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00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@stuffe Do you not have an upload button to the right of the text box / send button?
If it's already online, you can just put in the link and it'll be automatically rendered (generally, stuff with .gif / .png / .jpg / etc.). Like usual, only when it's on it's own line.
But otherwise, you can upload in-chat.
1 hour later…
Posted by Joel Spolsky on February 6th, 2012

Stack Exchange co-founder Jeff Atwood announced that he is leaving the company to spend more time with his family, including his twin daughters Maisie Jane (5lb2oz) and June Adeline (5lb 7oz) who celebrated their 0th birthday (and joined Twitter) last Friday, to the great joy of their parents.

It has been a great honor for all of us to have worked with Jeff over the last four years as Stack Exchange grew from absolutely nothing to a world-changing resource with over 30 million monthly visitors.

When I first met Jeff, I told him that when Stack Overflow was built, it would become a standard part  …

3 hours later…
If the co-founder of the whole ecosystem is stepping away, at least we have the comfort that the founder of Ask Different is still with us.
4 hours later…
I wonder why he's not simply going to step down into a reduced role, but leaving altogether
In any case, this is huge. It's never quite the same once a cofounder leaves the company, especially one that's been leading primary development for the last (nearly) 4 years. Stack Exchange won't be the same without Jeff.
I did sort of wonder when this kind of stuff would start happening - obviously Jeff leaving is an extreme example, but there are a lot of people that have been with the company for years (Jarrod, Geoff, etc) and I was wondering when some of them might leave
I wonder if they'll take away his diamond
1 hour later…
Chaos. Confusion. Disorder. His work here is done.
Cheers @DaviesGeek - just raided your blog for an answer :)
3 hours later…
In the limited time I've been here, I've actually seen him present. I believe I've had posts on meta that he edited. Absolutely his absence will be significant.
I think I'll probably miss most the blog posts he made on blog.SE
I didn't always agree, but they were great at tackling a lot of community growth and management issues
one recent example:
Posted by Jeff Atwood on January 31st, 2012

Way back in 2008, we had Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman, the founders and co-creators of Reddit, on the Stack Overflow podcast. We chatted about a bunch of stuff, but one of the things they said that always stuck with me was that Reddit always took an explicitly hands-off, no moderation approach to their content from the very beginning.

I found that a bit shocking, since I’ve… never seen that work. Certainly on Stack Overflow and Stack Exchange we are very much pro-moderation — and more so with every passing year. We have literally hundreds of community moderators. We spend  …

That's a good read.
It's like littering, if you don't litter, and spend a few minutes each week just picking up the litter around where you live, eventually people will stop dropping litter...
that's the hope
People spoil what is already spoiled without thought. People are less likely to start if no-one else has already started spoiling it.
Amen to that. Which is why identifying rants posted as answers or questions and dealing with them is so important to maintaining the site. When good behavior is the model people see when they visit the site, that's what they're likely to copy.
Editing, flagging, upvoting the good, downvoting or closing the bad -- all of this makes the posts we want used as examples to appear on the front page when visitors come to the site.
I was just showing my brother the site last night, and he was impressed with how much amazing information there was he could learn here.
FWIW, he said he'd never actually come to the site through the front page before, but had ofteb ended up at various questions because of google searches.
hm, that sounds familiar...
What? Me encouraging people to vote?
no, your brother coming in through Google
Yeah. That was my other brother I was mentioning there, but I guess it was true of both of them.
But I'm used to giving the same lecture six times a week, so if I repeat myself, it's professional habit.
so if I repeat myself, it's professional habit.
no problem repeating yourself, it's possible (though I shudder at the possibility) that there are people reading the chat that don't listen to the podcast
(hands up)
@stuffe why not?
I have to admit, that I attempted to download Ep22 on teh way to buy lunch, but my reception failed.
I listen to a LOT of podcasts, and I need to drop some to take more on
I know the feeling
sometimes I'll get a good mix, and suddenly my time constraints change and I can't listen to all the ones I want to
Also, far too many tech ones, and far too many 5by5 ones
I listen to almost no podcasts, but occasionall this one and The Talk Show
get's a bit boring listening to some, as the overlaps is regularly huge
But this most recent one the audio quality on your guest was painful to listen to. He should get a better microphone.
Or a better voice.
But, it IS in my instacast list, I just never started. Also, being a bit fussy like this, I don't like to start with the latest, I usually head for EP1 and try to catch up.
@Daniel you'll get no argument from me :)
Or stick to typed media
This often results in failure to catch up, and giving in
@stuffe ok, I strongly suggest you DON'T do that with the Ask Different podcast
the first few episodes were pretty bad
they're out there for anyone that wants to listen to them, but I don't recommend starting with them
Learning by doing. It's a good thing.
yeah, none of us had ever done a podcast before, and we also had only ever spoken to one another once we decided to start, so we still hadn't yet gotten a feel for each others speech patterns
Well, I have 22 cached now, so I may listen, and then try to trim down some of the others ones if I like it.
@stuffe if you do listen, I'd be very interested in feedback
Episode 22 I mean, not 22 individual episodes..
Oh. Thank goodness.
I currently have 756 unplayed episodes in instacast....
251 here
Straw poll what's your favourite?
I think I live in a different world
favorite podcast? Hypercritical
I tried to start one once, utterly failed. Great logo tho.
When I'm driving, I listen to these "live streamed podcasts" called FM Radio.
That's my favourite 5by5 one, it may be the last one standing, other than maybe Ihnatko Almanac soon
There's this one called "The BBC News Hour" that I listen to a lot, particularly if I'm out in the middle of the night.
@Daniel big problem with that is you can't pause/resume
And "All things Considered"
and "Car Talk"
a lot of NPR shows are available in podcast form, you might find that useful
@KyleCronin you're right, but I never run into congestion over bandwidth issues
My favourite is possibly "enough", when it's good, it;s very good, but it has rough patches every now and then
@stuffe IA is good too. From 5by5 I also listen to Build and Analyze, The Talk Show, usually Back to Work and occasionally The Critical Path
I'm a Radio 4 guy, but that probably means little to non-brits.
oh, and Mac Power Users and The Incomparable as well I guess
I dip into Incomparable if the topic suits, not a regular tho
@Daniel that's why you download on wifi and play back later in the car, though I like the fact that Instacast can download over 3G if need be (though it's not great)
But Kyle, I don't have to remember to download, or remember to bring the USB stick into the car, or remember to sync -- I push the power button and It Just Works.
@stuffe yeah, same here, the panelists are also important. I try not to skip an Incomparable with Siracusa, and the ones without Snell I skip entirely, unless I really like the topic
@stuffe From its Wikipedia entry, it sounds a fair bit like the National Public Radio I listen to here. News, humor, science -- not so much drama, though.
@Daniel there are tradeoffs - I prefer to be able to start and pause a show whenever I want, the drawback being I have to think to download it before I leave
I tried to start a podcast where I was going to try to get people to do a "this is your life" autobiographical talk about their life in relation to the internet. Sounds a bit odd. Unsurprisingly I failed to bait a single interesting guest.
@KyleCronin Sure. And I'm enough of a knowledge magpie that I'm happy to take snippets of whatever's on, and if I miss ten minutes when I run into the library, so be it.
Also, my mic sucked.
That is, apparantly, a common problem.
When I'm using IE, I miss Safari's spellcheck.
@Daniel Given the shows I listen to, there's no way I could do that. I suspect it's because they're a lot more information-dense than your typical radio show, only going exactly as long as necessary without feeling the need to fill up time
@daniel I suffer with Opera on XP at work, i.e. now.
@stuffe not a fan of Opera?
I hate mispeling things. :-)
@stuffe it's hard to get people interested in something that doesn't exist yet. I was luck with the Ask Different Podcast in that I was able to find Nathan and Jason
@KyleCronin I prefer it, because I never really "fitted" with FF, and Chrome scares me. IE, of course, is a nono, mainly because it's configured to work proxies, whereas I can point a different browser how I like.
@stuffe you're part of the Fandom of the Opera, then
It's a good thing for the community that the podcast exists. Kyle, do you have any data on listenership
@KyleCronin please tell me that was an intentional Robert Rankin quote?
@stuffe ...no, I came up with it independently (yesterday, actually) and I was looking for an opportunity to use it
@Daniel obviously it's impossible to know who actually listens to it, but I can tell you how many people have downloaded the entire thing
@stuffe What about Safari?
OK, how many?
78 people have completely downloaded ep 22
that number usually slowly goes north of 100
it's not great, but for Ask Different it's not too bad either
huh, there was one IP that transferred nearly 4X the size of the file
multiple downloads?
must be
OK, got to actually teach. exam is done.
ok, bye
@Daniel Oddly, I always thought Safari sucked on Windows. It always refused to behave and actually store my proxy password, and the font rendering just looked straight up BAD on a windows machine. Not tried it since 4 tho. I'm Safari only on Mac, don't feel the need to anything it cannot do well enough already.
That 4x download might be me if it was in the past few hours. I just had to bin it again and start caching again...
It's stopping at 7.5Mb, done it loads of times now
In fact, I can;t play it at all, not through the direct link, or itunes.
it's not downloading?
Going to try 21
hm, worked for me
21 fine, 250k/s over 3g until it got to 8.3mb, then is pauses, and acts as if it's complete, but the file is duff
must be my phone in some way
could be the 3G
let me try again on 3G
Check the remaining time
Reckon that must be the maximum integer os something ;)
doesn't look like it
yeah, it's crawling for me over 3G too, 32 mins left
though nothing compared to your 68 years
don't know if that's a problem with the server or client
@KyleCronin Are podcasts simply served up on a web server somewhere or do you need to have some special hosting for podcast clients to see a viable download?
both have 68 years left to go!
(I ask since I've got a server I could pop those two episodes up)
@bmike regular web server, they're on a Dreamhost account
They are just files on a webserver.
The iTunes link etc is just a modified RSS feed to their locations
I've been looking into moving to S3, the fact that some people are having problems downloading the episodes is probably going to hasten that transition
Could get worse if the traffic goes up.
Can't imagine it's a load issue at 100 an episode
right, and downloading over wifi works fine
I confess I don't know much about the finer points of HTTP and TCP, but it's possible that there's some latency issue that's causing the slowness
I will try from my computer rater than phone
@stuffe I've seen some shared hosting really crawl when storage gets over extended.
Gotta be my 3g, Ep20 stopped at exactly 7.5Mb also.
same 68 years to go timer ;)
I'm getting the same kinds of transfer speeds from a 5by5 show, so at least for me there doesn't seem to be anything specific that's wrong with media.podcast.askdifferent.net
@KyleCronin what's the URL?
the episodes are at media.podcast.askdifferent.net/ask-different-22.mp3 where "22" is the number of the episode
OK - here's another one for testing
minor exceptions for the first few episodes which omit the "ask-different-"
21, 20 and 19 are there.... I think those are the ones without the ⌘
not sure if I can get Instacast to download directly from a URL
Instacast needs an RSS feed iirc.
@KyleCronin Yes - that would be ugly to make people past in URL's
Click the download link in the shownotes to do that
I'm getting a good 200 to 300 KB/s from the media.podcast.askdifferent.net
Click the download link in the shownotes to do that
yeah, for me it's probably just the 3G where I am, as I'm getting the same speeds with other shows
don't know what stuffe's issue is though
It's probably a problem at my skanky cheap ass provider ;)
£10 a month for ulmimited 3g internet
It's cheap....but it's not without issues!
@stuffe I'd be interested in hearing how the infrastructure is in europe. Other than some notable metro areas (AT&T and San Francisco / NYC) - we pay more, but get quite fast data speeds.
TBH, it's fast and cheap.
In the midwest here - I have 3-5 Mbps down and 1 Mbps up quite often in most locations. It's $30/month though for unlimited
I pay £10. I get unlimited (truly unlimited, so long as I don't tether), unlimited texts, unlimited free calls to people on the same provider, and 250 cross network minutes to other providers. That's, what, $15? I get approx 1.7Mb down, and 1.5Mb up
Yow - $30 is just my data - it's another $30 for calls and I've never come close to using 1/10 of the minutes so the entry plan for voice is more than I need.
I've heard GSM is ubiquitous and fast as a rule over that side of the atlantic.
We only get GSM over here.
Italy is a bit odd, but most of europe is GSM all over.
I know - we were late to the GSM party
UK is good, we are overpopulated, so don't have coverage issues as a rule :)
@stuffe Oh - awesome tag edits today @stuffe
Italy uses a werid UTMS GSM offshoot
I fielded about 16 of your edits when I logged in today.
@bmike thanks - I forget which was first, but I was surprised it wasn't there. Then I realised there was 2 points in it, so I did 25 to make up for a bounty I placed :)
I did reject your headphones one, though :-(
Too much was off topic - have another whack at it just sticking to the parts that matter and you'll have more pointe :-)
hehe, flippant, yeah, but figured it would be OK, who doesn;t know what headphones are?!
I know - in that case - it's best to just leave the wiki empty.
The description is about how headphones relate to Apple products - not a general definition
I very nearly made it much worse, I was thinking of describing "headphones" as a mechanism for tangling cables...
I did laugh at the humor - it would be awesome and star worthy here in chat. :-)
leaky cans and all
Headphones: speaker systems designed to look awkward and leak just the irritating parts of a performance to those sitting in a public space next to the owner. Design is focused on making the cords as sticky as possible so as to see what topology of knots previously unknown to mankind that can self-knot in less than 30 seconds of time spent in either a pocket or bag.
Too long, try "Gordian ear pollution"
@stuffe I'd vote for that
Here's a great question for the moderator nominees.... What to do with questions like this...
Q: Ring tones and call blockers that work

BobAnybody out know of a few ring tones or better yet, call blockers that actually work on an apple4s with the os5 update installed? Like bill collectors and whoever you do want talk to. For me it's more business related and.not much of personal. Tryed most of them without jail breaking. The droid...

I'd be tempted to comment asking for clarification of the actual question, and then edit the title to match
@stuffe I'm going to leave it unedited since I added a comment. I feel it's better to either edit it into shape if I feel I can pull it off or comment and leave it alone for a day or two. Doing both to a new asker seems like hitting them with too much at once.
@bmike I would only edit the title after the OP ammended the question
as the OP would likely fail to ammend the title, even after a heft content edit
@stuffe I like the way you think :-)
That's the best part about assuming the OP is really interested in fixing the question.
always best to provide the opportunity to do it themselves, and clear up after than 2nd guess
If they aren't and just want to whine or ask a broad question - it either dies until community resurrects it or it gets closed.
and if they don't amend it, then you get get busy editing after a few days
If they are, the positive encouragement pays off with someone likely to ask more questions and start participating.
I like the way this thread is going. I see promising moderation strategies here.
Of course, great editing is a boon to the site whether done by a moderator or any user.
But the mods do set the tone, and I like the tone you're both setting.
"This is my platform to say anything I want..." :)
48:30ish, EP22
Q: Macbook pro (15) 2011 - display problem

MirecI have a problem. I noticed when writing a mail today and the PDF invoice me flashing cursor - the slow and fast movements. I am not sure what to can - you have a problem with that and you? The display has been claimed (burned pixel) and then made ​​it even now - so the display is OK. Could it S...

Sure I reported this once, and it dissapeared. Now it's back with a new timestamp, exact same text. Genuine question?
"When I rule the world....we're all set!" EP 22 approx 1:05:00
A mod could check the deletion log. Good comment!
Come to think of it, so could bmike.
2 hours ago, by Kyle Cronin
@stuffe you're part of the Fandom of the Opera, then
@JasonSalaz I suspect you want to register for the Town Hall
Indeed I forgot to do that when I joined the room yesterday. Thanks for the reminder.
I don't know what registering means, but I thought your name belonged on that list.
@Daniel Not sure where I'd find it - if it was closed I could search for strings in the post.
It means that events in the room will notify you.
With the THUD and a global inbox notice.
@bmike Can't you view deleted posts?
I don't remember either of those quotes that stuffe posted. This makes me feel weird. Of course, it was 1 day shy of two weeks ago, so, that kind of granularity in recollection is a bit... excessive.
The first one sounds like something I would have said.
@Daniel There is no place to see them organized AFAIK. Closed ones and deleted comments get shown to people over 10k of rep (which implicitly includes all diamond mods) so I can see deleted comments and answers, not deleted questions.
Nice. Apple's been listening to grumbling on the dev forums. They've posted a warning against "buying" top 25 ranking.

(Login required)
> While being a community moderarator is a volunteer (but often elected) position, and participation is strictly voluntary at all times, we do require two important things of all elected community moderators.

> You must accept the community moderator agreement within 30 days of election or appointment.
> [...]
Baaaaaaaaaah I dislike chat's parser.
Yeah... but it doesn't link to the agreement.
@Daniel Right, sorry, I just re-read it and realized you meant the text of the document, not just reference to the document.
Podcast feedback
Technical: the mic issues were of little importance, I might not even have particularly noticed but for the prior warning
glad it's not that obvious
Content: All very interesting, middle section about education was a little hard to follow as I am not familiar with the US education system, and wandered out of the realm of being strictly connected to the theme on occasion
I guess when you spend hours editing, when you're listening for every imperfection, it jumps out at you
I'm trying to get Kyle to stop caveating episodes. So I appreciate your comments, stuffe.
Hosts: I could honestly not really tell who was who, but that's just a case of familiarising myself with your voices I suppose ;)
Jin said that me and Kyle sound similar, which was... strange, to me.
Of course, all you yanks sound the same ;)
well, I think that Nathan probably sounds a lot different than either of us
Did Nathan keep a little quiet on this one?
a bit, though he's not super talkative on any episode
Back to mic problems, you hear worse on almost every podcast where there is a "guest", who skypes in etc, echoing and popping etc. This was relatively clean, perhaps the post processing sorts some of it, in which case it does a good job
yeah, even though we had a guest we still had him record locally so we wouldn't get those network issues
I think that if he had a better mic we'd get more of a range of his voice (this seemed to have very little low-end)
Needs a jingle, suppose the Mac 'bonnngggggg' noise is copyright :p
heh, we had a jingle for the first ~8 episodes
You see, I knew I should start at the beginning...
I wasn't crazy about it so I cut it, but if we find some better music I'll see if we can bring back a jingle :)
anyway, thanks so much for the feedback
I'm telling you, GarageBand has jingles.
GarageBand FTW
@KyleCronin Thanks!
GarageBand also has sloooooow painfulllllll editing tools
I guess that's a substantial downside
iLife's about as sophisticated as my audio processing has been.
(which explains my mic quality)
I'm OK with using several apps to edit
I'm still going to use Audition to content edit, that's a given
but pre-processing the audio files, jingles, etc I could definitely use a different app if it works
There's a royalty-free library of jingles, etc. in GarageBand. It might sound a little canned-Apple product, but for Ask Different, that might not be a bad thing.
OK Mod agreement question:
•I acknowledge that I may have access to potentially personally-identifying information about Apple - Stack Exchange users and that in connection with such access

•I will use such information solely in accordance with the then-current Privacy Policy of Apple - Stack Exchange,

•I will not disclose this information to anyone,

•I will not store or copy this information and

•I will only use such information in connection with performance as a Apple - Stack Exchange moderator for the benefit of Apple - Stack Exchange.
> I will not store or copy this information
To display information on your screen, it gets both copied and stored in RAM. Otherwise, you can't read it.
I assume there is some length of time for which the information can be reasonably stored and copied or else access to the information is utterly useless.
But what is that reasonable threshhold?
@KyleCronin What happened to it?
I finally got up to the episodes where the jingle had disappeared.
10 mins ago, by Kyle Cronin
I wasn't crazy about it so I cut it, but if we find some better music I'll see if we can bring back a jingle :)
Oh, I didn't see that...
@Daniel the mod agreement is more spirit than legal
@stuffe What did you do?
I really hope you weren't the person that posted six of the same comment on different blog posts...
@daviesgeek Just used some of your stuff about getting multiple user screen sharing running on Snow Leopard
@stuffe Ok, good.
I'm glad you weren't the spammer.
Because whoever spammed my blog did a horrible job
They had no idea how to write a good comment that will get them a link.
@daviesgeek If it was me, it would have "stuffe" written all over it, literally.
Ok, cool
How was my tutorial written? Easy to understand? Easy to follow?
All correct and present :)
@daviesgeek I refuse to even think about how pingyurltrackbackflapjack works, I really don't care who links to my stuff - never understood the fascination
wow tons of elections elections.stackexchange.com
It's a little out of date. The Sci-Fi/Fantasy one is complete already
I don't have enough rep anywhere else to vote
Posted by Jeff Atwood on May 17th, 2009

We believe deeply in community moderation. That’s why we appoint Pro Tempore Moderators and, ideally, democratically elected community moderators for every site in our network. But what do community moderators do? The short answer is, as little as possible!

From the very first version of Stack Overflow faq way back in mid-2008, our goal has always been to give power back to the community:

Stack Overflow is run by you! If you want to help us run Stack Overflow, you’ll need reputation first. Reputation is a (very) rough measurement of how much the Stack Overflow community trusts you. R …

The comments and replies to this do not inspire :/
I never did read the comments on that post.
lots of disgruntled users.
even @KyleCronin and @NathanGreenstein get some stick
this is the first I'm hearing of this
Scroll down to the Nov entries in this:
but if the post was anything like that comment it's no wonder it was deleted
I've noticed that the comments on the blog are fairly cynical by comparison to the rest of the site.
That is some seriously creepy blog there...
so this is the user:
the only post I see is apple.stackexchange.com/questions/6283/… (deleted)
rather, it was converted to a comment here: apple.stackexchange.com/a/7450/13
check his blogs November entries w2sparta.blogspot.com
let me just say, I have no problem losing this person as a user
"Think guys. Also, in a perfect world, would there be the need for moderators ??! The only thing perfect is the organizations ability to blame democratic voting as an alibi for there not doing anything about your assumed perfect crime of abuse of position. "
w2sparta.blogspot.com/2011/11/… ok this is just creepy
I am seriously weirded out by this! That 2nd post has pictures of dictators being executed and all sorts in it. Seriously messed up.
this is why I'm sort of vague about personal details about myself
(retracts candidacy!)
based on their IP, they're in Lebanon
so, no trips to Lebanon
I think I can manage that
Good question for the mod candidates. A user takes offence at an edit, and posts pictures of you in a 20 page post on his blog including pictures of dictators being killed. Do you a) Not even realise, b) invite him to become a moderator, c) Immediately resign and change your name, d) book a flight to lebanon
e) all of the above f) half of the above g) none of the above
I feel like I'm taking the opening academy test in space quest 5 all of the sudden.
so we already have the same number of voters for this current election as last year's (51)
@stuffe Yeah...I work in a world of SEO.
(Search Engine Optimization)
Which is basically linking to content and getting links.
Also, writing original content.
The whole point is to get your site to show up on Google.
Nice paste.
I suspect you didn't have what you thought on your clipboard.
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, 2 hours ago, by Stefano Palazzo
                             //|                              ,|
                           //,/                             -~ |
                         // / |                         _-~   /  ,
                       /'/ / /                       _-~   _/_-~ |
                      ( ( / /'                   _ -~     _-~ ,/'
                       \~\/'/|             __--~~__--\ _-~  _/,
               ,,)))))));, \/~-_     __--~~  --~~  __/~  _-~ /
            __))))))))))))));,>/\   /        __--~~  \-~~ _-~
That's what I was trying to paste
How did he get it to work?
fixed font button, I suspect
                             //|                              ,|
                           //,/                             -~ |
                         // / |                         _-~   /  ,
                       /'/ / /                       _-~   _/_-~ |
                      ( ( / /'                   _ -~     _-~ ,/'
                       \~\/'/|             __--~~__--\ _-~  _/,
               ,,)))))));, \/~-_     __--~~  --~~  __/~  _-~ /
            __))))))))))))));,>/\   /        __--~~  \-~~ _-~
Whoa! that is awesome!!!!
but it's not crying
nor is there an iphone being dipped in it.
Whaddya mean by that??
     .'  __________________________________________________________  '.
     : .'                                                          '. :
     | |      ________________________________________________      | |
     | |    .:________________________________________________:.    | |
     | |    |                                                  |    | |
     | |    |                                                  |    | |
     | |    |                                                  |    | |
How's that one?
you've never heard the 'dipped in unicorn tears' reference before?
         .-":     .- .     """"-._
       .: ..'         '           "-._
       :|"|:     :     '              "-.
      .:| |:          ' -  .             "-.
      :|  |:     :    '- '                 \"-.
     .:| |:'          '    .'"-.            "-\"-.
     :|  |:      :    '- -'.    '.             "-,"-.
     :|  |:          '       "    :               "-."-.
    .:| .::     :    '        '   '.                 "-.".
    :|  |:'          '         `   :                    "-:.
@JasonSalaz nope
I don't keep up with that kinda stuff
"Keep up with..."
Feb 3 at 5:35, by Daniel
So if this is going to turn into some sort of chat about pop culture, I suspect it won't be a very interesting one.
Feb 3 at 5:42, by Daniel
Culture... isn't that what they grow bacteria in?
It's not pop culture. It's pundit-buzzword-nonsense.
@KyleCronin I don't understand, thought you just need 150rep to vote? Surely should be way higher?
Do you mean votes already cast?
150 to vote, 300 to run.
21 of those should be by candidates alone
@stuffe yes, sorry
51 votes cast last year and 51 votes cast this year so far
Ask Different Chat is a dull name, all the other sites have fun names
well, some of them...
I propose a rename to "the square pegs"
It's like what Nathan mentioned after being elected.
"Ask Different Mods"
i.e. don't bother us, go somewhere else. I giggled at that too.
nice :)
Enjoy the debate guys
T-4 hours 15 minutes.
00:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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