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@DavidCarlisle Horrible... I think you should stop this nonsense and let other people answer question. (wink wink)
@DavidCarlisle You are in my black list. :)
@Werner maybe I'll only answer in Portuguese from now on.
@PauloCereda Go \color[rgb]{0,0,0} list!
@DavidCarlisle :D
@PauloCereda I assume your black list is just the one you won't upvote. What would be the colour of your list for people you want to downvote?
...indescribably black, like \color[rgb]{0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,...}.
@Werner green, naturally
@DavidCarlisle Jealous, much? :)
@Werner Au contraire. :) The black list contains people to upvote. :) My bots don't downvote. :)
@PauloCereda Duck bot(s)? Plural?
@Werner I have 13 bots. :)
@PauloCereda: By the way, I missed your all-important 31-star interview...
...or is it still ongoing? :)
@Werner Still open. :)
@PauloCereda A baker's dozen of duck voting bots. That's... hmmm... that's that.
@PauloCereda: You should write up an answer to Hyphen sporadically appearing in enumerated list...
@Werner I actually don't know exactly why it fails. I understand the "direct" en dash input might be unknown, but it doesn't buy, does it?
@PauloCereda It's similar to typing é...
See you later, all! :P
Have a nice night!
...it may relate to looking up in some font table... and without knowledge that an "alternate lookup technique" is required, it doesn't find the appropriate representation.
Maybe @egreg can elaborate...
Also, sometimes it's (sufficiently) useful for the OP to know how to fix things... not really understand how the inner-workings actually work. Sometimes.
@Werner That would be great. :) I just don't want to write "use -- instead" or "load T1/utf8...".
@PauloCereda well it fails because it's wrong (the log file will say missing character..) if you use an 8bit character with a 7bit font you get missing characters
@DavidCarlisle Oh my! Please add an answer. :)
@PauloCereda sure?
@DavidCarlisle Yep, you explan why it fails. :)
@DavidCarlisle Nooooo! Portuguese, remember..‌​.?
@PauloCereda: Sorry, that last comment sounded corny... but it was appropriate.
...the thing about badges.
@Werner :)
@PauloCereda clear enough?
@DavidCarlisle It is perfect, thank you!
@ChristianHupfer bom maen
@DavidCarlisle LOL
I see what you did there.
@DavidCarlisle: bom?
@DavidCarlisle: actually, you need to say bom/boa dtn.
@PauloCereda: bom = bueno = good = bon = choroscho = gut?
@ChristianHupfer (It's speak Portuguese day today, not sure why)
@ChristianHupfer choroscho?!
@ChristianHupfer: by the way, did you like my new duck?
@PauloCereda not according to my sources (although they may have been confused by maen)
@PauloCereda: Russian
@PauloCereda: A duck? A thought it's the result of a parrot and pidgeon mating :D
@DavidCarlisle tarde and noite are female nouns (afternoon and night), so you have to go with boa, but dia is a male noun (day), then you go with bom. :)
@PauloCereda: You try to explain male/female nouns to somebody whose native language is English :D :D
@ChristianHupfer Amen to that. :) And you guys also have neutral, right? It almost drove me crazy when learning German. :)
@PauloCereda I decided a long time ago doing French at school that I'd take a stance against giving inanimate objects gender.
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@PauloCereda: Yes, the neutral nouns... all stolen from the Romans :D Well no, the original Germanic language had it already, they rather used words from Latin than grammar structures
@PauloCereda: For example ... the animal -- in German it's a noun with neutral gender... and sometimes I believe people treat animals like that, like a thing ... das Tier :-(
@PauloCereda sounds like a bug
@PauloCereda: The Russian language also has neutral gender nouns
@Johannes_B Not at all! I just noticed you didn't use the [tag:...] structures (which I only recently found out about, myself)
@SeanAllred oopsie. :)
@ChristianHupfer Wait for Tom to tell us that Czech has eleven types of neutral nouns. :)
@SeanAllred see the semaphore a few comments down from @PauloCereda's comment
@PauloCereda I should have time this weekend to finish up the Emacs section for the arara manual
@SeanAllred Thank you very much! :) I have to talk about v4.0 on the UK-TUG speaker meeting, so maybe next week I can focus on the manual. :)
@DavidCarlisle Aaaaahahahahahah XD
@PauloCereda: No,but Czech has 7 cases (if that's the correct term for it)... German has only four, LaTiN (:DDD) has/had 6, as well as the Russian, and Finnish 17 (unless it's an urban legend)
@ChristianHupfer Oh my!
By the way... are there some Finnish guys/women here?
I'm fun-ish
oh wait, that's not what you said :)
I can't remember which language has several demonstrative pronouns. They have specific words for something that's there and behind and object, there and above something, etc.
@Sean: In German we would call your joke a "Brüller" :D
@SeanAllred ooh I see what you did. :)
Speaking of crazy things, I read something wacky on Slashdot yesterday. It was about a schizofrenic programmer who wrote an OS to talk with God: templeos.org
@Sean: by the way, did you like my new duck? It's disguised. :P
@PauloCereda: According to Wikipedia, Finnish has only 15 cases... pew, that was on the edge :D
@ChristianHupfer LOL
@PauloCereda So well disguised – I didn't even notice it had changed!
Very festive :)
@SeanAllred ooh!
@SeanAllred More to come. :)
@PauloCereda yay!
:D Hey guys, how do I center one section on one page.
Like, imagine I have a small section but I that's the only thing I want on that page.
@Nick \vspace*{\fill} before and after is bad annswer, use a class with centred sections is a good answer
@SeanAllred Very nutzo. :)
@Nick I think it really depends on what you're actually trying to accomplish
Why do you want a centered section like that?
@SeanAllred Neatness. Everything in my document looks so concatenated.
@Nick how many books do you see with vertically centred paragraphs (other than title pages?)
@Nick Then you might need to break up your text with some other content :)
@DavidCarlisle I'm not writing a book, I'm writing a project. It was my professor's clear instruction that each section must be no more and no less than a page. Some sections are less than a page must be contained on an a4 sheet.
@Nick In my experience: when I try to make things look 'nicer' to work within an instructor's requirements, not only do I break just about every rule in the book, but I also annoy my professor.
@SeanAllred ah, to leave the dream must be bliss.
@Nick ? I don't want to leave the dream :( I may be in industry, but that doesn't mean I can't use TeX! crawls into bed, sobbing
@SeanAllred I mean *live. Sorry, autocorrect.
Good content is much more important than good presentation. Without good presentation, it is difficult to understand the good content. Without good content, well… why bother?
Okay, how about seperating the acknowledgement page from the index
@Nick Just a hint: add a backslash after the dot in your professor's name. Dr.\ John Doe. :)
@Nick You should focus on the other issues, first :)
@Nick well as I said initially \vspace*{\fill} will do what you ask.
@PauloCereda that acknowledgement is a placemark. i haven't wrote it yet. Thanks for the advice.
@Nick The advice stands.
@SeanAllred like?
@Nick TeX will interpret the dot as a full stop and you'll get an annoying space. Hence the backslash. :)
Rev Fr. James Illtharayil
@Nick This should be Rev Fr.~James Illtharayil (or perhaps even Rev.~Fr.~James Illtharayil)
... ... ... ...
Note that you have an end-of-sentence space instead of an interword space
Personally though, I like other spacing choices
@Nick: Sean gave a better option instead of a backslash. :)
Rev Fr.\,James Illtharayil
Is Rev supposed to have a dot after it?
This will give a 'thin space' for when a full sentence space seems like too much (as it could be since you seem to have provided 12pt)
@Nick I'm not too sure, but I believe it does. It is an abbreviation for Reverend, correct?
@SeanAllred What's the difference between \,and \\
Between a\,b and a\ b?
@SeanAllred yes...
@SeanAllred yes
About .25em ;)
(I think – I really just pulled that out of thin air)
@SeanAllred Ah, no wonder. It's in em. No wonder I couldn't feel much of a difference.
@Nick \, and \ first in a thin space second is (always) an inter-word space) and ` ` is a space whose size depends on the previous character (mostly)
@DavidCarlisle oh. that explains certain inconsistent behavior.
@Nick \, is a lot smaller than \ did you use \, with a space after that gives you an over-wde) space
@Nick latex is very consistent. latex users sadly less so.
@DavidCarlisle Maybe I have linear dementia... who knows.
@Nick vvv
\test{\ }
@SeanAllred Without the box, 1m away from the screen... I see both gaps to be the same... I need to get my eyes tested.
@Nick Yes… yes you do… :)
@Nick at default settings one is exactly twice the width of the other.
Also, concerning your screenshot, how did \baselineskip change in the last paragraph, there?
@SeanAllred dafuq, will the optician give me cylinders to put on my eyes? lol
@SeanAllred \vfill (don't kill me)
@JosephWright: Your turn
Q: How do I write an Expl3 equivalent?

A.EllettI have a command that I can easily write using a mixture of resources from xparse, etoolbox, and pgffor. \documentclass{article} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{etoolbox} \usepackage{xparse} \usepackage{pgffor} \makeatletter \def\ae@tmp@frontmatter{} \def\ae@list{} \NewDocumentCommand\qchoice...

@ChristianHupfer Yes, I'm on it
@JosephWright: :D :D Thought you were absent...
@Nick I don't think \vfill would do that…
There's a difference between a 'skip' and a 'glue'
@Nick vfill? but how did you scrunch up the baseline so it is on a different baseline to the first two paragraphs, not with vfill surely?
Unless I'm mistaken, \vfill won't try to compress \baselineskip
@SeanAllred You're talking about the space between the last para and the contents heading, right? Yeah, that's \vfill
No, I'm talking about the space in between the lines of the last paragraph of the acknowledgements
@Nick NO the space between the lines of that para
@SeanAllred Only, I never used \baselineskip ...
look closely:
@Nick but latex makes it hard to mess up the spacing like that, you must be doing something wrong. (my guess would be a badly positioned font change.
You could also alter the value with \linespread or a package like setspace
@DavidCarlisle I did \\[0.3cm] here. didn't use the thing you said to use. (Will do it later)
@Nick on some lines but not others? ugggg
@DavidCarlisle no. on all the lines... apparently something wrong in my wrongness.
@Nick even at the thumbnail size of Sean's image above the inconsistent spacing in the top half of the page screams NO!!!!
You tell me. What went wronger than wrong.
@Nick I told you above without even seeing the source:-)
@DavidCarlisle but it's 0.3cm in between both paras... you said I must have set inconsistent spaces.
@Nick you have used \large which increases the font and the lineskip, but then put } before the end of the paragraph at which point settings revert so the last paragraph is set with large font on normal baseline
@Nick It's not the space between the para it's the space between the lines
@DavidCarlisle oh... OH!.... OOOHH!!
@Nick had you really not noticed?
@DavidCarlisle Oh!, I just noticed that now. That's nasty.
@DavidCarlisle I'll go to the optician today...
@Nick: \usepackage{glasses} :-P
@Nick but you should of course also delete all those \quad and \\[.3cm] the \Huge in the abstract has the same problem
@DavidCarlisle I have two hours till submission. This is now a race :D
@Nick Do not, do not, do not, do not, do not, do not, do not, do not, do not do TeX fiddling on a deadline :)
A: What are the most common mistakes that beginners of (La)TeX and Friends make?

David CarlisleThe most common mistake is spending too long on TeX coding and not getting the document written.

@SeanAllred A brilliant answer.
@DavidCarlisle Truly brilliant. Inspired. That man was a genius.
@SeanAllred Sin Noted.
Though, this one is almost as bad
I was expecting "Not using emacs for coding". :)Paulo Cereda Oct 21 '13 at 11:41
@SeanAllred everyone uses emacs.
What can reserve a page like \begin{titlepage} ... \end{titlepage}
@DavidCarlisle It's vital to think fourth-dimensionally.
@SeanAllred indeed, I'm chucking everything and going to go with homegrown recipe fixes.
@DavidCarlisle IIUC, he stil wants to put content by itself on one page
@Nick \clearpage this? \clearpage ?
@SeanAllred it was the only instruction ... they never even said anything about what to put in the doc. lol :D
Can you screenshot a problem spread?
@DavidCarlisle That's perfect :D Thanks for telling me :D
(a spread being typo-speak for two, side-by-side pages)
@SeanAllred Davids solution works :D
Well yes, but it's a solution to a problem you shouldn't be having.
@SeanAllred I refer you to the answer posted above;-)
@SeanAllred: My nets to slow for anymore screenshot uploads. Here's a gist of the code instead.
@Nick we dare not look at that, too many horrors in the trailer to watch the full thing;-)
@DavidCarlisle hahahahahahhahahahaaa
@DavidCarlisle It's worse than we suspected, doctor.
@SeanAllred Modern medicine will not be able to cure the patient. lol
@Nick No, but the ancient regimen of reading and study should contain the symptoms
Turn your paper in asap and I'll go through your doc with you, if you're interested
@SeanAllred ofcourse, I'm going to go submit this bulled format now but I'll resubmit after I correct it llater this week.
Oh, this is a draft?
@SeanAllred are you crazy to think I'd write an actual paper in LaTeX!!? I started actually learning less than a few days a ago ... and that too not properly.
@Nick I'd venture to say a good portion of us are mad enough :)
@SeanAllred So to cure you they must kill you. The sword of Damocles hangs above your head (Am I too old to reference a Lou Reed song?)
@PauloCereda No, no you are not! :D
@SeanAllred <3
@PauloCereda in fact we have some evidence that you are able to reference such trhings
@Nick Once you understand the fundamentals, LaTeX makes for some gorgeous theses (even under typographically dubious requirements). I'm rather proud of mine :)
@SeanAllred In 4 years, when I have to write my thesis, I'll be sure to consider your thesis typesetting the benchmark to beat.
@Nick mine was done on an electric typewriter with brackets drawn in by hand....
@DavidCarlisle story time story time! (it's adorable)
@DavidCarlisle ... electric type writers had brackets... where were yours?
@SeanAllred well It's hard not to think of it when people get fixated on thesis typography
@Nick it had ( not \left(
@Nick That's one of the reasons TeX was written
Maths typesetting sucked
@DavidCarlisle O_O wow, typesetting math on an electric typewriter.... must have been hell.
It was a real pain to get it to look good after the advent of typewriters. When things were done by hand, it wasn't too bad (comparatively)
@DavidCarlisle: Tell the story why you are married :D :D
@SeanAllred Huoray to the guy that invented repeated exponentiation notation!
@ChristianHupfer :-)
@Nick I used the last remnants of my savings to pay the secretary in the math department to do the typing from my manuscript, so I was paying by the page (an incentive to not make the thesis too long) It would have taken me forever, she could drop in the "golfballs" with different symbol sets and just type without looking at the keyboard.
@DavidCarlisle .. and you married this woman?
@Nick no not that one, the one who drew in the brackets around my matrices:-)
@DavidCarlisle Do you type without looking at the keyboard?
@DavidCarlisle Sorry, I was rushing stories.
@Nick no:-)
@Nick (You didn't ask me, but) it starts to happen when you're at a keyboard for a long time. It also starts to happen quickly when you use the best editor ever. :-)
'Long time' for me is around six hours daily
I have some books on mathematics dating back to about 1900, designed as textbooks for pupils and it's amazing how the math typesetting is done even at this time, and even decades before...
@ChristianHupfer I am consistently amazed by the skill of our forefathers.
@ChristianHupfer Guttenberg ... the first mathematical typesetter printed 7 days and 7 night in the bible.
Easy expl3 rep :-)
@JosephWright ^^^
@Nick: No Guttenberg was a plagiator and former minister of defence in Germany... :D Gutenberg however... yes, he printed the bible
@ChristianHupfer I Gut it :D
@SeanAllred From the movie "UP"
@Nick Yessir
@SeanAllred Aren't you too old for that? Sorry, you're not that old. You're young but that's too bold.
I won't grow up :)
@SeanAllred No one grows up. They only learn how to behave in public.
@Nick Words to live by.
@Nick: Boys will reach only an age of seven, afterwards they just grow :D
@PauloCereda Sorry for not answering: I had a match to watch. :D
@egreg What a coincidence, I just bought a matching pair of watches.
@Nick Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.
@egreg: Champions League?
@ChristianHupfer Yes
@egreg um, that's either Groucho Marx or Monty Python.
@Nick Groucho.
@egreg I have yet to see tie flies upon my arrow .... wait, is this reffering to my mouse pointer on imgur?
Have a nice time, I am off...
@Nick :)
@egreg Great scott, it's 4AM! (on my end) ... time flies. shoooo!
@Nick Go to bed!
@egreg Can't. I gotta be out by 5AM. Long commute. It's time to brush my teeth.
@Nick No train for me tomorrow. :)
@egreg Oh, so walking like me?
@Nick Better: staying at home.
@egreg Ah ;) good plan.
@egreg Solid plan. Are you getting snow out there, yet? I was basically forced to drive home from work for fear of being stuck in it, today.
@egreg Yay!
@SeanAllred: Very nice documentation. :) I like the overall look (I suspect I saw menukeys in action?). :)
@PauloCereda You did indeed. (and thanks!) :)
@SeanAllred An I also enjoy the whole idea. :) The mathematical part looks quite similar to something I peeked in the beginning of this year (duration calculus and temporal logic). :)
@PauloCereda It's a project I truly need to finish
There are always projects going on :)
@DavidCarlisle I delay for one second and you step in!
@DavidCarlisle I had no idea we had all these bookhand Metafonts!
@SeanAllred No, we rarely have snow on our plain. And very rarely indeed in November.
@egreg Do you have any idea of the weather in Spain this time of year? Will be there next week but it's cold and snowy here in midwest US.
@egreg southern Spain
@AndrewCashner Whereabouts in the midwest are you?
@SeanAllred Chicago, soon Minnesota
@SeanAllred: story of my life. ^^ :(
@PauloCereda sobs
@SeanAllred :(
@AndrewCashner I was actually up those ways on the way to an interview in Madison. I saw snow on the ground when the plane landed – I thought to myself 'this is the beginning of the end'
@AndrewCashner I see 15 degrees (Celsius) in the coast. Which seems quite cold for the place.
@egreg which coast? edit: I feel dumb… reading comprehension
@egreg Oh that sounds really nice actually.
Yeah, 15 is nice.
@SeanAllred Southern Spain?
I want to go to Chicago one day.
@egreg Yeah, I remembered just as hit RET
because... well... BATMAN.
@PauloCereda Museums! Hot dogs with salad on them! A per capita murder rate higher than Mexico City! A pure-number murder rate higher than New York City!
@AndrewCashner Oh my! :(
@AndrewCashner @PauloCereda T_T
Yeah, it's really bad
I once learned the US state capitols because of an Animaniacs song. I'm quite proud because it made me know more about the US states than the average bear Brazilian. :)
@PauloCereda I remember that song! I'm actually from a smaller town in Indiana. Still view the big city with suspicion.
@AndrewCashner Tell me about it! I live in a city with 4k people and study in the state capital which holds just 20 million people. :P
@PauloCereda Ooh that's a lot of people in one city.
@AndrewCashner I'm very scared. :)
@AndrewCashner That song made me win lots of free soft drinks. :) Indianapolis is the capitol of Indiana! :) See! :)
@PauloCereda Very good!
@PauloCereda My brother lives in a village of about 2000 people; and his house is up the hill, not to be among the crowd. ;-)
@AndrewCashner :) I'd like to visit it too someday. :)
@egreg ooh! :) That must be awesome!
Is that place full of olives?
@PauloCereda @egreg Tomorrow will be in a town of 600. We talk about "one stop-light towns" where there is only one intersection, but this one doesn't even have that. It's just one road.
I think you mentioned a visit to him not a long time ago. :)
@AndrewCashner Wow.
@PauloCereda It's always quiet there.
@AndrewCashner Same here, there's no noise outside. :)
@PauloCereda It's a very well preserved medieval village
@egreg cool! :)
@SamWhited: We are talking about the US! And how I know state capitols because of an Animaniacs song! :)
@PauloCereda Yes, they have many olive trees and make their own oil.
@egreg Very impressive! It must be a delicious oil.
@SamWhited hold on hold on hold on.
@PauloCereda It is! The place is called Arquà Petrarca; the poet Francesco Petrarca lived there his last years and is buried there; his home is very well preserved.
@SamWhited I'm a Youtube-power pinetree-disguised duck. :)
@egreg How nice! Is it too far from you?
@PauloCereda About 20 km, in the Colli Euganei.
@egreg ooh I want to visit it when I visit you. :)
@AndrewCashner i wondered about deleting mine but left it as metafont had gone to the effort of making the fonts:-) also while yours is probably what he wants I wanted to say why what the Op did didn't work.
@egreg Amazing!
@DavidCarlisle Yes metafont made me feel like I was really accomplishing something. I'm glad you answered as you did, since the OP was just following what it says in the LaTeX font catalog.
@PauloCereda Our province is completely in plain, except for those hills.
@egreg Out of curiosity, have you ever heard of a dialect named Talian?
@PauloCereda clearly not real hills, someone just drew a green triangle in paint.
@DavidCarlisle ooh!
@egreg: Veneto Brasiliano. :P
@PauloCereda In some dialects of our part of Italy, italiano is talian
@egreg ooh! :)
@egreg: I was gonna tell you that the Veneto Brasiliano is now an official part of the Brazilian cultural heritage. :)
In Indiana we have a town called "Mount Comfort." The terrain there is completely flat all around as far as the eye can see.
@AndrewCashner oh my!
@egreg @PauloCereda I was at a restaurant in the southern US once and a waitress said there were three salad dressings, "Ranch, Franch, and Eye-talian".
@AndrewCashner ouch. :)
@PauloCereda In Chicago we have a couple of "Brazilian steakhouses". Is that even a thing?
@PauloCereda At one of them they have a sommelier who comes to the tables suspended on a system of wires from the ceiling. I'm not kidding.
@PauloCereda :)
@AndrewCashner I'm afraid to ask what they serve. :) For a Brazilian, it's quite common to have rice and beans and a steak during meals.
@AndrewCashner And of course the coffee Italian style was “expresso”.
But I've heard they don't serve Brazilian food. :)
@AndrewCashner Holy cow!
@egreg :) I think this was before people here started drinking anything other than drip coffee.
@AndrewCashner Basically picanha (the meat in the pointed stick). :)
@Andrew: I only know of fogodechao.com, which is insanely expensive in here. Come visit me and I will take you to great places with great food, not these fake Brazilian places. :)
@AndrewCashner Sounds great:) As long as there is steak I will be happy.
@PauloCereda Is there a particular ingredient or spice or combination that you would single out as most distinctively Brazilian?
@AndrewCashner Actually, no. :) Brazil is a country of continental proportions, so you can easily find thousands and thousands of spices all around. :)
You have different foods based on the place you are (region, state, etc).
@PauloCereda Good answer to a typically naive American question. The same is true here actually but we like to pretend we are homogenous. nytimes.com/interactive/2014/11/25/upshot/…
@Paolo I have no idea what most of the foods on that map are, including the one for Indiana.
@AndrewCashner Not a naive question, au contraire. :) The problem is the image Brazil sells outside. We are seen as lazy bastards outside. :) And our main products are soccer, carnaval and sex and drugs.
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