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@egreg This: tex.stackexchange.com/q/238818/11232 is waiting for your answer.
\draw (0,0) -- (\cosTheta,0);
With \pgfmathsetmacro{\cosTheta}{cos(30)} the braces are not needed.
And I am waiting for your tikz yellow badge :-)
9 hours later…
@Werner little less than @egreg, and little less than the whole Czech Republic. (And much more than the number of people who ever used LaTeX)
@yo' that depends how you count. If you count each latex user as a new user if they blink, there are more than 10m of them.
@DavidCarlisle You missed the site:
@DavidCarlisle That's a whole lot of TeX users.
Though I'm not sure what blinking has to do with it.
@FaheemMitha in the new profile the "people reached" count is more or less "page views" so they equate looking at something with "a person"
@HarishKumar I need three, actually. But this is probably a duplicate.
@DavidCarlisle @Faheem the idea is that the less memorable your answer is, the more people need to visit it again and again and the better you are :D
@yo' probably explains egreg's high count
@DavidCarlisle indeed
btw, gotta love @egreg's rep graph :)
@yo' I think it's better to have a "green tick" graph:-)
@DavidCarlisle yeah, they should offer the graph of the error term from the linear regression :D
@yo' I suspect it's exponentional. You are just seeing the beginning of it. :)
I added a new issue to the site layout thread. :P
@PauloCereda sad duck :'(
Good MAEN all!
@PaulGessler Not really, but let's see if they buy it. :)
@PaulGessler and 'ello!
@PauloCereda how are you today?
@PauloCereda I added a new issue to the math is broken in xetex thread:(
@PaulGessler So far, so good. :) And you?
@DavidCarlisle Oh no! They are loving you.
@PauloCereda doing well. Caught the first bus into downtown today.
@PaulGessler Things will be great when you are downtown! :)
Great, now that song is stuck in my head!
@PauloCereda but still if Khaled has the choice between not breaking breqn and making file open happen before file close if you are writing in arabic, I guess he's going to choose the latter...
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@PauloCereda I know, right? :-) The lights are much brighter there.
@PaulGessler oooh :)
Oh no, now Winona Ryder comes to mind!
Oh no, now Angelina Jolie!
Well, that's a better picture actually. :)
@PauloCereda not Dusty Springfield?
@DavidCarlisle I'm used to Petula Clark's version. :)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I see. As I said already, it's a silly thing.
@PauloCereda better ask @egreg to adjudicate
@DavidCarlisle Pass. :)
@DavidCarlisle I'll write to BBC asking them to invite @egreg and you to Never mind the buzzcocks, since it's a musical quiz. :)
@PauloCereda :-)
@PauloCereda Intros round :-)
@JosephWright ooh :)
@JosephWright xetex thread rumbles on
@DavidCarlisle your fault. :)
@DavidCarlisle Yup
@DavidCarlisle I have some other XeTeX thoughts: will mail the team list
@JosephWright shame about breqn, not sure what I could search for to find other packages that are doing \unskip into math expression that has taken part in linebreaking...
@DavidCarlisle nath perhaps?
@DavidCarlisle Will be relatively rare
@JosephWright yes I did wonder about that, but hard to worry too much about breaking that:-)
@JosephWright hmm seems like it was first thing I thought of doing when I saw the xetex change, am I just weird?
This may be the biggest bug in history. We will roll a fix out post haste!Nick Craver ♦ 14 hours ago
@egreg bit distracted with work and xetex at present, can't think about fontenc, make an answer and if it looks more plausible than mine, I'll delete:-)
Good maen
@ChristianHupfer Hello
@JosephWright: Hello
@ChristianHupfer Hi
A long thread, 22 responses, inactive for weeks. New user comes along and asks below the last post (Got it!
Thank you very much for your commitment and prompt response!) the following: *Have you solve this problem?*
@StefanKottwitz @JosephWright Can i delete users? latex-community.org/forum/…
@Johannes_B: Delete me from LC ;-)
@ChristianHupfer No.
@ChristianHupfer People just looked at me a bit frightened, as i said to the screen of my Laptop: Ey, hast du ne Macke oder was? Blöde Drecksau! as there were about 12 spam posts within the last ten minutes.
@egreg I saw it as 199 though.
@Johannes_B: Du solltest mal an Deiner Außendarstellung arbeiten ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Außendarstellung? Nah.
@Johannes_B: Meine bessere Hälfte ist PR - Expertin. Sie kann Dich sicherlich beraten :-P
@ChristianHupfer Ooh, what does a day look like as a PR guy?
@Johannes_B: Guy?
@ChristianHupfer Guy, girl. Mensch.
@Johannes_B: Sinngemäße Aussage ihrerseits: "Unwichtiges/Schlechtes als große Leistung darstellen" ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Have you shown her my tfl-CV? Is that a good example? :-)
@Johannes_B: Not yet. Shall I do so?
@HarishKumar Hover on the number and you'll see that two are CW.
@ChristianHupfer Only if she likes liver, or Dixie Dancing ducks.
@Johannes_B: She hates liver. But @PauloCereda won't like her... her favourite meal in Chinese restaurant is duck
@ChristianHupfer I should try out Bibimbap. Mjam mjam, 맛있게 드세요
@Johannes_B: Liver of duck?
@ChristianHupfer No ;-) google.de/…
Bibliography question, I know there are loads out there but I couldn't seem to find one to fit this problem :/ tex.stackexchange.com/questions/238926/…
@ChristianHupfer Oh no!
Q: Guidelines for customizing biblatex styles

lockstepSuppose I've just made the switch to biblatex. I have chosen one of the built-in styles (numeric, alphabetic, authoryear, authortitle, verbose) or of the custom styles available at CTAN, and I've figured out how to sort/compress citations. The bibliography and the in-text-citations look approxima...

@Johannes_B: One for your favorite package :-P
Q: Center part title in TOC

fabianfuchsi would like to center the part title in the table of contents (TOC) of my thesis. Based on an answer of egreg, i was able to at least modify the space between part number and part title in the TOC. However, I cannot set this length individually for each \part (i try it in the MWE below, but as c...

@baxx Chances are high, that there is not one single question that deals with all of your requirements. You need to solve it piecewise. Right now, you rely on somebody having the time and is willing to invest some effort. But if everybody coming along with I need this little fix, and that other little fix we would soon be drowned in this kind of question.
@Johannes_B No I can imagine, and 'teach a man to fish...' certainly applies. I wasn't too sure where to start with the customisation to make it display what I need. I'll have a gander at the link, cheers
@baxx The thing is, there are multiple entry types, each one with a setting of its own. There are many many conditionals internally. It could a thing of five minutes to get a change, or it might take an hour. You never quite know when starting.
@Johannes_B really, is that in general or with the example that I gave? cheers
@baxx In general. Customizing the appearance of the bibliography is not difficult from a TeXnical point of view. It just takes time.
@Johannes_B cool, i think it's harder when one doesn't know the names of things to actually change. Makes the google process a lot more lengthy at least
@baxx Get the bibliography style that comes closest, copy in your folder and rename, tell the new name to biblatex and start dragging stuff around. A glance through the package documentation can help as well.
@DavidCarlisle I see Chris is his usual helpful self
@Johannes_B cheers, so copy the one thats already on my system into the project directory and edit it there
@baxx Yes, with a new name.
@Johannes_B where are they located ? I'm trying to look around /usr/share/tex* , cheers
@baxx kpsewhich alphabetic.bbx
@Johannes_B oh wow, tex has it's own which version, that's cool.
@JosephWright been working, let me see...
@Johannes_B can i use alphabetic.bbx instead of biblatex.cfg in the projects source directory?
@baxx I would need more information, but by now, you got an answer by one of our top biblatex experts.
@Johannes_B yeah I feel very spoilt by that, I'm still reading through the posts that you linked though as I would like to understand for future reference.
@baxx :-) Thank you, one likes to hear that. :-)
@Johannes_B apparently it saves time in the long run!
@baxx Yes.
About the new interface. What's going on with the displayed code?
I mean, to me it looks like there's much whitespace, like if the font was wider. But it sure isn't.
And the line spacing, I guess they restored the original value (Before the redesign). So that's not either.
@egreg Yes, I didn't see.
Anyone sees something weird? To me, the displayed code doesn't look the same (I think before it seemed more compact —but curiously, I think horizontally… WTF!?—). Am I just confused because ot the change, and my perception of the code is altered, or there is something different?
@Johannes_B this post you linked tex.stackexchange.com/questions/12806/… was too much for me to really 'get', is there anything that could be read prior to that?
in regards to customising a preexisting biber style I guess
@baxx biber is just sorting stuff, biblatex and the style files do the formatting.
@baxx I could give you some material in german, if applicable. But i am not aware of anything more simple than the answer here on TeX.SX.
@Johannes_B German might be a bit much for me, I only speak english
@baxx Bummer, German is a nice language. Almost as nice as duck. Ask @PauloCereda, he speaks both languages fluently.
@Johannes_B yeah I'll have to make do. I was just starting to get a workflow with using it as well so this is really annoying knowing I'll have to spend ~3 days reading things to do a bibliography :(
One of our team's servers is having a rough morning: vv
@Manuel I asked to increase the interline space in code displays: it was too tight.
@Johannes_B I deleted the spammer, thank you! I could raise spam barriers again if needed, I just relaxed them long time ago when we won against the spammers mostly with rare exceptions
out again, bit in a hurry :-)
@StefanKottwitz That was the first spammer that posted more that one post at a time, and i was just there to delete it. No need for actions right now :-)
@Johannes_B great!
@baxx Right now, there is some makebst alternative for biblatex missing. Nobody has the time to start developing. On the other hand, there are professional (La)TeX consultants you can pay to get a biblatex style. One of them Troubleshooting TeX.
@Johannes_B I think I'm missing your point there, I've never heard of makebst before. Paying for a custom Latex doc is so far out of my budget ha :P
@baxx makebst is a helper script, asking you for details and based on your input, generates a style for the old system. A lot of the style of bibliographies could be automated by asking simple questions.
@JosephWright sigh
Hello, people.
@FaheemMitha Hi
hey @Johannes_B.
@egreg Yeah, I read that. Still, something is different, or at least my brain thinks so. Do you think that it is now exactly like before the update?
@DavidCarlisle, @egreg Am I missing something or were Omega and Aleph written in WEB format?
Good evening, everybody!
hey @yo'.
A girl sent me an email in UTF-8. I think I love her. :)
@JosephWright never looked at the sources, I suppose we could....
@DavidCarlisle See my e-mails
@PauloCereda that's nice.
@JosephWright they are in UTF-8 too? :)
@PauloCereda Yes
@FaheemMitha :)
@JosephWright Bah. :)
@PauloCereda You've never heard of Omega or Aleph?
@JosephWright I heard of Omega, I think I read something in one of egreg's answers.
@PauloCereda Aleph's still in TL
% omdir.ch: Primitives to deal with multiple-direction text
% This file is part of the Omega projet, which
% is based on the web2c distribution of TeX.
% Copyright (c) 1994--2000 John Plaice and Yannis Haralambous
% This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
% modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
% License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
% version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
% This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
@JosephWright ^^
@PauloCereda when's the marriage planned?
@yo' Let's see if she uses vim first. :)
@DavidCarlisle Yes, looks like WEB to me
@FaheemMitha hello there
@yo' hey. What's happening?
@JosephWright yes
@DavidCarlisle John has plans beyond Omega: tug.org/TUGboat/tb34-3/tb108plaice.pdf
@FaheemMitha I'm grandmasitting.
@JosephWright move to meta and say we don't do no mathjax here? tex.stackexchange.com/questions/238966/…
@DavidCarlisle I'm not sure what it's about at the moment: will wait and see first!
@JosephWright I think so
@egreg Yes, my conclusion too but Chris Rowley seems to think otherwise
@yo' grandmasitting? sitting your grandma?
@JosephWright yes course that was always the problem with omega they always had plans and experimental code but it was never stable enough for anyone else to use
@DavidCarlisle Indeed
@DavidCarlisle I was meaning more 'Will John be interested in helping with the XeTeX business using code he feels could be tackled in a better way?'
@yo' this should be useful for your current activity:
A: How can I explain the meaning of LaTeX to my grandma?

David CarlisleIt does this but it uses a computer and so requires less manual labour. (image from Wikipedia)

@JosephWright I doubt it
@FaheemMitha well, yes :-) (she's able to take care of herself, but not to prepare meals, for instance, or make tea)
@DavidCarlisle Exactly
@DavidCarlisle So that leaves, erm, well me based on the last time we asked for a XeTeX change
@yo' Ah, Ok. What does she does when you are not grandmasitting?
@FaheemMitha she lives with my parents, but they're for a weekend in Vienna :)
@JosephWright just got your mails (seems we got the same tgz file:-)
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle Took a bit of finding
@yo' Oh, I see. Nice of you to help out.
@FaheemMitha natural, since I live just 500 meters away
@yo' I somehow had the impression you lived in some distant place away from home in another country.
@FaheemMitha depends: sometimes yes, sometimes no
user image
@Werner yay
@PauloCereda I'm going to wait a couple of days to see if I can screw up the display a little (seeing as the layout is new):
Wondering how much, if any, the green bubble will overlay if it has a number > 999.
If I write a little package that adds some custom commands for use in beamer, how do I require that the package be used with that class only?
@AndrewCashner well you could set it up as a beamer theme rather than a package, but if a package you can use \@ifclassloaded{beamer}{}{\PackageError{zzz}{not beamer go away}{}}
@DavidCarlisle Thanks
Fedora 22 Beta on Apr 21.
@Werner On the heels of @GonzaloMedina
I have a -hic- ter-hic-rible hic-HIC-cup
@yo' Some drops of lemon juice on the tongue can help.
@egreg or zillions of other things that take a minute or two :)
@yo' Booo!
@PauloCereda huh
They say if you get spooked, your hiccups go away. :)
@PauloCereda ah it's gone it seems, thanks, pal! :)
@yo' woooo
btw, I started writing down the thesis. It's dreadful.
@PauloCereda I think you should include the link to your new post on Meta Stack Exchange in this post, and we should probably add
@yo' err I'm lost, what should I do?
@egreg call that obfuscation? Amateur.
@DavidCarlisle I know you could do better.
@egreg as usual:-)
@PauloCereda I realized I can do it myself :)
@yo' Thanks. :)
@DavidCarlisle Those people know nothing about LaTeX, of course, so they'll simply scan the document for \newcommand, \renewcommand and \def.
@egreg yes but they are probably fed up of setting up a journal class then having authors \renewcommand\section... and blasting a hole right through their style..
DvoÅ™ák, and then Bach :)
@DavidCarlisle Is ^^5c^^64^^65^^66^^5c^^61^^72^^72^^61^^79^^73^^74^^72^^65^^74^^63^^68{0.9} better?
@egreg :-)
@yo' Cut off the former.
@egreg it's over :)
Now it's the French suite for cembalo G dur by JS Bach
    England 1st Innings
    399 all out (110.4 overs)
    West Indies 1st Innings
    295 all out (113.0 overs)

    England 2nd Innings
    333 for 7 declared (86.0 overs)
    West Indies 2nd Innings
    77 for 1 (26.3 overs)

    West Indies need another 361 runs to win
@DavidCarlisle Now this seems good.
@egreg yes not bad (although we've lost from better positions:-)
@egreg ooh windies are 95 for 2 now, better still for us:-)
@egreg Tom is listening to a keyboard layout! :P
Recommended? What's the bloody problem with StackExchange?!
@PauloCereda I found my badge list funny. They list: Rarest: ... Publicist x 16 :-)
@StefanKottwitz LOL
@PauloCereda they recommended that I ask a question
@DavidCarlisle Do it. :)
@PauloCereda no idea how to, I tried to ask egreg but he's no use.
@DavidCarlisle Am I ever?
@PauloCereda The profile is incredible, a great shot, for gaming badges who likes that
@egreg sometimes useful to clarify cricket rules.
@egreg @David will you guys finally meet in Darmstadt?
@PauloCereda Maybe we can find a cricket match to watch. :P
@PauloCereda I'm already making a checkmark: I'm in Stralsund for the DANTE meeting
@StefanKottwitz cool! :)
just returned from the diner
@egreg I will see how things go later on this year and will try to attend either the UK-TUG user meeting or the GuIT meeting. :)
Introduction to LaTeX from last year, itroducing \centerline. And a booktabs example including vertical lines.
I notice a little graph on my profile now. But I don't see it for anyone else. Is that normal?
@FaheemMitha Are you in the correct tab?
@FaheemMitha note you default to a different tab for your own profile than for other people
@PauloCereda Maybe not.
@DavidCarlisle Ok.
@FaheemMitha you want "activity" for the graph thing
@DavidCarlisle Ok. Looking now. Thanks.
@DavidCarlisle Ok, I see it. Thanks.
@Johannes_B Report the author to the Spanish Inquisition.
@Johannes_B shocking. No introductory article should mention booktabs.
@egreg He is probably expecting them.
How do people respond to users who want to email their tex files to you for correction?!
@egreg Surely the result suggests the author is already a member?
@cfr if it's a normal question I say no make a MWE, if it's a potential bug in one of my files, I tell them to google for my address
Also, does anybody use Kile? On one machine, it has forgotten everything - completions, scripts etc.
@cfr that's not emacs, so no
@DavidCarlisle It is neither. The user has a series of questions about formatting a thesis and is clearly using code which is not at all understood. So the questions keep coming and the user keeps trying to get the different bits of code from different people's answers to work together...
@DavidCarlisle Yes, at least there's that still to be said for it ;).
The daft thing is, I probably know less about KOMA Script than anybody. I've never used anything but the standard classes and one AMS variant. (Well, and beamer.)
@cfr: another beta version of KDE is in the wild, apparently it has a lot of improvements and features. :)
@cfr left a comment about that command pipeline, but have no idea what he's trying to do really
configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check I knew I should stick to fortran:(
@DavidCarlisle Yes, I'm not sure what the idea is, either. And the command line stuff is all muddled in with preamble stuff and a complete failure to separate content from format.
@PauloCereda Not sure I can take many more improvements. Completion used to work! If I show it the files, they work until it forgets them again. It can't find anything. Kile is becoming my mother, but whereas it is glasses and car keys in her case, it is completion files and settings in Kile's !
@cfr :(
If I'm loading \usepackage[framemethod=tikz]{mdframed} and \usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor}, is tikZ fully loaded, ruling out the need for the xcolor package? I'm using xcolor as I have a couple of defined names, such as \definecolor{americanrose}{rgb}{1.0, 0.01, 0.24}
You probably already know your colors - but a helpful site was posted over at /r/latex earlier, here : latexcolor.com

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