) {
	    if(pretext.match(norunregex) || p[i].classList.contains('nrun')) {
@StefanKottwitz around line 52 of -sk.js
@DavidCarlisle sounds good
@StefanKottwitz if it doesn't work I have the logic of the ands ors and negations wrong, and permuting them will fix it:-)
nrun -> norun :-)
@DavidCarlisle ok :-)
7:30 PM
@Plergux Compared to the Eyjafjallajökull and Grímsvötn eruptions, this one seems tame indeed. But of course, if it decides to keep going at a slow rate for several years, there might be consequences.
7:45 PM
Private and not TeX-related: I just started a data science nano degree at Udacity (udacity.com/course/data-analyst-nanodegree--nd002). If someone here also is doing that, maybe we can study buddies or exchange experiences.
8:05 PM
$ git commit -a -m "noedit and norun classes on pre"
[main 300517c] noedit and norun classes on pre
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
@StefanKottwitz ^^
@PauloCereda good job we kept this morrning's conversation secret
8:20 PM
Good evening to all the user into chat.
@Dr.ManuelKuehner AhAHHAHAHH...Yes I like xy package...than the common tikz-cd. Although I like technology, innovation, learning about the latest computer techniques, I also like to take a trip into the past.
@Dr.ManuelKuehner We know it's a 10 year old package but I like, even though I don't understand much about this package, the weirdness of the code. I don't like telling lies. I took into account that I was close to 100 score on commutative diagrams and I have added the answers. :-) :-)
8:48 PM
@Sebastiano Cool :). This guy made it even better: danifold.net/xypdf.html
9:06 PM
@Dr.ManuelKuehner Hiiiiiiiiiiiii :-) I have seen but there is not a documentation :-( I use: xyguide,xy-picmanual, xyrefer.
@Dr.ManuelKuehner The codes of xy package are very complicated and if I don't see the example I don't understand much also because of my low quality of English.
@Dr.ManuelKuehner Ah peraphs the guide is here: ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/… I have understood the syntax...and it is similar to the old syntax of 2010
@Dr.ManuelKuehner I am currently on Physics.SE. and I'm full of downvotes...ahahahah
@DavidCarlisle the one that made me revert the weirdly proposed button feature that was only in my copy anyway? worked! :-)
@DavidCarlisle more seriously, it's good to have the flexibility between user contributed sites (flexible, automatic, guessing, fixing) and author maintained sites (exact control)
@Sebastiano texdoc.org/pkg/xypdf ;-)
@Sebastiano you don't need it with today's version of xypic as it's integrated, use \xyoption{pdf}
9:32 PM
@Sebastiano I removed the -1 :)
9:45 PM
@Dr.ManuelKuehner Ah thank you but that wasn't necessary. ahahah. it's impressive that after about 15 minutes I find myself with a negative score without understanding why. I am interested in someone giving me an answer that my students need too. Having negative scores pushes users away from providing an answer in my view.
@StefanKottwitz Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...:-) Thank you for the link...but I am a scarce user :-((( I have seen before the link ctan.math.washington.edu/tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/… in the comment to Dr.ManuelKuehner. I use often \usepackage[cmtip,all]{xy} or other options to have the same tips of the tikz-cd.
10:39 PM
user image
10:55 PM
@UlrikeFischer sorry: three ducks just make me hungry and spoil it
@DavidCarlisle but three ducks fits the 66 99 pattern ;-) (I heard rumors that there will be also chickens ...)
11:18 PM
@UlrikeFischer meanwhile new format texlive.net/stats.txt
@DavidCarlisle ;-)
@DavidCarlisle oh, I hoped for a data file for pgfplots :-D
@StefanKottwitz \begin{filecontents} :-)
11:34 PM
@DavidCarlisle make4ht doesn't like OT1 encoding. <2021-05-01> cames out as ¡2021-05-01¿
@UlrikeFischer nobody likes OT1 encoding
@DavidCarlisle we should make T1 the default ...
@UlrikeFischer but it comes out that way in latex as well or are you using tt ?
@UlrikeFischer or TU
@DavidCarlisle no I was only playing in the online system without much planing.
@UlrikeFischer ah

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