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07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

9:01 PM
@PauloCereda -- "Q&" still looks cramped vs. "&A". also, the "A" in "LaTeX" is too large; probably a 25-30% shrinkage would fix it. the serif on the "L" shouldn't bash into its crossbar (although the horizontal position is just right). i do miss the delightful brackets though.
@barbarabeeton I think I need help. :) Here's the source:







\color{davidcarlisleisawesome}\textbf{Q\&A} for users of \textbf{\hologo{TeX}}, \textbf{\hologo{LaTeX}}, \textbf{\hologo{ConTeXt}}, and related typesetting systems

@PauloCereda horrible colour
@DavidCarlisle :)
@GBeau -- "Dr.\@ Hancock" could get broken at line or page end. "Dr.~Hancock" will not break.
@PauloCereda -- there are some times when justification can not be justified.
9:20 PM
@PauloCereda Did you try to change the color name? Maybe TeX is upset by it.
@egreg worth a try. :)
@PauloCereda try \definecolor{@egregisjealousandwantstobeawesometoo}{HTML}{ac4242}
@PauloCereda -- try \textbf{Q\,\&A} or slightly less positive kern on the left + a tiny negative kern on the right of the &. (can't experiment; on laptop, no functional tex system.) don't know hologo, but it doesn't do right by \LaTeX (definition in the tugboat classes is much better).
@barbarabeeton ^^ the Q&A looks better. :)
@barbarabeeton The result of \LaTeX at \huge is much better than at \Huge
9:26 PM
@DavidCarlisle Yes I saw
@JosephWright assuming it doesn't get changed in time for tl2015, what to do about the test suite, check in all the xetex.tlg or take xetex out the default format check list...
@JosephWright or have a xetex-specific normalisation that removes the beginL endL node at start/end of any math list
@egreg with \huge :)
@PauloCereda -- i'd tighten up just a tad between "Q" and "&". maybe .05em (guessing). would "typesetting systems" fit on one line? if so, i'd re-align, and put "and related" on one line, and leave "context" alone on a line by itself. (too bad i'm not somewhere i could experiment.) don't suppose this leaves enough vertical space to restore the logo with braces ... (i really like those braces.)
@PauloCereda -- \LaTeX is better, but the "A" is too squashed horizontally. i think i don't like hologo.
9:43 PM
@barbarabeeton Wow, fantastic! The kerning did a great job!
@barbarabeeton I couldn't spot the difference. :( And blame Heiko. :)
@PauloCereda -- well, the tugboat editor is paid to know such trivia.
@barbarabeeton Well invested money, may I say! :)
@PauloCereda -- just kidding about the "paid", of course. all tug offices are volunteer.
@barbarabeeton I know. :)
@PauloCereda -- i guess "typesetting systems" doesn't fit on one line then. (really trying hard to retrieve those braces. too bad.)
9:49 PM
@barbarabeeton ^^ another tweak. :)
But maybe it's too wide for the ad. :(
@PauloCereda -- i might still nip in the gap between "&" and "A"; try -.2em.
@PauloCereda -- i think you're right. too bad indeed, because it makes better sense logically.
@barbarabeeton I could try with another font.
@PauloCereda -- true, but i think there's value in using cm, since it's so tightly related to tex.
@PauloCereda -- hmmm. -.2em was definitely too much. stupid -- i meant -.02em.
time to go off to dinner; the dinner bell will ring in 5 minutes, and it's a 5-minute walk to the lodge. 'bye for now.
10:05 PM
hello, please how to vanich the line in the and of the page ?
\documentclass[12pt,oneside]{book} \usepackage[a4paper,textwidth=16.5cm,textheight=23cm,bindingoffset=1cm]{geometry}
\hypersetup{colorlinks=true, linkcolor=blue, urlcolor=blue}
@barbarabeeton Have a nice dinner! :)
@yo' I think I get what you meant before.
2 questions per page. What a shock :)
07:00 - 21:0021:00 - 23:00

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