I, personally, see sources as the be all and end all. If someone makes a point, where I'm like "hmm not too sure about that" and there's a source, I can confirm the accuracy without need for lengthy discussion.
oh gosh, internet network of my school is so bad that I either have internet on my boot windows but not on my ubuntu VM, or internet on my ubuntu but not on windows
A few weeks ago, in the Python chat room, a few of the room owners got together and decided that the starred list was getting a bit out of hand (from memory about 100-150 messages, maybe even more). We cleaned up several of the useless messages that were in the list (a shame we can't cancel stars...
we (me/tlc-&-I/I-don't-really-know-who/mostly-me), dislike /r/asoiaf because of this obsession with marking spoilers and having to uncover spoiler and not being able to simply read things, they also delete a lot of posts that are quite funny but only tangentially related.
@Kepotx /r/asoiaf and /r/got users are kneelers because they've bowed to their mods. The only asoiaf/got subreddit for me is /r/freefolk, WE DO NOT KNEEL!
After King Robb died at the Red Wedding and Roose Bolton becomes Warden of the North, there is no one in the North claiming to be a king.
When Sansa marries Roose Bolton's son Ramsey Bolton she comes in contact with some people from the North that say 'the North remembers". Does this mean they a...
On the TLJ necklace question, TBF there must be a reason beyond "sisters" cuz they showed that necklace about 10 times, with a couple of full screen closeups, one of her grabbing it
I'm betting the novelisation tells us it gives them force powers.
If the warden of the south are supposed to defend the throne of dornish attacks, why they didn't destroy the title once dorne became a vassal of iron throne ?
I mean, was'nt it oddly seen by dornishmen that they are still sen as a danger to the throne ?
> Lord Tywin turned back to Littlefinger. "If Lysa Arryn will take you for a husband and return to the king's peace, we shall restore the Lord Robert to the honor of Warden of the East. How soon might you leave?"
Baratheons and Martells would be better positioned to play a more important role than Arryns
Still, The office is important, just in case let's say Valyrian Empire is reforged. Or Free cities unite in from of Triarchy and decide to attack Westeros
I don't remember if it was explicitly confirmed , but the fact that Tywin gets his hands on Ice, while being in King's Landing, says that Eddard Stark brought it with him when he moved from Winterfell.
I wonder would he need this giant sword. It's not a sword for actual fights, only used for beh...
@Edlothiad We discussed it in here once so that might be why you remember it, also what's with the bunch of new questions when I'm out testing machines and away from my desk? -_-
Catelyn had no love for swords, but she could not deny that Ice had its own beauty. It had been forged in Valyria, before the Doom had come to the old Freehold, when the ironsmiths had worked their metal with spells as well as hammers. Four hundred years old it was, and as sharp as the day it was forged. The name it bore was older still, a legacy from the age of heroes, when the Starks were Kings in the North.
Had they captured Gregor and returned him to King's Landing, Eddard would've certainly ensured that he would be the one to cause Gregor's head to roll.
One thing that makes me wonder every time, is that Jon Arryn seems to be described as a calm, decent and wise man, but still has twisted way to prison (moon cells) and execute (moon door) people
The main difference I've noted between the TV Series and the books is that Robb Stark's lover/wife lives in the books. Is there any evidence pointing that she might be pregnant and we'll have a new legitimate heir to the North soon?
> "His heir failed him." Robb ran a hand over the rough weathered stone. "I had hoped to leave Jeyne with child . . . we tried often enough, but I'm not certain . . ."
Some House's proudly bear their ancestral weapon, usually a Valyrian steel made sword even if there are exceptions such as dawn.
Which one of these ancestral weapons is claimed to be the oldest?
I know that The Hobbit was written before LOTR and retconned to be part of the legendarium in the second edition. I also understand it was to some extent a children's book. Both of these explain the stylistic differences between it and LOTR.
Another possible (albeit fictional) explanation of th...
@TheLethalCarrot Hmm, but then you need to get into the intricacies of whether Tolkien was an editor, Translator or inspired, which then leads into Aelfwine/Eriol and his presence in both the early and late versions of the Legendarium.
Anyways, you then need to consider the fact that in the early legendarium, Aelfwine wouldn't have acquired the Red book as it hadn't existed, or that there was no guarantee that a copy had reached Tol Eressea.
@Edlothiad Quality takes time ;) It's much easier to say, Ok Jon is good, NK bad. Jon wins with help of an undead army and Eagles say meh, we are proud and right stuck-up pricks but we will give the suicide squad a ride home, whatever my dude.
@DavyM. couldn't agree more. I was fired for practices I've picked up here. I'm praised for drawing Free-Hand-Circles around things causing issues here on SO. This practice didn't go over well when we had our quarterly HR reviews when I started drawing circles on people's foreheads. Fired instantly for this practice. What gives?! this was a MVCE of why things weren't working... geesh. I since flagged them for VLQ on glassdoor — MattRyesterday
@TheLethalCarrot So Shelob was the last of the off-spring of a mystical creature of unknown origin. Shelob. Shelob was a great creature in the form of a spider, her webs was so great and evil the absorbed light and she lived for darkness. She was so powerful when she attacked Melkor (uber big baddy) he called his Balrogs to go sort her out. She then consumed the two trees (she hates light) ran off to Middle-earth and created some babies., The light of the two trees inside her caused her so much hatred