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@BeastOfCaerbannog Certainly! Tag team! ;-)
I guess the Mod disagreed, though. They must have deleted/undeleted, because I got the "Helpful" on the flag, but the answer is still there.
I didn't notice it was a 2021 answer.
1 hour later…
@NotTheDr01ds That is an awkward one. It is basically a link only answer which is not ideal in any way. Going for this answer is the fact that it is an accepted answer by the OP and that particular question has 12k views. The linked page actually details repository technique, PPA and binary blob from NVidia. So which one helped the OP? We will probably never know :(
@andrew.46 Right. I have no problem with the decision (either way) - And thanks for the delete/undelete to still give the helpful flag ;-)
Agree it's a tough one.
Didn't notice the number of views, but it makes sense given the age.
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, messaging number in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (178): kernel panic after installing new kernel‭ by Zixin‭ on askubuntu.com
3 hours later…
@NotTheDr01ds I think that mods don't have to delete/undelete to mark a flag helpful. They have a separate option for that (I think).
2 hours later…
@Natty fetch links
Oh wait.
@Natty @Natty fp
@Natty fp
Sorry guys.
How do I stop it????
@Natty stop
@Natty bye
@Natty exit
@Zanna I am so sorry :(. Please do something
I M so sorry for flooding this room.
@Natty send tp t fp
Is that it?
@Natty send fp
So sorry guys :/
@Error404 Why did you do that when I explicitly said don't do that and explained the consequences???
Now we have to wait until Natty finishes link fetching in about 2 days and then we can remove the messages.
169 messages moved to ­Trash
I have already moved some messages to trash and I will check periodically to try to keep the room relatively clean, but I can't really promise.
12 messages moved to ­Trash
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body (98): Installation problem in UEFI‭ by Roman Skuratov‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): Sudo apt update problem in Cutefish OS‭ by EskimoGabe‭ on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog Hmm, so does this mean that Natty is completely tied up on the fetch until completed? Or will it still process new tasks (new answers) in parallel?
2 hours later…
@Natty status
@NotTheDr01ds As you may see from the above command, Natty didn't respond, so it most probably can't do things in parallel.
609 messages moved to ­Trash
@BeastOfCaerbannog I was afraid of that. So no Natty for a while. Looks like it's still working through the 2019 NATO's.
Long way to go, as you said.
@natty reboot
Hahaha! Worth a try I guess!
But this is an admin command, so you wouldn't be able to reboot it that way...
I figured; just wanted to see if I at least got a permission issue response from it.
So Natty shows as only running here and in SEBotics. How is it integrated here?
@NotTheDr01ds She's busy now. Try again later. :P
Like this I guess? natty.sobotics.org/setup
@BeastOfCaerbannog So I wonder who is actually running it here against this room.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I invited the Bot owner/creator here to see if there's something that can be done.
Oh dear. And I thought 6000 on the list of SOBOTICS was a lot. Good luck and endure.
@NotTheDr01ds Good idea. It may be worth asking if it is possible to change the code to have @natty fetch links actually return only a specific number of links, say 10, and if someone wants all the links to have to explicitly ask for it with a keyword, e.g. all.
@Yunnosch Haha! Thanks!
30 messages moved to ­Trash
Oh dear
You are going to need the luck. It took us about 2 months to do 6k in SOBotics
Can't whoever's hosting Natty give him a kick and stop the command?
There is a US to autofetch links or sentinal to prevent this form happening in the future
@Ethan What do you mean?
@Ollie I think so (or just shutdown the bot)
In SOBotics we started going through the 6k reports with no feedback in late aguast and we finished in mid to late october
@Ethan That's running through the reports and giving feedback on each individual one IIRC. They just have to delete them in here.
@Ethan And this was done by how many people??
@BeastOfCaerbannog Most was done by Yunnosch and I but many others helped us weather its old or new reports
@Ollie This is the second time this happens here. It takes about two days for Natty to fetch all the links.
@BeastOfCaerbannog holy moly
Again, can't someone just shut Natty down?
Who hosts the bot?
@Ollie We can't. We're not admins of Natty.
32 mins ago, by NotTheDr01ds
@BeastOfCaerbannog I invited the Bot owner/creator here to see if there's something that can be done.
Let's hope it can be stopped.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Just said he's not in town and cant do anything
in SOBotics on Stack Overflow Chat, 46 secs ago, by Bhargav Rao
@NotTheDr01ds not in town, can't control it ... :(
@Ethan Awesome. Just hope that Natty's server won't get on fire!
@Ethan Great, I will test it when all this finishes. Thanks!
@BeastOfCaerbannog Bhargav is seeing if he could call somebody to stop this until he gets home
@Ethan Yup. I'm in SOBotics. Just saw it. Thanks for the heads up.
32 messages moved to ­Trash
if nothing can be done could we ask a mod to temp chat ban Natty to try and solve the problem?
@Ethan Yeah. Perhaps @andrew.46 or @Zanna can do that.
8 messages moved to ­Trash
@BeastOfCaerbannog well lets first wait to see if Bhargav can do anything
@BeastOfCaerbannog Fixed
@natty fetch count
yep its fixed
@Ethan Awesome! Thanks!
@Natty fetch links 11
@Natty fetch links 5
@Ethan I added the US you mentioned and adjusted it for this room. Is there a way to know that it works without actually sending @Natty fetch links?
you can fetch the count
besides you can make it so it only fetchs x number of rows so if you set it to 5 it will only send 5 messages. Just make sure to press save
@Natty fetch sentinel 8
Looks like you have indigestions
something to do with corrupted files I think
I don't want to flood the room again if I have misconfigured something
you wont. Its caped at 10 messages anyways
(Its is referring to the US)
Yeah, if // @match *://chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/3877/* is the only change needed in the script.
If it is something else that needs to be configured too, it will fetch all I think
only the URL needs to be changed. Besides all my fetches have been through the US
@BeastOfCaerbannog and by default it will only fetch enough for 2 messages
Ok then. Fingers crossed!
@Natty fetch links
nothing happened
@Natty fetch count
Natty's up
@Natty fetch 10
Oh shit
forgot the links
would kicking Natty from the room stop this? Or would it auto rejoin?
I have no idea
what did I do?
@Natty fetch count
nope it dident stop
55 per message
I guess it fetches the post numbers for all posts
@BeastOfCaerbannog nope only ones with out feedback but you have a lot of indigestions
Its going to be 518 total messages
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): Wifi problem on 22.10 ✏️‭ by Swapna Adhav‭ on askubuntu.com
@Ethan About 25 secs per double message. So about 2 hours for all.
@BeastOfCaerbannog A lot better than 2 days
That's acceptable.
But maybe a protection for this should be added in the script too.
@BeastOfCaerbannog No I thin the bot should
It would be better if these were part of the bot.
53 messages so far
52 messages moved to ­Trash
Yeah, it's not nearly as bad as before, but why it didn't fetch the links when I sent the first command?
@BeastOfCaerbannog idk. An extra white space mabey
@Ethan There is a feature request for protection from fetch links in the bot: github.com/SOBotics/Natty/issues/42
And I also think that since I requested 10 posts, it should only fetch 10, not all.
@BeastOfCaerbannog nice. Too bad I dont know java
Uh... why is Natty dumping numbers into chat?
@cocomac typo in the command
The numbers or either the answer ID or the report ID
@cocomac First because of this, now because of that.
I'm not familiar with Natty, or what else uses it, but would rebooting it get it to stop?
well the first one was stoped by the owner calling somebody to do something
@cocomac yes but we already asked for a reboot the first time and this one will only last like 2 hours instead of 2 days
12 messages moved to ­Trash
@Ethan Post IDs are doubled. I guess it will take double the time. A little less than 4 hours.
@BeastOfCaerbannog they are?
oh I see
@Natty fetch amount
nope its not done
1 hour later…
Natty started fetching links again all by itself...

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