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@Kulfy hehe no doubt you are doing right. But maybe using tags that way is a good idea! It's just not what we do currently...
@Zanna I've never seen such edit so far in any of SE's site. As discussed with Charles Green on AUGR, such edits IMO are not required and quite debatable.
I haven't seen it either
Are questions related to Ubuntu touch on-topic?
Q: How should we handle new and future questions about Ubuntu Touch?

ZannaRecently I've been wondering whether we need to change our practice in view of the fact that Canonical is no longer developing Ubuntu Touch. As far as I know Ubuntu Touch is still out there running on many devices and is still installable; until it becomes officially EOL (at the end of the suppor...

So this is off-topic
@Kulfy to be honest, I am not really sure
@Kulfy I asked the question but I don't really know what people want to do with those questions
ooops sorry for double ping
anyway, Ubuntu Touch is unsupported. So I guess it's off-topic
and direct to UBPorts as the commenter did
it's a bit like "how can I install Ubuntu 9.10?"
have fun trying that, but it's off-topic...
OTOH, idk exactly what is going on with UBPorts or whatever else, or if Canonical will resurrect, or if it counts as on topic since people kind of paid for it? Kind of like Landscape???
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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted username, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, potentially problematic ns configuration in body (291): HOW TO INSTALL TELEGRAM MESSENGER APP (TELEGRAM DESKTOP) IN UBUNTU 18.04 by Mangesh S Dhulap on askubuntu.com
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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (70): How can I install Telegram app in 18.04? ✏️ by Mangesh S Dhulap on askubuntu.com
not a useful answer, applicable to android
1 hour later…
@Zanna I have no experience with Ubuntu touch, not sure about this.
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