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Question time! I just got a cheap KVM switch, and it's making the picture external monitor fuzzy. Any chance this is something with OS X that I can fix, or is it just the switch?
@NathanGreenstein How lucky do you feel?
@IanC Can you make it over to Minneapolis?
@bmike Not too lucky. I knew this was likely with such a cheap switch
@NathanGreenstein Give it a chance. Power everything off.
Reconnect the cords - screw in any connectors - power on the kvm, then the monitor, then the mac.
@bmike afraid not. I'm car-less this time. Pretty much just hanging around the main campus area of town.
@IanC OK- let me know next time you're near - would be fun to hop on the motorcycle and head that way to meet up.
MadTown is quite fun.
2 hours later…
@ruddfawcett I'm working on a script that shall rival yours :-)
5 hours later…
@daviesgeek Let's see it!
1 hour later…
Hi, I had copy dmg file after downloading, now I am getting 29.9$ for buying it. I read somwhere Lion can be installed at 5 mac pcs. I installed at 2 only,
Anyone has an idea?
Look I bought from iMac and then installed, then from Mac mini again I download and before installing I right click on Lion app and click on show package content and copied InstallESD.dmg and pasted at save place. Now it is not showing. The main intention is to save 4GB data of downloading again and again.
@ThinkDifferent Here's a nice search that should get you closer to an answer - apple.stackexchange.com/…
Q: Is it possible to burn a DVD out of the Lion app store install?

Goldorak84Is it possible to burn a DVD out of the Lion app store install?

@bmike But why is it not showing at purchases tab at Mac AppStore?
Click Option then purchases tab
Lion is a special case, it's hidden from your purchase history by default.
G'day @stuffe.
Good afternoon there
Still morning here. But at least the sun shines.
We have had record April rain, mainly due to the last 3/4 days of the month really slinging it down. It's not really stopped since. But because we've not really had a really good wet winter for several years, we are technically in drought because the ground deep down is too dry to allow passage through to the aquafers, so it's all run off, swollen rivers, and dumping in the sea.
Water water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.
@stuffe Thanks - having to hold the option key whilst selecting the purchased tab is still a bit of a mystery to me. The mystery being why hide that one app in that one way.
@bmike Likely hidden because they want you to use the recovery partition.
And because, conceptually, the App store is all about installing on the system you run it from. It's not just a downloader, it's an installer, and you can't (Well, you can, but...) install Lion on top of Lion using Lion.
@stuffe We could use more rain—the Lake (Minnetonka) and Creek (Minnehaha) are both low.
On the other hand, I dropped (in a controlled way) my boats from the garage ceiling yesterday only to discover some stress cracks (from hanging them—using the same hang points I've used for years). They're dry-docked until the plastic welding tool comes in. Meanwhile, I spliced some slings so they're now supported by the hulls.
The point being the creek height is irrelevant to me until I fix the boats.
@stuffe I would rather they placed it there and coded in a special case to pop up an educational dialog. Hey - you have a recovery HD and are about to re-download 2.5 GB of data which could take 1 to 5 hours.
@bmike Yeah, all it needs is a popup on attempting to redownloading pointing to a knowledge base article explaining options.
It's made worse byt the fact that because the install button is hidden in purchases, it's therefore not shown in the main store, thus showing your the price not the word 'download'
Just another thing that needs fixing since Steve left us.
Apple is Doomed!
Yeah, Steve woulda never let that stand. ;)
Oh wait, he would have said You're doing it wrong.
I get so confused about the many faces of Steve. ;)
@jaberg We got a lot of rain last night - but it might take a good week of that to refresh the land that normally feeds the Minnetonka watershed.
@bmike Not sure how hard it rained up here last night. The real storm was just kicking off when I pulled into the garage. Nothing woke me up.
More rain last month since records began in 1910.
That's the country average. Local records go back to 1850 or so, and still a record.
Good news for the allotment though :)
Well - see you all later. Time to get going on the day's work.
1 hour to slacking off time :)
Laters :)
@ruddfawcett Not quite done yet, but I will post it when it's done
3 hours later…
@GrahamPerrin Disallowance? Is that even a word?
Guess it is...
@JasonSalaz yep, Dictionary in OS X recognises it as a noun.
I just use google for things like that, because the mouse is too slow.
nsf teenagers!
Has anyone here installed mysql 5.5 via homebrew on Lion without a problem?
I have a problem that I urgently need help on
Q: Starting MySQL produces "The server quit without updating PID file"

Burning the CodeigniterI've literally looked all over Stack Overflow, Superuser, I cannot find a solution to my problem that I'm experiencing right now, when I want to start MySQL, it produces this error: ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/usr/local/var/mysql/My-Username.local.pid). with the sudo ...

do you absolutely need mysql 5.5?
well, homebrew installs mysql 5.5
5.5.20 to be exact
I'm about to create a home brew VPN using amazon cloud compute for approx 50¢ a month
@BurningtheCodeigniter That didn't answer the question.
Do YOU need 5.5?
ok, then my suggested workaround will not work. sorry.
what version will yours work at?
okay, i'll go for 5.1 then
what's the workaround?
completely self-contained mysql (among other things)
ships with phpmyadmin too
ugh, i hate MAMP
it's not useful when you need other extensions
such as APC, memcached
nice one, but it's not the solution, thanks :)
I figured it would help temporarily
and it's not meant to be anything more than what it is
sorry I couldn't help
Since you used homebrew, try searching the github issues for it?
@JasonSalaz Haha! Agreed
@daviesgeek Done with that applet yet? :D
I am.
I'm going to post it…where'd you post yours?
@daviesgeek Well, post a link please.
@daviesgeek In chat... That's where I posted mine.
Oh, you used Dropbox
@JasonSalaz I noticed that github issue, chown'ing didn't help, I still get errors about the mysql.sock
@BurningtheCodeigniter Run this: mysql --help
Actually, let's take this into another room
@daviesgeek Daniel got to that closed source question before I did... Ugh. Thanks for posting my applet link, though.
it's about to get very noisy
@ruddfawcett Yup
23 more rep :-)
@ruddfawcett 30 more...
Whoo hoo!
@daviesgeek So, can I see the applet?
@ruddfawcett Working on uploading it...
Gotta add an icon...
Cool. Need help with adding the icon?
Nope. Got it, just need to create the .icns file
Thanks though!
The first time I added a window icon, I just renamed the .png, and I couldn't figure out why it didn't work. Then I realized I forgot to convert the file to an .icns!
@ruddfawcett :-)
Don't you just love it when Photoshop freezes on you?
I don't use photoshop. I can't really afford it.
Oh. My dad gets an educator's discount on it, so we get it for cheap
I use www.pixlr.com/editor or Preview or Gimp
Yah. I try to use Seashore when possible, but I can't always do everything in it.
Almost there...
Alright, my Ask Different Search application can be downloaded here.
@ruddfawcett ^ ^
Lemme know if there are bugs, etc...
I'm off. Just ping me here about the application, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
@daviesgeek Is it open source?
@daviesgeek The browser selection doesn't work for me...
@ruddfawcett How so?
@ruddfawcett I haven't decided yet, so I made it closed source...
@daviesgeek Nevermind...
You got it to work?
I think so...
One second...
Was it confusing? Or did you quit the application?
quitting it may have fixed it but I'm not sure
@ruddfawcett OK.
There may be bugs with the browser selection, as it is writing and reading to a .plist file. (which I had a hard time implementing)
Implementing and debugging...
if there's anything else wrong, be sure to ping me again.
2 hours later…
So, @daviesgeek, how come you're asking for a browser choice instead of just using the default?
You can use open location http://example.com to use the default browser

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