Can the question [A command with a variable number of arguments: comma versus and ]( be re-opened so that I can post the answer I spent time on preparing?
@DavidCarlisle Thank you. I just did answer the older question as well and to me it seems the questions are different: In the older question the amount of arguments that are to be processed/to be iterated is variable but predetermined by the value of some count-register. In the newer question the amount of arguments that are to be processed/to be iterated is not to be predetermined at all.
@AlexG the trailing : is the same as the default value of TEXINPUTS
@FaheemMitha it does but I never use it, simpler and better to cd, otherwise you have to configure everything else (makeindex, bibtex, and tex itself, to find teh files that you have written to a non standard place)
@AlexG there are no enviornment variable set by default but the paths are all set up in texmf.cnf files which you can have local copies of, that is often easier than setting things in the environment (especially on windows, or on linux if you are using some editor launched from a shell that doesn't read your normal settings)
@AlexG no it's tex, (actually kpathse library) a blank segment in an environment variable means use the value form the kpathse texmf..cnf setting at that point.
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.18 (TeX Live 2017/Debian) (preloaded format=pdflatex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode (./1.tex LaTeX2e <2017-04-15> Babel <3.18> and hyphenation patterns for 3 language(s) loaded. (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/article.cls Document Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class (/usr/share/texlive/texmf-dist/tex/latex/base/size12.clo))
@PrabhjotSingh with an upstream texlive that would be tlmgr install filecontents that may work with the debian packaged one but I think you might need apt-get something where something is the debian package containing that (I forget how to look that up in debian)
I am using book class for writing my thesis. It has several parts I want my document to be numbered only after I write the mainmatter and I want to suppress the page number on the page where the parts are introduced. How can it be done?
I'm facing a problem with the density plot, for e.g
Table[Sin[j^2 + i], {i, 0, Pi, 0.02}, {j, 0, Pi, 0.02}],
PlotLegends -> Automatic]`
@user170039 -- Every LaTeX run will renumber everything, so you shouldn't be concerned about that. As for omitting page numbers on \part pages, the amsbook class does that automatically, so maybe you can adapt the technique from that.
it runs similar to latexmk -pdf -pvc -synctex=1 -halt-on-error -file-line-error file.tex
this runs as a kind of deamon, never stops, compiles every time I save, automatically runs several times if needed, runs biber, bibtex, makeindex, makeglossaries etc.
Stops at the first error if there are any
I don't have the same auctex version you do. We saw some bad errors in one of the 12 release, so I'm not in a hurry
Here is a little challange for the room. Explain this behavior from beamer:
\documentclass{beamer} \begin{document} \newcommand\Test{% \begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\textwidth]{frametitle} \begin{minipage}[t]{5cm} \fboxsep=0pt% \fbox{\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr \linewidth-2pt\relax}% \raggedright% \usebeamerfont{frametitle}% \strut \insertframetitle \strut\par \end{minipage}} \par\vskip2mm \rule{1cm}{1mm}% \end{minipage} \end{beamercolorbox} \bigskip distance between rule and box depends on whether the frame title is one or two lines. Why? } \begin{frame} \frametitle{Test}
Why does the space after the framed minipage depend on whether there is one or two lines in the minipage
@FaheemMitha A student came by with emacs+auctex. He has the latest emacs + latest auctex and was getting errors. Downgrading to the emacs+auctex stored on CTAN worked just fine
@daleif I'm just testing it but in the first case baselineskip can be preserved but the second case the depth of the box is already more than baselineskip so it will use \lineskip (I am guessing, will confirm in a sec...)
@daleif this is the problem that xgalley solves (by being incompatible with everything) but short of that the usual way is to add a \strut at the end of the parbox and then use \nointerlineskip before the next thing so it never uses lineskip or baselineskip and you rely on the struts to give even spacing
@JouleV Chishimotoji has been interested in Asymptote to replace PSTricks for many months in addition to he might worry there will be no more PSTricks experts that can help his problems in the future.
@L.K. Oh no worries! I think there's at least one Mathematica user who occasionally hangs out in here, but it's been a while... I think he is a resident of the Mathematica chat as well...
The original text is: "When I meet sweet Adelina, then she sings her Boola song." I understand this in this kind: I will meet Adelina and then she will sing her Boola song and this will happen in the future (!).
@cis you could say "when I met @PauloCereda I had roast duck" but you can't say "when I meet @PauloCereda I have roast duck" as there are unlikely to be any future meetings after the first:-)
@DavidCarlisle @DavidCarlisle I thought it would have been more romantic, if it had been a story from the past. But then also the rhyme scheme will flute.
yes it's tricky actually, if you load it last then unused font declarations get set to the scalable ones, but any that have been used for typesetting already (eg in test sbox'es) will be frozen with the original settings, so we normally recommend loading fix-cm early but if a package redefines the redefinitions, you lose...
@FaheemMitha well it's tikz you can draw lines any distance apart starting at the current point. I think you can refer the bottom of the page but otherwise a each tikzpicture has its own coordinate origin
@FaheemMitha in initex the current point is 1 inch from the top and 1in from the left but in latex, margins and things are set up by the document class, so it depends
Look e.g. at, there you find `\hfill{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]{\coordinate(R); \draw[very thick,green!80!black] (M.east) -- (M.east-|R); }}` which I use to draw a horizontal line to the rightmost place in the current box. `\hfill` brings me there and then the coordinate `(0,0)` is at the current position (where text would appear if I were to put one using @DavidCarlisle words).
@FaheemMitha Yes, because \coordinate(R) is equivalent to \coordinate(R) at (0,0); is equivalent to \path (0,0) coordinate(R);. (Remember that I wrote the code before you asked the question ;-) (There is also a bonus \hfill for @Sebastiano, just see it now... ;-)
@FaheemMitha If you write in an ordinary document David\hfill Duck\par then David will be left and Duck will be as right as it can be. This is used as a trick to make the line have the full width the caption would have had if @Sebastiano wanted one.
@FaheemMitha Yes and no, depending on what you precisely mean. If you mean that you can always arrange (0,0) to be where you want it to be, yes, and if you want to say that the origin is random, then no.
@FaheemMitha not the way to think about it, you are asking about the reference point for a specific tikzpicture, that is always at the same place just as all tex boxes have s single fixed reference point (left edge, at the baseline). but every tex box (and every tikz picture) has its own reference point,
@FaheemMitha I would never describe it that way. An image has a bottom edge and a left edge, and those edges define a coordinate system for that image you can of course put an image anywhere.
@FaheemMitha ^^ to tex, every letter, every box, every image, looks like the above it has a reference point (circled) and three lengths, height, depth, width.
@FaheemMitha by definition yes, tex boxes don't really have a baseline just a reference point. in horizontal mode boxes are stacked by putting boxes such that their reference points are at same line so a baselien is formed
@FaheemMitha yes that is why boxes have three lengths width depth and height. but note they don't have left and right, just width so the reference point is always at the left edge
@FaheemMitha a rectangle abstractly is the same along the bottom edge or up the sides, but tex boxes do not treat the dimensions in the same way, horizontally they have a single length, "width", but vertically they have two lengths, "height" and "depth"
@FaheemMitha you might think of it that way, but not really. a box simply is three numbers height depth and width, together with a reference point, so the baseline is defined by aligning boxes by their reference points.
@FaheemMitha well tex boxes just have a reference point of course tikz is layered on that but could have corordinates wherever it wants, latex picture mode for example has \begin{picture}(100,200)(10,20) to allow the origin of its coordinate system to be offset by (10,20) from the default bottom left position
@FaheemMitha yes, normally the syntax is \begin{picture}(50,60) which makes a 50pt by 60pt rectangular picture with \put(0,0){...} being the bottom left.
@FaheemMitha tikz simply starts somewhere when you draw and adjusts the bounding box. If you do something like \tikz\draw(100,100)--(101,101); then you get a rather small picture with the baseline at the 100. But you can change this.
@FaheemMitha no that is simply an internal tikz coordinate. I could also have used 200, or -30. When you start to draw tikz simply computes the bounding box so that the content is in the box and normally the baseline is at the bottom unless you change it.