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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

does latex not support exporting to picture formats like png or jpg? so i would need to export a latex table to pdf first and then via pdf program to jpg, correct?
@Wandang You can only make DVI and PDF files directly: everything else requires conversion
@JosephWright alright, thanks. wanted to make sure i did not miss something
i need to use a screencap then :D i cannot compile the site that has the table in it alone
After 2 hours I'm still in the train. :( An accident (probable suicide) blocked circulation of trains; now we're moving on another line. :(
@egreg Oh my, sorry to hear. :(
@PauloCereda And very sorry for the poor person involved. :( And for hundreds of people on three trains that didn't know anything about the plans of the railway managers.
Let me vote some questions and answers; and downvote David's.
@egreg Indeed, may this person rest in peace. :( Hopefully everybody will be home soon.
@egreg and fix your "it's" (I wasn't going to mention:-)
@egreg downvote @David's questions? Good luck :)
@DavidCarlisle What "it's"?
@Wandang well yes or no, if you use classic latex it makes dvi, then you need to convert that, there are dvipng you can use instead of dvips, but going via pdf also works
@egreg the one where you were trying to steal a tick from me, I'll see if I can find...
@DavidCarlisle yeah i use miktex and texniccenter i can chose between dvi, ps and pdf
i dont know what ps is thou
@egreg this is also horrible for the driver of the locomotive... My brother works as one for a living. Until now noone threw themselves in front of his trains but chances are he will experience this at least once in his professional life :(
@DavidCarlisle Found, thanks.
why is my question off topic
!!/texdef -t latex -p amsmath frenchspacing
in tour it tells me that questions about engines are fine
@cgnieder I know, it's terrible for them.
@Wandang postscript as used in printers (and the format from which pdf is derived)
@Wandang There used to be a "too localised" close reason that was used when a problem was solved by updating software, but when that close reason was dropped, people have been using "off-topic" instead, but they really mean "too localised".
@Wandang not off topic because it's about miktex but because it's a transient probably non-reproducable problem
oh Nicola just said it
@DavidCarlisle Yours was a more snappy reply than my rambling one :-)
@NicolaTalbot mine was going to be longer (about too localised) but yours appeared while I was typing:-)
well i searched for my prob before i asked it here (obviously) and there are a lot of people having this problem every now and then
so the problem will come up again i guess and therefore a good solution would be nice
@Wandang don't worry. close doesn't mean you shouldn't have asked, just that it's probably not worth preserving after a while (closed questions drop off the search eventually)
oh wow libreoffice screws me over! second time it crashed by opening my presentation
@Wandang that's why we use latex:-)
should convert it to ppt because people still only use office which cannot open odp
i could not learn how to make a presentation in latex in 3 days :P
but i will so i will never use that editors again
@Wandang If you stick with easy constructs, it's quite possible. :)
can office open latex presentations?
nowadays you need presentations that are eyecandy. i hate to make those but if i do not have pictures and animations and color i get asked why it is so dry
@FaheemMitha \setlength\extrarowheight{2cm}
@Wandang no
@Wandang I have never learned to use a wysiwyg system.
@DavidCarlisle then it is no option
if i come up with a presentation that will not load i get in trouble
because "expectations"
@Wandang you're in the wrong forum:-)
or i use my own laptop
@DavidCarlisle Thanks.
@Wandang most people here use latex beamer class and show their presentations as full screen pdf
@DavidCarlisle i guess you are in control of what you can do ... i am still on the other end of the plate
@PauloCereda :-)
@DavidCarlisle are u insane?
not to insult you but 160 k rep?
holy moly
thanks for contributing so much to the community
oh i see. you folks are actual developers of latex. bows down
@Wandang That's a wrong assumption. There should be nothing animated nor blinking in a presentation, neither should every word be written by DIFFERENT FONT !!!
@Wandang Bug planters, actually. :P
@Wandang well, some of us just have LaTeX as their daily bread
@tohecz ofc no blinking and no font chaos. but animations and nice statistics are pretty standard
@egreg 270 k...
@Wandang just trying to catch up @egreg (but it's hard when he spends his afternoons downvoting my answers)
@Wandang Just 252K on TeX.SX. ;-)
@Wandang There are some beamer examples in the beamer doc/solutions directory. For example, try speaker_introduction-ornate-2min.en.tex.
@Wandang animations are usually ridiculous, but they can be incorporated in beamer. However, the ability of clever uncovering of stuff is IMHO more powerful than animations
@NicolaTalbot thank you nicola, i will put it in my compiler and test it
@Wandang Shameless plug: kmlinux.fjfi.cvut.cz/~hejdato1/main/www/papers/… See the talk slides for showing some of the capabilities of beamer. If you want to see the "animation", go directly to page 21, for some "uncover" capabilities, see page 13 and following
btw there is one thing i hate about tex
@Wandang only one?
i needed to change every newly created file to utf8 without bom
even if i chose windows format as project settings
maybe it is texniccenters fault
@Wandang that's nothing really about latex, just whatever editor you are using (you don't have to use utf8 of course)
but i often forget to change and get weird errors frustrating me for about 30 min
@DavidCarlisle but you should
@tohecz Don't forget the great typewriter noise for each letter in a sentence. :)
without bom (important, otherwise it will not work)
but it wont matter for too long since i switch back to linux asap
@PauloCereda And make it quack on every slide transition. ;-)
@Wandang There are lots of TeX editors for Windows
@Wandang utf8 bom is a silly microsoft invention anyway:-) but I don't understand why you have to change anything, do you mean you editor is using a classic windows code page (or iso8859-1) in which case you could just tell latex to use that
@NicolaTalbot LOL there was a quack sound in older versions of Macs, I believe.
@PauloCereda LOL
@DavidCarlisle not sure what texnic is using
@Wandang well how do you convert the result to utf?
@PauloCereda oh yeah, this one :D
sorry, I was testing my levels for Pushover :)
@PauloCereda :-)
@NicolaTalbot your script shows me 1 page of pdf
@NicolaTalbot certainly, especially since I got my beamer template from @Paulo :)
i wanted to see at least 2 to see how it goes :D i will build it myself then
@Wandang That's because it's a short 1 page example file.
@tohecz <3
@Wandang There are some longer examples. Have a look at mirror.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/beamer/solutions
@tohecz: speaking of which, you made it better! Do you still have the template? I lost mine in some backup. :)
@NicolaTalbot thanks again :)
guys thank you so much
@tohecz LOL :-)
i am wrapping this day up and go to sleep now
@PauloCereda I have that one (if you mean this one), and I have a newer one in the same colorscheme
have a good one
@Wandang Bye.
@tohecz Oh that one! When you have some free time, could you send me one of the templates? If you want to send the newer one, I'd love to. Your Tex skills are amazing. :)
well, the newer one should be from WORDS conference (@Alan might be insterested in WORDS conferences ;) )
@tohecz: actually, we could ask @Joseph if we could nominate the colour scheme to be included in the official beamer thingy. :)
@PauloCereda that would need some properization of the code :)
@tohecz Nah. :)
@tohecz You published in the wrong conference. It should be MATHS not WORDS. :)
@PauloCereda WORDS 2011 were in Prague, and we have a very strong lingustic "schola" at Charles University. We invited one renown lady from there to give a special invited talk, and she started by: "When I got an invitation to a 'WORDS' conference, I thought: 'How come there's a conference with such name which I have never been to?' Then I opened the program on the webpage, and I realised."
@tohecz LOL
@PauloCereda she's a lovely lady, actually a grandma of my good friend from scouts :)
@tohecz How nice! :)
@PauloCereda btw, sudo yum -y install pushover && pushover &
@tohecz Ah a game (sorry, I had to yum info pushover). :)
@PauloCereda well, you should have of course :)
beamer stuff on overlays will be in TUGboat soon :-)
@JosephWright kool
@tohecz Karl is always keen to get content!
@JosephWright I can imagine
@tohecz I loved this game, but there was only a DOS version, that does not work in newer Windows version. Then I discovered pushover.sourceforge.net, played again (and noticed that I am not as fast as in earlier times). But the latest version has some flaws. I did not play since I tested this version, perhaps half a year.
@Speravir mine for Fedora works great, and you can easily edit your own levels
I've made 7 of them so far :)
@tohecz Ooh … :-O
(again working for the journal) I so hate the authors for putting their spaces everyhere, and for using \be blabla \ee, and for using eqnarray !!!
@tohecz The 'convenient abbreviation' idea is a bit of a pain
@JosephWright especially since it works with eqnarray and doesn't work with align. Then it kills my eqnarray-like-align hack that I developed some time ago on the site
@tohecz Yes
@tohecz What I guess I'd say is that making 'abbreviations' for structural elements is never on
@JosephWright you mean like beamer's \frame{Title}{Subtitle}{Contents with 3 itemize, 2 displayed equations and 2 figures} ? :D
@tohecz Not one of Till's better ideas
@tohecz One of the things I was thinking of in my blog post under the 'an overhaul would have been good' part
@JosephWright yeah, it happens, I mean, it's nothing against anyone, just it shows that UI can be very bad in some details
@tohecz Having optional grouped arguments was a bad plan, too: plays hell with verbatim slides
@tohecz Yes
@tohecz I have in the past said something like 'I do know why Till decided to leave beamer to other people to worry about' :-)
Partly the fault of the kernel, too
\frame and \begin{frame} should not use the same user macro
@JosephWright really?
I'm using MinionPro and I like the \mathbb alphabet, but there seems to be no 0 or 1 included. Is there any bb font that looks similar but also has numbers?
Any Windows users around who can help with this?
Q: Make Glossaries - cannot compile glossary list

user1985459I am trying to get the glossaries package to work. I have created a minimal .tex file to test it. I am using TexWorks. My .tex file currently looks like this: \documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{amsmath, amssymb,amscd} \usepackage{glossaries} \newglossaryentry{test}{ name=Test, descri...

Ah you mena 2e kernel, not beamer kernel
@tohecz Yes: Till had to write his own template system, and it's got some issues
@NicolaTalbot I use Strawberry: Active Perl is not such a great product
@JosephWright it's a bit ... weird ... with spaces in identifiers
@tohecz Yes
@tohecz You might notice I don't use any spaces for keys in my code, and l3keys says not to use them :-)
@JosephWright still, it's somehow too late, beamer and tikz have made a big hole pitfall in this rule-of-thumb
@tohecz Yes
@tohecz Life is clearer with expl3-based code as spaces in names would be actively awkward for the programmer to include, and as I say I did document the point
but it's a fashion. Do you notice that people like python for being "speakable", ignoring the fact that e.g. it's triple operator is a complete mess?
OMG that guy uses \jmath as a summation index!!! Can I change it to j and claim that my version of LaTeX doesn't support \jmath ?
@tohecz Goodness
@JosephWright but those are the people that kill cats with bras, so I think it might be a common notation amongst them
and, this:
    \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \begin{array}{|l|}
   initial,\ given\ {\rm  microscopic\ Hamiltonian\ }
   {{H}}= {{H}}^\dagger\
   lives\ in \\
   {\rm  {\bf primary\ }  space\ }
    {\cal H}^{(P)};\ all\ is\ {\bf prohibitively\ complicated\!:\!}\\
 \ \ \ \bullet\ {\it one\  constructs}\  {\rm the
  \ CCM\ operator\ } \Omega=\exp\,S\\
  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \  \  \ \ \ \ \ \
  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \  \  \  \ \ \ \ \ \
  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
%  \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ simpli\!f\!ied\ {\rm and} Solution\!:\
@tohecz Ah, wasn't there a whole TUGBoat article showing of these 'gems'
@JosephWright there's @egreg's homepage I think :)
Sometimes I'm glad my colleagues mainly use other tools ;-)
I am training my 'followers' correctly at work
@tohecz Oh my! You couldn't make this up even if you wanted to...
@cgnieder lovely, isn't it? :)
@tohecz quite!
@JosephWright egreg's article. :)
@PauloCereda That would probably be it
@JosephWright I can't manage to wrap it in a figure! HELP!
Talking (again) of TUGboat, I've got to sort out LaTeX3 News
just two pearls of it: \rm \bf is \ not\ self\!-\!adjoint,\
@NicolaTalbot I did not know that was a thing, thanks! Good to know.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \\
@tohecz :-)
Well, thanks for cheering me up, whoever starred that :)
@tohecz We wanted to see how it would look in the starred list. :)
@PauloCereda you know, I'll need to cups of tea instead of the standard one to get over this
@JosephWright It's a bit odd that perl is recognised on the command prompt but not when running makeglossaries.
$2M-$parametric array very nice :)
@tohecz Gorgeous!
@tohecz Did the author count them?
@egreg I dunno
the point is that the output of that beast is not that bad
@NicolaTalbot No problem here … And the MWE of that question runs flawless!
Damn I don't upvote 4/4 comments to a question quite often ;)
@NicolaTalbot Not to speak from, that my MWE is much better ;-)
@FaheemMitha TeX.SX was down that day (one day during end of December 2013) :)
@HarishKumar Not for the whole day, happily for my continuing participation: “1042 days, 1042 consecutive”
@egreg True, but I tried 4-5 times and then I was caught up with my other work very tight :)
woohoo I'm higher than @egreg!!! meta.tex.stackexchange.com/users
a cool person decided to typeset his literature in LaTeX:
@tohecz Maybe he lives in Celetná
Where Bolzano's memorial is, by the way.
@NicolaTalbot Nicola, It works in my machine.
@egreg there's couple of them in that area
Einstein, for instance. Doppler is 3 blocks down to the river
@HarishKumar Hello, what I yesterday forgot to ask: Do you regularly use TeX Live or MiKTeX?
@Speravir Hi. I use only MiKTeX :-)
@HarishKumar Thanks. Then it disturbs me even more, that in your TeXstudio config the Texindy entry was with placeholder while it is without one in mine.
@Speravir That disturbed me too. In my other computer it wasn't. I didn't notice it as I don't use texstudio for my regular work.
@HarishKumar Ooh, yes, this is weeeeeiiiirdddd! (Your TeXstudio is portable, too?)
And I don't know how it came like that by itself!
No it isn't poratble.
@HarishKumar OK.
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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