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2:36 AM
@JosephWright @MartinScharrer @StefanKottwitz Please remove the tags and . They should be empty now.
4 hours later…
7:02 AM
@HenriMenke That will happen automatically: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/19753/…
2 hours later…
9:11 AM
I'm reviewing the existing Italian translation of the messages in the TeX Live installer and manager, as indicated at the bottom of this page: tug.org/texlive/doc.html. Till now I've copied the existing it.po file in a directory of mine and edited it with poedit without problems.
Now I would like to test it. They say to get the TL sources and put it.po in my Master/tlpkg/translations/ directory. My questions are: is it feasible also on Windows 10? May I make a mess and ruin my current installation? Thank you!
9:28 AM
@CarLaTeX I have no idea and never done it, but the files are simple text files, so I can't think it can hurt much to try. So I would make a backup of it.po (or the whole folder) in \texlive\2017\tlpkg\translations, copy your file in it and then try install-tl -gui or install-tl -gui -lang=it. If you have an older texlive too, you could try there are first ...
9:49 AM
@UlrikeFischer Thank you, I'll try that way!
3 hours later…
1:08 PM
@egreg looking for ticks?
1:23 PM
@DavidCarlisle Looking for a more detailed answer, with proper quotations from the TeXbook. I've it always with me. ;-)
2 hours later…
3:46 PM
@DavidCarlisle or @egreg -- can you please try something with this question: tex.stackexchange.com/q/386519 ? just include the math portion with article and packages amsmath and hyperref (in that order). my attempt results in a hyperref error. looks to me that something needs fixing, but i'm not sure what.
3:58 PM
@barbarabeeton I'm probably out of the loop for a while:-)
@barbarabeeton This doesn't produce errors



\mathrm{MSE}= \sigma_{p}^2+\sigma_o^2 -2 \sigma_p \sigma_o \rho_{po}+
\left( \overline{p} - \overline{o}\right) ^{2}


\begin{subequations} \label{eq:abc}
\alpha&=\rho_{p o}^2 \label{eq:a}  \\
\beta&=\left( \rho_{p o} - \frac{\sigma_{p}}  {\sigma_{o}}\right)^2
Question: do tag wiki excerpts also count for the 'research assistant' badge? Or only the main text of the wiki?
@egreg -- yes, but it doesn't produce any xrefs either. moving the three refs out into separate \ref entries, it does generate the xrefs and links. not happy with where the pointer goes when clicking on the link for the group, but i guess it's "good enough". anyhow, two things to be done -- revisions to amsldoc need to take hyperref into account, and need to figure out what i did wrong when i tried this exercise. thanks.
4:23 PM
@egreg -- okay. i've retraced my steps. i used \eqref instead of \ref. and that really blows up. repeat comment about amsmath + hyperref.
@barbarabeeton If I change the last line into \eqref{eq:MSE2}, \eqref{eq:MSEnormo}, \eqref{eq:abc}, I get no error and the expected links.
@egreg -- hmmm. have just repeated the exercise, and got the same error. using "Package: hyperref 2016/06/24 v6.83q Hypertext links for LaTeX" and "Package: amsmath 2016/06/28 v2.15d AMS math features". do you have (a) different version(s)?
4:38 PM
I’ve got an interesting problem with wrapfig: when the figure spans multiple paragraphs, which are followed by a manual page break, it can get moved down, and if the total text is too short, other weird things happen
now I only ever need ONE figure on a page, and it must be in the top right, so wrapfig is likely overkill anyway
but anything I could found about shapepar and parshape suggests these apply to one paragraph only
is there anything I could use to simulate a wrapfig to place a picture on the top right of the page (width of the figure is known, and if I must, height too, but amount of text on the left and bottom is NOT known, and it DOES contain multiple paragraphs)?
4:56 PM
trying to grok the shapepar docs right now; unsure if it’s the right thing…
5:17 PM
@barbarabeeton hyperref is 2017/03/14 v6.85a, amsmath is 2016/11/05 v2.16a
no, it doesn’t seem to like having vspace either
@egreg -- okay, thanks. i guess i'm doomed; i was informed, when i asked, that there's no chance that we'll be upgrading to tex live 2017; "every two years is more than enough."

    \textbf{Foo:} bar\\
    \textbf{Bar:} baz\\
    % paragraph break? \\[\parskip]\indent?
    bla bla bla
    % paragraph break
    bla bla bla
this is basically what I’m trying
looks like I want a shaped minipage of sorts
5:48 PM
6:04 PM
@barbarabeeton Tricky for those of us fixing bugs: 'Oh, but we don't use the version with the fixes in', effectively
@JosephWright -- well, i'll just have to set up my own package collection and paths, and make sure it doesn't cause conflicts with the production system. (at least i know when i need to ask about possible package mismatches ...)
@barbarabeeton Sensible plan
A tortilla can be made into a record and played on a turntable.
6:25 PM
@PauloCereda -- but i doubt the sound quality has much to recommend it.
6:41 PM
@barbarabeeton shame as there were some fixes to the xetex math typesetting for tl2017 if I recall correctly
@PauloCereda try that with a pringle
@barbarabeeton :)
@DavidCarlisle I might need a flat sample.
@PauloCereda didn't you ever play a warped record, it should work so long as you don't mind a bit of variation in pitch
@DavidCarlisle -- oh, indeed there were. but i'm not in charge here ... low man on the totem pole, as it were.
@DavidCarlisle My dad once forget a record on the car's front panel. Let us say it gave a cool effect to the songs. :)
@mirabilos hard to guess what you are doing especially with commented out code, better to make a real example and ask on the main site so people can debug.
6:53 PM
@DavidCarlisle hm, it’s very depending on text, size, etc. but the live repo is online
although the git repo the stuff is in is probably a bit too big for casual cloning
7:07 PM
meh, and OF COURSE it doesn't happen if I just copy out the parts…
@mirabilos yes that's why you should make a small one page example..
I was trying to get it cut down, and the bug disappeared, is what I meant
oooooh I see
if it's too short on a preceding page, things break on the next one
@mirabilos put a \clearpage on the short page and flush it out before the wrapfig starts (I would guess)
we use \newpage, is that not enough?
adding \clearpage before \newpage SEEMS to help, in the MWE I was preparing
thanks <3
2 hours later…
9:34 PM
Please can someone to;d me where is the problem here
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, urlcolor=blue}
\textwidth=16.5truecm \textheight=23truecm
\hoffset=-2cm \voffset=-1.8cm
9:45 PM
@Vrouvrou I see several problems; for instance, setting \textwidth and similar parameters instead of using geometry; hyperref should be loaded last; t1enc is an obsolete package; yhmath makes little sense together with fourier

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