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@StefanKottwitz On the amount of 'diversion' from development that sorting the FAQ means: it's taken a couple of days to get things into reasonable shape Markdown-wise, but updates will be rolling (a few minutes a day for a month or two). I hope that's not unreasonable.
@StefanKottwitz BTW, if you know anything about Jekyll ...
@DavidCarlisle Cool: probably a lot of them need zapping entirely. You'll likely be best revising some of the pages entirely.
@DavidCarlisle Hmm: I guess we might need to put in escaped ones then. That sort of thing will need logging in the CONTRIBUTING or a style guide: for example that we do have   and … ...
@DavidCarlisle, @barbarabeeton OK, I'll try to sort out all of the quotes, and then note that we have a policy position
@DavidCarlisle, @barbarabeeton Also should add something about spelling I guess: UK English :)
@barbarabeeton Could you look at tex-faq.github.io/FAQ-bug.html: I think Karl is now in charge of collecing TeX bugs?
@JosephWright yes there were a couple of generic issues with ~ in url which I fixed globally but the rest need to be done on a case by case basis.
@JosephWright that or I thought I might experiment with an inline jekyll liquid template thing, i think you should be abe to have {{quote text=foo}} or some such (or {{ctan pkg=colortbl}} for a ctan package link, etc
@JosephWright I think I'd go with US English, documenting \color in UK english wasn't a great success
@JosephWright ctan.org/pkg/l3erw
@JosephWright A name change would be better
@egreg Yes: I guess I'll drop him a line
@egreg Have you looked at the code?
@JosephWright Yes. :-(
@JosephWright And the doc explains in no way the purpose of the packages
@egreg Lots of things ...
@egreg Doesn't seem to be a valid email address in the source: I'll ask CTANto forward something
@DavidCarlisle Yes ... but the entire history here is UK-based
@DavidCarlisle There's a balance: I think we want easy-to-use Markdown, and certainly for CTAN links there's not a big gain. For quotes, perhaps ...
@JosephWright Seems to be E.R@GM. (add the almost obvious parts).
@egreg Possible: I find this approach pretty annoying (does anyone believe any more that such approaches cut down spam)
@JosephWright yes that was my logic for the color package as well, but saying \color{red} produces the colour red just confused everyone. So I think you might want to explictly allow the variant of english to match the command names when describing a package even if the overall site is using uk english
@DavidCarlisle There are not too many 'colo(u)r' either way: we can standardise
@JosephWright What's wrong with \cs_set_eq:NN to make necessary something like the following?
\cs_set:Npn \erw_cs_set_eq:NN #1 #2
  \cs_set:Npn #1 ##1{#2{##1}}
@egreg Er, good question
@egreg I'm going to ask specifically about the name in one mail: perhaps you might want to raise this?
@JosephWright It would need a longer analysis.
@egreg I was thinking a general 'Would you welcome some code comments, for example I see that ...'
@egreg, @DavidCarlisle See team mail
@DavidCarlisle I guess the question is how far we want to use 'pure' Markdown and how far to use Jekyll for such things. At least at a first blush, I'd rather keep the Markdown 'vanilla' and see what we really need additionally
@DavidCarlisle Looks like I can activate a plugin on GitHub pages for smart quotes
@JosephWright yes there are advantages to that too, for ctan links one problem with the old site was some of teh older ones went to the tex-archive/macros url of a specific mirror rather than ctan.org/pkg (that got normalised but quite a few of the broken ones are where the ctan package doesn't match the latex package name eg longtable is in tools) also you can force standardisation of http v https (which accounts for the redirects in the checklink report)
@DavidCarlisle That's easily tidied up (quick Lua script, for example)
@DavidCarlisle I'm trying to work out how to get smart quotes to work ....
@JosephWright currently it's pure markdown but if you add the jekyll --- frontmatter for page theme or standardised header/footer it's less pure whatever you do. Anyway I forked it so that I have access to the jekyll settings and may experiment a bit before suggesting anything. We used this a bit on the openmath site
@JosephWright now as a one off cleanup, yes, but I was thinking it's easier to tell people use {{foo ctan whatever}} or {{foo stackexhchange whatever than tell them to use the proper canonical links to teh sites and how to mark them up
@DavidCarlisle True: it's not pure Markdown anyway (we might want the tables-of-variables business, as in the LaTeX site, to do breadcrumbs). What I meant though is that the more Jekyll one needs, the harder editing is. So on balance for something like CTAN links I'd favour just bulk editing using a script
@DavidCarlisle Could be, at least for CTAN
@DavidCarlisle Like I say, we need a balance: I can see it for those two types of link, but not for much else (at least initially)
@DavidCarlisle Are you going to check out how to set this up? I'll work on tidying up quotes ...
@DavidCarlisle I'll also shift colour to color: you are (sadly) right on balance
@JosephWright first plan is the broken ctan links there I plan to not classify it as a page edit just as a global fixup up (there are 90 broken http://ctan.org/pkg links) many of the other ones I will probably just list as priority pages to rewrite. The jekyll styling business I have set up a fork running gh pages under my account and may experiment a bit offline with that before coming back with any actual suggestions
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle Totally agree on the cleanup business: I'm only logging content changes
@DavidCarlisle OK, I'll standardise other aspects then we can discuss
@DavidCarlisle We might want something for the \meta business: would be nice to have that as a 'one shot'
@JosephWright meta could be done via an include if we want, i have includes working see first para of davidcarlisle.github.io/tex-faq.github.io/FAQ-startup.html
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@JosephWright which has markup testing ctan {%include ctanpkg.html pkg="tools" lnk="longtable" %} link. with an include that looks like <a style="color:pink" href="https://www.ctan.org/pkg/{{ include.pkg }}">{{ include.lnk }}</a>
@DavidCarlisle Think I know what is needed for smart quotes: they have to be HTML &ldquot;, etc.
@DavidCarlisle A bit wordy ...
@JosephWright yes I think can probably drop the .html and if there is only one param you can drop teh quotes so {% ctan pkg=colortbl %} would work (I think:-) anyway I'll do more testing later [longtable](http://www.ctan.org/pkg/tools) isn't a lot shorter:-)
@DavidCarlisle That does look OK
@DavidCarlisle Now, do I change all of the '' to proper quotes, or do we want to mark then up as quotes in the same way?
@DavidCarlisle Probably we want one 'utility' file for this sort of thing
For the meta business: github.com/jekyll/jekyll-help/issues/251 I think
@JosephWright certainly {% meta text=this is my note %} would work, whether you can do it without the text= attribute-like syntax I'm not sure without a plugin
@JosephWright 2nd para of davidcarlisle.github.io/tex-faq.github.io/FAQ-startup.html from testing meta {%include meta txt="widget" %} style.
@DavidCarlisle Excellent: I'm looking at the attribute business
@DavidCarlisle Probably we can move the 'last edited' stuff to a header containing variables, then use a custom footer to add it: we likely want that for breadcrumbs too
@CarLaTeX Please tell the Professor that his second column is brilliant! I had a lot of fun reading it and the comparison between tikz and morse code is a very good idea! (@PauloCereda will probably soon be contacted by Hollywood to turn the duck story into a motion picture :)
@JosephWright yes I got an alternative syntax for meta working via variables (not sure I like it any better) testing meta2 {{page.bmeta}}widget{{page.emeta}} style. (para 3 of the above link)
@samcarter ooh
@samcarter LOL, thanks! I'll tell the Professor immediately 😁
@CarLaTeX has someone already won the duck? ;-)
@egreg Haven't seen this for a while...
@UlrikeFischer not yet :)
@UlrikeFischer ooh a secret contest
@PauloCereda Not a secret, see the captions of van Duck's article :):):)
@CarLaTeX oh
@CarLaTeX oooooooh
@PauloCereda ;)
@DavidCarlisle I think I prefer option one :)
@JosephWright yes I think in full jekyll you could define something better but here I think it has to be page.something or site.something so doesn't really work. I think the first form isn't to bad the angle quotes are a bit small I used &lsaquo; originally I use &lang; and &rang; but Jekyll helpfully expanded them the wrong way left/right switched, I suppose I could use the numeric version instead:-), probably don't want bold, I was just checking if style=... passed through or got filtered
@yo' One of my favorite symbols!
@yo' Maybe you can advise the author to do \DeclareMathOperator{\span}{span}, just for retaliation. ;-)
@egreg Lovely span, wonderful span? :)
@PauloCereda Span Span Span Span
@egreg :)
@JosephWright -- yes, karl is now the official bug collector. i have some other observations on the page, so i'll send details by email. thanks.
2 hours later…
@barbarabeeton Cool
@barbarabeeton I'll edit once you comment
@DavidCarlisle If we only want </> we can skip the Jekyll business and just change the Markdown to have them ... don't have to also use italics
@JosephWright -- actually, i've dragged back a copy of the page, and will try my hand at updating it. (of course, if i find it likely that i'll make horrible errors, i'll simply send comments in some other intelligible form.)
@JosephWright yes I was more interested in seeing how the template stuff worked than thinking too hard about the styling for meta specifically
@yo' Quick question for the documentation: would you like to be mentioned with your real name or user name?
@DavidCarlisle :)
@JosephWright It's going to take a while working through the broken links then we can take a decision on using or not using templates. Currently I would lean towards using them as I think it's good to classify links, and that would make it easy to have different but consistent styling for links to other questions or ctan links or whatever, but only if the markup is sufficiently simple.
@DavidCarlisle Agreed: we want to balance 'simple' with 'manageable'
@DavidCarlisle I'm going to move the dates and IDs (and perhaps titles) to a table at the start of the Markdown (as in raw.githubusercontent.com/latex3/latex3.github.io/master/latex3/…): I think the 'last revised' stuff should be in a footer that we construct using Jekyll
@JosephWright Note the current links to questions only accidentally work [writing Plain TeX](./FAQ-plaintex.html) works as the system strips .html , but .htm would break, we could use {%include faq = "plaintex"%} and have the page title and correct link get generated. this would fit well with moving page titles into the frontmatter suggestion as you just wrote
@JosephWright this struck a cord:-)
@DavidCarlisle Strange: they are entirely valid links ...
@DavidCarlisle Should be easy to pick up and change
@DavidCarlisle There must be a way of including relative links ...
@JosephWright yes sure at the moment we can easily change anything with global edits
@JosephWright oh sorry the problem is not that it is relative, it's that it ends with .html
@JosephWright tex-faq.github.io/FAQ-whatTeX and tex-faq.github.io/FAQ-whatTeX.html both work (as separate pages, they are not redirected from one to the other) (well they are but internally not visible to the browser)
@DavidCarlisle Ah, so we just want them to say the FAQ-<ID> string?
@DavidCarlisle Don't agree about the LaTeX bit ...
@JosephWright yep, of course it's easy enough to delete .html from them all at the moment but for documenting what to do a constraining template might help (or might not:-)
@JosephWright no one understands the latex float algorithm (or that latex only floats things if you ask for that:-)
@DavidCarlisle According to blog.github.com/2013-01-31-relative-links-in-markup-files, I think we are supposed to put .md (presumably tided up by Jekyll ...)
@JosephWright ah OK, well same thing: a template that always did whatever we are supposed to do could help:-)
@DavidCarlisle We'll find out in a second ...
home time, back later
@DavidCarlisle \includegraphics with a frame: ;-)

uhm... little problem here

Error: Could not start the command: biber "experiment"

this is in MiKTeX on Ubuntu.
which biber returns nothing
which pdflatex and the like all have outputs
it seems biber is not installed any more on my system
@UlrikeFischer know anything?
@thymaro biber isn't there (yet): github.com/MiKTeX/miktex-packaging/issues/2. You could try to use an independant binary (sourceforge.net/projects/biblatex-biber/files/biblatex-biber/…). (I don't have linux so I can't say if it would work).
@thymaro MikTeX on Ubuntu? Why, if I may ask?
@UlrikeFischer oi I don't count other people who define a command of the same name:-)
@DavidCarlisle in questions without mwe you must expect anything ;-)
@UlrikeFischer nobody expects the Spanish German inquisition
@DavidCarlisle ooh
user image
@mickep let's call it betatesting of some sorts, or so. :) it actually works pretty well.
@UlrikeFischer ok thanks. Guess I'll have to compile the bbl on my other machine and don't telete it during cleanup processes. Thanks for the answer.
@TeXnician yay
@PauloCereda Unfortunately I seem to lack 50 silver badges…
@PauloCereda Btw: How are your machines going?
@TeXnician oh no
@TeXnician Very, very impressed by Manjaro!
@PauloCereda That's great. Did you find a JDK among the many available?
@TeXnician A lot. :) I am online, by the way... :)
@PauloCereda Ah, one moment.
@TeXnician <3
@JosephWright Karl joined I see
@DavidCarlisle Trying to work out what the default theme is ... not easy
@JosephWright not so font of the current one:-)
@DavidCarlisle jekyll.github.io/minima might be OK ...
@JosephWright actually has just the toc changed to having the title in the sidebar?
@DavidCarlisle Reload: that should go away
@DavidCarlisle I tried the theme chooser, picked Minimal and discovered it's not what you get out-of-the-box
@JosephWright that's what confused me I was flicking around and the styles changed:-) that minima one looks worth a try
@DavidCarlisle Yes: I might try it out
@DavidCarlisle It has a footer.html so presumably I can just drop in a local version ...
@JosephWright meanwhile I think I need to write a gdpr privacy notice (not for this)
@DavidCarlisle Lucky you
@DavidCarlisle Just about to leave work: will try out some themes in a bit. Might be a few force-pushes: I don't want to litter the history with them!
@JosephWright don't worry if I get weird conflicts i'll just junk it and clone again
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle I don't like force pushing but I also think we want a somewhat sane history ...
@egreg \DeclareMathOperator{\span}{spam\ (and\ eggs)}
@JosephWright you could always play with the styling on a fork:-)
@samcarter that's a tough one you know? :)
@DavidCarlisle True: might be best all-round to go that way (only add to master using PRs)
@JosephWright well I'm fixing up links on the main site master but experimenting with templates on a fork running in my account that I don't intend to use to Pr back which is why I don't mind putting junk template links into the startup page to see what they look like
@yo' that's why I asked :) Do you like the book title: i.sstatic.net/uq1mT.png ?
@samcarter "The Junior Woodducks' Guidebook" (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junior_Woodchucks)
oh in italian the woodchucks are called marmotte ;-) @marmot
user image
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@samcarter well let's be cryptic and use the nickname :)
@UlrikeFischer Oh, a book with books and marmots ;-)
@marmot we just realized that the woodchucks are the missing link between marmots and ducks ;-)
user image
@yo' ^^
@UlrikeFischer I got that book!
@JosephWright done the gdpr thing so I guess it's back to squashing more bad links:-)
@UlrikeFischer :) great book! Unfortunately the title is too long for the size of the ducks in the documentation :(
@UlrikeFischer And there was also the "Manuale di nonna papera" with the recipes
Link between ducks and pizzas ^^^
@JosephWright can you compare tex-faq.github.io/FAQ-fontsize with tex.ac.uk/FAQ-fontsize.html it's lost the description list at the end. I could just add it back by hand, in this case but i wonder if we need to check lists generally.
@DavidCarlisle The CTAN links one? That was deliberate ...
@samcarter Yay!
@DavidCarlisle The lists were almost all just list of CTAN links ...
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@CarLaTeX google translation in german of "Manuale di nonna papera" is quite hilarious: "Grandmother ducks manually"
@UlrikeFischer LOL
@CarLaTeX ooh I had that one
Manual da Vovó Donalda!
@JosephWright oh Ok I only noticed as the final but it works happily in the absence of the scaled fonts) got appended to the previous paragraph, I'll just delete while fixing the links.
@PauloCereda The same!!!
@CarLaTeX Nonna Papera wooo
There was a goose involved, what's his name
@UlrikeFischer LOL! Only @DavidCarlisle trusts Google Translator :):):)
@PauloCereda In Italy she is not a goose, she is a duck
@PauloCereda duckipedia.de/…
@UlrikeFischer Oh, that's major discovery which will almost certainly lead to a Nobel prize ;-)
@marmot Das Sehrbiggoose
@CarLaTeX Come puoi non fidarti di un simile sistema?
@UlrikeFischer Cip e Ciop's German name is too complicated!
@PauloCereda The grandmother of Donald E. Duck.
@DavidCarlisle Fa acqua da tutte le parti
@CarLaTeX “It makes water on all sides” :-D
@egreg Yes!
@egreg L'ho scritto apposta per vedere come lo traduceva...
@CarLaTeX good for ducks then
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@CarLaTeX "doesn't hold water" (my Italian is better than @egreg's)
@DavidCarlisle It is literally correct, but it has a double meaning :)
@PauloCereda Isn't goose female? (If course I know that "Die Sehrbiggoose" can be read in a very unfortunate way... )
@CarLaTeX Cip e Ciop in German would be something like Aquirrel and Bquirrel.
@UlrikeFischer Oooh
@UlrikeFischer you're missing the cool Czech names!
@DavidCarlisle I'm getting the hang of Jekyll variables ... just need to work out themes
@DavidCarlisle just curious: Why isn't \endfirstfoot part of the longtable package? (E.g. like here)
@yo' Dnld drck?
@UlrikeFischer Kačer Donald. But most importantly, Dulík, Bubík, Kulík
@Skillmon arguably the same reason that \endlasthead is not, or because it didn't occur to me that anyone would want it or ... I haven't the faintest idea, it was a long time ago:-)
@DavidCarlisle I use it (just because I have to, I'd rather not)
@CarLaTeX same as in english? used as a description of someone's argument meaning it is logically flawed?
@yo' Is Kačer the first name?
Hi folks. I'm having an annoying Emacs display issue with LaTeX code. The good news is that it's reproducible. The bad news is that this is apparently "normal" behavior, if I understand correctly. In any case, I'm linking to the question here in case anyone can offer clarification.
Q: Weird TeX syntax highlighting issue

Faheem MithaI running Emacs 25 on Debian 9.0 stretch. The version is 25.1+1-4+deb9u1. I have a local copy of AUCTeX installed via Melpa. The relevant line in M-x list-packages is: auctex 11.88.3 installed Integrated environment for *TeX* See the screenshot below. The text \url\expa...

I'm not sure if I'm communicating with the person who answered my question...
@FaheemMitha just use VIM
@Skillmon Don't know how to. But thanks for the feedback.
@FaheemMitha It wasn't completely serious. Unfortunately I don't have a clue about Emacs (for now obvious reasons). Sorry I can't be of more help.
No problem.
@Skillmon that's the silliest suggestion i have seen in this chat, somewhere below duck books!
@DavidCarlisle I think I made this suggestion more than once now :)
@DavidCarlisle Do you by any chance mean it's silly because everyone should already know that he/she/it should use VIM anyway?
@Skillmon quack
@DavidCarlisle /majestic rabbit sounds
@FaheemMitha I would expect that most latex syntax highlighters will have \url{...} as the syntax for \url and not cope with \expandafter tricks. TeX syntax is wildly context sensitive and wil defeat almost all parsing mechanisms
@DavidCarlisle So you're saying that this issue is not fixable?
Good evening. Is there anybody that can help me, please for this question before to add a bounty? It is for my book. Thank you for your attention.
Q: Change the part of the appendix with letters of the alphabet

SebastianoIn relation to my previous question in this link Change part with arabic number, I ask how to obtain, using the Legrand orange book source and his structure.tex file, an appendix (in italian language) that has the letters of the alphabet. The complete code is on my previous question here: Change ...

@FaheemMitha anything is fixable but it's certainly not unexpected. editor syntax highlighting can't use tex's parser as they need to work with half finished code, and you can't parse tex with regex or any standard parser, try looking at xii.tex for example.
@DavidCarlisle Huh. I wonder why the behavior changes when I run M-x latex-mode, though.
@Sebastiano you should fix the question first so it's more clear, you say the full code is in your previous question, but that has no code at all, so i assume you mean Christian's answer, then it's not clear what you expect people to do with the fragments in the current question
@FaheemMitha that's a bit odd, but given that it's not odd that it can't color \expandafter correctly, i wouldn't worry about it too much
@DavidCarlisle Ok.
Is it worth telling anyone - like the AUCTeX people - about it?
@FaheemMitha perhaps although as I say, I wouldn't worry.
@DavidCarlisle Well, bracket mismatches are annoying, not worrying.
@FaheemMitha the trouble (I would guess) is that \url is a verb-like command and it is treating it as \url|{| in which the { is not a group opener. But I haven't traced what it's doing.
@DavidCarlisle So, bottom line, possibly worth reporting?
So, it's likely that syntax highlighting and so forth will get confused for sufficiently complex TeX syntax?
@UlrikeFischer well, it's the generic word for a drake (male duck)
I think he's never called anythng shorter than Kačer Donald
Anyway, it's bedtime, see you tomorrow!
@Skillmon ask @Skillmon if vim colours this correctly, emacs certainly doesn't
\AtBeginDocument{\catcode`\\=1 \catcode`\{=2 \catcode`\}=0 }
\AtEndDocument{\catcode`\\=0 }


hello }textbf\world{

@DavidCarlisle I think you mistakenly double pinged me :)
@FaheemMitha ^^
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I see it.
@DavidCarlisle and the answer is: of course not. The highlighting of VIM in case of the vim-latexsuite doesn't parse the whole TeX file including catcode changes.
@Skillmon for once I have some sympathy with vim
@DavidCarlisle just imagine you'd do that for each and every language which features such an interactive syntax, parsing every single bit of code (including loaded packages and stuff) just to do the highlighting in the currently displayed lines correctly. The overhead would kill my CPU :)
@yo' But the order is interesting. In German it is Donald Duck, and Donald is clearly the first name and Duck the family name.
@yo' good night!
@Skillmon yes, not to mention you wouldn't be able to edit at all if there were errors or loops in the code typing \def\foo{\foo} will take a long time if the editor had to execute that to colour the final }
@FaheemMitha probably a corollary to godel's incompleteness theorem: for every sufficiently complex highlighting system there is some example that will break it. ;-)
@DavidCarlisle haven't thought of loops. Makes the idea even greater. I should implement that so I can edit code on my universities cluster with style (sadly my programming skills might not suffice)!
@UlrikeFischer Oh, no. Now we're bringing maths into it?
@Skillmon I am sure your programming skills are quite sufficient to fail at a provably impossible task:-)
@DavidCarlisle this might be the case :)
@Skillmon I think I might use that phrase next time I'm asked for a job reference
Reminded me of my own acknowledgement in my bachelor's thesis containing the following sentence: Donald E. Knuth danke ich für die Entwicklung von \TeX, das den einheitlichen Satz dieser Arbeit für mich stark vereinfachte.
Translating to: "I thank Donald E. Knuth for the development of \TeX, that eases the coherent formatting of this thesis a lot."
I thanked lots of people in my PhD thesis too.
Well, multiple communities, with lots of people in them.
Is there any alternative to xfrac? It just doesn't look good for me
@G.Bay What's wrong with \frac?
@Skillmon I want to have denominator just 50% from baseline, with frac it goes to a second line
@G.Bay using an ordinary \frac would look good here, imho.
frac will use a little too much space, but I guess that's better then sfrac
@G.Bay how come those brackets are so big?
@DavidCarlisle oh, this is a print from the original thesis, I like them big... lol, but can't reproduce in LaTeX without cheating
@G.Bay with the over sized brackets diverting attention so much I'd not worry about the fine points of \frac or \sfrac etc, it is going to look weird whatever you do!
This is how it looks now, with sfrac
@G.Bay better, although (depending on the subject area) I'd drop the \times and use implicit multiplication
@DavidCarlisle Yeah, I guess I will do that later, \times make it look so polluted
@G.Bay all these things are rather dependent on convention in the area, back last century when I was doing math for a living I'd not have used / for division as it would look like a coset construction
@DavidCarlisle I think it looks weird :)
@Skillmon yes i might use 1/2 as a half in non mathematical documents but I don't think I have ever used / as division in actual mathematics
@DavidCarlisle That should be 0.5 or a half, not 1/2 :) I use it for programming, because so far I haven't found any convenient way to input a proper frac in any language...
@Skillmon oh sure yes and * for multiplication but that's for computers, not to look nice:-)
@G.Bay M=\frac{E I_0 Y/\rho}{Y} (\sfrac is good for recipe books).

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