@user89 latexml is worth a look, that produced NIST's dlmf and they are gradually working through arxiv's math archive dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/examples.html
@DavidCarlisle @JosephWright — I just found out this week I have a job interview in a few weeks, so will probably be a bit quiet for a while… so much to do, so little time :(
@DavidCarlisle dlmf is amazing, btw. really nice resource. I used their work a lot when I needed to understand elliptic integrals to some extent.
@DavidCarlisle I am a little confused by something I am reading in the documentation: "For many, LaTeX is the preferred format for document authoring, particularly those involving significant mathematical content and where quality typesetting is desired. On the other hand, content-oriented XML is an extremely useful representation for documents, allowing them to be used, and reused, for a variety of purposes, not least, presentation on the Web...
...The choice of LaTeX for authoring, and XML for delivery were natural and uncontroversial choices for the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions."
@user89 well I'm not involved in the project (but I know Bruce who coded most of latexml) so you should ask him, but why not, personally at work we generate all our documents as XML, basically for the reasons that you quote
@user89 if you want a document format that can be used to generate tex for print, html for the web, be searched, generate code etc xml is the natural choice
@user89 www.nag.co.uk we have a fortran library with 10000 or so page manual as xml including around 300000 math expresions as MathML, but from that we generate documentation for fortran, C, matlab and .NET libraries, and the code for C matlab, .NET and also java and python, it would be hard to do that if the documentation base was tex or word or anything else really.
@user89 mathml is an xml language (or application in the vocabulary of the xml spec) going from mathml to latex is mostly OK especially if you assume unicode support, going the other way is hard or not depending how many latex dark corners you want to support, latexml, tex4ht, mathjax, all do that to a reasonable degree mathjax is essentially a latex to mathml conversion chained to a mathml to html conversion.
how is MathML "viewed" by browsers? do they have some sort of an engine similar to TeX in the background that reads MathML info and figures out how to place symbols relative to each other?
@user89 firefox (and to a lesser extent safari) has mathml built into the core engine so it understands mathml at the same level it understands an html table. unfortunately internetexplorer and chrome still won't play that game so mathjax fills in with a javascript library positioning everything "by hand2 with a combination of css and javascript positioning
I've tried at on my home computer though a VPN and direct, my laptop at home, and my laptop at a friends house. It may be misconfig by a highlevel ISP in my state. (I'm in australia)
@barbarabeeton So the stock has been put into the freezer, and I'm left with a good base for a nice vegetable sauce or smooth soup :) Thanks for your assistance :)
This must be a FAQ, but searching for it is turning out to be harder than one might think. What is the "tex" for setting TEX, XETEX, etc. in the official format (reduced spacing, dropped "E", etc.)? Thought I'd check here before asking on Main (if need be).
@egreg Thanks! Just tried it with TeXShop (xetex) and it tells me "can only be used in preamble" - is there a trick to putting it in the body of a standard paragraph?
@Davïd There's a very nice old Italian comic movie where the leading role actor asks a policeman: “In order to go where we have to go, what direction do we have to go?”
@Davïd The two come to Milan from the country in Southern Italy and they have quite wrong beliefs about people in that city. So Totò is trying to speak some different language, hoping the policeman will understand; actually he thinks the policeman is some Austrian general.
And he ends up saying “He didn't understand a word!”
@Davïd It's a very amusing movie, but I don't think it can really be dubbed in another language.
@egreg Sounds like a wonderful farce. I caught them throwing in some French, too, but sadly my Italian goes no farther than "quando andermo a mangiare" - which isn't a bad sentence to know if you only know one!
@yo' I'm not saying it's impossible, but that movie in particular relies on the ungrammaticalities of the main characters. The famous scene where Totò is dictating Peppino a letter can be rendered only with a gross approximation: it mixes mock bureaucratic style with grammatical errors and various word jokes.
@egreg it's a movie that you can't watch in French with English subtitles, because the language jokes there are equally good in both languages, but totally different. I mean: it really takes some effort and you really have to change a lot in the script, but you can translate this sort of movies. This one is (in French) based on the very peculiar accent of the Picardie and Nord regoins, and similarities of words. Impossible to translate literally, but still possible to translate,
In group theory we have the image of function $im~\theta=\theta~G$ to be a subgroup of $G'$ where $\theta :G\rightarrow G'$. Is there any special way to write "im" in mathmode? Should I use \text{}?
@yo' Should I add a sarcastic comment such as “your friend should have started studying for the course some weeks ago and not just a few days before the test”?
I am trying to help a friend with his algebra course, however his exercises are in Italian and unfortunately he translates it poorly for me since he does not know the mathematical terms in english. I have tried to translate it myself, but without luck. I still do not know what exactly to do.
@Johannes_B Of course the friend is imaginary; the sarcastic comment could be “if you had knocked at the teacher's door a few weeks ago, he (that is, I) would have been glad to help”.
@egreg Let f be a linear transformation and suppose it's matrix in basis {...} (in both domain and co-domain) is A. (a) Determine the matrix B of f in the canonical basis. (b) Caculate dimension of the image of f (the rank?). (c) Decide whether B is diagonizable. (d) Find a base of the nullspace (kernel?) of f.
@yo' Yes, just follow the standard pattern for computing the change of basis matrix. Deciding diagonalizability is very easy with the given matrix: so that part is just a teaser; smart students will follow the easy way and spare time for the rest.
% RESUME DOCUMENT STYLE -- Released 23 Nov 1989
% for LaTeX version 2.09
% Copyright (C) 1988,1989 by Michael DeCorte
\typeout{Document Style `res' <26 Sep 89>.}
@DemCodeLines You have the code in front of you, I don't.
@DemCodeLines Of course, when I see code like this below, I get goosebumps.
% Center the name over the entire width of resume:
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{\large\bf Susan R. Bumpershoot}
% Draw a horizontal line the whole width of resume:
\moveleft\hoffset\vbox{\hrule width\resumewidth height 1pt}\smallskip
% address begins here
% Again, the address lines must be centered over entire width of resume:
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{1985 Storm Lane}
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{Troy, NY 12180}
\moveleft.5\hoffset\centerline{(518) 273-0014 or (518) 272-6666}
% Use this to set the sectionwidth.
% It adjust the width of the text as well as the hoffset
% You probably shouldn't touch any of the size paramaters
% unless you really understand all of this but it is not
% hard. Either way, it can only be executed once
\sectionskip=3.5ex plus 1ex minus -.2ex % values stolen from LaTeX
From res.cls ^^^^^
@DemCodeLines Don't worry! It's not your fault. Maybe you can ask a question on the site adding an example of what you're trying to do.
I'm too well-versed in LaTeX. Was simply trying to get a good template that I can use for resume purposes, but I guess this isn't exactly the one, huh?
I have been using example 9a on this page. As you can see, the address is divided into three lines. I am new to LaTeX, so not sure if this is possible, but can those three lines be put in one line, just in a 3-column layout style? For example, the first address line goes on the left, second in th...
@DemCodeLines Your question doesn't have enough information to be answerable without a lot of work on the part of others. You should post a Minimal Working Example of the code you're trying to change. See meta.tex.stackexchange.com/q/228/2693
@JosephWright In some sense, I agree, but I think that we could easily have something that shows the minimal stuff that should be in one and how basic things are achieved, like simple options and commands.
@JosephWright It can IMHO, at least in the sense of "what is the minimal thing the .sty file should contain to be really a package" and "what makes a difference between putting macros in a package and in a document preamble"
Any idea why Mid’laar would come out as "MidŠlaar" ? Seems like an encoding problem, but I tried a bunch of different encodings and can't reproduce it. tex.stackexchange.com/q/292104/2693
@egreg Ok, I assumed since he was following the linked question he would be using utf8. But in the comments he doesn't mention the input encoding he specified. (Even messing around with different options, I can't get an Š.)
Haydn Sonata No. 62 in E-flat major, Hob. XVI:52 Beethoven Sonata No. 32 in c minor, Op. 111 Mozart Sonata No. 18 in D Major, K. 576 Schubert Sonata in B-flat Major, D. 960