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There were some really weird design choices made when tikz was written... the names of shapes in "\node[shapename,bla]" look exactly as if they were pgfkeys that are being handled along with the rest of them... after digging through the pgf code for an hour to find out why my code fails in mysterious ways it turns out they are simply not... they just look like pgfkeys.
5 hours later…
@PauloCereda Look at today's doodle of Google! ^^^
2 hours later…
@CarLaTeX ooh
@DavidCarlisle: I am going to use Church-Turing hypothesis in a proof, because what could possibly go wrong, right?
@Joseph: the early bird gets the worm. :)
May 28 '13 at 15:54, by Paulo Cereda
Roses are red,
but no flowers are needed,
my love for you is \huge
TeX capacity exceeded.
Mar 21 '13 at 19:53, by Paulo Cereda
Roses are red,
blue is my ethernet cable,
TeX is awesome,
so it is longtable
@DavidCarlisle ^^
Dec 9 '13 at 13:14, by Paulo Cereda
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
math is hard,
ooh a kangaroo!
May 21 '12 at 13:49, by Paulo Cereda
Roses are red,
I lost my key,
new package on queue,
update your tree.
I probably should be writing a thesis...
@PauloCereda, I hope so.
@Joseph I was hoping I could procrastinate a bit more because it was Ash Wednesday. :)
You can until ~12:00.
@PauloCereda No, no, no! As everybody knows, the ethernet cable is yellow! The standard says so.
@Joseph Touché, my friend. :)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen oh no
I remember I got into Latex because I didn't want to fiddle with word to adjust line spaces for my thesis. In the end, at least they didn't care if I didn't use Times, and neither did they complain about alternative italic (long-tail) Q's I inserted.
They didn't complain about Koma-Script margins or my adapted numeric citation style.
With all the animals around here, this cartoon seems … apposite! ↓↓
user image
@Joseph The result was so good they didn't pay attention to ABNT. :)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen ooh geese offer
@Joseph: my master plan is to divert the attention of the committee from the actual content with beautiful typesetting and nice diagrams! :)
Autocompletion woes. :)
@PauloCereda, sometimes it happens. I mean, the bells and whistles impress people.
@Joseph I once gave a keynote to a group of students. When I opened for questions, a student said, "where did you get those stock images in your presentation?"
I remember one guy asking me, "Is that a book?" It was just a handout for a PPT presentation. In Georgia.
@PauloCereda, didn't get the job, though. Hahaha!
@Joseph oopsie. :D
@PauloCereda I think it's the other way around. You work hard on Ash Wednesday
@yo' oh :)
@yo' Work hard, or hardly work, what's the difference?
1 hour later…
Does anyone mind testing this:
ń disappears under pdflatex and lualatex and leaves a strange mark under xelatex. Is the font just incomplete?
@daleif The n thing disappeared here too.
@daleif Same here. I get a small square with xelatex.
Yes, some sort of \cdot thingy.
@daleif There is no ń (U+0144) in font [Cabin-Regular.otf]
@daleif @DavidCarlisle Regarding the italic correction for xits math and the mathcal P. The discussion on the context list boils down to this: lualatex insert the italic correction kern only if a character is following. Which means that you can suppress it with a \strut and force it e.g. with the zero width joiner:
\setmathfont{XITS Math}
$\mathcal{P}x \mathcal{P}$x

$\mathcal{P}\strut x \mathcal{P}\Uchar"200D$x
@UlrikeFischer Great detective work!
Now we can write David 𝓟. Carlisle
@PauloCereda You are using Lucida, so you could do that already, I guess? :)
@mickep Yep. :D
(@daleif Is there a good reason to use xits instead of stix two?)
@mickep Looks like sometimes... xits happen...
Oh that was terrible, I will be quiet for some hours.
@PauloCereda Don't worry, sometimes the censorship just isn't working quickly enough :)
@mickep :D
@PauloCereda Jokes from the crypt ...
@ChristianHupfer I apologize
Font Open Type variabili, il nuovo pacchetto typewriter... $ texdoc typewriter "typeset by egreg design services"
@DavidCarlisle @egreg ^^
@PauloCereda My lawyer has to do his job.
@egreg oh no
@mickep I don't think it is in TL yet?
@PauloCereda version 1.1 just went to ctan (with fix for issue reported by some user called egreg)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle which issue?
@UlrikeFischer I wonder though, does that mean latex should routinely add the zero width char at end of inline math?
Feb 10 at 22:10, by egreg
@DavidCarlisle By the way, the code for \hrule doesn't seem to catch everything; I get a spurious height0pt at the bottom.
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle he is good
@UlrikeFischer shouldn't one get a warning then? Otherwise one may never know it was missing (I didn't on the poster I'm making)
@daleif the missing glyph warning only goes to the log not to the terminal (for no good reason, but copied that way into luatex and xetex from tex)
@PauloCereda typical end user, he looked at the pdf output, rather than just checking the log was clean.
@DavidCarlisle PDF, is that format still used?
@DavidCarlisle This error is not particularly informative: Missing character: There is no « in font Cabin-Regular-tlf-t1!
@PauloCereda egreg has probably switched to XPS
No mention of ń
@DavidCarlisle LOL that's mean
Jun 29 '17 at 16:15, by Paulo Cereda
@DavidCarlisle you are not mean :)
@daleif that's odd, I should perhaps scroll up and see the context...
@DavidCarlisle under pdflatex that is the only mention of something missing in the log
xelatex I get
Missing character: There is no ń in font [Cabin-Regular.otf]/OT:script=latn;lan
Then it is probably because pdflatex writes the log in latin 1, not sure if ń is in latin 1
(I rarely use xelatex or lualatex)
@daleif well it (by default) writes the bytes as bytes but the ń in the T1 encoding is in position 171 which is a « if viewed in latin 1 or anything else, so if you set your terminal encoding to T1 it would be OK....
@daleif originally pdftex always used the ^^ab notation for non ascii characters in which case it would have said ^^ab here but then it does that for all accented characters including the majority cases where T1 and latin1 agree.
@DavidCarlisle Well it counts as an atom so can change spacing. Btw: chars that aren't in the font works too:
\setmathfont{XITS Math}

$\mathcal{P}x \mathcal{P}$x

$\mathcal{P}\strut x \mathcal{P}🦆$x




@PauloCereda ^^^^
@UlrikeFischer nice
@UlrikeFischer yes so how does Hans think it should be fixed... (his replies on the context list aren't exactly clear:-)
@DavidCarlisle good question. Just to make life more difficult here the output of my example with Cambria Math (as one can see ducks works fine ;-))
Any suggestions on a crips sans serif font to use for posters (no math involved). Preferably included in TL
@egreg you could suggest comic sans ^^^
@DavidCarlisle Passing a sans serif mono font to \usepackage{typewriter} could be the best.
@daleif Fira Sans?
@egreg uhh, I missed that from the catalogue. IN the end it will be up to the organizers. Just wanted something good choices. The choice also affects the design of the components of the poster.
@UlrikeFischer ooh
@DavidCarlisle There is always Comic Neue, which is an attempt to turn Comic Sans into something somewhat usable (in an informal setting). It's in texlive. (But I am biased, as I paid a small sum towards its development.)
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Last time I checked CN, it missed a few glyphs...
Now they are in place, that's good news!
@PauloCereda Oh, has it got the DUCK glyph now?
@HaraldHanche-Olsen I wish!
I am learning some lessons on the virtues of a stable production environment: It is astounding how many authors of the proceedings I am putting together do stuff like \newcommand\loc{\mathrm{loc}} and use it as L^1_\loc. This actually worked as intended, until a recent texlive upgrade. (Nothing that can't be fixed with an extra pair of braces, though.)
@mickep -- if i'm not mistaken, xits can work with pdf(la)tex, but stix two is only available as opentype.
@CarLaTeX Sorry, I did not mean to criticize you. (Really just thought that, since you were already discussing two options, you may add a third one.) Scusi!
@PauloCereda In case you're looking for some nice seaside place for your holiday :)
@samcarter “Stray cats managed to befriend the birds and soon set up camp alongside the feathered residents.” – It's unnatural, I tell you!
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Ciça wants to befriend birds. Fubá, on the other hand... :)
@marmot I did not intend your comment as a criticism. I intended that, since you had the idea, you could add your own answer!
@CarLaTeX Good. ;-)
@barbarabeeton Oh, of course, that is a good reason to not use stix two at the moment. Thanks.
@marmot Sometimes the linguistic barriers can create misunderstandings :):):)
@CarLaTeX Yup, especially since ducks write everything in plusquackperfect ;-)
@marmot LOL
@HaraldHanche-Olsen Maybe this a question of bird/cat ratio: If the cat is already sated by so many birds around ...
Use an autocomplete capable editor instead of this abomination. — percusse 47 secs ago
@percusse Straight to the point as usual. :)
@daleif @DavidCarlisle Hans now suggests \Uchar"200B (zero width space) instead of \Uchar"200D. Seems to work ok with both fonts.
@UlrikeFischer it's going to make a mess of screen readers....
@DavidCarlisle Then it have to be the duck ;-). I looked in the pdf and while the zero width space can be seen [<09D80A17>-245<0366>]TJ the duck is invisible [<09D80A17>]TJ.
@UlrikeFischer “The integral from minus infinity to plus infinity of e to the power negative x squared dee x equals the square root of pi DUCK …”
@UlrikeFischer Oh wait, I didn't read carefully what you wrote. Never mind, but I thought it funny anyhow. And it could turn out that way with future implementations.
@DavidCarlisle I tried also \Uchar"EEEFF (which imho is outside any unicode block) and it works too (but naturally gives a missing char message, so \mathcal{P} \tracinglostchars=0 \Uchar"EEEFF$ is better).
@UlrikeFischer or get luatex fixed to add the italic correction....
@DavidCarlisle I don't know if adding it automatically on the engine level at the end of math is the correct behaviour. E.g. in display math if would move the equation a bit. Also I found no way to suppress it in xelatex.
@UlrikeFischer V
\yskip\noindent In the latter case, we might have |info(q)=null|. This
is not the same as |math_type(q)=empty|; for example, `\.{\$P\_\{\}\$}'
and `\.{\$P\$}' produce different results (the former will not have the
``italic correction'' added to the width of |P|, but the ``script skip''
will be added).
so I guess setting scritpspace to 0pt and using _{} but that seems pretty horrible
@DavidCarlisle Where is this from?
@UlrikeFischer xetex.web (but it's from tex.web really)
@DavidCarlisle Seems to work (but is horrible, quite unnatural ..)
3 hours later…
I want to enumerate in beamer with greek letters. For that I used the usepackages


and then


but it doesn't work. Do we enumerate in beamer in an other way?
Hello @egreg ! Do you have an idea?
@MaryStar Never tried to change the default numbering of beamer
@MaryStar you can't use the packages with beamer, they overwrite the beamer definitions.
@MaryStar Use beamers own mechanism \setbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{\alph{enumi}}
@samcarter Well \begin{enumerate}[a] does work (beamer loads enumerate) but naturally doesn't give greek.
@UlrikeFischer I could not remember if the alignment problems of the mini-templates are already fixed in the released version or only in the development version - so I wanted to be on the save side :) I think @MaryStar is already writing in Greek - assuming some package like babel should take care of the letters.
@MaryStar VVV


\setbeamertemplate{enumerate item}{\alph{enumi}}





Thank you!! Can we have the letters at the enumeration without the accent?
@MaryStar Add \renewcommand{\textdexiakeraia}{} before \begin{document}
A: How to enumerate with capital latin or greek letters without the apostrophe?

egregThe “apostrophe” is called, in greek.ldf, \textdexiakeraia and, as far as I know, it is the traditional way for denoting alphabetic numerals in Greek: see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals that has it in the description of “modern usage”. If you don't want it for a specific enumerate e...

Ah ok! Thank you! @egreg

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