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@Narusan I am actually wondering why you're not using `highlight on=<1>` and so on. (I tried putting that into your code and got some color errors, is that the reason?)
BTW, a very efficient way to get an answer is to do a google search with `site:tex.stackexchange.com` in it. This is how I got the link above : `site:tex.stackexchange.com tikz page nodes beamer`.
@marmot I changed my concept a bit, so I don't need it anymore. Each slide has just one highlight.
@PauloCereda Cwac! Cwac! Dr. Quack! <3 Llongyfarchiadau o Gymru.
Googling is difficult if you do not know what you're looking for. I thought the solution had nothing to do with nodes and all that, but simple alignment of the tikz-environment. This is why finding duplicates can be hard for newbs like me, at least sometimes. Other than that, I have duckduckgo which prefers se sites to anything anyway.
@marmot I guess PowerPoint has a linear learning curve as apposed to TeX's exponential growth function, so it is faster if you have no clue how to do anything.
@Narusan It is actually not. You think you are faster since things appear immediately, but you're not. Same thing when using a mouse: it keeps you busy, so you think you're doing something, but actually you are super slow. You'll realize that when you're watching others using a mouse as opposed to a keyboard)....
I'm almost done with the layout for the presentation. Pray for me that I don't get compiler errors :D
@Narusan Plug & pray? ;-)
3 hours later…
@marmot There is no -1 in Zarko's reputation history, which I assume there would be if Zarko had down-voted your answer.
@cfr can you see the -1 in mine?
@marmot Yes.
@AlanMunn The -2 is from Zarko's downvote of my answer....
@marmot No, it's from someone's downvote on your answer...
@marmot I don't think Zarko downvoted your answer, otherwise, he wouldn't put this comment: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/438485/…. Zarko was always fair with me in other occasions, I'm sure he didn't want to hurt you with his answer.
@cfr @AlanMunn @CarLaTeX Thanks all for your warm words! (I guess we won't be able agree on this one, but I also think it is not important. In the meantime I even upvoted his answer just to have silence). And please do not waste your time on this, there are so much more important and pleasant things to do.
@CarLaTeX I have somewhat more mixed experiences, but again it is not important.
2 hours later…
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Does anyone know why the beameruserguide contains an example showing \note[item]<2>{Tell joke about plants.} and explains \note<⟨overlay specification⟩>[⟨options⟩]{⟨note text⟩} (note the different order of overlays specification and options)?
@egreg, @DavidCarlisle, @UlrikeFischer, @AlanMunn, @TeXnician, @StrongBad, @marmot, @barbarabeeton, @samcarter, @CarLaTeX, @cfr Thanks, friends! <3
Quite surprising to have a PhD without an actual finished thesis. :)
@PauloCereda You don't need to finish it, you've already the PhD :)
@CarLaTeX ooh more thesis
1 hour later…
@CarLaTeX Well, maybe you have a look at what he wrote now. Really frustrating. Really really sad.
@marmot Where? I see no new comments on that post
@CarLaTeX No, he is pretending that he copied my code just because he didn't want to go to overleaf. Well, he should maybe have mentioned that my code already fixed all the issues of the code on overleaf. In particular, "his" way of fixing the first issue is entirely from my answer, in the OP's version the arrows ran over the uppermost node. But I guess that happens when the OP does not include the code in the question. And the overleaf version is now completely different :-( :-( :-(
Hi mr. @marmot!
@PauloCereda Thanks!
@PauloCereda Are you now going for vacation?
@marmot Actually no, I have to work on the revised text + another article + arara 4.0 manual + my TUG 2018 talk + @samcarter's talk + eating cookies. :)
@PauloCereda Except for the first two items that sounds almost like vacation to me ;-)
@marmot ooh marmot vacation
Do marmots like ice cream?
@AlanMunn Speaking of ice cream, I had a surprisingly delicious paçoca ice cream yesterday. :)
@marmot I don't know what to say, but he wrote he copied from your answer yesterday already. I think this is only a big misunderstanding.
@marmot I think you shouldn't put every word like this on a "gold scale". He is not an english native, and imho he is only trying to explain why he started with your code and he is trying very hard to give credits to the sources of his code.
@PauloCereda Depends on whether it is real Italian gelati or American ice cream. Gelati yes ;-)
@marmot ooh il gelato è piu bono
@CarLaTeX To me this reads that he copied from my answer just because he was too lazy to go to overleaf. But that's not true, he copied all essential parts. The OP's code did not even run through, and had the issues mentioned in the question. (It was actually a bit painful to fix the code, it had several issues.)
@PauloCereda Si.
There's a cellphone
@marmot plugged, prayed and it worked!
@Narusan Glad to hear! (how essential was the prayer? ;-)
@marmot let's just say that I used white jpegs for formatting...
@Narusan Hope you're kidding me! ;-)
I probably wouldn't even need the columns, but I worked until 3am and couldn't be bothered (I'm not hitting on a deadline, I just want it to be done ;) ).
@Narusan By the way, just for the record: t is a special optional value only defined for a couple of environments (and manually manipulated inside the env body), it is not a generic positioning modifier. :)
@PauloCereda And that's why you can use it as class option in beamer ;)
@TeXnician :D
1 hour later…
So every now and then I come here trying to find out if I can do something in Google Docs that is possible in LaTeX. I've got a title page, and I want to put \vfill in between the title and a note at the bottom of the page about my sponsorship. Is anything like that possible in Google Docs?
1 hour later…
@Narusan What are these lines good for? (And don't show them to @samcarter ;-)
@marmot is "nothing" an acceptable answer?
@DavidCarlisle I guess so. (Of course you are aware that there are two ways one can read this statement. ;-)
2 hours later…
@UlrikeFischer If this was the first occasion, or the second or third, I would be happy to believe that.
1 hour later…
hello i have a problem \times do not apear what to do ?
@PolineSandra Post an example ;)
@PolineSandra We'll need to know about your font set up
%%%%%%%%%%% packages
\usepackage[english, arabic]{babel}
\usepackage{amsfonts}% R ensemble des nombres reels
\usepackage{graphicx}% ajouter des photos
@PolineSandra I don't have package arqam: where's it from?
you can delet it it is not important here
@PolineSandra I get:
! Font LAE/artimes/m/n/12=artimes at 15.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file not
<to be read again>
which says to me 'bad font set up'
i found : \DeclareRobustCommand{\timesr}{\fontfamily{artimes}\selectfont}
i use it and it works well
i found it here
Q: Problem with inserting the symbols \times and \omega when using arabi package

NameIs it impossible to insert the mathematical symbol \times when using the arabi package? After compiling A\times B it becomes AB and the sign \times disappears See the example below. \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage[LFE,LAE,OT1]{fontenc} \usepackage[farsi,engl...

Thanks, whoever that was. :)
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This is an especially nice palindrome. :)
@Narusan Precisely! (Now imagine you were a tiny marmot, then you can understand why I love the challenge, and why "using a mouse" can have a very disturbing meaning ;-)
@AlanMunn But unfortunately not a prime ;-)
@marmot Although one of its prime factors is 151.
@AlanMunn Yes of course. Without even asking the number would on its own tell you it's 10001 * 151 . But if you manage to arrive at a paliprime within the next 10 years, I will be happy to award you with one box of fine wheat beers. ;-)
@AlanMunn My palindrome a few days ago on latex.org - I didn't mention it here.
user image
@marmot A very safe bet I see.
@AlanMunn Well, once you have reached 1M many paliprimes will be around the corner, so it's not impossible. ;-)
2 hours later…
Someday we need to have a serious discussion on the font choices for WC players' jerseys.

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