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1 hour later…
@cocomac hi :)
the room is a bit quiet at the moment
but feel free to say stuff about any site issues and people will reply at some point
would be happy to help clean up the tag
2 hours later…
@Zanna Do you want to clean up the tag or remove it completely?
@karel I don't know - I'm not sure whether it should be removed, but cocomac mentioned in AUGR that they want to vote to close some of them as duplicates
I'm willing to help with that
if people really want to remove the tag, I'm willing to help with that as well
but it seems to me like it's not that bad a tag. It's a specific problem after all
just very common and with a variety of possible causes
@Zanna I don't support removing the tag, but I would be willing to help with the other tag cleanup stuff.
1 hour later…
@karel looks like we're on the same page then :)
maybe I could make a meta post proposing removing the "DO NOT USE" from the usage guidance
or I could write an answer to the existing question!!!
@Zanna FWIW, I also agree that the tag shouldn't be removed. Freezing issues can be caused by a big number of factors but are quite common and it's nice having them all grouped by a tag.
@Zanna If the tag is not going to be removed, yes, the notice should be removed.
I've written a meta answer
I really want to write a meta question about Ubuntu Core but I am super busy offline
@Zanna Upvoted!
thank you! :)
@Zanna No worries. There hasn't been a discussion about that for so much time that a small delay (even of days) would totally be unnoticed.
@Zanna :)
3 hours later…
@Natty tp
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Nikon WiFi transfer protocol (MTP, Hacking, Ports) by Jan on askubuntu.com
4 hours later…
Autoflagging disabled until restart
@Natty tp
@Natty fp
Invalidated the previous feedback on askubuntu.com/a/1365559
It's impressive how this answer was first posted and how it is now, after the contributions of many people!
2 hours later…
I voted to leave this question open because it would get closed as EOL, which is the wrong closing reason. It should be either left open and we should ask for more info from the OP, or be closed as unclear. Also, the comment section needs to be cleared.

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