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02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

% !TEX TS-program = lualatex

\setmainfont[Ligatures=TeX]{Minion Pro}
``This uses TeX double quotes''.

`This uses TeX single quotes'.

“This uses typed double quotes”

‘This uses typed single quotes’
@DavidCarlisle True: will think about it
The above document works with XeLaTeX. Suggestions?
(Apart from "use XeLaTeX"...)
@AlanMunn Suggestions as in: "with pdflatex, you must..."?
@Alenanno As in, is this a problem with LuaTeX or the font or some combination of the two, and can it be fixed. I use LuaTeX generally, and I love the Minion Pro font. So this is a very annoying situation.
@AlanMunn You bought it? I loved it too until I saw it wasn't free lol
@AlanMunn there have been a lot of problems with minion pro and this years luaotfload update, I'll see if I can dig out a reference
@JosephWright -- looking at these (having seen them too often), would it be reasonable to add a link to the list of "often referenced questions" for "often duplicated questions"? never mind, i've just added a link for one of these there under "tikz".
@DavidCarlisle Thanks. So I'm not imagining that this is a new thing. Because it had been working fine before.
etex package update announce went out, with link to Peter's Obituary:(
@AlanMunn I guess it is this: (the thread has info how to configure luaotfload to use the 2014 code)
Where is @ChristianHupfer when you need him!
Someone posted in German.
Q: Schattierung gebogenes Rohr

gizehmöchte ein Rohrsystem bauen. Zwecks 3D-Illusion Rohre schattieren. Mein Versuch war, mit top, bottom, middle color zu arbeiten. Aber wie bei einem Bogen? Gibt es eine Lösung für Nicht-Mathematiker oder hat ein Mathematiker eine Berechnung für die Aussenschattierung eines gebogenen Rohres? Grüße H...

@Alenanno or @Johannes_B
@Alenanno Vielleicht sollte ich antworten
I was about to link Texwelt.de to him and I discovered he cross-posted.
@RomainPicot you see my German is as good as my French
@DavidCarlisle Hii!!
I need to externalize a pgfplottable, is it possible?
@DavidCarlisle Really nice :-)
@leonardocesar I assume so but I know nothing about pgf:-)
@RomainPicot coin coin!
@DavidCarlisle Another chance to shine with picture mode? :)
@PauloCereda Sorry I forgot to mention Portuguese
@PauloCereda quack quack ! :)
@DavidCarlisle Thanks, David. I'll update and if needed go back to the TL2014 version.
@DavidCarlisle :)
@DavidCarlisle thanks
fala portugues também?
@PauloCereda I like our discussion which consist in "Coin Coin !" and "Quack Quack !" <3
@RomainPicot We are pretty good! :)
@RomainPicot Why coin coin? Are you an arcade cabinet?
@leonardocesar Μιλώ οποιαδήποτε γλώσσα que google translate ξέρει.
@Alenanno Coin Coin = Quack Quack in French ;-)
@leonardocesar David fala Google Translate. :)
@PauloCereda of course !
@RomainPicot Another duck?
@DavidCarlisle i dont understand greek, LOL
@DavidCarlisle I still wondering about how best to handle this (L3 and so here)
@Alenanno I should flag this as offensive, you duck hater bastard. :)
@leonardocesar simple you cut out the line, drop it into google translate and get a perfect translation to your chosen language every time.
@Alenanno woooooo
Ok I'll stop now. :D
@Alenanno woooooo
@Alenanno Oh no! <3
The more ducks, the quackier.
@Alenanno I'm still hidden perhaps I'm a duck, a dog or a penguin as everybody in the internet ;-)
@PauloCereda I feel the silent evil spells coming from other participants of this chat. :D
@Alenanno Mainly David.
@Alenanno: we are a bunch of wacky people, aren't we? :)
@PauloCereda quacky*
Or qwacky
@DavidCarlisle The update seems to have fixed the problem for me. Thanks!
Great, now I need to study catamorphisms. And I just found out the brackets are called... wait for it... banana brackets!
@ChristianHupfer, @Johannes_B ^^ :)
\llparenthesis :)
@Alenanno What's the matter?
ring ring ring ring ring ring ring, banana bracket!
@PauloCereda precisava exportar uma tabela
feita em pgfplotstable
como se faz com figura tikz
é possível?
@PauloCereda I will disarm you because you're attacking with a banana bracket
@leonardocesar Eu não entendi muito bem (assim como David, eu não uso pgfplotstable). Mas como ela depende de TikZ, provavelmente você pode usar as mesmas configurações. Você tem algum exemplo para nós testarmos?
@ChristianHupfer <3
tenho sim, mas fiquei receoso de postar la no forum
@leonardocesar Bom, é a única forma de podermos ajudá-lo. :) Colocar \usetikzlibrary{external}no seu código não resolve seu problema?
Se é que entendi direito.
então, tentei sim... mas não resolveu
vou postar lá então :D
@leonardocesar Obrigado. Tente manter o exemplo completo e mínimo, isto é, com a quantidade necessária e suficiente de pacotes para que os outros possam reproduzir seu exemplo e poder trabalhar no código. :)
eu que agradeço :D
@leonardocesar Do you just want to plot the same data that is in the table?
@ChristianHupfer A user wrote in German and kind of translated it. Check the link :P
@Alenanno -- you be careful of that tugboat!
@AlanMunn I just wanna create a separated file from table
@leonardocesar So you want to end up with a pdf file that contains just the table that the pgfplotstable code produced?
@leonardocesar You could also use standalone to generate a PDF from your table and simply include it with \includegraphics.
@AlanMunn yes, like export a tikz image
@PauloCereda you are a genius
its done
@DavidCarlisle: ^^ See?
@leonardocesar Glad to hear it worked. :)
@Alenanno: ^^ :)
very nice
@barbarabeeton Ahah indeed :D
@leonardocesar Then I think that the standalone package is the only way. I don't think there's a way to externalize tables, just images.
@PauloCereda lol nice :D
@AlanMunn We need to summon @percusse. :)
⦇ @percusse ⦈
@ChristianHupfer: ^^ I enclosed percusse in banana brackets. :)
@AlanMunn i think you are right!! thanks :D
@PauloCereda I think he means for a duck, rather than any absolute measurement.
@DavidCarlisle Probably. :)
@JosephWright, @DavidCarlisle: ^^
@leonardocesar Actually, I'm not! It looks like you can externalize a table without any problem.
@AlanMunn may be, but standalone is the easyest way to do it.
@leonardocesar I guess it depends how many you have. If only a few, then yes it's probably easiest. If you have a bunch it might be worth the effort, since you can automate the externalization faster.
@AlanMunn I had not thought of that, but in my case is just 3 tables :D
for while
:D :D :D :D :D
@leonardocesar Proof of concept:
% !TEX TS-program = arara
% arara: pdflatex
% arara: pdflatex: { options: --jobname=ext-test-table1 }
% arara: pdflatex: { options: --jobname=ext-test-table2 }

In the following figure, we see a table:

foo & bar\\
bar & foo

And here's another table:

foo & bar & foobar\\
@AlanMunn I wub you.
(file name is ext-test.tex)
@PauloCereda awawa to the wescue.
@AlanMunn Thankfully it's wabbit season! :)
@AlanMunn perfect!!! ill save this mwe
All hail, sir is here!
@AlanMunn: Ecce Homo.
@leonardocesar Put your table inside a node :)
It will think that it is an image
@percusse: sir, I imprisoned you inside a banana bracket. :)
@PauloCereda I think that means vim because I couldn't get out again
@percusse Close. :)
@percusse It's a catamorphism trying to ensure syntactically correct output. :)
@percusse Not needed. See above.
@percusse Externalization for idiots. :)
@AlanMunn :D Touchèéë (one of them)
But compare with \tikz\node{\pgftabletypeset[....]{\mytable}}
@percusse True. I bow to your superior TikZ fu.
@AlanMunn Oh please. I'm just lazy :)
Guys, what's the minimal configuration when loading Polyglossia. I mean, if I only load the package, is that changing anything? Is it enough?
@percusse Hey there!
@Alenanno Well you need to choose a language with \setmainlanguage I think.
@Alenanno Ahoy!
@AlanMunn Great, thanks. I never had to use it before. :D
@Alenanno Depending on what you're doing and the language you can still use babel with LuaTeX or XeTeX.
@AlanMunn You'll see soon enough, but I think this is working. :D
Q: How to make a template like this?(xepersian)

hossein behboodiHow to make a template latex like this? (abstract in 1 column but entire document in 2 column. equation number start at 1 and go on.) I found template like this in web but with xepersian package all of them will be ruined. example: template Thanks.

@Alenanno One for @Johannes_B, he loves these :)
@yo' The language? Or the template?
@Alenanno the template ;)
@yo' Ah! Gotcha. :D
Is there a way to get the name of the current page style. I am thinking something like \thepagestyle so that \pagestyle{plain}\thepagestyle would give plain.
@StrongBad I doubt it. But you can modify \pagestyle to allow for it.
@yo' that is my plan. I need to look at the \pagestyle code (after fancyhdr) has been loaded.
I might ask on the main page and get a good patch instead of the hack that I will likely come up with.
and also, call \pagestyle{plain} just after this to initialize \thepagestyle (might be risky since some classes use bookings by default)
@yo' that code is a lot simpler than I imagined.
@StrongBad what have you imagined? The task you ask for is simple.
@yo' line 3 I think was one of my first additions to latex:-)
Well, there's a problem with \thispagestyle I think
@DavidCarlisle \undefinedpagestyle?
@yo' I imagined that \pagestyle was going to be nasty
@StrongBad no. It's \ps@plain that's nasty ;-)
@yo' yep, 2.09 just had \def\pagestyle#1{\csname ps@#1\endcsname} so a mistyped style wasn't an error just did nothing
@yo' it should of course be \LaTeXError{undefined page style}{\@ehc} but we couldn't afford that many tokens
@yo' It is always nice when you can hook into macros easily.
> \ps@plain=macro:
->\let \@mkboth \@gobbletwo \let \@oddhead \@empty \def \@oddfoot {\reset@font
\hfil \thepage \hfil }\let \@evenhead \@empty \let \@evenfoot \@oddfoot .
@StrongBad ^^ not the simplest code to understand or tweak... :)
latex is the best invention, after of the wheel =D
@yo' yeah, not going to try and patch that.
@StrongBad well, you're safe to use fancyhdr for everything, IMHO.
@yo' I do.
@yo' or titleps ...
@AlanMunn I didn't know that one. I realized that for every feature in LaTeX, I know n packages that realize it: n−1 bad ones and the one I use :-)
@yo' I've begun to use it more an more because I use titlesec almost all the time and the two are nicely integrated. The only downside is the minimalist documentation. But the interface is quite simple: \newpagestyle{foo}{\setfoot{left}{centre}{right}}
@AlanMunn ah documentation :)
@AlanMunn I'm happy about \titlesec's [RO,LE] :-)
@PauloCereda Good. Keep them closed ;-)
Fun game: guess the voting differential between two answers, one which cites online resources (Quora and Wikipedia) and another which cites actual books. :) #Ilovetheinternet
@AlanMunn Link?
@JosephWright Not here. And not important. :) I seem to be in a self-flagellating mode these days.
Off-Topic/Opinion base, in my point of view:
Q: Table on top or bottom

fsocietyI am currently discussing with a colleague whether to put a table on top or bottom in proper documents (e.g., research paper). I once learnt to put figures on top and tables on bottom. I actually prefer this placement as the caption of a figure is on top and then it integrates much better with th...

@ChristianHupfer I guess it's not substantially different from the linked question about captions, for which we got a couple of reasonable answers. My inclination would be to leave it. Also the float mechanism itself has some preferences.
@AlanMunn I have not voted (yet)
@ChristianHupfer Yes. I'm kind of on the fence. It's a new user, and (at least for us) so instant closing isn't the best welcome.
@AlanMunn Wikipedia, if it's sourced, it's nothing less than books eh. Sources matter more, in my opinion at least. :P
@Alenanno Sure some yes, some no. It was not really a serious complaint.
@AlanMunn This is very serious! :P
@JosephWright Do you know how I can stop TeXworks from trumping TeXShop for opening all TeX related files? I'd prefer not to have to find every single file extension that TeXShop should open and do GetInfo etc. on it. I've rebuilt the launchctl database but to no avail.
@AlanMunn 'Fraid not
@AlanMunn I avoid the issue by only having one TeX editor installed
@JosephWright Well I could do that, but then I can't help out those cross-platform folk.
@AlanMunn Occasionally I have the same issue in reverse (when I download TeXshop to test something and it messes about with not only the loading but more importantly the icons for files)
@JosephWright Yes, I still don't quite understand what the logic is of the reassociation.
Anybody knows what's wrong with this?
A: Internal Direct Product of subgroups

egregUsing code from http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/52673/4427, here are two alternatives. \documentclass{article} \makeatletter \def\moverlay{\mathpalette\mov@rlay} \def\mov@rlay#1#2{\leavevmode\vtop{% \baselineskip\z@skip \lineskiplimit-\maxdimen \ialign{\hfil$\m@th#1##$\hfil\cr#2\crcr}}} \n...

@AlanMunn How many editors do you have installed?
@Alenanno Specific to TeX? TeXShop, TeXStudio, TeXWorks, TeXtmate. But I also have more generic editors like Aquamacs Sublime Text and TextWrangler. I draw the line at Vim. @PauloCereda :)
@AlanMunn I used to have Textmate, but it started to feel "old". Although I miss the fact that it gave very informing errors in the console, and I could stop the compilation easily. On ST3, not so much, but I like the editor. :D
@Alenanno I'm very happy with TeXShop. I find that I spend more time thinking than writing, so I'm not so concerned about tweaking my editor. I have a few macros that I use often for gb4e markup but other than that, not much.
@AlanMunn Mac has vim installed anyway
@JosephWright I prefer not to know. :)
@JosephWright Uh... what do you mean?
@Alenanno It's one of the many editors available in the /usr/bin.
@Alenanno Among the ones I know: vi, vim, pico, nano, emacs. There may be more.
@AlanMunn I've used pico before, but can't remember for what ehhe
02:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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