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3:06 AM
@marmot Life is better if you can live off private income
3:42 AM
@CarLaTeX Agreed. Still it would be great to be a well-paid RA. (I know some famous physicists who realized that effectively after retirement.)
3 hours later…
6:19 AM
Guys, is this a bad question undeserving of attention? And if so, why? tex.stackexchange.com/q/427660
1 hour later…
7:23 AM
@santimirandarp I don't know what you're responding too, so I cannot possibly comment further. When responding to a message in chat, please use the reply mechanism to do so. (It shows as a bent arrow at the right end of each message when the mouse hovers over it, and also in the popup menu at the left end.)
7:43 AM
@thymaro it's the weekend and not so many people know of arabic fonts or macs (or both) so give it a bit of time:-) however if you know the font name of the italic variant (if the font has an italic variant?) then you can specify it to fontspec see for example:
A: fontspec, defining boldfont using diskfiles directly not possible?

Ulrike FischerI can reproduce the problem with the Linux Biolinum fonts: \documentclass[11pt]{scrartcl} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont[BoldFont = fxbb.otf, %BoldItalicFont=fxlbi.otf ]{fxbr.otf} \begin{document} abc \end{document} And I don't think it is a bug. The documentatio...

8:16 AM
@DavidCarlisle oh ok, thanks for the explanation. I was wondering, because I thought it was a rather nice question (not that I could answer it), but then became uncertain, as to why it got no answer or even comment
8:59 AM
@thymaro there is no sensible minimal example and at the first glance the question is rather confusing. Unless I have much time I tend to quit such questions directly.
1 hour later…
10:26 AM
user image
Finally caught a palindrome :)
@Skillmon David 'Complain-A-Lot' Carlisle would say: No ;-) (@DavidCarlisle) ;-)
@Skillmon yay mr rabbit
@ChristianHupfer that , can safely be ignored. Alternatively David could give me just 120000 worth of bounty and the problem would be solved.
@Skillmon Just ask him...
Dec 1 '17 at 7:36, by David Carlisle
@AGoldMan three palindromes and not a comma misplaced, congratulations
10:32 AM
@DavidCarlisle is a string with only one character a palindrome? I guess one could argue about that.
@Skillmon yes
10:48 AM
@DavidCarlisle Which only proves me being suspicious that you would complain definitely...
@UlrikeFischer I see. I'll keep that in mind.
11:00 AM
@MarkWibrow, @ChristianFeuersänger Any comment on tex.stackexchange.com/questions/427890/is-pgf-tikz-dead?
@JosephWright ooh ooh ask me ask me
@PauloCereda OK :) Do you want to answer? ;)
@PauloCereda I can see my l3draw work turning out to be more important than I originally imagined (@DavidCarlisle)
@JosephWright ooh I will: no idea :D
@JosephWright you are already famous. :)
@PauloCereda I've mailed Till and Christian: I can't find a public mail for Mark Wibrow ...
@PauloCereda I guess
@JosephWright Cool, he's very kind.
@JosephWright one for TUG 2018. :)
11:12 AM
@PauloCereda Oh yes: you'll see I've tided up my affiliation so it's clear that Frank and I have something to do with one another :)
@JosephWright I was going to veto that, but Karl was quicker than me. :)
@PauloCereda Internal discussion went: People know who Frank and Joseph are, yes but mainly the 'usual suspects', what about Brazilian users, we should sort it, ...
@JosephWright oh :)
11:32 AM
@JosephWright ah, good. I was wondering what to do with the comments now that the title has changed. thx for that.
@thymaro No problem: I'm going to keep an eye on this one to keep comments 'tight' (it could easily become a running commentary)
@PauloCereda is this a typo?
@thymaro should be ooh? :)
@PauloCereda ;D
Is fixltx2e obsolete nowadays?
11:40 AM
@Skillmon Yes
@Skillmon We've changed the approach: fixes go into the kernel, latexrelease lets you back them out
@percusse On the pgf question, I agree about Till/Christian/Mark being best placed to answer, but they might not do, and your point is entirely valid. Of course, it's possibly best as a comment.
@JosephWright I think so too though I am also curious about the schedule.
I made a strange discovery: If one stores a file name in a macro and gives that macro as an argument to \includegraphics everything works fine. If the file name contains the file extension things get tricky. Giving the macro directly works, too, but if you use: \def\myfile{example-image-duck.pdf}\includegraphics{\csname myfile\endcsname} it throws the very informative error message: ! LaTeX Error: File `example-image-duck.pdf' not found.
@Skillmon Expand moar
@percusse I know, but at first I searched for the typo of death for quite a while :)
12:37 PM
@thymaro :D
12:56 PM
@percusse Well yes, particularly as the LuaTeX v0.95 update work had to be done at the TL end by Norbert ...
@percusse I'm going to look into CVS-to-Git conversions, just in case
1:28 PM
@percusse I've managed to get the import to work, I think: wondering if I should put something on GitHub ...
1:43 PM
@percusse I'm just tidying everything up :) I see that Christian has made various commits relatively recently: hopefully he'll answer the question (or at least my email)
@JosephWright I also actually mailed Christian about GitHub stuff some time ago.
He seemed to be interested at the time.
2:15 PM
@PauloCereda You got mail (and "much" more).
@percusse Ah right
@percusse ooh
@TeXnician ooh
@TeXnician: sorry for the silly question: what's the gradle command I need to run? :)
@PauloCereda gradle run executes a build and downloads dependencies and then shows you a nice UI ;)
@TeXnician ooh I tried that one but with errors... hold on
* What went wrong:
Task 'run' not found in root project 'A VERY SECRET PROJECT'.
2:30 PM
@PauloCereda That's not good. What does gradle build give you?

Root project

No dependencies

@PauloCereda I could add "works here", but I do not think it's constructive ;)
@TeXnician You are mean. :)
@PauloCereda Your gradle does not recognize the build script! Which version do you use?
Let me try in another machine with an updated gradle. Fedora has 2.13
@TeXnician Will try on a better setup, hold on. :)
2:32 PM
@PauloCereda Ouch, at least 4.x (if I recall correctly 4.4) is required for Kotlin DSL build scripts to run…
@TeXnician no worries, I should have tried that in the first place before bothering you. :)
@PauloCereda I would really suggest to update that other machine, Gradle 2.13 is from 2016, that's at the border line to being ancient ;)
@TeXnician Please bear with me, I am a Maven user. :)
@PauloCereda Oh, I have been one as well, but switched to Gradle recently (ca. 3 months ago as I was really attracted by the shorter build scripts). And of course I love the Kotlin part :)
@TeXnician now dependencies are being resolved, yay!
2:41 PM
@PauloCereda Btw: There may occur exceptions if you do not behave the way the application would expect ;)
@TeXnician There are, I am trying to fix them before poking you. :) It's the javafx packaging stuff...
@PauloCereda Huh? Really, it does work without any dependency on JVM 1.8 and higher. What are you trying to do? JAR it?
@TeXnician gradle run...
@PauloCereda That's unexpected. Try adding the implementation(files("/path/to/jfxrt.jar")) to the build script (even if it's ugly).
@TeXnician it works now! <3
2:46 PM
@PauloCereda Great.
@TeXnician Thank you, one for my notes.
@PauloCereda ??? Which one?
@TeXnician The implementation trick. :)
Cricket would be easier to understand
@TeXnician: now replying to you in a minute. :)
@UlrikeFischer <3
3:26 PM
@UlrikeFischer @PauloCereda will explain it to you
@DavidCarlisle Cricket?
@JosephWright seems possible. I just got home:-)
@TeXnician yes @PauloCereda is a noted expert on Brazilian cricket.
@DavidCarlisle Well, he could also explain the technical stuff ;)
@TeXnician he'd get it all wrong
@DavidCarlisle oi
@TeXnician: great news, expect mail. :)
3:33 PM
@PauloCereda ?
@DavidCarlisle I get things wrong
@PauloCereda choice of editor for example
@DavidCarlisle boo
@PauloCereda Expect? Is it Brazilian punctuality?
@egreg I think you could reply better then me here: tex.stackexchange.com/questions/427773/how-to-scale-a-bytefield/…
3:39 PM
@PauloCereda common thesis defence questions "explain the importance of a good lisp interpreter for an editing system" or "Explain the leg before wicket rule" I hope you are revising well..
@DavidCarlisle oh no
@TeXnician I didn't get it, but no worries. :) I am finishing writing another email to you. :)
3:53 PM
user image
next season outfit ^^^
@UlrikeFischer Yay!
4:31 PM
I've learned something today ... git shortlog is pretty handy
@JosephWright like git log but shorter?
@DavidCarlisle Yes (it's a shortcut)
@DavidCarlisle It's meant for releases notes and the like: I'll be taking advantage of that
@JosephWright just looked at the help, yes i see it's aimed at release notes...
@DavidCarlisle Does rely on having well-written commit messages (probably rebased to only include major changes)
@PauloCereda You got mail.
2 hours later…
6:16 PM
@JosephWright A tad too short for me. I have an alias git lg that I use quite a bit:
⬥ git help lg
'lg' is aliased to 'log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit'
3 hours later…
9:11 PM
@JosephWright Kindest J. Wright slowly I'm learning to understand the site and to comply with your ideas and your actions. In my uncertainty, I asked for the intervention of a moderator. Excuse me if I'm wrong.
9:31 PM
@egreg Being an old post someone will read my comment? I still have a lot of gaps in how the site works.
@Sebastiano possibly not but not much a moderator on this site can do if a link breaks, (that is why images and examples should be uploaded to the site rather than use external links)
@Sebastiano you can (normally) click on the user name below a post and see from their profile when they last visited the site. If they are still visiting they will see the notification of a comment even if the post is old. If they do not visit or (as I think here) the account is no longer active at all, then the comment will not be seen by the original poster but can still be useful to warn others that the link is dead
9:48 PM
@Sebastiano The owner of the post is notified about comments to it.
I don't need strangers for it;-) I got a lecture during dinner about Howzat?
-- Lbw -- Run out -- Century -- Tail ender -- Boundary -- Spin bowler -- Fast bowler -- Silly mid on -- Test match -- Out for a duck -- Caught between the stumps -- Full toss.
@UlrikeFischer OH MY
@DavidCarlisle At least if they lived in england for two years ;-). I got an answer from Hans regarding the harfbuzz code: "it's on my machine" ;-(. Perhaps I will ask him tomorrow if we can get it.
@DavidCarlisle and @egreg Thank a lot for your suggestions. I have not changed the link that does not work.
Meanwhile, a good evening or goodnight to all and an affectionate greeting from Sicily.
10:05 PM
@UlrikeFischer hasn't quite got the hang of this "release code to the general public" idea:-)?
@DavidCarlisle I'm not sure. I think it is more general reluctance regarding harfbuzz. The whole article sounds like "we don't need it". He also announced that the newest context will improve the handling of indic scripts. But I think if someone asks he will give it.
2 hours later…
11:46 PM
Q: memoir on TeX Live 2018 breaks figure numbering after \mainmatter

amysparkI'm using memoir 3.7g, with lualatex under TeX Live 2018. With the below example, \documentclass[a5paper]{memoir} \begin{document} \mainmatter \chapter{Demo} \begin{figure} \caption{This should be Figure 1.1.} \end{figure} \end{document} the figure numbers (and table...

Is this the beginning of a flood of \counterwithin problems?

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