@DavidCarlisle oh, I see. I thought it was because I was compiling a maple generated latex file! I really do not understand fonts at all and how they work, all magic to me :)
@Nasser don't ignore the warning, use T1 encoding (you should do that anyway, the default OT1 encoding is weird) Your monospace blocks will get out of line if characters from the symbol font are substituted
@DavidCarlisle @egreg got it. I added \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} to the Maple latex file, and now the warning went away. Here is the new PDF file. Not sure if it looks any different than the above screen shot. But now no warning. Thanks
Maple latex file should really then be using this package? it is annoying have to edit it each time and add this package to it. But ok.
I am newbie in emacs + auctex and trying to get familiar with auto-complete mode in editing latex. Auto-complete is a fantastic attribute, but I don't understand the follow problem:
Auto-complete can help me when I use TAB
\usepackage[opt1, ...]{Package}
But if I regret and try ...
@HarishKumar I took the liberty of touching your \mydiv macro. There's no need to guess at the width, with \hidewidth you can flush or center an object. There's no need to use \cdot either, as a simple period works. Finally, it's \mathbin, not \mathrel. ;-)
@egreg Thank you very much. You are always free to touch and operate ;). I saw in the question that it is a relation symbol and got confused. I owe you another beer. :)
@Werner yes I saw that but don't use that particular flavour of completion . I think it's sort of marginally on topic as editor setup questions seem to be tolerated to a certain amount. OP would probably be better asking in an emacs forum though.
@PauloCereda I thought real linux users only ever used the console and "double clicking" was a windows thing (or have I been away from linux too long:-)
It was suggested in chat
That picture mode would be the ideal tool for the job here:
@PauloCereda I don't! never did, never will, I'm an old emacs hack like David, I was just nice to you :-) all I know about vi (not vim) is what you need when you boot up ultrix and nothing else as an editor is available (if you're lucky)
@PauloCereda remains to be seen, it has more flaws than TLC2 as ebook (which as you know I believe come out fairly well). So need to see if this can be corrected
@PauloCereda @egreg So after a failed attempt to have a dual-boot notebook, I contacted my dad's institute's IT service and they'll configure me that :)
@JosephWright are there really many places it would be useful? added it to 2e as a quick way to allow linebreaks after , in documentclass options but in any such use now better to use a keyval system that strips space there without destroying space in values
@N3buchadnezzar depends if the solutions are considered an appendix to the main work, or part of the main work (you see both)
@JosephWright what is useful is trimming space from either end, but just arbitrarily removing all space isn't so common (or at least so commonly useful:-) so it might be useful to extract a function that does that, separate from comma parsing
@PauloCereda I don't care, I'm going to spend likely a good amount of money the install by the company, so whatever they do, as long as it works correctly ;) (yes, and it is with warranty from them)
@PauloCereda I had one last year including a pile of code he wanted debugging, I sent back a curt "why send to me" message and he replied that it had my name (and pre-internet JANET email) at the top. oops:-)
I need to use the symbol \subsetneq rotated by 45 degrees. I can obtain the required symbol with
or equivalently with
but in both cases the quality loss on the symbol is very high.
Does anybody know of a b...
Consider the following question.
My calculation is as follows.
P_C = P_A + \rho g h\\
P_A = P_C - \rho g h
Because $P_C=P_0=\rho g h$ then $P_A=0$.
Is it correct that the zero atmospheric pressure occurs at A? It seems to me a bit illogical because according to o...
@PauloCereda not random: from time to time I get emails claiming bugs in my packages where actually they have a completely different LaTeX problem not related to my packages at all. It's not on purpose, though: they actually think they found a bug :)
I am trying to plot a graph using tikz, but I can't seem to be able to highlight the areas between the curves. The result should look something like this:
This is the code I have so far:
\draw[->] (0,-0.5) -- (0,4.5) node[anchor=east] {};
@PauloCereda on other forums I occasionally get private messages asking for help... I always tell them to ask publicly so others may benefit from answers, too
Some questions need authoritative answer (and we like them in SE). Some others ask for alternatives and cannot be definitively answered (and we have big-list tag for them).
There is a third kind of possible questions: tendency survey. These questions ask for a tendency or for the opinion of the ...
While running bibtex I'm getting the following error :
I couldn't open style file natbib.bst
I guess the problem is that bibtex can't find natbib.bst, how can I solve this problem ?
Just a really quick one, any ideas on how to make \sum_{j=1}^m \oint_{\partial U_k} f(z) look nice? I tried a few variants of `mathclap`, `\mathrlap`, `\limits` and parenthesis, but nothing looked particularly appealing. Perhaps I am just tired.