@DavidCarlisle Looking at some test stuff: is tlb-utex-004 actually giving the right result? Shouldn't a TUG-based test be using lmr not cmr? In my stdmain branch I'm getting a failure, but I think it's because the format being used is now right and was wrong
@DavidCarlisle I'm going to push a checkin and would appreciate a once-over
@JosephWright the 2e tests fonttext.cfg makes xetex and luatex default to cmr to reduce diffs (not clear this was the best idea) is your new setup building a normal format?
@JosephWright not really (that is, I looked, but can't really run stuff to look properly at present)
@JosephWright probably as well as not using fonttext.cfg -TU test configurations probably ought to be using regression-test.tex or a version of test2e.tex that doesn't hack the luatex font loading quite so much
@UlrikeFischer Right, I think we should discuss in general which role the kernel should play here. Do we want to keep exposing only the standard callbacks or should we add our own "user-defined" callbacks too?
I currently think that it might be good to create a canonical package where we create more composable "wrappers" for callbacks.
@JosephWright I agree, so in ltluatex we only need to adjust some types (github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/188) to get more sensible error messages.
@JosephWright This reminds me of of a related thing I was thinking about: Especially for callbacks like pre_linebreak_filter and post_linebreak_filter, I often use them together. This can lead to problems when multiple people do this and manipulate each others structures. I think it might be better to have post_linebreak_filter run "in reverse", to get proper nesting when multiple packages overload these in pairs. But I'm a bit worried about compatibility...
@PauloCereda well, my Japanese is a bit rusted (as a matter of fact, I really learned a bit of Japanese), what does he say? I can see whether I can strip this limitation, but I won't be able to test things. I'll try
@Skillmon Oh I was just pointing out there was a duck in the terminal, courtesy of your package. :) It seems they tried duckuments with some Japanese variant of the engine, but that is as far as I can go. :)
@DavidCarlisle might be, but I think those could work, it was done just to limit support to engines I actually use and can test. Time for another upload...
@DavidCarlisle well, whether it should or shouldn't, it wasn't
Is there any manual or reference for pTeX or upTeX that is comprehensible?
@PauloCereda you could reply to him that I can fix this incompatibility, but only with a reduced feature set (no random duck images in example-image-duck for pTeX and upTeX since I don't know how to get a PDF's page count in those engines)
@PauloCereda but the update will take one or two days to make the code look good (current test version just does things which are never really needed for pTeX and upTeX and disable the feature at one point only)
@Skillmon changing graphics.def would be trivial but I'd like Hironobu Yamashita to confirm any change doesn't break any patches made in Japanese TeX distributions.
The “In futurum” section of Erwin Schulhoff’s 1919 Fünf Pittoresken (starting here at 8:08) consists entirely of rests.
The direction tutto il canzone con espressione e sentimento ad libitum, sempre, sin al fine means “the whole piece with free expression and feeling, always, until the end.”
@yo', @AlanMunn, @barbarabeeton ^^
Floppy-eared rabbits, also known as lop rabbits, are more susceptible to serious ear and tooth disorders than upright-eared domesticated rabbits, according to new research. The findings are raising important concerns about the appropriateness of breeding lop rabbits, adorable as they are.
@DavidCarlisle Looks like a backend change for expl3/(u)pTeX ... probably do that plus handle options with no backend=, though likely as part of \DeclareDocumentMetadata
Hello friends. Nowadays, what is recommended to insert sub figures: subfig, subfigure, subfloat or some other? I checked the documentation and they appear to be old packages. What do you recommend?
@JosephWright yes probably means can't really devolve all this to the format and have a different format for each driver (as we discussed at one point) needs an option (probably)
@JosephWright did @MarcelKrüger's ltluatex change make it to the tagged release?
@JosephWright I started to trace the beamer/sans math fonts. bm stuff but was at work and ran out of time and lost the will to carry on, it shouldn't be needed but beamer's font setup is ... different... and if it's working now I'm inclined not to break it...
@MarcelKrüger not really a view on the other callbacks yet will think about it, but I wanted to sign off on the "clear bug" cases so that they could sneak into this release at short notice.
@DavidCarlisle If you force-push the tag, Travis will trigger a new build. Travis will skip the deployment if the filename already exists in the GitHub release, so to ensure that the new files are uploaded, the GitHub release, or at least the files associated with the GitHub release, have to be deleted first.