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If they meant 17.04, I could explain the answer... I don't mind the upvote to that answer though...
Flagged as it's just a request for info imho
@EliahKagan deleted
2 hours later…
I asked my meta question
5 hours later…
I also asked a site question about the bad script haha
Cool! I'll look at it shortly.
So, what if anything should we do with this? It can be thought of as answered in a comment, in which case an upvote on my CW answer would mark it answered. Or it could be considered not reproducible and closed.
Q: Xubuntu 16.04 Live USB won't let me past login...flashes and resets

hastikoI found posts saying log in name is 'xubuntu' and password is empty. This just flashes screen and resets fields. Other names or default sounding passwords result in an "incorrect password" message, leaving both blank resets as well. I checked MD5 SUM and all is well. No answers to similar posts l...

I don't know if we should consider this question answered or close it as off-topic with the "a problem that can't be reproduced" close reason. On the one hand, the problem was solved by repeating what was done (or at least attempted) before, and it's unknown precisely what change fixed it. On the other hand, attempting to write the installation media completely a second time and reinstalling is a reasonable step that can apply outside this one situation. ...Reviewers will decide. — Eliah Kagan Aug 12 at 23:42
...But reviewers still haven't decided. :)
@Zanna Isn't it just so funny that as I'm starting my day, it's already 1:30PM for you :D
One of my friends was chatting with some guy in China on IRC at ~2PM last week.... he must have been the typical programmer else why would he be up at 2AM? :D
@AndroidDev and several of the regular lurkers in this room are way ahead of me timezone-wise :)
@EliahKagan I upvoted your CW since it might help other visitors
I would be quite happy to VTC that as no repro, but you bothered to make the comment into a nice answer so I'd rather not waste your effort
Byte Commander wrote a very nice answer to my script question
@Zanna ok there's the full size one --^
@AndroidDev that's awesome! I love it :D thanks a lot. Very kind of you to make that
z with rare appearance in augr :O
@Zanna You're welcome :D didn't really take that long :)
I don't like ignoring pings
feels rude
besides it was a mod who pinged me
@Zanna It's crossed 7pm here. :p
Here's an alternative version is the right side of the glasses black:
I think I like that better. I'm happy about the green earring ^_^
@BhargavRao indeed sigh where do the days go?
@Zanna you owe me a coffee :p
i've got two right now but I need four more :p
evil mod is here
to answer your question, i'm not sure if there's an official EOL release announced, but I'm almost certain that Ubuntu Touch is eventually going to become a 'variant' and not the norm, but don't quote me on that.
my opinions without coffee are just that, unholy and opinions without a ton of fact behind them.
@ThomasWard to which she says, "bah humbug, Tea > Coffee" :D
drifts back into silence
you can always have both
turns to look at @edwinksl evilly
makes fresh coffee I haven't had one yet either
i would like to have some please, thank you
I'll send it right over
causes a buffer overflow on @ThomasWard's computer allowing me to exploit ShellShock on that old kernel he has lying around in his /boot allowing be to take remote control with VNC and kick @edwinksl
@AndroidDev joke's on you, i'm not on a Linux system right now. And you have just irritated a very large legal entity. Enjoy your eternity of civil litigation
@Zanna it's a coffee day, definitely. Especially when my pulse is so low - it's currently 72 and that's low for me when I'm awake.
@ThomasWard sorry, I don't really understand what you mean by it will be a variant
@Zanna as I said, no coffee = mental pachinko machine.
"variant" as in a fork
but don't quote me on that :p
hmm... so you think there will be an official phablet flavor again in the future?
no idea. looks at his coffee I need more of this...
well thank you for answering. I agree with your answer; I think we should treat it as another EOL release, when it is actually EOL, which I hope will be made clear...
@AndroidDev ...but...shellshock isn't a kernel bug... :)
wonders if any of our mods use Linux ;)
1 hour later…
What was going on here? We still have a VLQ flag option on questions. Had it been removed at some point? Or was the user fooled by not seeing it in the flagging dialog of a question whose score wasn't low enough for it (or that was already closed)?
@EliahKagan any particular reason you're dredging up mummies?
For that meta question? I just happened to come upon it.
@EliahKagan I was under the impression that it wasn't possible to flag posts as VLQ if they were over a certain age too
That makes sense.
Oooh @thomas the good mod is here. o_o
so that person might have returned to the same post and found they could no longer use the flag
@BhargavRao s/good/evil/
All these 3 are not link only, as they've got a small additional details, right? 948520; 948594; 949300;
@BhargavRao 1 is link only, 2 is not, 3 is link only. 1 and 3 could work as comments though
1 is also technically 'not an answer' but that's only in the strictest sense and I wouldn't hit "nuke" on it unless there were community delete votes on it for that reason
@ThomasWard good mod only coz of that custom mod reply :p
you mean the one where I tell people using VLQ to use actual flags lol?
@ThomasWard Hmm, so 1 is flaggable, but 2 and 3 aren't?
3 is flaggable too
The "try using the console directly" looks like a small partial answer, which is what made me think twice.
@BhargavRao if the link dies their answer doesn't stand on its own
making it link-only
their suggestion makes it "not an answer" because the OP said they must have SSH, which makes it "not an answer" for the question being asked only in the strictest sense.
my two cents.
@ThomasWard Nah, the reply to my custom flag here askubuntu.com/questions/789170/…. I'm sure it was written by you ;)
@ThomasWard ok, taking your word for it and marking 1 and 3 as flaggable. Thanks!
is that really a dupe? But I think it's quite unclear what they mean... "Windows' local files were appearing in Ubuntu'. That's kind of expected behaviour afaik, if they mean they could browse to their Windows files in Nautilus or whatever. I'm not sure what the recommended way to disable access to other partitions is, but if that's what they want, I don't think the suggested duplicate answers it...
@BhargavRao oh that one, yeah.
ugh I don't think this answer makes sense especially since the question seems to say they already tried it
I think this is off-topic (whether #1 or #4 I'm not sure) because it's really a hardware issue as Journeyman Geek's comments explain. The question is quite unhelpful as it doesn't explain the situation. The problem seems to be not caused by the device mentioned or the software that controls it...
that doesn't sound like the best way to deal with the issue...
This was only tangentially related to the question and now the link is broken, redirecting to different, totally unrelated post:
However, the page is archived here. Should I comment with that link... or just flag the comment since the link is broken and was probably never all that useful?
@EliahKagan IMHO, flag the comment anyway since it's broken, and make a new comment with the link if you think it's worth it
I've flagged it.
@Zanna Yeah I don't know what's going on there.
Wow, that person has a lot of low-voted answers :/
@EliahKagan oh yeah you're right lol it's a bash bug
1 hour later…
I don't see a good reason for this question to be closed. The given reason--a problem that can't be reproduced--is surely wrong. It's not in some obscure no-repro situation that someone can't buy an Ubuntu phone. This is a problem that will be reproduced everywhere for all time, and as not everyone interested in Ubuntu phones will have seen the discontinuation announcement, its answer may actually help quite a few people.
So I ended up adding the tag to 16 questions (or anyway we now have 16 questions tagged with it). A couple of those mentioned rutorrent, so I ended up creating a tag (and thus making more work for myself to tag a new bunch of posts)... I wonder what jokerdino would say if he was here :S
haha I know he would put in my missed closing parentheses <3
I think we should undelete this answer that we had deleted now as it has been expanded and refined and really is an answer.
And I think we can reopen the question as well.
@EliahKagan done. Seeing the first revision, I'm not ashamed of my original delete vote XD
@DavidFoerster haha :) thanks for salvaging the post! Awesome work
I voted to reopen too while I was there
Rinzwind beat me to the undelete vote though. Hmm I don't get to use many of those
Voted. Sleep time :)
Good night!
I'm going to watch another episode of Black Mirror, then head to bed too.
Gotta help my mom cook lunch for my birthday family gathering tomorrow.
this spam is interesting askubuntu.com/revisions/950165/1

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