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01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 19:00

@Tezz Ajna Chakra?
@KrishnShweta A friend of me suggested me to listen SP Balasubramanyam hanuman Chalisa. it looks like she cured this disease with his voice.
@KrishnShweta oh ... you actually have problem with sleep... you should solve it soon... drink a lot of water... and do not worry about world... think this world just as dream only...
@KrishnShweta Ajna Chakra is that pshycic place situated between two eyebrows... ie. Third eye region...
@TheDestroyer I read Hanuman Chalisa daily.
See my answer here:
Q: What is the Yogic meaning of getting liberation by reaching Varanasi?

TezzVaranasi which is also known by the name Kashi is one of the the most sacred place. It is also known as Avimukta which means which is never forsaken by Shiva. अविमुक्तं स्वयं लिङ्गं स्थापितं परमात्मना। न कदाचित्त्वया त्याज्यमिदं क्षेत्रं ममांशकम्॥ २१॥ Lord Shiva, the supreme soul, there...

@Tezz OK.
@KrishnShweta Not reading. Listen to SP balasubramanyam songs. They are like Jola Patalu. My friend told me to listen Hanuman chalisa by him when i had this problem.
@TheDestroyer what is Jola Patalu
@TheDestroyer Ok.... I'll try that.
@Tezz lullaby.
@KrishnShweta how much water do you drink?... Drinking water also solves many problems....
And two of best pranayam are Kapalbhati and Anulom Vilom...
@TheDestroyer which names...
Oh kapalbhati and Anulom vilom...
@TheDestroyer I heard those names from Ramdev Baba.
@TheDestroyer I think she had heard it..
@KrishnShweta Ok.
@Tezz Ganesha also fought with Taaraka and killed innumerable Danavas.
@TheDestroyer where did you read that..
@Tezz Nagara kanda of Skanda Purana.
@TheDestroyer oh... but Taaraka is killed by whom there?..
@Tezz I think by Skanda only. But Ganesha helped. This shows Ganesha is elder.
@TheDestroyer actually I think both are true... both are elder and younger...
@TheDestroyer @Tezz Thank you dears. I have small work. I'll finish it and go to bed. See you.
@Tezz There are more arguments favorable to the former.
Like this:
केचद्वदन्ति तां ज्येष्ठां मध्यमां चापरे शिवाम् ।
सर्वानन्तरजां केचित्कल्पभेदात्त्रयं च सत् ।।

Some say that Shivă (Sati) was eldest of them all, some say she was middle one and some wise trear her as youngest of all. All three opinions are correct, because of difference of Kalpa.
@KrishnShweta Ok. GN.
@KrishnShweta ok bye... Good Night...
@Tezz Actually text says Shivaaa which means Shakti. How did you consider Shivaa as Sati?
@TheDestroyer because it comes while describing Sati... we know from previous verses before it...
@TheDestroyer see Rudra Samhita chapter 14....
@Tezz though i agree with you on Shakti or Sati, but many sources support that Ganesha is elder.
@TheDestroyer I'm not sure who is elder and who is younger...
@Tezz I'm gathering sources to post answer.
@TheDestroyer to post which answer?...
Q: Who is the eldest son of Lord Shiva?

Ponmari SubramanianIn South India, people worship Lord Ganesh and consider him to be Lord Shiva's first son and elder to Lord Kartikeya. In the North and remaining parts of India however, people have a faith that Lord Kartikeya is Shiva's eldest son. So, who is the eldest son of Lord Shiva? Also, who is Lord Ayy...

@Tezz BTW, how did you send screenshot?
@TheDestroyer but the accepted answer is also Ganesha...
@TheDestroyer by simultaneously pressing volume up and power keys...
@Tezz I want to give answer from Shiva and Skanda purana so that it has more weightage. No. How did you share it?
@TheDestroyer oh... I made full site from menu in this chat room... then there is upload option... then browse option... and from it I shared....
@Tezz ok but that's tedious task on mobile.
@TheDestroyer ok add it...
@Tezz Not today. may be tomorrow.
@TheDestroyer not so tedious... I do it by using multiple tabs and process goes on background....
@TheDestroyer Ok ...
@Tezz haha. ok.
@Tezz user Krishna deactivated his account.
@TheDestroyer omg... why did he did that?...
@Tezz don't know.
@TheDestroyer I don't know why.. .. actually I'm feeling sad that he left the site...
@Tezz He shouldn't have left this site.
@TheDestroyer yes, actually although we criticize him.. he is a staunch devotee of Lord Vishnu.
@Tezz Yeah.
@TheDestroyer so what happened to his questions and answers...?
@Tezz They were deleted.
@TheDestroyer actually I have answered his one question....
I searched it... it's there....
Q: Is Shiva or Rudra born and is he still alive? Was he killed or merged with supreme brahman at any point of time?

user808Is there any references in Vedas, ithihasas and puranas or any scriptures about birth of Siva or Rudra? Also, shiva purana says that Siva also has incarnations. So are all these incarnations still alive or some of them died and merged with Siva? Also are there any instances that he died or merged...

But there is not name...
@Tezz ohh. ok.
@Tezz I'm not sure.
@Tezz @TheDestroyer Yeah, Krishna deleted his account but his questions and answers are still there. I begged him not to leave the site, but I wasn't successful in changing his mind. He left due to arguments with the user Parthasarathy Raghavan.
@TheDestroyer I think questions and answers doesnt get deleted on deleting account....
@KeshavSrinivasan I think there's some role of me also. Even i had some bitter arguments with him.
@KeshavSrinivasan oh... what argument did he have?...
@TheDestroyer No, don't worry, he didn't leave because of Shaivites and Advaitins.
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer actually Krishna was a very experienced user... he knew many quotes and commentaries of ancient Acharyas...
@KeshavSrinivasan Are you sure? They were talking normally. Did you see the chat room i posted yesterday?
@TheDestroyer which chatroom?...
@Tezz Me, Krishna and Raghavan has some talk on Aug 30. It was bitter in beginning but ended well.
@Tezz @TheDestroyer Krishna criticized some of Parthasarathy Raghavan's questions about Balarama and the like, and Parthasarathy Raghavan didn't like that and argued with him. Krishna was worried that if he continued arguing with Parthasarathy Raghavan he would be committing Bhagavata Apacharam (offending a fellow Vaishnava). So he decided to quit the site.
@Tezz "actually Krishna was a very experienced user... he knew many quotes and commentaries of ancient Acharyas..." Yes, that's why I tried so hard to persuade him to stay.
@KeshavSrinivasan actually ParthaSarathy is watching Ramananda Sagar Krishna series and asking questions from there like Hanuman fighting Balarama and others....
@KeshavSrinivasan Ohh. Ok. I don't know why Sri Vaishnavas follow such rigid rules.
@TheDestroyer We believe that Bhagavatas or followers of Pancharatra deserve the highest respect, and committing offenses against them is a grave sin.
@KeshavSrinivasan I don't think Parthasarathy knows about Pancharatra at all ..
@Tezz Yes, he does. He's actually an amateur priest who goes around performing Pancharatra rituals in people's houses.
@Tezz Yeah. He is also a Sai bhakta. May be he is Sri Vaishnava by birth and pray Narasimha but i think there's no reason to consider that as sin.
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer he has written in his profile that Lord Ganapaty and Sudarsan appeared in flames of his Homam...
@TheDestroyer Sri Vaishnavas believe that the two highest callings in life are 1. Bhagavad Kainkaryam - service to Sriman Narayana and 2. Bhagavata Kainkaryam - service to Bhagavatas or followers of Pancharatra.
@Tezz Yeah. He actually taunts me but that is funny. He is 50 and people of his age and his background speak like that.
@TheDestroyer oh so... he is 50 yrs...
@Tezz Yes.
@Tezz In any case you don't need to be knowledgable about Pancharatra to be a Bhagavata. All Sri Vaishnavas are Bhagavatas.
@Tezz We shouldn't take his words seriously. I think he also says that in funny way.
@KeshavSrinivasan ok....
@TheDestroyer yes I also think so... now...
@krishn sweta--U r right--Why can't you put inanswer? Destroyer is of different opinion bcoz he tries to destroy. — Parthasarathy Raghavan Sep 22 at 4:37
@TheDestroyer haha... lol...
@Tezz haha.
Haha... I'm actually laughing loudly..
@TheDestroyer Haha, wow
@TheDestroyer "Yeah. He is also a Sai bhakta. May be he is Sri Vaishnava by birth and pray Narasimha but i think there's no reason to consider that as sin." He's not just a Sri Vaishnava by birth, he does believe in Shirdi Sai Baba but apart from that he believes in Sri Vaishnavism.
@Tezz @KeshavSrinivasan another funny instance.
@destroyer and moonstar--If you put jalra for each other you are good and the questioner is bad-good keep it up. So google osnot havimg agalbanan--what can I do? — Parthasarathy Raghavan yesterday
jalra is like tabala which means boasting here.
@TheDestroyer haha...
@Tezz I was talking about this chat room.
@Tezz Actually this
@TheDestroyer oh ok... I read the whole conversation... nice!
@Tezz i think he gets irritated at first but i feel later he doesn't care. Typical India elders speak like him.
@TheDestroyer haha... yes,..
@Tezz He wants to share his knowledge through this site but by doing that he is not citing sources which is getting him downvotes.
@TheDestroyer yes, also he does not format questions and answers properly....
@Tezz Yeah. We should help him by editing his questions and answers.
@TheDestroyer yes...
@Tezz Bye! Gn. talk to you later.
@TheDestroyer ok... Good Night...
01:00 - 17:0017:00 - 19:00

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