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@NotTheDr01ds It is an interesting question :). I have cleared away one non-answer, removed the one with the now-gambling link and cleared out some comments. I confess that I think it is a question that could be allowed to sleep but it will be interesting to see what the community in general will do with your flag and what my colleagues think. @Zanna
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
3 hours later…
Is this spam?
@Natty tp
@Natty borderline NAA. Can a mod have a look? @Zanna @andrew.46
@Natty Also borderline.
@Natty fp
@Natty tp
1 hour later…
@Natty tp
1 hour later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog Curious (since I'm still a few weeks shy of 10k) if that was a self-delete or mod-delete?
@BeastOfCaerbannog I edited that one, but it wasn't a great answer because the question isn't great. Doesn't mention the media player/browser in the first place.
What's "fp" and "tp" short for?
@NotTheDr01ds Mod delete (Zanna)
@NotTheDr01ds fp stands for "false positive" and tp for "true positive". There is also ne for "needs edit".
All are feedback to Natty that helps train its AI.
If Natty finds an answer that is indeed NAA, we feed it tp, meaning that what Natty found as a NAA ("positive") was actually ("true") a NAA.
If what Natty catches ("positive") is actually an answer and not NAA ("false"), we feed it fp.
ne is a bit more complicated and is used when a caught answer is an answer but needs to be edited.
Also see here:
To decide whether you should use fp or ne, you may look at Sentinel's reasons for which the post was caught:
If for example, a reason was "No Code Block" but the answer other than that is OK, then you feed ne, because if the answer had the code block, it wouldn't be caught.
@NotTheDr01ds Yeah. "As a workaround, try a soft restart of Xfce using Alt+F2, then R for Gnome." That sentence doesn't even make sense. Why suggest restarting XFCE but give instructions for GNOME? The only part that could be an answer is the hint of restarting XFCE, that's why I was hesitant about flagging it. Your edit is fine, but still not sure if it should be deleted.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Thank you!
@BeastOfCaerbannog Agreed - Still not clear.
@NotTheDr01ds I have downvoted and commented and thinking about flagging it too.
@NotTheDr01ds :)
@BeastOfCaerbannog And yeah, that was just too incomprehensible. I try to "translate" when I can, but I just couldn't even begin to find a way to salvage that one.
@NotTheDr01ds Yeah. I was unsure about downvoting and flagging or only downvoting.
I only downvoted, but it sounds like Zanna agrees that you made the right call in flagging. (And I agree as well).
@NotTheDr01ds Oh, I didn't flag it!
Ah, just the room comment, got it.
In cases you are unsure, a comment here can save you a possible declined flag
Exactly - I do that quite often as well.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Speaking of, what are your thoughts on askubuntu.com/q/684/1165986
Up to 2 close votes.
Wondering if it will make it before it ages away.
@NotTheDr01ds I think it's ok. It is quite clear and focused to me. The OP asks for websites that can be used to find Ubuntu/Linux alternatives to Windows software.
The focus is there: websites that can be used to find Ubuntu/Linux alternatives to Windows software
And that is clear and related to Ubuntu.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Fair enough - I just added a comment to it on why I VTC'd. But IMHO it's just too broad. And the only answers that are valid are link-only answers, which we say are NAA's ;-)
From your comment: "The sites that host this information often become very out-of-date, or worse, are taken over as spam sites" A question should not be judged as on- or off-topic from its answers, but from its content.
@NotTheDr01ds Well, not when a question asks for website recommendation! In that case the answer is actually a link. And vice-versa.
What do you find too broad?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Gnome-terminal padding only when fullscreen?‭ by Jammore‭ on askubuntu.com
@BeastOfCaerbannog General, "alternative for any software" is broad. Ask Ubuntu itself can be used to ask for recommendations for alternatives for individual apps, but asking for external sites for "any alternative software" just seems to open-ended to me.
I guess that's why some Stack sites disallow requests for external resources (Stack Overflow, Super User), but we definitely don't have that restriction here.
So I wouldn't consider it off-topic as a "request for external resource" like I would on SO, but it just seems too open-ended.
And problematic because the links have become really bad over the years.
@NotTheDr01ds Yeah, but the question doesn't ask for "alternatives for any software", but for "websites that provide alternatives for software".
Right - But alternatives for any software. And those types of sites either (a) become stale, (b) are eventually abandoned and easy targets for spammy domain snatchers
I'm trying to think of another good question that would ask for a link, though.
@NotTheDr01ds If you think an answer is bad, you may downvote it. (BTW, I still find alternativeto.net a nice resource of Windows software alternatives)
@BeastOfCaerbannog Yup, usually there's room for 1 or 2 of these types of sites, and the rest get abandoned.
@NotTheDr01ds There are questions in which an answer can be an online tool. In such a case, a link is the answer.
@NotTheDr01ds If the sites don't work anymore or have become spam sites, then a custom flag should be the way to go
@BeastOfCaerbannog Yup, that's what I did in this case.
Still, they sat there for a while. Fortunately the question seems pretty low-traffic, and I only spotted it based on the NATO.
Unless you can use Wayback Machine to find an older working instance of the site, which probably isn't an option on recommendation sites.
The best answer there has only received 1.5 upvotes a year on average ;-)
@NotTheDr01ds I was about to edit that when I saw your edit. :)
@BeastOfCaerbannog Lol - I actually had a feeling.
Was worried they were going to clash.
The OP of the question wants padding inside the terminal, or am I missing something?
@NotTheDr01ds "you can email me if you need help with anything" is a bit creepy
Hmm - Yeah, based on the fact that it is unusable when too small, probably inside.
Also looks like cross-posting with a different account: stackoverflow.com/questions/74468278/…
And lucky 7! I see that way too much, but yeah, how would the user even expect to get an email?
Hahaha! IKR!
SO just went down on me - I see the question, but the Javascript won't load to allow me to VTC and post to socvr
Can't believe it didn't get closed there as off-topic already.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Have you seen Stack Overflow's equivalent of this room? socvr.org (Stack Overflow close-vote-review)
There's a userscript that will show the status of each close-vote request.
@NotTheDr01ds No. Sounds good! Can it be made to work here as well?
Do you have a link to the script?
I find "Where can I find alternatives to...?" a very useful question. New users need to find alternatives to the programs they are used to. (I am still looking for an alternative to AutoCAD). Which Question would we propose as an alternative to this one? I even think @andrew.46 went too far in the answers he deleted.
@C.S.Cameron FreeCAD or OpenSCAD maybe?
Not DWG format or similar to use. Dassault Systèmes' DraftSight was very similar to ACAD Light, (2D only), but is now a paid app. Thanks anyway.
In theory, it's supposed to work on Ask Ubuntu, but I'm missing something ...
@C.S.Cameron It seems that FreeCAD is able to import DWG files: wiki.freecadweb.org/FreeCAD_and_DWG_Import
@NotTheDr01ds Oh, I hadn't understand that you meant the cv-pls script. Kulfy used to use it and I have also tested it and it worked in the past. Didn't it work for you?
It's showing as enabled here, but I'm not getting the cv-pls button on Ask Ubuntu for some reason.
Or any other site except for SO.
There's another script in there that will show the status of the requests in the chatroom, though. One step at a time for me, though. First need the cv-pls working.
I installed it now and got an "Sd-report" option below the posts:
And also a "Send cv-pls request" in the Close options:
Do you get these options?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (1): Clear cache -- "Operation not permitted" even with sudo ✏️‭ by teodor mihail‭ on askubuntu.com
Needs Details or Clarity how to login for app‭ - user220615‭ 2022-10-08 15:18:03Z
@NotTheDr01ds I managed to get it working. You have to add 'askubuntu.com' to const socvrModeratedSites (line 49). Then make sure you add the RotLD link at the Set target room list.
OT-not about Ubuntu Not able to get mods on sims 4‭ - Kam‭ 2022-11-27 13:27:39Z
OT - Debian Steam doesn't start‭ - George Glebov‭ 2022-11-26 19:03:30Z
3 hours later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog Sweet! Thanks!
I just hadn't scanned enough of the source to find the variable that needed changing.
Unless there's some doc I missed somewhere.
@NotTheDr01ds You're welcome!
I don't think you missed something. It also took me a while to find out what should be changed to make it work. Mostly by trial and error. I'm not quite sure if this is hacky or the way it supposed to work or even a bug that it doesn't work with AU out of the box.
But since it works, all is fine!
Now it would be awesome if you could find the other script you mentioned. It would be quite helpful for the people in this room.
@C.S.Cameron Totally agree. Kind of goes with what @ArturMeinild was mentioning the other day, with the guilty-until-proven-innocent.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Same site - github.com/SO-Close-Vote-Reviewers/UserScripts#magic-editor - It's the UnclosedRequestReview one.
Unfortunately, from the looks of it, it's hard-coded to Stack Overflow, but perhaps I'm missing something again.
I'm not half-bad at regular expressions, but I'm not sure I want to begin reverse engineering:

getSOAnswerIdFfromURLRegExes = [
/(?:^|[\s"(])(?:(?:https?:)?(?:(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.|\/\/)?stackoverflow\.com\/))(?:a[^\/]*)\/+(\d+)(?:\s*|\/[^/#]*\/?\d*\s*)(?:$|[\s")])/g, // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
/(?:^|[\s"'(])(?:(?:https?:)?(?:(?:\/\/)?(?:www\.|\/\/)?stackoverflow\.com\/))(?:q[^\/]*|posts)[^\s#]*#(\d+)(?:$|[\s"')])/g, // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape
@C.S.Cameron One was an argument against the premise of the question, which oddly enough picked up 3 votes. I thought it was more of a comment than an answer but I did not see the value in converting it to a comment with such an ancient question. The other seemed legitimate but was not only flagged as spam by 2 users but the poster's other post also involved this domain and looked highly suspicious to me as quiet spam. Always ready to re-look at these 2 though...
@BeastOfCaerbannog I'm not sure about that one myself. Agree with @C.S.Cameron's comments there (and added my own). There's just no indication that I can see that it's off-topic.
@andrew.46 Interesting. I only flagged the one gambling one, and I agree the other looked legit at first glance. I can't see it now (for another 333 rep, at least). I did just go through the three remaining answers. Two of the sites remaining, while valid, haven't been updated in 10-11 years. The one @BeastOfCaerbannog mentioned is the only one that is still going strong, but oddly has the fewest upvotes.
I've posted a comment on the two out-of-date answers -- Best to steer people away from potentially outdated software recommendations for security reasons alone. Recommend downvotes on the out-of-date sites to try to bury them, and upvotes on the altenativeTo, personally.
I'll stop pushing for the question to be closed, but I'm leaving my vote there, at least for now.
@NotTheDr01ds F...! I hadn't noticed that I voted for this one! I was only testing cv-pls on this question and I remember that I clicked cancel to a pop-up by it. It seems that the vote was cast though! I'm so sorry for this!
The questions is totally fine as it is!
I voted to reopen.
@BeastOfCaerbannog Same here.
Guessing we can get @ArturMeinild and @C.S.Cameron to vote to reopen as well.
Unless @Zanna or @andrew.46 want to short-circuit the process since you did say your vote was a mistake ;-).
And I was paranoid about testing cv-pls things before, but now I'm really paranoid :-)
Not that I think it will get an answer, but I feel bad for the reaction the New Contributor got.
@NotTheDr01ds I guess so. I feel bad!
@BeastOfCaerbannog Honest mistake! We'll fix it.
@NotTheDr01ds Hahaha!
I do hope the OP takes the time to edit it based on my suggestion. I just don't feel I can upvote it right now based on the lack of detail, but lack-of-detail also doesn't warrant the downvotes it got.
@NotTheDr01ds In the past I made other stupid things while testing stuff, like flooding the room with Natty's posts: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/56582283#56582283
Dec 29, 2020 at 20:45, by BeastOfCaerbannog
@Natty fetch links
@BeastOfCaerbannog Lol - Okay, one thing to make sure I don't do when I start experimenting with Natty more.
And that's an example given on the Natty help, IIRC when I looked at it today ...
@NotTheDr01ds I agree
@NotTheDr01ds Yes!
Needs Details Or Clarity Discord Client's Font Problem‭ - Soul Dragon‭ 2022-12-01 22:35:24Z

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