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12:04 AM
I can't see any images on the main site! ALl I see is a link with a "enter image description here" message. Is it just me or is it a general problem?
12:29 AM
@michal.h21 if you are at chat and prefer to talk here instead of email at tex4ht, I just tried your suggestion \newcommand\emwidth{11} and the images still do not resize.

htlatex foo.tex "nma,htm,pic-align,notoc*"
@PauloCereda I'm at a baseball game tonight: it's the Lakeshore Chinooks (home team) versus the Madison Mallards!
12:47 AM
@PaulGessler yay, go ducks!
@GonzaloMedina :)
@PaulGessler Baseball is as complicated as cricket to me. But some games seem to be broadcasted by ESPN. No cricket.
I need a cable TV with BBC, I can't stand CNN. :)
@DavidCarlisle ooh
People using Yahoo! /gasp
@PauloCereda not really (well not me at least) just google rounders v baseball...
@DavidCarlisle :)
7 hours later…
7:55 AM
In the end of last week there was two questions involving looping over lines in a file and acting on each line. Is there a utility package for this sort of thing? Sort of like the \docsvlist or \forcsvlist in etoolbox just for looking over lines in a file. Or perhaps something general l3 stuff?
8:10 AM
@daleif Depends a little bit how you want the lines to be tokenized. If you want standard tokenization, reading a file line by line is not feasible because of unbalanced braces.
@StephanLehmke in one of the questions this was just file names, and it seems strange that it is soo difficult that one have to start from scratch each time.
@daleif If you want to read the lines verbatim, then the verbatim package is convenient. You just have to redefine \verbatim@processline.
@StephanLehmke that was one of my thought too. Just tested it, it seems to work
Though had to mess with a few extra things to get rid of the verbatim.
1 hour later…
9:43 AM
Please, how in the world one even starts with TeX Gyre fonts in XeLaTeX?
%!TeX program = xelatex


\setromanfont[Ligatures=TeX]{TeX Gyre Pagella}
\setmathfont[math-style=ISO,bold-style=ISO,vargreek-shape=TeX]{TeX Gyre Pagella Math}


Hello, World!

! fontspec error: "font-not-found"
! The font "TeX Gyre Pagella" cannot be found.
! See the fontspec documentation for further information.
! For immediate help type H <return>.
@yo' Which OS?
@JosephWright Fedora 20 with vanilla TL14
Ah I can install texlive-tex-gyre-* without installing texlive, I'll try that. Update: Did not help :-(
seems that using filenames helps
no, I give up. Getting errors all around the place from random stuff doesn't seem to be worth it.
10:11 AM
@JosephWright I added byecode allocators to ltluatex, you probably saw:-) bytecode seems to be needed really, the chunk thing I suspect is pointless in current luatex, as I think in very early versions you had to use an integer argument to \directua, but if defined lua only it's not really doing any harm. Did you have any thoughts on renaming luatexbase.added_to_callback we chatted a bit here about that before tug2015 but not sure came to a conclusion...
10:28 AM
@yo' Works with plain XeTeX:
%!TeX program = xetex
\font\pagella="TeX Gyre Pagella"


Hello, World!

@ArthurReutenauer no, it does not :-(
but I got it working now for text fonts, what's giving me nightmares is that after loading amssymb I get macro clashes, and without it I get missing macros.
Anyways, it's lunchtime, see you later!
@yo' It does for me, and I do have the error you mentioned from fontspec.
@ArthurReutenauer, not for me either. Which OS are you on? I'm on Linux using TL15 (TUG install). I'm trying to figure out how to add the TL fonts to fc-cache as I'm guessing that is the missing part. Ideas?
@daleif Same installation here. I didn’t have to do anything special in order for fontconfig to find the fonts. Doesn’t fc-list return any TeX Gyre fonts?
@ArthurReutenauer, nope. But I think I've found the method. 2min
10:38 AM
@daleif Oh dammit, sorry, the fonts it finds are the ones installed by my package manager, not the ones from the TeX Live in /usr/local. So the easiest way is probably to install them that way (they’ll end up in /usr/share/fonts where fontconfig will find them). That should also work for you @yo'.
@ArthurReutenauer, now it works. I'll do a writeup
@daleif @yo' That’s probably a discussion item for XeTeX configuration in TeX Live. I expected it to have been solved ages ago to be honest.
@daleif Thanks. Ping me when you’re done.
Should I write it on the site?
You just have to copy a config file from TL into /etc/fonts/conf.d/ with a special name and then run a command.
10:58 AM
@daleif Sure, that makes sense. You can ask a question and reply to yourself :-)
@ArthurReutenauer That is the easiest way. Make the fonts available to the system.
11:15 AM
Q: Using the TeX Live fonts in xelatex

daleifXeLaTeX will look in the font cache for fonts to use with fontspec. So even if a font is found in TL the font cache might not find it. On linux at least the TL fonts may not be be automatically included into the font cache.

Great, thanks @daleif
@daleif Is the X in “TeX Gyre PagellaX” intentional?
@daleif Thanks. I seem to have solved it by using filenames. The next step is to solve incompatibilities of unicode-math with zillions other things, and also, make euler work properly
@yo' note that the next version (that Will described in Darmstadt) should be less incompatible than the current one...
@DavidCarlisle yeah I know, that's a nice thing. I'll probably just stick to the limitations of pdfLaTeX.
@Johannes_B That’s not really the issue. As the developer, I want to know that users have a reasonable way to use the TeX Live-shipped fonts with the TeX Live-shipped XeTeX. Lars’ answer seems to make the best of the current situation, but that situation is not satisfying to me, by the way.
11:24 AM
@ArthurReutenauer, no fixed
@Johannes_B However it has already been discussed in the past - and I thought it was solved, but apparently not - and I really have no time for it right now.
@daleif Great, thanks.
btw, am I the only person looking forward to Euler being finished? (For instance, with proper large delimiters and \mathbb)
@yo' yes
@DavidCarlisle oh no!
Made an update of my TeXlive 2015 this morning and this error appears now: \um_set_mathsymbol:nNNn #1#2#3#4->\tl_case:Nnn
#3{\mathop {\um_set_big_opera
Any idea?
11:32 AM
@s__C Hi, you don't show any error message, just a macro definition...
let me fetch the log file
it's basically a problem with tex-gyre-pagella-math
@s__C yes sorry It's fixed but will can't push to ctan while he's flying half way round the world....
okay @DavidCarlisle strangely this also happen with XITS-Math, so it's lualatex based?
I mean the problem
@s__C not really font specific: deprecated commands got removed (with 2 years notice) from expl3 but unicode-math uses them:-) github.com/wspr/unicode-math/issues/303#issuecomment-125025062
OK. unicode math
well then that sucks
11:37 AM
@s__C It's just a name change so you can locally define \tl_case:Nnn and it'll work, but as I say Will will be getting back to Australia about now, and catching up with mail...
I'm almost only using unicode-math nowadays. but I can afford waiting for the fix.
12:07 PM
@DavidCarlisle We should certainly change it
@s__C \usepackage{expl3}\ExplSyntaxOn\cs_set_eq:NN \tl_case:Nnn \tl_case:NnF\ExplSyntaxOff (from memory)
@DavidCarlisle Didn't you say there was a version of luatexbase with some extra functions, one of which was more or less what we've added?
@JosephWright yes the one in github has the boolean test called...
@JosephWright ... luatexbase.is_active_callback
@JosephWright not sure I like that name though, we don't describe registering as "making a callback active"
But we could add that as an alias in the luatexbase emulation interface
@JosephWright more interesting it adds luatexbase.callback_descriptions = function (name) which returns a list of descriptions, this essentially allows you to discover other packages have registered callbacks. In particular you can then remove them effectively giving you the functionality of luatexbase's reset_callback as you can just loop through the list. Not sure if that's a good idea or not....
12:35 PM
@JosephWright seems correct to me.
yes that works. thanks @JosephWright
3 hours later…
3:42 PM
@JosephWright go with this: ?
Jul 17 at 13:30, by Joseph Wright
@DavidCarlisle Would in_callback be better than add_to_callback? I'm thinking if in_callback("foo", "bar") then ...
4:34 PM
@DavidCarlisle Didn't you suggest something: in_callback?
1 hour later…
5:41 PM
@JosephWright my suggestion was .callback_registered but you queried whether the terminology was right since seem to be using idiom of registering functions with a (fixed) callback rather than registering callback (functions) with something. .in_callback seems Ok to me.
6:20 PM
Long travel ended at 2554 km. All well, except heavy rain this morning in Austria. No wonder it is so green. ;-) Of course the sun in Italy was bright and shining.
@DavidCarlisle OK, let's go with that
@DavidCarlisle I'm going to try to deal with the galley thing and (u)ptex this evening
6:48 PM
@egreg nice! I'm glad you're safely at home!
7:08 PM
@JosephWright OK I'll do that rename now. Two other changes I'd like to make but perhaps should just make issues and leave for now, making remove_from_reset return the function removed, that way you could temporarily remove a callback, and put it back without necessarily having access to the original module that defined the function. and adding the function to return the list of descriptions registered with a callback.
@DavidCarlisle Good ideas
@DavidCarlisle I think I've worked out what is going wrong with l3galley and \parbox :-)
@JosephWright you forgot to put \let\parbox\@undefined into l3galley.sty ?
@JosephWright I could just do them then instead of issues?
@DavidCarlisle Sure
@DavidCarlisle Not quite
7:25 PM
@yo' And no missed road, even for the detour at Tábor. :) But I could guess all Austrian roads even seeing very little because of the rain. Driving in the rain is not my favorite business. ;-)
@egreg I can imagine :)
@yo' The road through Rožmberk and Višší Brod is very nice. Hundred of people rafting on the river.
@egreg s/Vi/Vy
and yeah, it's beautiful, but I suppose there were more people on canoes than on rafts...
@DavidCarlisle Galley fixed :-)
@DavidCarlisle Will you do ltluatex?
@JosephWright doing now..
7:36 PM
@DavidCarlisle OK, I'll leave alone then
@yo' Well, I managed to guess right four characters out of five. ;-)
@egreg indeed
that's a good score :)
8:36 PM
Hey, has anyone ever encountered the following error when using package fonttable:
Subrs array:
entry index out of range (5)
 ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
@DavidCarlisle Looks good, despite your headline for the checkin [is_callback :-)]
I can use the exact same commands and everything for another (very similar) font and it will work. If I use this exact font, it doesn't work. :-(
@1010011010 Example?
@egreg You mean MWE?
@1010011010 Yes. But I think the font is faulty.
8:39 PM


@JosephWright hm first time I didn't use commit -m so it fired up emacs so i could do a multiline commit log, did it take the first line only?
@1010011010 Impossible to reproduce.
@1010011010 What's inputenc doing? And, especially, why utf8x?
@JosephWright oh I see, :-)
@egreg hmmm, it's doing nothing. I guess a more minimal example is


But that still doesn't help much
@1010011010 No, without the font.
8:43 PM
@DavidCarlisle Multi-line is fine (encouraged, really)
@JosephWright yes I thought you meant it had taken the wrong line as headline but I now see you meant I had a typo (surprisingly enough) in that line
@DavidCarlisle I normally do multi-line messages so I think we'd know if there was a general issue :-)
@DavidCarlisle I also manage quite a high rate of typos in the 'headline' part :-)
9:05 PM
Any TikZ-wizards looking for a new project? A user on LaTeX-community is looking for people contributing for a library on symbols used in vacuum technology. Please see Vacuum symbols.
9:15 PM
@Johannes_B : Ask @DavidCarlisle ;-) He will provide hand-made drawings of vacuum technology symbols and make a font out of it ;-)
9:34 PM
user image
@ChristianHupfer @Johannes_B ^^^
@egreg Is the mailing address on profs.scienze.univr.it/~gregorio up to date?
@DavidCarlisle Somehow I expected this ;-)
@1010011010 Yes.
@egreg Check your inbox. I've used otftotfm -a -e 7t --vendor Typofonderie2 LeMondeLivrePro-Italic.otf fmljri7t in the command prompt to "install" the font.
For normal purposes, the font functions as intended; I just can't generate the font table..
@1010011010 I'll have a look in a couple of days.
9:48 PM
@egreg Thanks. No rush. :-)

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