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@egreg I shall ignore that final remark
1 hour later…
Any suggestions for a sans font that matches Linux Libertine? I can't stand Biolinum.
3 hours later…
@JosephWright It's really a pity because I'd really like to differentiate my votes now but I can't because the votes for the first eight candidates are locked... Maybe we can ask all candidates to edit their submissions ;-)
@JosephWright Maybe we could make some deal ;-)
@SeanAllred I can assure you there are a couple of people in the corporate world right now who see TeX and friends as some futuristic magic thing they are not ready for yet :-)
1 hour later…
@StephanLehmke I want to meet those people and show them the fuuuture
@SeanAllred You're invited to do an intership here in Dortmund ;-)
@StephanLehmke I'm a senior about to graduate college—don't even joke about that XD But I do get the feeling that TeX is more appreciated in the UK, Germany in particular.
@SeanAllred Well tbh they don't really know it's TeX ;-)
@StephanLehmke How does that work? Do they only ever see the finished product, or wonder why you only give them PDFs?
@SeanAllred TeX works as a typesetting engine behind an XML layer. You put XML data into a hotfolder managed by a VM, and get PDF back. So it's comparable to building an FO formatter based on TeX.
@StephanLehmke Ah, so enforcing structure (to a fault, in some cases I'm sure) via XML, which can be manipulated by any number of domain-specific programs. That's a pretty nice system :)
2 hours later…
@SeanAllred Of course, a lot of times we are interfacing the system directly with the customers data base, or building a data base with some data management component as part of a larger solution.
For instance, this site is driven by a data base combined with a sophisticated portal-based editing system which was provided by us, of which automated document generation is only a small part. Here, the user accesses the system via a browser interface and is completely unaware of the technology behind it.
1 hour later…
Oh my word! I'm staggered. That's my book in the community ads!
Ooh, I like the click-stats. :-)
@PauloCereda I'm surprised at you removing the arara directive ;-)
@NicolaTalbot I had to earn some space, so the directive had to go. :)
It was either the parrot or the directive. My heart was bleeding. :P
@PauloCereda Good choice ;-) Thanks. :-)
@NicolaTalbot My pleasure. :) I was gonna contact you about the ad because I could not find a proper space to include your name. :(
@PauloCereda Don't worry about that. The parrot's far more important :-)
@NicolaTalbot: I think all package manuals had to be in the format of O'Reilly books: with an animal in the front cover representing the content itself. :)
@NicolaTalbot, @JosephWright: look what I found in the chatroom archives!
user image
Good old times with hats. :)
@PauloCereda Oh, that's true. I'll have to put a duck on the cover of the manual for my graphics application. :-)
@PauloCereda That's a good fit. The hats I got covered my face.
@NicolaTalbot I'm terrible with hats. I have one that makes me look like Crocodile Dundee. :)
@PauloCereda Wear it! :-)
@NicolaTalbot If it were along the lines of Indiana Jones, I'd certainly wear it. :) But I'd need to change the ringtone of my cellphone, it's currently set to the Imperial March. :)
@PauloCereda Not the duck tune?
@NicolaTalbot Soon. :)
Has anyone tried the MWE in:
A: How to use Xindy with TeXShop/LaTeX Mac OS X (error: sort åäö in index)

Herberttexindy is the minimalistic form of xindy. \documentclass[11pt]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[swedish]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{makeidx} \makeindex \begin{document} This kind of index in text: \index{Säker plats|textbf}Säker plats \index{Säker platsXX@\...



This kind of index in text:

\index{Säker plats|textbf}Säker plats \index{Säker
platsXX@\textbf{Säker plats}}

I get the following .idx file:
\indexentry{S\IeC {\"a}ker plats|textbf}{1}
\indexentry{S\IeC {\"a}ker platsXX@\textbf{S\IeC {\"a}ker plats}}{1}
\indexentry{\IeC {\r A}\IeC {\"a}\IeC {\"o}}{1}
\indexentry{A\IeC {\"a}\IeC {\"o}}{1}
\indexentry{\IeC {\"a}\IeC {\"o}}{1}
\indexentry{a\IeC {\o }}{1}
\indexentry{\IeC {\o }\IeC {\ae }}{1}
In other words, \index is expanding the utf8 characters when it writes them to file. I'm sure it never used to do that. xindy won't be able to correctly sort this because it ignores (La)TeX commands.
 *File List*
 article.cls    2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
  size11.clo    2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
   t1enc.def    2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file
inputenc.sty    2008/03/30 v1.1d Input encoding file
    utf8.def    2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
   t1enc.dfu    2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
  ot1enc.dfu    2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
  omsenc.dfu    2008/04/05 v1.1m UTF-8 support for inputenc
1 hour later…
@NicolaTalbot Can one adapt the datatool table structure to do cites? I.e. if the relevant label is displayed, only then display the corresponding row.
@FaheemMitha Do you have an example?
@NicolaTalbot I can construct one. Shall I put it here, or ask a question on the site? And if the latter, shall I ping you here?
@FaheemMitha I don't mind either way. If you ask on site, you can ping me here. I have to collect my car from the garage this afternoon, but I'll be around here a little while longer.
@NicolaTalbot It has always done it, when inputenc is loaded.
Q: Is there any match stopped while playing in the cricket history?

Sports FanA cricket match can be stopped while playing due to weather conditions(rain) or bad light before getting the result. I would like to know, Is there any international match that stopped before getting the result in cricket history? The reason may be any except the above two.

What I can say is that many football matches were stopped not because of weather conditions or bad light.
@egreg I didn't realise (I don't often use inputenc as I usually write in English) but doesn't that mess up the whole point of xindy being the best option for UTF8 documents?
@NicolaTalbot That's a big problem indeed. Only Unicode native engines can solve it.
@NicolaTalbot We might need to write yax - yet another xindy. :)
@NicolaTalbot Ok. I don't know if you track the datatool tag, but I posted a datatool question yesterday. Do you have any comments?
@PauloCereda Xindy II -- this time it's personal
@FaheemMitha The blank rows one?
Q: Handling blank rows for use with multirow automatically when using datatool

Faheem MithaThe following example code is slightly adapted from Peter Grill's answer to "Table including rows of a master table". The problem I'm having is that if I have a multirow, then I need an extra blank line immediately after it. If I'm selecting an arbitary subset of rows, this is hard to do automat...

@NicolaTalbot Right
I only started using datatool yesterday, or maybe day before, so I'm still trying to get used to the basics.
Hello everyone,
I am sorry to jump in like that, but I saw the chatroom title and I jumped on the chance to ask my question.
It seems that you guys know what you are talking about so here I go, I don't really know a lot about LaTex but I was seduced by its ability to edit math formulas and structure books (amongst other things). My question is the following, if I had users writing books on a website (or any online platform) is LaTex an adapted language?
This question just mimics @PeterGrill's approach.
@Gingi "adapted language"?
By that I mean is Latex adapted for the constraints of the internet? Looking at it on the official website's documentation it seems very heavy
@NicolaTalbot LOL
@NicolaTalbot One question that came to mind - is putting \\ at the ends of rows here really necessary? I tried moving it out into the code, but it didn't work.
@Gingi Not a well-defined question. What is "constraints of the internet"?
@NicolaTalbot Anyway, gotta run. I'll try posting the cite thing, unless I can figure it out myself (unlikely).
Compared to lightweights like "markdown" I feel like LaTex is more oriented towards computer programming rather than webbased application. My question is would you recommand the use of LaTex for internet based applications?
@Gingi Depends what are trying to do. You can convert it to html if you want, using tex4ht, but some intermediate representation might be better for you. Depends whether you have a lot of math of not, for one thing.
@FaheemMitha I wouldn't have thought it was necessary. It ought to be possible to just put them in \PrintDTLTable but I'll have a look at it.
Internet constraints means
1/ Information processed by ONE server for everyone (rather that being processed by every individuals machines)
2/ The fact that information flow from user's browser to server make it preferable is the language used is light and has not too many characters in it (right?)
@NicolaTalbot I tried sticking it at the end of
\nextnuml{\RowID} & \Label &\Cost & \Weight & \PropA & \PropB & \PropC & \Description
Maybe the wrong place.
Anyway, gotta run.
@FaheemMitha Okay. When you get back, this works fine for me:
  % #1 = database to search
  % #2 = list of rowIDs
  \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c p{3.0cm}}
   & \colhead{Label} & \colhead{Cost} & \colhead{Weight} &
\colhead{PropA} & \colhead{PropB} & \colhead{PropC} &
@NicolaTalbot I'll try that. Thanks.
@FaheemMitha If you don't want the final \\ you can also do:
  % #1 = database to search
  % #2 = list of rowIDs
  \begin{tabular}{c c c c c c c p{3.0cm}}
   & \colhead{Label} & \colhead{Cost} & \colhead{Weight} &
\colhead{PropA} & \colhead{PropB} & \colhead{PropC} &
@FaheemMitha Not so much math indeed, but large portions of texts. I am trying to set up a book publishing platform (users come online and write books via a wysiwyg that can later be generated as pdf, ebook ... Therefore I need to choose the language I am going to use carefully ^^ Basically I need it touse a language as light as possible while allowing users to get good book publishing standards
@Gingi So something like markdown will not work for you?
Markdown is a very limited language, let's not forget that it's primary goal is to write using an easy-to-read, easy-to-write plain text format, then convert it to structurally valid XHTML. If you want to create a table of content? Cite your sources in an independent document (in other word create basic book sections) it turns out to require a lot of work. A shame when we know that LaTex exists
The thing is, every application using LaTex that I have come accross is made to be downloaded and used on a machine. I simply would indications regarding its use on the web
@Gingi There are several online LaTeX Systems advertised here
Q: Community Promotion Ads - 2014

Grace NoteIt's the time of the year again, namely it is December 2013, and so we shall now refresh our Community Promotion Ads for the new year. Huh, this is the only site where this opening is similar to last years... fancy that. What are Community Promotion Ads? Community Promotion Ads are community-ve...

That was long but I went through a lot of material, it was very educating. Thank you for your help Stephan I found what I needed!
Sorry for the following interruption. Is there any answer to the following question but based on the typographical point of view?
Q: Why do we order the variables in certain physics questions the way we do?

MatthewI'm writing a script involving physics equations, and someone complained that my script outputs $F = m a$ as $F = a m$, as well as outputting $E_p = m g h$ as $E_p = g h m$; another example would be $E = m c^2$ vs $E = c^2 m$. I've obviously opted for displaying the variables in the equations in ...

@StiffJokes I don't really think this comes into play. Then variable order would be different on the board or when speaking about physics.
does anyone know what's going on with lualatex and ttf fonts? I just updated texlive and now it refuses to find fonts in the same folder as the tex file which it found just find before...
This one was reopened, but really should have remained closed as a duplicate of tex.stackexchange.com/questions/140814/…
Q: Biber typesetting fails

gionaOn MacOs X running updated mactex packages, when I compile my biber file I get this error: data source /var/folders/yf/y69gwrx12kj2jtzrs78vg2vm0000gn/T/par-67696f6e61/cache- 23e542f078c05cf97a78083ff4d628bc746d389d/inc/lib/Biber/LaTeX/recode_data.xml not found in . Compilation failed in requi...

@egreg that one loks familiar. But wasn't it closed as too localized not as a duplicate?
@jonalv I don't remember; but I see it as a clear duplicate.
@jonalv Correct, it wasn't closed as dupe.
@StephanLehmke Good question, if answers can be about a book's size.
@egreg Which might be a good answer to the "why does it take so long" question ;-)
@StephanLehmke Probably a bit open ended
@StephanLehmke Yes
In many ways I agree: I'd like a kernel which 'quickly' wrapped up many of the packages I load into the format. The problem is that's not really a good plan as we stand today.
@JosephWright: I want to write a crazy blog post called, "The TeX Soundtrack": songs picked by our chatroom regulars and used as an inspirational melody for writing TeX document. :)
@JosephWright I'll leave the L3 question to you, should get you enough rep to tip you over the 100K :-)
@DavidCarlisle Oh, don't worry about rep points: please do answer :-)
@DavidCarlisle LOL
@PauloCereda one of egreg's musical favourites I believe.
@JosephWright: does Robin attend UK-TUG meetings? :)
@PauloCereda Sometimes: he was at the meeting your spoke at, but I think after the Skype session
@JosephWright Oh. :) I just saw his newest answer. I can't help but wonder how a keynote presented by Robin and David together would be: pure awesomeness. :)
1 hour later…
Q: fancytooltips, Perl library Config::IniFiles

Fawadi am totally unfamiliar to perl; so how do i use Perl library Config::IniFiles to get the output? i am using windows7, 64Bit; MikTex

Er... Perl?
1 hour later…
@StephanLehmke OK. Thanks.
I have a very simple question which doesn't deserve a topic : in the "pages" field of a .bib file, should I use a dash or an en dash ? For example, should I write pages = 324-345, or pages = 324--345,
I guess this could be closed as "primarily opinion-based" but in any case I think it's premature to look at top level surface syntax, the current focus is on the core programming layer different top level syntax and different cross referencing schemes will no doubt e buildable on that layer. — David Carlisle 20 secs ago
@ppr It's the same; usually style files normalize it to a double hyphen anyway.
@ppr Don't use a literal en-dash, however, if you plan to use BibTeX, which won't understand it.
@PauloCereda we could give an introduction to vim
@DavidCarlisle Which editor Robin uses? :)
@PauloCereda is there a choice?
@DavidCarlisle TeXworks or WinEdt ;-)
@JosephWright If only you'd used emacs latex3 would be done by now
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@DavidCarlisle xor ?
@NicolaTalbot Yes, this works, most of the time. Adding a bunch of &&&&& to the multirow line breaks it, though. Specifically, doesn't work work with the line:
Hammer001, Hammer, 1 , 0 , 1 , 10 , 1 , \multirow{2}{2in}{light (add some words here to wrap around)}\\ \foo \\
Removing the last \\ and moving it to the code breaks it.
@JosephWright yes well developers being inactive may have a slight effect as well, but not as much as developers not using emacs
A simple question, how to write a code in a comment(offcourse here i am refering to one or two line code), i have been struggling to identify this.
@NicolaTalbot Don't follow this. Is it a recursive definition?
@Umz The percent (%) char starts a comment
@DavidCarlisle :-)
@Joseph I was referring to the comment environment on Tex.SX not in Latex.......
@Umz Not sure what you mean.
@David: one day I'll share a keynote with you and half of the time we will be covering editor wars instead of the actual subject. :)
@Umz no: you can do inline code with backticks but not multiline (you can in chat but not in comments on the main site)
@Faheem, @JosephWright, I mean on Tex.SX , in the comment section people can highlight e.g \begin{document}. But I am unable to figure this out becoz when i leave a comment I just write, \begin{document}, but offcourse it is not highlighted as it should be. or this facility is available to only people with high reputation?
@Umz Backticks as @DavidCarlisle says
@Umz use \begin{document} with backticks
@Umz You mean formatting as code?
Just put 4 spaces in front
or for inline, use backticks.
@FaheemMitha no you can not do that in a comment
or you can use the code symbol in the toolbar
ah Okk , a pretty simple one...
@FaheemMitha not in comments:-)
@FaheemMitha No display code in comments
Oh, right, comments. Sorry, I spaced out for a moment.
in chat if you write it elsewhere and paste it in an extra button appears offering to post as multline fixed format:
@Umz see ^^
@David Carlisle yeah pretty clear now....but i guess lengthy comments are somewhat discouraged on Tex.Sx..
@Umz Pretty much.
Any help? ^^ I'm definitely lost.
@PauloCereda Hmm, poster has no 'native' rep, just cross-network
@JosephWright I have no idea of the ad.
@FaheemMitha Why do you need the \multirow when it's in a p column?
@FaheemMitha Do you mean for \dohline? It makes sure it only does `\hline` at the start of the first row, then it sets \dohline to do nothing, so no horizontal rows are placed above the other rows. (\gdef is required otherwise the effect would be localised up to the next &)
@NicolaTalbot Yes, I meant \dohline.
@NicolaTalbot I forget what a p col is.
@FaheemMitha A paragraph column. (Allows the lines to wrap in a cell.)
@NicolaTalbot I see. That is an alternative to multirow?
@FaheemMitha It's basically like putting the contents in a minipage or \parbox for each row of that column, where the width is given by the argument to the p specifier.
@NicolaTalbot I see. Right, that is what Peter was using. I didn't notice.
Anyway, I was just wondering why it broke.
I find the things that break datatool not easily predictable, but of course I don't know how it is implemented.
@FaheemMitha The underlying code is very complicated. TeX's not really the best language for that kind of thing. LuaLaTeX would probably be much more efficient for that kind of thing, but that would require learning lua.
@NicolaTalbot Sure, I believe that.
Currently it is the only game in town for this sort of thing. Short of using an actual database, and I think you need luatex for that, and I never got it working anyway. I posted a question about that earlier...
Q: Reading data from a relational database into a LaTeX table

Faheem MithaI'm using Tex Live 2009 on Debian squeeze. I can upgrade if I really, really have to, but I'd rather not. i was wondering if it would be possible to do the following. Given some data in a (relational) database, can I extract it and automatically format it in a LaTeX table, so one would not need...

though I've not tried with TeX Live 2012
@FaheemMitha My best guess is to use a template engine + database to generate a static .tex document.
@PauloCereda Don't follow. Best guess for what?
@FaheemMitha for integrating TeX and databases.
No integration, basically. :)
@PauloCereda Like I said, LuaTeX should work in theory. Not sure what you meant by "template engine + database to generate a static .tex document":
@FaheemMitha A Lua wrapper works. What I mentioned is that IMHO this is not TeX's job at all. I use .tex templates that are populated with data coming from DB, then later on processed by a TeX engine, so the right tool for the right job. :)
@PauloCereda Ok. Do you have an example online?
@FaheemMitha Not at the moment, but I can write one. :)
Oh, I see what you mean. You just do templating?
So, just a text file with templates, and you substitute stuff into it from a db, then compile it?
@FaheemMitha Yep, pretty much it. :)
So tex doesn't actually do anything wrt getting the data from the db
Hmm, yes, that is a possible way to go, I guess. What template engine do you use?
This doesn't mesh well with the iterative approach of editing a tex file in emacs, then doing C-c C-c or whatever it is.
@FaheemMitha Depends on the language. :) I heard good things from Chetaah, if you are into Python. :) Let me see if I can write something.
Which is perhaps why I didn't want to use it.
@PauloCereda Yes, I use Python
You could possibly post it as an answer to tex.stackexchange.com/q/48193/3406
Hello. I have a noisy signal and want to plot it with tikz. Right now I use matlab2tikz but I end up running out of memory. What solutions are possible? I already read tex.stackexchange.com/questions/75399/… and am wondering if the idea of using "potrace" will lead to proper results. Is this problem already solved within matlab2tikz?
@Lukas You could try R. It can convert to tikz
how do you have your data stored?
to be precise there is a tikz driver for R
no idea about matlab2tikz
I have mainly worked with Matlab but I can export to cvs for example. The point is, that my noise signal consists of too many data points for TeX/tikz. I wonder if R removes data points in favour of smaler files.
As you see, the blue part mainly overlaps and maybe the boarder of the blue area is sufficient
@Lukas You usually want to take a subset of the points before you plot them.
There might be utilities available for this in mathlab, or you could do it yourself. I think I ran into this issue with cdf plots in R, but the function itself had an option to use a subset of the data, i think
I already wrote a small script based on curvature of the graph. It reduces a lot of points of the red and green graph. Since the blue one is very noisy it is hard for me to define a rule how to find a proper subset (maybe based on the line thickness)
@Lukas Possibly a good question for stat.sx. :-)
Maybe just take a random subset of the data and plot that?
Yes, that is also a good idea. I would like to see something like: Big value changes produce vertical lines and thus small neighbours are not visible. Thus, these neighbours are not necessary to plot.
from xml.dom import minidom
from Cheetah.Template import Template

def getNodeValue(node, key):
    return node.getElementsByTagName(key)[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue

def getData(source):
    a = []
    b = minidom.parseString(source)
    c = b.firstChild
    for d in c.childNodes:
        if d.nodeType == 1:
            e = {}
            e['name'] = getNodeValue(d, 'name')
            e['surname'] = getNodeValue(d, 'surname')
            e['grade'] = float(getNodeValue(d, 'grade'))
@FaheemMitha: A self-contained example. ^^ :)
Ugh, how I hate Python. :)
@PauloCereda Why?
@FaheemMitha Personal taste. :)
@PauloCereda And your preference is for...?
@FaheemMitha Actually, no preference. :) I can live with mostly any programming language. :)
Even Python. :)
@PauloCereda You could post it as an answer to that question
If you want data to be sorted by, say, name, just replace definition.data = data by
definition.data = sorted(data, key=lambda y: y['name'])
@PauloCereda I don't see where you are calling the db
@FaheemMitha I'm not using a DB, it's from a XML file, but the concept is the same.
Data is being fetched from the XML, in this case. It could be from a DB.
@PauloCereda You could still post it as an answer. If it stays in chat it will just get lost.
@DavidCarlisle: there's an XML file somewhere in here. Let's parse it with xmltex. :)
If any of you guys are familiar with Debian and Emacs, I'd be ever so grateful for any pointers :) raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/12841
@SeanAllred Do you have any machine running Debian?
Goodness, allowing PayPal does make renewals fast!
@JosephWright Yay, money money money money! :)
I do not :( I do have OSX, but I don't have any other computers within a hundred miles
@PauloCereda Guess so: I'm Secretary, not Treasurer, so I've no idea on that!
@SeanAllred I tried something similar in here:
paulo@alexandria ~$ repoquery --requires emacs
emacs-common = 1:24.3-13.fc20
@PauloCereda That was my original thought too.
@SeanAllred You could use dpkg but there might be a ton of dependencies for emacs though. :(
@egreg (or anyone) The l3kernel fix should be available via TeX Live now: can you check all is well for you with the sequence business?
@JosephWright Yay, L3 L3 L3 L3 L3!
@PauloCereda Keeps me busy
@JosephWright I might try getting a UK-TUG subscription then. :)
@JosephWright I know. :) I'll try to help you guys in this year. :)
At present I have other worries!
One of the PhD students has taken up the 'use LaTeX' idea, but I'm afraid her boss is not happy. I may get into trouble, even though I'd given up on trying to convince her.
Trust me to open my mouth
@PauloCereda on second thought I rather should attack this problem at the source. I'll need to download and install a bunch of python dev tools for the pi at any rate, so I might as well look for a workaround for the internet thing. I wonder if I can get my xbox's wireless adapter to work with it…
@JosephWright I already posted a CW answer to the question that raised the business.
@egreg Ah, OK
@JosephWright In the sense that it works. :)
@SeanAllred Another option is: create a VM, install the very same Debian, set the apt-get cache thingy (or whatever that is called) to be turned on, install everything you want, get all .deb's, copy them to a USB stick, then force your Pi to install all of them.
@JosephWright I retested all my code using `\seq_mapthread_function:NN and it works well
@PauloCereda That's got some merit. I'll have to find a VM solution—perhaps KVM if it works on OSX. (Also, in case you wondered, the pi can't use an xbox adapter.)
@egreg Great
@PauloCereda you've never told us that you grow a beard ;) viralnova.com/saved-ducklings-life
@SeanAllred Ouch. Go with Virtual Box too. :)
@tohecz LOL
dear tex friends, would it be possible for you note an error in my codes
i am unable to plot a function in pgfplot
@DavidCarlisle: you need to get better grades. :P
@PauloCereda ?
I think you meant 'give', @PauloCereda?
@DavidCarlisle See my Python code above. :)
@AbhimanyuArora Hm?
@PauloCereda I posted a vim answer on the main site
@PauloCereda oh the winner probably cheated
@DavidCarlisle Oh my! :)
@DavidCarlisle the % approach again?
@DavidCarlisle: OH MY IT'S TRUE!
@PauloCereda help the OP came back wanting further details:
@ClaytonStanley The only things I know about vim are that esc :q gets me out of it if I get there by mistake, and that it's not emacs, so I may not be the best person for detailed vim customisation:-) — David Carlisle 36 secs ago
@DavidCarlisle And we are back. :P
@DavidCarlisle Let me downvote it!
@AbhimanyuArora Where's the code?
@PauloCereda You don't want to post it?
@FaheemMitha I'm not sure it answers the original question.
@egreg: want some sfrappole? :)
@PauloCereda I think it falls into the good enough category.
@FaheemMitha OK then, I'll add it.
@PauloCereda Thanks.
@FaheemMitha My pleasure. :)
@PauloCereda Just make sure it actually runs.
Oh, and indicating the dependencies would be helpful as well.
@PauloCereda Already doing those? They're for Carnival.
@egreg I'm hungry. :)
@PauloCereda Send me some!
@egreg :)
@PauloCereda Thanks, that's a very through answer.
@FaheemMitha My pleasure, I love being verbose. :)
@PauloCereda Me too. When I have the time for it.
Speaking of exhaustive answers:
A: If travelling through excessively cold regions, what steps should you take to keep your vehicle warm enough to drive?

KarlsonTL;DR There are multiple factors involved with being able to drive in cold temperatures even with the onset of cold temperatures being fairly sudden 2-3 days notice. You should be looking at the following major components: Engine, Cabin, and Tires and looking at them separately and then there a...

Wow. I wonder how people get the time to write all that.
@FaheemMitha I don't wonder. You have people (like me) spending a lot of time (hundreds of hours a year) volunteering as scoutmasters. And you have others writing those answers ;)

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