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@samcarter Maybe. I guess one just has to write the number to the aux file, unless there is a simpler solution. (I recall that there is a way to figure out how many frames there are in total, i.e. pdf pages, isn't there?)
@marmot Yes, finding out how many frames, pages, slides in this particular frame is all possible. The more serious problem is that the highlight should be on the overlay after the currently last overlay, which would create a new overlay, which changes the number of slides in the next run ....
@samcarter Really. I just thought it should be at the last frame. Otherwise you're right, it will be a duck or egg problem.
@marmot I find the question itself is not very clear, my assumption is purely based on the fact that it is \item \alert<4>{B} and not \item \alert<3>{B} in the MWE for three items. So maybe I'm interpreting it incorrectly.
@samcarter The OP says: "This does what I intend, but if I now add another item

\item D

and still want the highlight to appear once the list is completed, then I have to manually change the number in <4>." So I guess if you put a `\pause` at the end and also know how many frames there will be (call this number n1), then you only need to say `\alert<n1>{...}`.
@samcarter I saw your nice answer also just now, was trapped in a meeting in which they told us how to use canvas. The answers they gave me were in stark contrast to what Will Robertson was saying at the TUG conference, but perhaps there are different canvas versions around (or, what's more likely, our IT people just don't know...;-)
Does anyone know if there is a TikZ default figure that is?:
I tried with \node (Ex) at (0,0) [shape=rectangle,rounded corners,draw] {Text here}; but the left and right edges do not curve. If it does not exist, I will have to create a new question
@manooooh This is a so-called pi cloud.
\node[draw,cloud,cloud puffs=4,cloud puff arc=31.4]{text here};
@marmot I had the same idea, unfortunately the \pause at the end created 2 more overlays -- this is something I don't really understand
@manooooh It is called pi cloud because it comes with cloud puff arc=31.4. ;-)
@marmot You should show the video of Will Robertsons talk to the IT people -- it had a lot of ducks in it :)
@samcarter Yes, but they think : "ducks are bugs" (I also know it doesn't rhyme ;-)
@marmot nice!! Is it too much to ask to put a number on top of the text?
@manooooh Why would you add a number? You already have pi.
@marmot because it is needed for a diagram :)
\node[draw,cloud,cloud puffs=4,cloud puff arc=31.4,align=center]{$\pi$\\
text here};
@marmot yep I tried with \\ but the number is not too far from the text. It is preferable to see the number on the top of the cloud
Btw I like the "pi cloud" ;)
\node[draw,cloud,cloud puffs=4,cloud puff arc=31.4,align=center]{$\pi$\\[0.5cm]
text here};
@marmot uhm, it is nice, but now the text is shifted down xD
@manooooh It is also pi cloud because it has 4 puffs and pi=4
\node[draw,cloud,cloud puffs=4,cloud puff
arc=31.4,align=center,label={[anchor=north]above:$\pi$}]{text here};
@marmot lol I never noticed about that
@marmot this is what I wanted :):)
@manooooh I see. It took me 3.14 attempts to get there. ;-)
@marmot \pi attemps to be more precise :)
The last one...
I think we should create a new shape for that. Let me ask on TeX.SE
@marmot Found a solution for the highlight problem: not using \pause :)
@samcarter How about



\item A
\item C
\item D

Q: How to make this rectangle using tikzpicture environment

manoooohI want to draw this kind of rectangle using tikzpicture environment: a could change to b, c, d, etc. The rectangle must adjust to the text width. We should also be able to insert a new line, for example: If MWE is needed please let me know. Thanks!

@marmot The problem is that this solution is unstable. If I remove all auxiliary files and compile from a clean directory I end up with 4 pages, I only get 5 pages if I start with a document that previously had 5 pages
@marmot I guess the hen and egg problem strikes
@samcarter Guess so.
@samcarter Actually, no. I just compiled the above from scratch, seems to work, or am I missing sth?
@manooooh BTW, it was not me who downvoted U.
@marmot do you think I can care? Np, thanks for your quick response!
@manooooh Yes and no. Reputation doesn't matter, I agree. But the voting behavior of users is really strange.
@marmot maybe because it is a simple question. I recognize that I do not take into account the code that you publish, but that it is a copy-paste towards the document. For doing things right should not happen these things of "First yes, then no"
@manooooh I do not think so. Look e.g. at this question: tex.stackexchange.com/q/463549/121799. By now it has 3 votes anf the accepted answer has 6, even though it just repeats an earlier comment. A second comment, which did not refer to the error message at all (the error message would have been "missing \begin{document}") got as many upvotes as the first comment. IMHO this just shows that high reputation attracts votes, if you had written the same answer, you might have gotten 0.
@marmot that is very true. There could be a couple of reasons.
We are humans, not robots, so we upvote and downvote when we are happy or not. I did it several times. I do not upvote/downote because I know how efficient or how precise the code is but how many rep the user has, like you said. And for the feelings at that moment
@marmot If I compile the code from your chat message above, I get a pdf with 4 pages. How many do you get?
@samcarter I get the same pages
In Overleaf
@samcarter pi. no wait, also 4. ;-)
@manooooh Great, so we know that it does not matter if one is on the southern or northern hemisphere :)
@marmot Ah, as I understand the question, it should be 5
@samcarter yup!
@samcarter This has 5 pages



\item A
\item C
\item D
@samcarter why? Adds one item per page, so if 4 items are shown then 4 pages are shown
@marmot you only delete the space between \end{frame} and \end{document}
@manooooh No: \addtocounter{foo}{2} instead of \addtocounter{foo}{1}
@marmot compile another time and see how many pages there will be (I'm currently at 14 and increasing)
@samcarter That is true.... ;-)
@samcarter yes LOL
@marmot sorry
@marmot chicken and egg :)
@samcarter Yes. To tough a decision for a vegetarian being. ;-)
@samcarter why is this happening? Does the program have a slot memory to save the last compiling? haha
@manooooh Answering your previous question why I think there should be 5 pages: if I understood the question correctly the 4 items should be uncovered and after that an additional overlay should be added with one of the items highlighted.
@marmot OK, I'll translate for vegetarians: a seed or tree problem
@samcarter Do you happen to know also the duplicate of babel without beamer, see tex.stackexchange.com/q/463619/121799 ? @manooooh if you do not have a gold badge, you could vote to close it as a duplicate (if you agree, of course)
@samcarter We live above the tree line, this does not solve the problem.
@samcarter @manooooh Found it (?): tex.stackexchange.com/a/358844/121799
@marmot Why would anybody want create documents without beamer?
@marmot Sounds like a good duplicate (there exist probably a few 100 more )
Hey, sorry for the late response
@marmot yeah it seems that is is duplicate. Btw I think it was closed.
Why not eliminate the answer? I remember that once I opened a new question and by a comment from @StevenB.Segletes I ended up eliminating it because it was something very simple (he answered)
1 hour later…
@manooooh I actually do not think your question is that "simple". You either have to create a new shape, which actually is not done in too many answers here since that is a bit cumbersome, or use a path picture, which is also not in the repertoire of every user here. What might have triggered the downvote is the lack of an MWE. ....
@manooooh ... However, this post also has no MWE, and yes, it received 1 downvote, too, but also 18 upvotes... ;-)
@marmot lol 44* votes XD
@manooooh Well, I had an MWE. Gracias! (Maybe you put two MWE's to your next question, perhaps this gives extra votes. ;-)
@marmot as you mentioned, most people valorate the rep. Maybe a good answer (effort to do it) is another cause
@marmot lol, ¡de nada! I asked if an MWE was needed ;)
@manooooh I don't know. Many users, including @DavidCarlisle, have tried to understand the voting pattern. My favorite interpretation was and continues to be: the stackexchange sites are really a big sociology experiment run by a huge university. Unfortunately, the experiment went bad. ;)
@marmot behind us there is a company... the question is, are the majority of users part of a group of university students?
@manooooh No. Normally the university would have to pay the test persons. stackexchange allows them to get the test persons for free. (Or did you really thin anyone is interested in LaTeX questions? ;-)
@marmot oh
@marmot I am following: tex.stackexchange.com/a/22316/152550 and I want to know how would you write a label if it is broken into two (or more) lines. See:
Watch this is a very very very very long long long long example
What would you use? (1), (2) or (3)?
Note that we can select the text and copy. If you select (3) then, if you want to copy the text and paste it anywhere, you get: his_is_a_very_very_very_very__long_long_long_long_example (with two _)
I am using (1) btw
@manooooh I think you have to do it by hand, i.e. along two paths. It is not inconceivable that some TeX guru can write a macro that finds the optimal breaking point but I certainly am not able to do that
@marmot what? Nonono, I am actually doing it by hand (it is tedious btw)
@marmot I want to know what would you do if you have to break a label like that, containing _
@manooooh \textunderscore ?
@marmot no! You are not understanding me
@manooooh How would I? you're a duck and I'm a marmot. ;-)
@marmot where would you put "_"? In the line above, line below or both lines?
@manooooh I don't know. Depends what you want. Why do you want underscores at all?
@marmot because my teacher told us we have to put underscores
@manooooh Yes, but then the teacher made the decision for you. Why are you asking me?
Suppose that \\ represents break line which in fact it is, but imagine that we are already in the output): (1) example\\_example, (2) example_\\example, (3) example_\\_example
@manooooh OK, I supposed. what now?
@marmot because the professor did not say anything about that and I want to know your opinion of what is the most correct.
@marmot what option do you like more?
@manooooh I think my opinion does not count. I would not put underscores unless I know what they are good for.
@marmot because when you are declaring variables in a program, one of the options is to put underscores between each word to separate them. Another is using camel case notation, but we do not use that notation
@marmot ok, you do not want to answer, np. Thank you for the rest!!
@manooooh Yes, but then you have no choice, do you? My opinion can be found on p. 25 of the luaotfload package manual.
@marmot no choice for what? Your opinion is not valid because the distance of the lines are much more longer than mines so the variable can be written in a single line ;) haha
@marmot are you one of these?: Elie Roux · Khaled Hosny · Philipp Gesang (· Ulrike Fischer)
@manooooh No I am not. I was just the dummy who they asked to draw the chart. But my opinion made it to the manual. ;-)
@marmot hahaha loool
@marmot did you get angry?
Oh you do not bend the text
@manooooh Why? No? Why would I get angry? Not at all. There are a lot of unsung heroes who keep our LaTeX distributions alive and improve them, I was actually happy to make a very minor contribution.
@marmot that's fine, every project has that kind of people and it makes me happy that there are
3 hours later…
I have a document that's supposed to be a storage label. I'm trying to get the left & right page margins to go away completly. But despite \usepackage[papersize={3in,2in}, lmargin=0pt, rmargin=0pt, tmargin=1pt, bmargin=0pt, left=0in]{geometry} there's still a small margin on the left side with my tabularx
@Magisch paragraph indent or tabcolsep perhaps. \noindent\begin{tabularx}{@{}....
@samcarter @marmot no time to look at the code but the first versions of longtable had a similar problem that by default they would not converse so you needed an explicit \setlongtables command to make it use the data from the previous time, after you have finished editing. that was solved in v4 essentially by recording in the aux file the data that changed. so for example here if you record in the aux file that the last page is 5 because the overlay forced it, then next time round you should ..
.. be able to do that without forcing a growing number of pages
@manooooh but _ doesn't make an underscore in text you want \textunderscore for that (the linebreaking doesn't seem related?)
@StefanKottwitz Is the feed OK from my blog for texample.net? It should be working ...
Oh how fun it is to make anything that needs to be printed in the company with daisy chaining latex replacements
1 hour later…
Hi, I would like to get a clarification on using standalone tex files as an input to a different main file. May I know how can I ensure that my main files compiles the standalone files everytime I run it? For instance, these standalone can contain: figures from Tikz, pgf-plots with externally loaded data, inkscape drawings. Can anyone suggest? Because, whenever I insert a standalone file into my main file, I always get the fontsize different from my original main document.
@Raaja Using the standalone package? This really should not produce font size changes. It's really hard to tell from your problem description, though. I think you need to prepare a MWE and post a question on the main site.
Okay I will do that.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Since this happens with an external graphics that I load via inkscape, I am not sure how to put it as a MWE. Hence, I landed up here.
@samcarter <3
Hey I learn another funny word: hootenanny
ooh there was a cactus
@PauloCereda a duck!
@Magisch oo hi mr. cactus!
ooh we could make a dance
@PauloCereda Be careful: a cactus often means that there is not much water around which sounds not ideal for ducks!
@samcarter oh no
@samcarter but it's more dangerous for the marmot holding a balloon. :)
@PauloCereda That's true :) He is also use the 3D option, so the whole marmot might be in danger!
@samcarter ooh a 3D cactus
@DavidCarlisle Thanks for the pointers to longtable. I'll try to have a look if I find some time.
@PauloCereda I only have 2D glasses :(
@samcarter oh
@samcarter welcome back (may be a late welcome though ;). Also, thanks @HaraldHanche-Olsen figured out the issue, I was abusing \def\svgwidth vs adjustbox environments repeatedly.
@Raaja Thanks :) I did not reckon so many people noticing my absence!
@samcarter Its true that some of the old proverb are being true ;)
@samcarter It was discussed here in chat, though not extensively. And welcome back, from me too.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen @Raaja I should take a tex.se vacation more often -- just to get all the nice welcome back messages :)
We need a TikZ alligator :)
Which reminds me of:
May 16 '12 at 17:53, by Torbjørn T.
"vim is a beautiful tool. Unfortunately, it is about as user-friendly as a radioactive crocodile."
@samcarter May be :D
A pie chart using pie to show how much pie one has eaten!
@JosephWright The original feed address was texdev.net/feed and is still configured on texample.net but I get a 404 not found error with that address
@StefanKottwitz Hmm: seems to depend on the trailing "/" - works without it. I'll see what I can dig out ...
@JosephWright I can change it on my side
@JosephWright Done, I let the aggregator run and fetch
@StefanKottwitz Great stuff :)
@StefanKottwitz Apparently I can automate the generation: help.github.com/articles/atom-rss-feeds-for-github-pages (I've got it hand-coded at present)
@JosephWright Finished
@StefanKottwitz Thanks
@StefanKottwitz Great: I've also switched to the plugin to create the XML, so things work a bit more cleanly
Hello guys.
I never remember how to insert double back slashes as code in comments. This: `\`
as you can see does not format well.
I didn't find in the help center.
@Sigur Use two backticks (replace the ' by `): ''\\''
ooh two Brazilians
@PauloCereda, maybe first time?
@PauloCereda Three now :D
@Sigur :)
@PhelypeOleinik, really?
@PhelypeOleinik ooh now it's advanced mathematics :)
@Sigur What "really"?
@PauloCereda Duck mathematics :)
@PhelypeOleinik, that there are 3 brazilians here. Are you brazilian?
@Sigur Yes, I am :)
@PhelypeOleinik :)
@PhelypeOleinik, legal. Prazer. Não sabia.
Wait for @DavidCarlisle to amuse us with his Portuguese skills. :)
@Sigur I'm from Santa Catarina, but nowadays I'm in Rio Grande do Sul, since I started my graduation.
@PhelypeOleinik, so you say to format the code opening with two back tips `` and close it again with two?
@PauloCereda He can easily be mistaken with his Google Translate Portuguese skills :)
@Sigur Exactly
@PauloCereda I'll put that on my office door!
Let me try here: \\
@PhelypeOleinik Indeed!
@egreg oh no
@egreg I like the ligatures though. :)
@PhelypeOleinik, it worked. Good. Thanks.
Churrasco time?
@PauloCereda, only if gaúcho style.
@Sigur On it! Where's @AlanMunn when we need him? :)
@PhelypeOleinik, what you study?
@PauloCereda That's Zapfino
@PauloCereda, another Brazilian?
@Sigur I think the markdown in chat and in comments work differently. Hopefully, this particular trick works the same both places.
@HaraldHanche-Olsen, ok, thanks.
@Sigur no, but Alan has some Brazilian links. :)
@PauloCereda @Sigur The interesting thing about Rio Grande (the city I'm living now) is that Churrasco is a rare thing to be found :/
@Sigur I'm doing my master's in Ocean Engineering
@PhelypeOleinik oh no
@PhelypeOleinik, cool.
@PhelypeOleinik ^^ close enough :)
@PhelypeOleinik, but, please, don't tell us that it is easier to find vatapá!!!!
@PauloCereda, I read on Internet about Villa Donn'Anna - Pousada in Analandia. Do you recommend it?
@PauloCereda LOL
@PauloCereda But I'm more on the Engineering than the Ocean side of the thing :P
@Sigur Yes. :) It's three squares from where I live. Don't know exactly about the price, but it might be worth a shot. :)
@PhelypeOleinik gotta love the engineering part. :)
@Sigur Not vatapá (never had it), but there's plenty of Sushi here :/
@PhelypeOleinik ooh I like sushi
@PauloCereda, I think I'll try stay there maybe one night or two.
@PauloCereda I tried it twice. Not my thing... I prefer meat after it went to the oven or the fire :)
@PauloCereda, @PhelypeOleinik, so, lunch time now. Churrasco, vatapá, sushi, make me faminto
Vou almoçar, tenho que aplicar prova hoje. Abraços.
See you guys, thanks for chatting.
@Sigur Abração!
@PhelypeOleinik oh :)
@Sigur Abraços o/
yet another user infected by the duckmania :)
Q: Let us have some TeX-mas fun

RaajaI hope we all know that Christmas is fast approaching. This indeed means that \begin{holidays} with a hope that it never ends \ldots but \ldots \end{holidays}. So, before we start celebrating the new-year, christmas and our holidays, I think we can have a contest where one should design a...

1 hour later…
I'm wondering, can Tikz like macro syntax be defined using xparse? we can easily do \test (a); via \def\test#1(#2)#3;{do something with #2}, but now I also wanted \test[...] (a);, I'm guessing we probably have issues and that it is against the idea behind xparse.
Hmm, can get away with { O{} r() m }
> Luxembourg To Become First Country To Make All Public Transport Free
@PauloCereda Eu venho de Lisboa, portanto naturalmente falo Português, não o seu dialeto brasileiro.
@DavidCarlisle hmmmm
@Sigur, @PhelypeOleinik ^^
@PauloCereda there are not many internal flights in Luxembourg
@DavidCarlisle :)
@PauloCereda For one moment there I believed :)
@DavidCarlisle There are not many of any thing in Luxembourg except money
@DavidCarlisle, @PauloCereda, de que parte de Lisboa?
@CarLaTeX There must be a great many mailboxes for all companies that have their "headquarters" there
@Sigur Huum pastéis de Belém!
@DavidCarlisle hi. Are you saying that _ and \textunderscore produce different output?
@manooooh erh, one is an active char the other is the textsymbol _
@DavidCarlisle I remember that I tried to test it with the code I have, but if I compile the code then errors appears, then I will show you the code I have
@daleif hi! What is an "active char"?
@DavidCarlisle btw idk what it has to do with the original question, that is, how would you separate the words when inserting a line break. What do you prefer? 1), 2) of 3)?
@samcarter There are, lol
@manooooh well of course \textunderscore makes a _ and _ doesn't print anything at all it makes a subscript in math and an error in text.
@manooooh since _ makes an error message, by default all of 1, 2, and 3 just make an error and no usable output so hard to say which is better.
"Poor knights of Windsor" is really another way of saying French toast?!
@PauloCereda It's written “poor knights of Windsor”, but it's pronounced Camembert
@egreg LOL
@manooooh a character behaving like a macro, examples from math mode: _ ^ '
@DavidCarlisle yes I know, did you test with \textunderscore? I remember that it has problems, toó
But I can solve it by adding a strange command for me, 1 sec
I added \detokenize command and it worked with _
It does not work With \textunderscore because it seems that detokenize translates its input into literal characters
@daleif oh, do you mean that a_b produce b being subscript? That's right, I solve it using \detokenize ^^^^^^^^^
@manooooh yes that's all it does
@manooooh \textunderscore only has problems if you use it in error. But as you have given no indication of what you did or what error you got, hard to say.
@DavidCarlisle in that case, if you want to participate you should ask me for the error I got instead of suppose..sometimes you hit, sometimes not
@manooooh You are the one asking for help:-) But anyway compare \detokenize{_} and \textunderscore :


a\detokenize{_}b  a\textunderscore b
@DavidCarlisle throwing ideas and comments that later are not true causes me more confusion. If you asked me what we got out of this conversion I do not know what to answer, either due to my mistake of not clarifying what is the error I get or whatever
Sometimes I feel we go a lot in the bush. Initially I asked for an opinion, and now we are debating whether the _ comes out nice or not
@DavidCarlisle yes, detokenize acts badly in that case
@DavidCarlisle now add \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} to the preamble



\node (Start) at (0,0) {Output};
\node (End) at (-5,2) {Arrival};
\draw [-latex,postaction={decorate,decoration={text along path,text align=center,text={|\myshift|\detokenize{a_b}}}}] (End) to [bend left=-5] (Start);
Anyway, I did not ask about that. If you had to choose between options 1), 2) and 3) of this comment (speaking only and exclusively of the output it produces, not the code behind it), which one would you choose?
2 hours later…
@manooooh that is why \detokenize{_} isn't the right thing to do, sometimes it will work, sometimes not, but you get no warning when it doesn't work as \detokenize just disables all processing.
@manooooh Ah! I thought you meant this 1,2,3 question:
15 hours ago, by manooooh
Suppose that \\ represents break line which in fact it is, but imagine that we are already in the output): (1) example\\_example, (2) example_\\example, (3) example_\\_example
Using \inputminted code can be included with line numbers, is it possible to link to a particular line within the PDF?
@DavidCarlisle it is the same. There \\ represents the line break like in the 3 images. So for you, with what output do you prefer to stay?
@manooooh I would never have guessed:-) but anyway definitely prefer 1, breaking after _ which you seem to call (2) in the comment that I originally thought you meant.
@DavidCarlisle why not.? Look at the images and that comment and they are the same.. finally agree on something!! Thank you
@DavidCarlisle no, the first image corresponds to (1) example\\_example
(underscore after breaking)
@manooooh sorry I mis read. Yes anyway break after the _
And the second one corresponds to (2) example_\\example (underscore before breaking). The (3) is befoere and after. Btw you still preferring the first one, that was an answer
@manooooh no prefer (2) break after _ just as hyphens go at the end of a line, starting a line with _ looks odd.
@DavidCarlisle ok, I will consider that
@cis /dog
@manooooh :()
@cis ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@cis if Paulo isn't here then neither is Psmith
@DavidCarlisle We miss both. Both the one and the other.
@cis @PauloCereda provavelmente está fora, aprendendo português
@DavidCarlisle and David is learning Portuguese inside :D
@PauloCereda -- i think i didn't learn it as "french toast" until i was in my teens. growing up, it was "arme ritter", which is "poor knight", but i never heard about the windsor.
2 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer Thank you very much again.

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