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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@JasperLoy: It was a joke
@ChristianHupfer OK, you never know in this chat! Which is why I added the disclaimer!
@JasperLoy: I once used an equation editor in this Macrocosts Word thingies ... I believe it was in 1997... for the first and for the last time ;-) Do I need to say more? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Ah, 1997! Things have improved GREATLY!
@JasperLoy: Yes, LaTeX has improved since too ;-) Tremendously...
@ChristianHupfer You use too many ;-), LOL.
@JasperLoy: It's my form of my light sabre here : ';-)' ... Deep breath...
Q: compilation error

Twana Hamidfor the following code: \documentclass[12pt]{report} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{setspace} \usepackage{graphicx} \include{\frontmatter/title} \include{\frontmatter/abstract} \include{\frontmatter/declaration} \include{\frontmatter/quotation} \include{\frontmatter/acknowledgements} ...

Typo problem? \frontmatter should read /frontmatter in this case, in my opinion?
@EnthusiasticStudent: Hello... I am not the downvoter, be assured!
@ChristianHupfer Indeed: very odd
@ChristianHupfer Hi. I know. Thank you for your support on comments. :-)
@EnthusiasticStudent: That's really weird: Downvotes should be handled with care and if someone believe he/she has to downvote it's enough time to write a comment about it (regardless, whether voting down is justified or not). Period!
@ChristianHupfer I thought Europeans say full stop and Americans say period, LOL
@JasperLoy: I am no native speaker, I only know period... I learned from an interview with Flea, the Bassist of the Red Hot Chili Peppers ;-)
@JasperLoy In this context I'd probably go with 'end of story'
@ChristianHupfer I also think that it is more professional and polite to let the OP know why the user is down voting a suggestion.
@JosephWright Is Brit an offensive term for British, or is it normal?
@JosephWright: British English then?
@JasperLoy Well I'm inside the UK so it's very rare to need to refer to people from the British Isles :-) Certainly doesn't feel offensive to me, but I wouldn't want to generalise
@EnthusiasticStudent: Yes, of course. We have some users which let you know that they downvoted, by a comment and (-1) statement ... that's ok
@EnthusiasticStudent I am not the downvoter, but when reading the question it was pretty apparent that the answer is simply: Because no one has made one yet. So maybe that is why it was downvoted.
@PaulGessler: That reason is too easy :-P
Q: Which image to use in community promotions ads of other Stack Exchange websites for TeX.SX?

Enthusiastic StudentI want to propose TeX.SX and promote it on the Academia.SX's Community Promotion Ads - 2015 but I do not find any image to put in the advertisement. Is there any image for such purpose which is specifically designed for TeX.SX? [![Tagline to show on mouseover][2]][3]

@ChristianHupfer Occam's razor. :)
@ChristianHupfer easy or not, it is the answer to the question asked. :-)
@PaulGessler The downvote is made to the former question:
:21045674 so much boldness in this chat today. :-)
oh no, the message was removed. :-p
@PaulGessler: To boldly go where no one has gone before :-P
@EnthusiasticStudent What @Paul has said may hold to this question as well; I'm not sure there is an official channel for exchanging publicity amongst SE sites. Besides, to some extent, it's the other side that decides if the ad is relevant, and not us. This community might tell the ads they like the most, but at the end of the day, things should be handled by the Academia community and them alone.
Not that I don't like the idea, I just think it's a little too aggressive. :)
@PauloCereda or maybe too enthusiastic in somebody's mind. @EnthusiasticStudent :-)
@PaulGessler LOL
@PauloCereda was that for me or @PaulMcCartney? :-)
@PauloCereda: Perhaps it's a little bit too aggressive... I think, it's sufficient to making opposing comment then ... no need for downvoting in this case ...
@PaulGessler or @PaulSimon. :)
@PauloCereda The thing which brought me to meta to ask this question, was that there are users who appear on both tex and academia. It was too odd to me, why these users has never proposed a community ad. Is there a policy not to post an advertisement on other sites?
@PauloCereda: @PaulAnka
@ChristianHupfer Yes, I'm against the downvoting thingy too. :)
@EnthusiasticStudent Don't remember one
@EnthusiasticStudent I have no idea. :) Besides, we are a little bit too TeXnical for one to just drop by in this community by accident. :)
I come here only to talk to the ducks.
@JasperLoy YES
@JasperLoy: Ducks? There are more than one duck here? Where? Where? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Joseph's avatar. :)
I think I will be a chicken for now.
@PauloCereda: That doesn't count ... Joseph does not claim himself to be a duck ... You on the contrary... do I need to say more? ... fill in yourself :-P
Quite odd: I was going to edit the question to include a link to our community ads and saw there should be an image placeholder. It doesn't appear here!
I gotta go, need to switch to the other system to print out some sheet music for tomorrow service and then I'm off to bed. Have a nice time, all!
@yo' Good night, Tom! <3
@yo': Have a nice time. Good night...
@PauloCereda: The other system... He doesn't mean It, does he? Say, that this is not true...., please
I have something like this in my mind:
@ChristianHupfer :)
@PauloCereda: Ah, nice, the ducks which jump out of the tree holes ... amazing, yes. Thanks
A piece of arts, which I professionally created by Paint!
@EnthusiasticStudent Dude, fix your en/em-dashes, for Peter's sake! :)
@PauloCereda Lack of horizontal space :-(
@EnthusiasticStudent You should see @DavidCarlisle's masterpieces. :)
@JosephWright: by the way, how the [horse | boat] race go?
@PauloCereda: Do we have a gallery already of @DavidCarlisle's finest art? ;-)
@ChristianHupfer Not yet, but I'm planning a blogpost called the memes of TeX.sx :)
@PauloCereda I wish I could see some of them...
@PauloCereda A horse won the first one, a team of nine people won the second one
@EnthusiasticStudent: I am sure, @PauloCereda has stored them all, or links to them ;-)
@JosephWright oooh no ducks were harmed I supposed. :)
@PauloCereda Not that I know of
A: How to insert multiple pictures in page

David CarlisleSo, I took a previous answer of mine and made it more serious by using captions rather than just minipage text. The I took your image saved it as molecule-orig.png and used imagemagic convert: convert molecule-orig.png -transparent white molecule.png So the background in molecule.png is trans...

:)) So nice!
@PauloCereda: Be sure to get the original drawings... they will bring a fortune if once auctioned at Sothebys ;-)
@PauloCereda: What about the drawing of the boat? Some months ago
Guys, do you see the image placeholder in the meta thingy? It's driving me crazy. :)
@ChristianHupfer :)
What's this event: "Answer the Unanswered"?
Almost time for another installment of @egreg's favorite
@EnthusiasticStudent maybe if you ask it during the event, you will get an answer
@PauloCereda I could/can see the placeholder image.
@PaulGessler Figure out that I even prefer “Top Gun” to this. ;-)
@EnthusiasticStudent: Old unanswered questions are attacked, taped and force to be answered
@PaulGessler LOL
@EnthusiasticStudent I couldn't. I took the liberty of editing your question just to point to a imgur reference, feel free to rollback.
@egreg already figured, don't worry. ;-)
@PaulGessler: ^^
@PauloCereda No reason to roll back... Thank you. You did the best.
@Jez: :D
@PauloCereda oooh!
@ChristianHupfer I wish I had enough TeX knowledge to answer at least one of the questions... :(
@EnthusiasticStudent If you have spare upvotes, you can help by upvoting answers these guys write during the session. :)
@EnthusiasticStudent: Depends on the questions, I would say
@PauloCereda: Utopy.... If you would have spare upvotes you should not consume them :-P
@EnthusiasticStudent Mainly a question of finding things that never got cleared up so can be closed
@ChristianHupfer what's a spare upvote? :)
@ChristianHupfer: wasn't the question I just edited the placeholder the one who got downvoted? I don't see the downvote anymore.
Welcome to the... nah it's not time yet. :P
@PauloCereda: Yes, it was... it was revoked
@ChristianHupfer so everything got sorted out in the end, I guess. :)
@PauloCereda: Yes... thanks. I will remove my comment there
@JosephWright May be I should stay aside to see how this event goes on.
@ChristianHupfer I just edited the question. :) Maybe the downvoter was waiting for an edit to happen. :)
That placeholder thingy was driving me crazy. :P
OK, we start with 5542 unanswered questions
@PauloCereda: Most likely it needed your strong sense and the power of the mighty Duck to repel any downvoter and let them repent their sins ;-)
@PauloCereda Ah! Downvote is disappeared! He was in the chat room! :)))
@ChristianHupfer LOL Darkwing Duck theme. :P
@PaulGessler: You take the first 5541 and I the other one? ;-)
@EnthusiasticStudent: Or still is...or never was
@EnthusiasticStudent Since the question was edited, votes could be reassigned. Maybe the downvote was a misclick or the voter decided to revoke his/her decision. :)
@PauloCereda Yes.
@ChristianHupfer you are the Physicist here. :P
@PauloCereda: Yes, the dark side is strong in me ... Being Darth Physicus ;-)
@ChristianHupfer ooh I couldn't resist reading your sentence while humming the imperial march.
@PauloCereda: I hoped you would do so :D
@ChristianHupfer I don't think I can handle them all! :-) Which one will you take?
Duplicate, see comments
Q: Part of specified graph is missing

AdelynI have the code to graph a rational function f(x)=(3x^{2}+5x)/(2x-3) with a vertical asymptote and a slant asymptote. The equation for the vertical asymptote is x=3/2. I decided to have two parts to the domain: one on the interval [-15, 1.4] and one on the interval [1.6, 22]. f(1.4)=-64.4 and f(1...

Welcome, gentlemen! We have some unanswered questions to handle. :)
@PaulGessler: I let you know
@PauloCereda CLOSING THE UNCLOSED! sound also nice in bold caps
@PauloCereda: some??? It's a f.... wildbunch of questions
@StefanKottwitz Sounds like a Stephen King book. :)
@ChristianHupfer :)
Off topic (see comments)
Q: Fontawesome does not print some characters

MirosI don't know exactly when, but some time ago the fontawesome package started to misbehave: some symbols are not printed on the pdf. No error is issued but there is no symbol in the pdf. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontawesome} \begin{document} text \faInfo \end{document} Here the previ...

@PauloCereda Stephen King used LaTeX for writing his books. He especially liked the tabbing environment (the one with the \kill command).
@StefanKottwitz LOL
@StefanKottwitz :))
CW answer of mine could use a single upvote if anyone has spares:
A: pgfplots + gnuplot: why does setting clip = false in axis options completely ruin graphs of implicit functions?

Paul GesslerCW from the comments: The default domain for x and y in gnuplot is -10:10. If you want to set clip=false, you should restrict the domain in the \addplot command: splot [0:1.5] [0:2*pi] x*cos(y)-1;.

@PaulGessler got one :-)
@PaulGessler Got one more. :)
Duplicate (best I could find was suggested, there may be a better one):
Q: Table reference does not show the word 'Table'

Zhaoxin WangI'm trying to refer to a table in my report, but the reference wouldn't include the word 'Table' as follows. Any ideas why? :) The LaTeX code is as follows: \documentclass[11pt,a4paper]{article} \begin{document} The figures is listed in \ref{table:1} \begin{table}[!ht] \centering \caption{This...

@JosephWright is it clear what happened to the zips?
@PaulGessler: Got plenty of them...;-)
@DavidCarlisle Not really: my feeling is some issue with the broadband here
@DavidCarlisle I will try something with our router in the morning
@PaulGessler Thanks, I cleaned up the comments and made a note in the answer.
@DavidCarlisle: Lotsa money today with the bets? :)
@David: Joseph told me some horse won the boat race. :)
@PauloCereda :-)
@PauloCereda Seabiscuit out at sea? :-)
@PauloCereda I was at my mum's and handed out most of the 6 tickets I had to the children, (My brother's family there as well) so I wouldn't have won anyway, but none of us won:( But Oxford won the boat race (and the Women's boat race)
Unclear: works for me
Q: Cannot produce greek with utf8 and babel

QubitI am creating a document in greek, using babel and utf8 encoding. I am using MiKTeX 2.9 and TeXMakeR. When trying to produce a document I get the error Package inputenc Error: Unicode char \u8:Γ not set up for use with LaTeX My code is \documentclass[11pt]{book} \usepackage[english,greek]{ba...

@PaulGessler ooh where are my Black Forest biscuits, speaking of which? :) @ChristianHupfer
@DavidCarlisle ooh
@DavidCarlisle Indeed: oddly enough I support the other place
@PauloCereda: No biscuits for you..... you vote consumer...
@ChristianHupfer <3
Hmmm... thoughts on this one? I think, there are technically an uncountable number of ways to draw that image: vvv
Q: Are there any other methods left to create a spiral of equidistant segments?

kiss my armpitI want to create a spiral that is composed of equidistant segments as shown in the following figure. I tried to draw it with various methods. The colors are used to distinguish each method from the others. The methods I used are: \translate(!CP \tx@UserCoor) with \multido and \lineto It is m...

@PaulGessler Unclear: I've pulled the trigger
@JosephWright It's an historical quarrel? :)
@PauloCereda They can't even bring themselves to mention the name of the other town:-)
@DavidCarlisle Oh my! :)
@EnthusiasticStudent it seems there was a solution found (see last comment) but I can't see where that solution is/was.
@DavidCarlisle Usually referred to as 'Oxford, near Didcot': I guess by analogy 'Cambridge near Ely (or Newmarket?)'
Rivalry between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge is a phenomenon going back many centuries. During most of that time, the two were the only universities in England and Wales, making the rivalry more intense than it is now. The University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, sometimes collectively known as Oxbridge, are the two oldest universities in the United Kingdom. Both were founded more than 800 years ago, and between them they have produced a large number of Britain's most prominent scientists, writers and politicians, as well as noted figures in many other fields. Competition...
@DavidCarlisle Of course, there was a university in the middle ages in Northampton, but it got closed down for heresy :-(
@DavidCarlisle: Oh King's chapel ... Cambridge is so nice ... Oxford certainly too, but I have not been in Oxford so far
@StefanKottwitz: What about Stephen King's stabbing environment? ;-)
Unclear: no pointer to the class
Q: iitmdiss is report class. It executes. But getting more than one blank but numbered page before Chapter1, before Appendix D. Which is unwanted

Sharad\documentclass[PhD]{iitmdiss}% basically documentclass is report \usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} \usepackage{array} \usepackage{bookmark} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{makeidx} \usepackage{epsfig} \usepackage{xkeyval} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{multicol} \usepackage[int...

@ChristianHupfer No one has survived a compilation to see the rest of the story. :)
Unclear: vv
Q: Font zgmr-digits at 600 not found

JimI'm trying to write a document using GaramondX and I keep getting the error `Font zgmr-digits at 600 not found'. I have tried reinstalling Garamond x, running upmap-sys in terminal and reconfiguring lyx. I am running Mac OSX and Lyx v 2.1.0 Coco.

6 vtc left
@ChristianHupfer Set 'em up and I'll knock 'em down: no issue with close votes here
@JosephWright: Lend me your mod hammer I'll do that for you ;-)
We are actually closing the unanswered, I suppose :)
@ChristianHupfer Depends: if you find something that can be answered, do it
Q: Modifying mini-toc content

CachimoI am writing my Masters Thesis and I am using minitoc package to print contents per chapter. However I want to desativate de mini TOC BORDER. How can I do it? Regards

unclear, no reaction from OP
I have to leave my desk. Good day...
VtC as too broad: no hero has taken on the challenge of this do-it-for me question. — Paul Gessler 18 secs ago
@EnthusiasticStudent 'Bye
@EnthusiasticStudent: Bye. Good night/good day
@JosephWright @ChristianHupfer Bye. :-)
Q: How can I suppress table of contents that is appearing before every slide in beamer?

srikanthHow can I suppress table of contents that is appearing before every slide in beamer? I don't want to get the contents slide, but still I want the second slide highlighting current section in between the sections. \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{JuanLesPins} \AtBeginSubsection[] { \begin{fr...

Q: Customization of List of Tables and List of Figures title

Joseph SkeltonI'm working on my thesis, and need a list of figures and list of tables. However, in the book document class I'm using the default format is not a format I can use. I did find a fix for the Table of Contents, however when I try to implement it with the others it crashes when I have a new section....

Q: using hyperref, change chapter to section in ToC

ChrisI would like to change the level in the PDF bookmarks using hyperref of some entries in the appedix. In my appendix I have several chapters, the first one being "appendix" and then some more... In the document they should stay chapters, in the ToC, they are omited (except the chapter "appendix")...

Q: Font Error when using pslatex and gnuplot

megavoreI have a very persistent problem. I am creating a figure using gnuplot with pslatex terminal. Then I use Latex to create the .dvi (using the figure), then dvips to create the .ps and finally ps2pdf to create the .pdf. On the last step, I get the following error: GPL Ghostscript 9.05: Error: Font...

@JosephWright Already done! VVVVVVVV
@egreg Sounds like an answer to me — Joseph Wright ♦ 57 secs ago
@egreg :-)
Q: Set up tengwarscript

黄雨伞Could anyone give me a brief explanation of how to install the tengwarscript package? I understand it needs special fonts installed separately, but I don't know where to put them and how... I'm using MikTeX on Windows (yes, blame me). Thanks in advance!

Unclear/too broad (I have no clue what the {smurf,duck} is going on here):
Q: Tikz help with chart. Trying to get a UML chart?

Mario MartinezCan someone help me? I am trying to apply the following diagram in latex, and have tried to work with existing examples. The bubble map is one I created in Bubl.us. The problem is that I'm trying to fit it on one page, and I'm having problems with it. I'd like to clean it up using UML chart inste...

Unclear/no MWE
Q: Removing headers on pages between chapters while using \include to input chapters

user3204256I am writing a document using the report class with the options twoside and openright. I want to remove headers and footers from blank pages between chapters. I tried the emptypage package as well as re-defining the \cleardoublepage command as suggested here:How to remove headers and footers fo...

Too broad:
Q: convert TikZ to XAML

Rico-EHow can I convert that drawing to XAML? \documentclass[12pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} % ö,ä,ü möglich im Text \usepackage{float} % damit Bilder fließen können \usepackage{tikz} % Front-End für pgf. (Mit tikz kann man so geile Vektorgrafiken machen) \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usepacka...

@PaulGessler Yup
Somehow unclear, but I answered it a few weeks ago. Perhaps it be closed though
Q: Changing counters across and within sections

JopieI am making a document with glosses (using package gb4e) and sections. The glosses correspond to certain numbers within certain chapters, but these chapters do not correspond to the sections I'm using; those depend on a certain date. See the MWE. How can I reset the glosses counter at places of...

Unclear/a-must-be - dupe of some other question...
Q: How to start new numbering?

Soumya Sambeet MohapatraI use \begin{align} ... \end{align} to number certain set of equations. Now when I use those commands again, the numbering continues from where it was left. For example I had ended the previous set of equations with the number 3, the new set continues from 4, 5 and so on. How do I mak...

Does anybody here use Kile?
Q: Kile "file not found" when trying to enable auto-completion (but files are there and Kile can even use them!)

cfrSomething has gotten screwed up with my configuration or installation of Kile. Completion used to work just fine, but no longer does. The completion files exist: $ ls /usr/share/apps/kile/complete/tex/ ac...

Q: Numbering poems in verse / memoir

DoldrumsI used this template: http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=59631 for typesetting for a poet friend of mine. It uses memoir and for poems the verse environment. It gives a very good output; but my friend wants the poems to be numbered. Nothing I try regarding neither the verse clas...

Didn't mean to ask that in the middle of an answer-the-unanswered... ;).
@cfr: Shall we close it? ;-)
Q: TikZ externalize causing problems with template

EwajsI have a large document (I'm using pdflatex with Eclispe and TeXlipse) with many (many) TikZ graphics (math function plots, most of them). In order to reduce (drastically I hope) compilation time I read about using externalize, in order to save the plots and not to recalculate them every time. Th...

@ChristianHupfer What's unclear? Please give the OP a chance to improve it!
Off topic (see comments)
Q: "<" symbol gets wrongly typed as \langle

Rodrigo VargasFor a reason that I cannot figure out, in an equation I am getting < typed as a \langle. Can someone give me a hint as to what is happening and how can I solve it? The document is rather minimal, I am only using the packages babel and inputenc.

@cfr: Unclear if there is a solution already...the OP has not been here for almost a year
@ChristianHupfer Oh, I thought you meant mine.
This is off topic: style, not TeX
Q: Referring to a complete subequation environment. Is there a recommended style?

user2653422I have a subequations environment which is labelled and inside it I have an alignat environment which has a label for each line. Would you say it is ok to refer to the complete model as I do it in the MWE, because the concrete label (0.1) cannot be found directly as equation number? Or is there ...

@cfr: Your posts are never unclear ... ;-)
Eventually off-topic
Q: Redefine \question command in exam class to wrap in an environment

user56222I'd like to redefine the question command from the exam class to wrap each question in a new environment. That's the general description. What I'm trying to do is take a document that is written as an exam and reformat it to import into a flashcard program called Anki. The import tool looks for a...

Q: Chapter & Part Headings

LatexQuestI have a standard chapter heading style which puts chapter heading right aligned. I also have pages which separate the parts of the thesis. They're empty pages with just a heading and their heading is supposed to be left aligned. I'm using the code below to define the parts. However, not only the...

Unclear, no further reaction from OP
Q: Marginalia not appearing

ShayIf you look Here you will see a wonderful answer to a question I asked about how to insert Automated Marginal Documentation of Page Changes. I've been looking over the document where I used this and it periodically does not print the marginalia, and seems to do so with no error messages. The coun...

Unclear: the warning appears for a reason, but the OP “doesn't like” the result. /confused
Q: Suppress fancyhdr warnings

DimplIs there an easy way to disable warnings from fancyhdr that my header isn't wide enough? I'm happy with how it looks, and it doesn't intersect text, etc.

Unclear: The OP posted MWE as 'answer' twice, unregistered, not online for three months
Q: How to typeset numbering of problems as in "Algebraic Geometry and Arithmetic Curves"

selflearnerI would like to typeset solutions to a book in algebraic geometry. Namely, the author numbers the chapters like in 1 Some topics in commutative algebra 1.1 Tensor products 1.1.1 Tensor product of modules 1.1.2 Right exactness of tensor products 1.1.3 Tensor product of algebras and then there a...

Speaking of answering the unanswered, the second to last question I asked was not answered, though I think it is perfectly answerable.
Q: Embedding version control information returns error when file is not under version control

Faheem MithaIn the following MWE, I am embedding version control information. For background on this, see Embedding Mercurial version control information in a TeX document. If the file in question is not under version control, then I get the following error. Foldmarks: no Head of first page (/usr/share/tex...

Of course, it helps if you use mercurial.
Wonderful. I come along, and everyone else goes to sleep.
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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