...it may relate to looking up in some font table... and without knowledge that an "alternate lookup technique" is required, it doesn't find the appropriate representation.
Maybe @egreg can elaborate...
Also, sometimes it's (sufficiently) useful for the OP to know how to fix things... not really understand how the inner-workings actually work. Sometimes.
@PauloCereda well it fails because it's wrong (the log file will say missing character..) if you use an 8bit character with a 7bit font you get missing characters
@DavidCarlisle tarde and noite are female nouns (afternoon and night), so you have to go with boa, but dia is a male noun (day), then you go with bom. :)
@PauloCereda: Yes, the neutral nouns... all stolen from the Romans :D Well no, the original Germanic language had it already, they rather used words from Latin than grammar structures
@PauloCereda: For example ... the animal -- in German it's a noun with neutral gender... and sometimes I believe people treat animals like that, like a thing ... das Tier :-(
@PauloCereda: No,but Czech has 7 cases (if that's the correct term for it)... German has only four, LaTiN (:DDD) has/had 6, as well as the Russian, and Finnish 17 (unless it's an urban legend)
I can't remember which language has several demonstrative pronouns. They have specific words for something that's there and behind and object, there and above something, etc.
Speaking of crazy things, I read something wacky on Slashdot yesterday. It was about a schizofrenic programmer who wrote an OS to talk with God: templeos.org
@Sean: by the way, did you like my new duck? It's disguised. :P
@DavidCarlisle I'm not writing a book, I'm writing a project. It was my professor's clear instruction that each section must be no more and no less than a page. Some sections are less than a page must be contained on an a4 sheet.
@Nick In my experience: when I try to make things look 'nicer' to work within an instructor's requirements, not only do I break just about every rule in the book, but I also annoy my professor.
Good content is much more important than good presentation. Without good presentation, it is difficult to understand the good content. Without good content, well… why bother?
I have a command that I can easily write using a mixture of resources from xparse, etoolbox, and pgffor.
@Nick you have used \large which increases the font and the lineskip, but then put } before the end of the paragraph at which point settings revert so the last paragraph is set with large font on normal baseline
@Nick It's not the space between the para it's the space between the lines
@SeanAllred are you crazy to think I'd write an actual paper in LaTeX!!? I started actually learning less than a few days a ago ... and that too not properly.
@Nick Once you understand the fundamentals, LaTeX makes for some gorgeous theses (even under typographically dubious requirements). I'm rather proud of mine :)
@Nick I used the last remnants of my savings to pay the secretary in the math department to do the typing from my manuscript, so I was paying by the page (an incentive to not make the thesis too long) It would have taken me forever, she could drop in the "golfballs" with different symbol sets and just type without looking at the keyboard.
@Nick (You didn't ask me, but) it starts to happen when you're at a keyboard for a long time. It also starts to happen quickly when you use the best editor ever. :-)
I have some books on mathematics dating back to about 1900, designed as textbooks for pupils and it's amazing how the math typesetting is done even at this time, and even decades before...
@SeanAllred An I also enjoy the whole idea. :) The mathematical part looks quite similar to something I peeked in the beginning of this year (duration calculus and temporal logic). :)
@AndrewCashner I was actually up those ways on the way to an interview in Madison. I saw snow on the ground when the plane landed – I thought to myself 'this is the beginning of the end'
@PauloCereda Museums! Hot dogs with salad on them! A per capita murder rate higher than Mexico City! A pure-number murder rate higher than New York City!
I once learned the US state capitols because of an Animaniacs song. I'm quite proud because it made me know more about the US states than the average bear Brazilian. :)
@PauloCereda @egreg Tomorrow will be in a town of 600. We talk about "one stop-light towns" where there is only one intersection, but this one doesn't even have that. It's just one road.
@PauloCereda It is! The place is called Arquà Petrarca; the poet Francesco Petrarca lived there his last years and is buried there; his home is very well preserved.
@AndrewCashner i wondered about deleting mine but left it as metafont had gone to the effort of making the fonts:-) also while yours is probably what he wants I wanted to say why what the Op did didn't work.
@DavidCarlisle Yes metafont made me feel like I was really accomplishing something. I'm glad you answered as you did, since the OP was just following what it says in the LaTeX font catalog.
@egreg @PauloCereda I was at a restaurant in the southern US once and a waitress said there were three salad dressings, "Ranch, Franch, and Eye-talian".
@AndrewCashner Basically picanha (the meat in the pointed stick). :)
@Andrew: I only know of fogodechao.com, which is insanely expensive in here. Come visit me and I will take you to great places with great food, not these fake Brazilian places. :)
@AndrewCashner Actually, no. :) Brazil is a country of continental proportions, so you can easily find thousands and thousands of spices all around. :)
You have different foods based on the place you are (region, state, etc).
@PauloCereda Good answer to a typically naive American question. The same is true here actually but we like to pretend we are homogenous. nytimes.com/interactive/2014/11/25/upshot/…
@Paolo I have no idea what most of the foods on that map are, including the one for Indiana.
@AndrewCashner Not a naive question, au contraire. :) The problem is the image Brazil sells outside. We are seen as lazy bastards outside. :) And our main products are soccer, carnaval and sex and drugs.