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This is probably not worthy of a real question, so I will try here first: Why is \draw (2,2) circle (3); not valid TikZ(that is without unit for the radius)? The default grid in TikZ is 1 cm rectangular. Why can't the default radius unit not also just be cm?
@hpekristiansen It is valid. Did you try it?
\draw (0,0) circle (0.5);
\draw (-0.5,-0.5) rectangle (0.5,0.5);
@marmot: Thanks - something told me that it was a stupid question. But now I have another question: Why is the radius in the circle command in manuals and/or tutorials given with units while the position is given unitless.
@marmot: Ok - not even that is true but often. I have now found that the default unit is taken from the x coordinate - so "(if the x-unit is set to, say, 2cm, then x radius=3 will have the same effect as x radius=6cm)"
@hpekristiansen Yes. I also get confused with the units from time to time. Especially since internally TikZ is using pt units. And those get, of course, stripped off when one uses \pgfmathsetmacro (which is, however, a pretty decent tool).
@hpekristiansen And I see your question. Without further checking, \r and expands to 1and which the parser cannot make sense of. @egreg would love this space, I guess ;-)
@marmot Yes, it works, thanks!
@TeXnician Thank you very much I'll do it!
Hi chat!
How can I turn many lines of code in latex to comments
without adding % sign to each line
@CarLaTeX Nice, that works, thank you @CarLaTeX
I used
@CarLaTeX Are you up very early or very late?
@AlanMunn Very early! Often I wake up at 5 and go to TeX.SE waiting to fall asleep again :):):)
@CarLaTeX Are we that boring?
@BAYMAX You're welcome!
@AlanMunn LOL, no, of course, it's only a way to distract my brain. However I'm on holiday these days, yay!
@CarLaTeX :) Are you doing anything fun on holiday?
From your profile@CarLaTeX I see you enjoy TikZ
@AlanMunn I'm in a spa so I swim in the termal pool every day and here at Lake Garda there are a lot of beautiful villages to sightsee!
@CarLaTeX Oh wow. Sounds fantastic.
@BAYMAX Since I'm not an expert, tikz questions are the easiest to answer to me!
@AlanMunn It is :):):)
@CarLaTeX And a big reputation booster :) people love pretty pictures
@CarLaTeX Centring categorial grammar analysis under words not so much. :(
@AlanMunn Yes! A couple of days ago I got 8 upvotes for an answer where I said to use \draw instead of \path!
@AlanMunn Yes, unfortunately people think that an upvote is like a "like" on FaceBook!
@CarLaTeX it's ok, though. There are lots more TikZ users around, so those questions also attract more views generally.
@AlanMunn Yes, but also just-do-it-for-me questions are upvoted!
@CarLaTeX Yes. But at least people don't down vote the answers to those questions. I've have answers of mine downvoted on another site because people decided the question should have been closed and therefore I shouldn't have answered it!
@CarLaTeX Needless to say I don't do anything more on that site.
@AlanMunn They are mean!
@CarLaTeX It's just stupid. Some people like to be the rule enforcers. And the site is one in which I will never ask a question, only answer. So it's not good to alienate.
@AlanMunn You're right :)
@AlanMunn Well, I see the logic behind that: by answering a question which the community does not want on the site, you're rewarding the posting of that question and thus harming the site. People see your answering as a type of behavior which should be discouraged, and that's why they downvote it. Sure, it may be out of line with the norms on tex.se, but I wouldn't call it "mean".
@DavidZ Well I didn't call it mean. But to the extent that it made me stop using the site, I guess it worked. :) And the question was more a duplicate than off topic.
Ah, yeah, I was more directing that reference to "mean" at @CarLaTeX, though that wasn't clear, sorry.
@DavidZ "mean" is a sort of joke here (search for that word in this chat) :)
I lurk here but I don't often read the chat actively so I miss stuff like that.
@CarLaTeX hmm..can you give some source/reference where i can explore a bit about TikZ?
which has a bit of motivation?
@AlanMunn What I see from my window at this moment ^^^
@BAYMAX The documentation is extensive and has a few tutorials in it.
@CarLaTeX Gorgeous!
@BAYMAX I also really like this for a quick overview: cremeronline.com/LaTeX/minimaltikz.pdf
@BAYMAX Wait for the next prof. van Duck's article!
@CarLaTeX Well enjoy your day. :) It's past midnight here. Goodnight.
Thank you so much@AlanMunn@CarLaTeX :)
@AlanMunn Sleep well! Ciao!
What i am going to tell is not arguing but eventhough we have paint and softwares which makes plots like MATLAB and many so why do we need TikZ ?
@BAYMAX Indeed it is not necessary. If you already have your plot, just include it!
but the link you gave, in the end it says -
> TikZ is a very large program which can do lots of things
perhaps after going a bit deep ito TikZ i can appreciate its importance
@BAYMAX Sometimes is very useful, but if you have your work already done, it's better to use \includegraphics rather than redoing it!
2 hours later…
@LoopSpace You only need a single counter if all of the on-the-fly functions have the same general name format (I think they were \__prg_map_<int>:w). Once you decide to separate out internals, that's no longer the case as they are dedicated, e.g. \__prop_map_<int>:nw. The bit you do need for nesting is the break-point stuff: that's now public.
@JosephWright you broke mhchem I see
@JosephWright classic thesis...
@DavidCarlisle Huh?
@DavidCarlisle Huh?
@DavidCarlisle If you get chance, I'd appreciate a look over github.com/josephwright/texlive-source/tree/xetex-tidy. The idea there it purely to re-arrange xetex.web to get it into line with pdftex.web to help with the merges. I think I've just tided up ..
@JosephWright See texlive list and github.com/latex3/latex2e/issues/43. classicthesis does \PassOptionsToPackage{latest}{latexrelease} \RequirePackage{latexrelease} and this then breaks newer packages. Perhaps the documentation should make clearer that packages should only load latexrelease (and so with the default option current). I hate to think what would happen if a number of packages uses conflicting options here ...
@UlrikeFischer Ah: It's not my fault
@JosephWright you upped the date on expl3 and triggered the error:-)
@UlrikeFischer current (or no option) would be as bad as latest here, both are equivalent to [2018-04-01] classicthesis shouldn't load latexrelease at all and (I think, but there's still some discussion) that the "suspicious rollback" error should be downgraded to a warning.
@JosephWright OK will look later
@DavidCarlisle sorry this doesn't make sense. How should a package be able to use \IncludeInRelease if it isn't allowed to load the package?
@UlrikeFischer well, that's a good question. Post 2015 it's in the format so you can just use it, if you want to support releases older than that then .... put a comment in issue 43...
@JohnDorian excellent!
@PauloCereda goo.gl/kAspD8
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@DavidCarlisle The OP in the issue actually wrote the more or less the same: the description of the "current" option says "does not change the effective date of the format.". I'm interpretating this as "does no harm but ensures that \IncludeInRelease is defined".
@UlrikeFischer that was the case until it became false this release, there is some discussion whether we should change the documentation or change the code or both.
Guys,,, iTeX logo in vector form? :)
@DavidCarlisle at least the documentation ;-). Btw: I think classicthesis is trying to replace "\RequirePackage{fixltx2e)". But the method is a bit curious. If it is in an environment with a new latexrelease the format will probably be new too anyway.
@UlrikeFischer that's what its comment says yes. Originally (when we introduced the package) we did say it could be used to update old releases as the end user just needed to get latexrelease.sty from a more recent release rather than update the format, but the idea is that's a choice of the end user. Making the package unconditionally load latexrelease means by default it gives errors in old distributions
@DavidCarlisle ok to recap. As packages which uses \IncludeInRelease are perhaps used on pre-2015 system they need a way to define the commands. What about a separate latexrelease-base only with the definitions which they could distribuate? Then the documentation could say clearly that latexrelease itself should only be used by documents. And if the kernel doesn't use latexrelease-base itself it wouldn't do to much harm if they are more than one version in the wild.
@UlrikeFischer perhaps but before looking at new packages I think there are still issues with using latexrelease (as in the example in the github issue) we'll see...
Quick question: The code below produces a misplaced \noalign error when it encounters the \toprule. Appending \\ to the \caption line fixes it, possibly at the expense of an empty table row. But it feels wrong. Is it?
\begin{longtable}[l]{l c c}
  \caption{Some caption here}
  foo & bar & duck! \\ \midrule
  1 & 2 & quack \\
@HaraldHanche-Olsen \\ is required after caption (possibly a poor design decision, but \caption is just \multicolumn{3}{...} )
@DavidCarlisle Aha. Thanks. Horse's mouth and all that.
@CarLaTeX I see!
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I think that with the caption package you can customize the longtable caption, too (vertical space after it included)...
@JosephWright it's building here in the background...
Is there a known problem with colortbl and multicolumns? vv
@TeXnician using @{} ?
@DavidCarlisle Yes.
@TeXnician so you need to make them up (in all cases but colortbl makes teh error more obvious as you can see how wide the cell is)
@DavidCarlisle Thanks. These silly mistakes when dealing with tables in LaTeX :)
"David broke LaTeX again" reaction ^^ :)
Jan 12 '16 at 12:15, by David Carlisle
@PauloCereda finished your thesis?
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@JosephWright vvv
/bin/bash ../../../texk/web2c/web2c/convert xetex
syntax error: Last token = 290 ("), error buffer = `XeTeXint',
        last id = `XeTeXint' (not in symbol table).
../../../texk/web2c/web2c/convert: conversion of xetex.p failed, moving dregs:
Hi mr. @skull! o/
\o @PauloCereda hi
how are you?
@skull in a hurry abroad. :) And you?
user image
@egreg ^^
fine, thanks @PauloCereda
@DavidCarlisle Really? I thought I'd fixed that!
@PauloCereda I will not buy this fncychap, it is scratched.
@JosephWright I was thinking I should check your travis log. Can't really debug now will look later
@egreg ooh :)
@DavidCarlisle I messed up initially and did a rebase/force push: the plan is that xetex-tidy will stay reasonably logical (so no visible fixes) ...
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle Perhaps wait until this evening: I'm working on bits and pieces (I have a rather bitty day at work)
@JosephWright yes same here, I can run build scripts in a background job but I can't really look at the output till this evening:-)
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle Next job is to try to 'collect up' the various internal utility functions from pdfTeX that are already in XeTeX: it's the order these are declared that keeps causing problems with file functions, etc. They seem to be all over the place :(
@JosephWright I think the force push probably confused git here, it started moaning I was 7 commits ahead of the upstream xetex-tidy I force deleted (-D) my branch and checked it out again to track yours, see what happens this time
@JosephWright builds now
@JosephWright I didn't realize community wiki answers could be deleted. Seems odd. tex.stackexchange.com/a/214760/2693
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle Hopefully it still works :)
@AlanMunn Hmm
@AlanMunn I might raise this with the Powers: it happens as the original author is still the owner
@JosephWright It's strange also because it has lots of upvotes. (It's a perfectly good answer AFAICT)
@JosephWright have you seen the xetex tests that get run?
@DavidCarlisle Probably rather limited?
@DavidCarlisle I took a look at the upTeX set for the pdfutils.ch changes ... also limited!
@JosephWright there are only two, one of which is ./xetex -version || exit 1
@DavidCarlisle What I'm on now is trying to sort out the order of various 'pdfTeX support additions'. These are the bit that fail badly when I try to add file utils/timer stuff, so I think are crucial to getting everything right.
@DavidCarlisle Probably we'll need a load of extra tests ... but I really do need to get the code into the same order as pdfTeX: it's nigh-on impossible to follow what is going on as it is
@JosephWright I have some test files for pdf file utils and the rng in the right format but I was going to wait until branches stable before adding, as adding to the makefile is a pain (and the additions would conflict if the branches were merged)
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle I think the best plan is for you to hold off until I can get everything added and at least passing on Travis-CI for 'does it build at all'
@DavidCarlisle If I can get everything at least added in some way into xetex.web and not entirely killing the build then I suspect we can sort the rest
@DavidCarlisle I'm wondering about all of the utility stuff (for XeTeX and upTeX), e.g. the hex escapes ... but I'm not sure I want to do all of that!
@JosephWright yes that's why I used the expanded branch for getting it working as that seemed fairly stable. It's easy enough to add the tests now i know all the places you need to mention a new test, and the expanded branch is a template for that, so that can be left until the end (or even after its merged upstream)
@DavidCarlisle My plan is to have two branches: xetex-tidy, for sorting out the current codebase, and pdfutils for the add ons (other than \expanded)
@DavidCarlisle My plan too
@DavidCarlisle I'm going to keep rebasing pdfutils onto xetex-tidy as I 'sort out' the source, so the changes are reasonably clear
@DavidCarlisle Still need to hear back from XeTeX people ...
@JosephWright OK I plan to do nothing but since it builds if you want me to build it and check works just ping me.
@JosephWright is Arthur still counted in that group (I see he replied on latex-l re bibtex, so he's around at least)
@DavidCarlisle I guess, but he's not replied to me about some other stuff ...
@DavidCarlisle Will do later
1 hour later…
Hello :)
I want to insert a smiley in my "thank you" slide in beamer for a presentation, can i do that?
will you tell me?
on it
hmm@thymaro I was thinking of using a yellow smiley (a happy smiley)
@BAYMAX subsection 4.2.2 of the tikzsymbols manual contains 3d emoticons. also, since it's a tikz package, coloring shouldn't be a problem. you could go as far as coloring each one of the teeth a different color 😄
hahahaha \Strichmaxerl ... I guess the author of this package is Austrian
I included tikspackage
and wrote
but nothing comes?
@BAYMAX You were asking earlier about why we need TikZ: everything beamer does is done through Tikz. Also, e.g. in my field (linguistics) it's invaluable for drawing trees, something that a GUI program is terrible for. But there are many other uses of it too.
Yeah destiny arrives :)@AlanMunn
I think you should use tikz instead of tiks. tiks is broken.
I used \usepackage{tikzsymbols} @thymaro
@AlanMunn oh how I love the (comparative) simplicity of trees in TeX. Pure bliss.
still nothing comes
@BAYMAX I was just kidding. I know you were ;)
perhaps in \dsmiley , there is some problem
@BAYMAX It's case sensitive \dSmiley (capital S)
and \dCooley is so cool ;-)
See e.g here for a complete example. AFAIK the bug has been fixed.
@marmot You have nice observation!! thank you :)
I now have a smiley in my slide :)
how do you include pictures here?
\dSmiley worked for me too btw
@BAYMAX In support of @AlanMunn I'd like to add that if you use TikZ (or pstricks) for your pictures, then the fonts match those of the ambient document. (And the file is sooo much smaller than some imported graphics.)
@thymaro If this is a question to me, what is "here"? Otherwise please ignore this. ;-)
I see that is nice@marmot
"here" as in "in this chatroom"
@thymaro to upload it in chat you need to click on upload button just right to where you are typing the msg
@BAYMAX that button is soooo hidden!
haha :)
oh wow
so, as I said, \dSmiley works and looks really creepy from up close! :DDD
@marmot Of course if you use XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX the fonts match in either direction... :)
@thymaro Seems a little small.
@AlanMunn That would be blasphemy.
And also not work on the arXiv.
gotta get some food
see u all around
@marmot ^^^ :)
better now?
@AlanMunn Maybe it's just me but I like the TikZ version better. ;-)
@thymaro did someone punched him on the eye?
alright, gotta go. enough of big creepy smileys! they're horrifying.
@marmot you don't need tikz for that (of course)
A: How can we make a pumpkin, jack-o-lantern, or other halloween spirit, ghoul, or skeleton?

David Carlisletikz?, pstricks? everyone knows the underworld used picture mode. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{pict2e} \pagecolor[RGB]{255,177,69} \begin{document} \begin{picture}(120,200) \thicklines \put(100,100){\circle{150}} \put(70,130){\line(1,-1){10}} \put(70,130){\line(-1,-...

@UlrikeFischer what do you mean?
@thymaro the left eye has this halo around it.
@UlrikeFischer it does. maybe that's what's so scary about it. and its smoothness. maybe a papery texture would make it more friendly. not that I know how to do that...
@DavidCarlisle err... wasn't the request for the result to be halloween-like? not the ways of making the picture. oh, well, people need a good challenge, I guess.
Jan 8 at 11:16, by David Carlisle
@HaraldHanche-Olsen who cares about the typeset output so long as the log is clean? :-)
1 hour later…
If I use unicode-math, should I type division as an ordinary slash (U+002F) or as a division slash (U+2215)?
@JohnDorian I think / is more natural in a math context:
@DavidCarlisle I HATE WEB
@JohnDorian division slash I think works better if you are using the form with the raised numerator
@JosephWright of the 6 people who ever tried to use it, 5 agree with you
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle I must have rebased github.com/josephwright/texlive-source/commit/… at least 10 times trying to get the **** thing to compile: the order (or something) of these functions is the big issue adding the other primitives
@JosephWright the idea of literate programming seems good (if not universally popular) but the home grown diff/patch system is just too weird
@DavidCarlisle My current issue is more basic: why is it that moving a few functions around, when they seem to be defined correctly, breaks everything, and why are the errors so unhelpful
@JosephWright as I say I can look later, and if you are just changing files in xtexdir I can run make in web2c which runs in a few seconds rather than waiting for travis (or waiting even longer for my machine) to do a full clean build
@DavidCarlisle Just changing xetexdir: back on the 'no functionality change' branch, trying to get stuff into the same order as pdfTeX as somewhere there's a function that must get messed up
»The fraction slash ⟨⁄⟩, is used between two numbers to indicate a fraction or ratio. Fractions, unlike inline division, are often given using smaller numbers, superscript, and subscript (e.g., ²³⁄₄₂).«

»The division slash ⟨∕⟩, is used between two numbers to indicate division (e.g., 23÷43 can also be written as 23∕43).«

(Quoting from Wikipedia)
@JosephWright when I was looking at something similar I think I was failing on similar issues in that you make a "cosmetic2 change in one place but then you find a change file no longer matches,
@DavidCarlisle Exactly
@DavidCarlisle Trying to use the upTeX .ch file simply fails, and my tests to date show it's something to do with how you create tokens_to_string, flush_str or some such
@JohnDorian well that's what it might say but the division slash in latin modern is at a very gentle angle for 1/2 unless you are going to raise the 1 over it
@DavidCarlisle Okay, thank you for your advice :-)
@JohnDorian actually I think the advice might have been wrong and that it's a bug in latin modern, this is / U+2215 U+2044
@JohnDorian note U+2215 has the gentle slope but U+2044 for fractions looks more or less same slope as /. end result is stick with / but I do wonder if that latin modern output is correct
@DavidCarlisle Oh, that's interesting. It's the same way in Libertinus.
@JohnDorian better than lm though: the last one is more visibly distinct from /
@DavidCarlisle Yes, what I meant is that the fraction slash looks better than the division slash for typesetting division, as in LM.
@DavidCarlisle Both fonts a weird spacing around their division slash. Perhaps the division slash has \mathbin spacing but shouldn't have?
@JohnDorian as I say, i's probably unused in math other than some magic property in Murray's linear markup for word. unicode-math follows mathtext-14 and assigns it binary infix class, as you say.
2 hours later…
Are there any standards regarding repeated caption in multi-page tables? This relates to Pandoc issue: github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/4558
I feel I've learned a lot of WEB today ...
@wilx You mean typographical standards? I should think it would vary a lot.
@AlanMunn I see.
@DavidCarlisle I'm trying an almost line-by-line approach now ...
@JosephWright i pulled and it broke here now, if you want me to try something let me know (are you still building via travis?)
@DavidCarlisle Still building using Travis, yes :)
@DavidCarlisle I'll grind through it, don't worry
@JosephWright Building in the windows ubuntu subsystem seems pretty stable, so long as you have the space to build it of course:-)
@DavidCarlisle Ah, right: I could do that I guess
@DavidCarlisle Other than installing bash, what does one need to do?
@wilx But the repeating caption stuff is no standard longtable behaviour.
@JosephWright i guess I'll have to hack latexrelease.sty again this evening, unless Frank wants first go
@DavidCarlisle Hmm
@DavidCarlisle On that, I was wondering if the issue is that there are two dates: a floor for 'minimal features' and a ceiling for 'no updates after'
@JosephWright you need to sudo apt install foo for some list of foo that I could probably reconstruct , then ./Build --without-x and wait a bit...
@DavidCarlisle I'll start trying that
@DavidCarlisle Is that run from the top level?
@JosephWright yes in texlive-source
@DavidCarlisle if you ever manage to reconstruct the list, you should ask a Linux/Ubuntu geek to write a package that contains the list as dependencies. That way you would only have to install one thing.
@StrongBad, @DavidCarlisle Presumably I can start from the .travis.yml file info
@JosephWright I don't know enough about travis. If it was a clean well done script, I would assume all the dependencies would be in the apt addons, but I have seen stuff stuck in all sorts of places and I don't understand the assumptions about what packages are included in the base installation.
@JosephWright certainly I needed to install g++ and autotools
Good afternoon :)
Quick question: where are things like \neg defined in the LaTeX kernel?
A: What is the difference between \lnot and \neg?

Phelype OleinikFor your disappointment, none. They are the same. If you run \documentclass{standalone} \begin{document} \(\show\lnot a \, \show\neg a\) \end{document} you'll get: > \lnot=\mathchar"23A. l.3 \(\show\lnot a \, \show\neg a\) ? > \neg=\mathchar"23A. l.3 \(\show\lnot a \, \show...

I fount them in plain.tex, but couldn't find in latex.ltx...
@JosephWright ah yes I knew I missed one libfontconfig-dec (from travis.yml) the other ones that sets up are all xll but I uses --without-x instead to skip the X parts as that's not well supported in the subsystem anyway
@PhelypeOleinik fontmath.ltx
@DavidCarlisle Oh, never heard of that before...
@DavidCarlisle Thanks :)
1 hour later…
@DavidCarlisle, @StrongBad Seems to be building using just the stuff from .travis.yml and one extra package (makeinfo)
@JosephWright So the proper fix would be to define my own int, say \g__spath_prg_map_int and use that to keep track ... of whatever it is that it keeps track of (did someone say "Cargo Cult Programmer"?)
@LoopSpace Yup: it tracks the number of nestings, as you say
@JosephWright Okay, I'll implement that and put the latest version on github. Probably time for a bug-fix release to ctan.
@LoopSpace Cool
@LoopSpace We are trying to tighten up on stuff, there will be a few bumps ...
@DavidCarlisle Hmm
gcc: error: lacheck.c: No such file or directory
gcc: fatal error: no input files
@JosephWright Fair does. I really ought to sign up to the right mailing list, or watch the github repository so that I get notified of stuff I ought to know. Still, it's an ego boost when someone asks a question on the main site about one of my packages.
@JosephWright that looks like it comes from ctan.org/tex-archive/support/lacheck?lang=en
@JosephWright i get:
:~/texlive-source$ find . -name lacheck\*
@JosephWright Incidentally, the build failed on l3rand as it couldn't find a build script.
@LoopSpace :)
@LoopSpace Possibly: we dropped it :)
@DavidCarlisle Trying again ...
@JosephWright I've been listening to too much Radio 1 (blame the kids ...) where they frequently talk of artists "dropping" a track meaning that it's been released.
@LoopSpace :)
@LoopSpace Hopefully we'll have a proper RNG in XeTeX for next year
@JosephWright next year because it's going to take you 8 months to make the change files work? :-)
@DavidCarlisle Not exactly: the RNG is working now
@DavidCarlisle Might take me 8 months to work out the flush_str() business ...
@JosephWright yes I know but that wouldn't have been such a fitting comment:-)
@JosephWright meanwhile have a version of latexrelease.sty about to checkin
@DavidCarlisle Cool
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle Seriously, though, we do want to be well ahead on this to get it all right (and tested)
@DavidCarlisle I was serious about the idea of discussions at TUG2018 on the topic of primitive parity
@JosephWright would be a good idea if people are there (xetex people in particular....)
@DavidCarlisle That is true: no sign at present
@JosephWright Can't wait to see you try to get the checksum passed with an rng ...
@JosephWright oh is l3build updated in texlive now (ahead of the base tlg?) + File: latin1.def YYYY-MM-DD v1.3b Input encoding file
@DavidCarlisle Should be
@DavidCarlisle I've not checked yet to update the .tlg files
@JosephWright do you have them locally? (I just kicked off a build here so I can do it later)
@DavidCarlisle Not yet, no
@DavidCarlisle Been busy with .web files!
@JosephWright just lines with dates coming back? I can eyeball them but if you'd rather I can leave it for now and just update the ones with the suspicious rollback error
@DavidCarlisle Yes: just dates
@JosephWright OK I'll stare at the diffs when build check finishes here
@JosephWright your travis looks greener than mine
Hey guys, I have a quick question. I'm recycling a Thesis.cls from sharelatex and turning it into something useful for my university's particular requirements. One thing I have an issue with is that I need to use `\protect\` in the title, but I don't want to subject future users of this template to that
I've found a command \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\let\\\space}... could I stick a \protect in there? Or is this not a good diea
I also have another question about some weird spacing issue with an underline
@Ronen probably not a good idea but it's a bit hard to know what to suggest, it depends why \protect is needed (it shouldn't be needed as \\ is a robust command by default)
Hi David, you were helping me with the code for my thesis title page earlier, actually.
@Ronen it's best to ask these sort of questions on the question site
@Ronen yes if it was me, I'd start from book.cls not that code:-)
It is a bit messy, but I don't know what's in book.cls to differentiate from the few commands I'll need in a custom .cls. Specifically, I want the .tex to have no \newcommands or \usepackage or anything that a non-coding user would ever need to think about
Then again, I have no idea what's in this Thesis.cls that I actually need, which isn't in book.cls
@Ronen it's so much better to start with a basic class and add what you need than start with a class that loads hundreds of packages with undocumented and unknown conflicts that's impossible to configure. A major problem with the templates available on the web is it leads people to do the latter.
For example, that whole section that defines \baseclass and then does a bunch of stuff to it....what is all that?
Right at the beginning of the Thesis.cls
@Ronen well it's loading book.cls but allowing you to change that to memoir or whatever by changing baseclass and then (slightly inelegantly) changing the default size option from 10pt to 11pt
@Ronen but then all uses of \justifying and \newlength and \small{} are confused. \uppercase it should be \MakeUppercase and only applied to #1 . vmargin package for setting page size is a bit deprecated these days, better to use geometry you probably don't need to load epstopdf Although actually (unlike some classes you see) it could be a lot worse it doesn't load hundreds of packages, it's only 128 lines altogether
@HenriMenke I just came across this question of yours and feel that perhaps this answer of mine might be related. Please have a look. If not, I'll be happy to remove the link.
@JosephWright it's sort of understandable but is this as intended?
  + (foocmtt.fd(foocmtt.fdFile: foocmtt.fd YYYY-MM-DD Font defs for `foo' fonts.(foocmtt.fd(foocmtt.fdFile: foocmtt.fd YYYY-MM-DD Font defs for `foo' fonts.LaTeX Font Info.....
@JosephWright tlb1826
@marmot To be honest, I haven't used circuitikz in a while. Back then I was doing electronics lab at uni and that was the only time I ever needed this package.

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