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hey @Flimzy, when you've got some time, can you change the questions feed from ticker to chat messages please?
wow there was a lot of arguing about what kind of questions are acceptable here
not necessarily arguing, more like having a heated discussion ;)
In my experience, people struggle with rules and principles because they cannot visualize the application of the principle
I would like to suggest that instead of making rules its better to provide examples of acceptable questions
People can see the question and follow its example
This is much more practical for people than rules
Make some questions that are good
make some questions that are bad
and let people form their own personal rule about how to ask a question
People have a hard time following directions but they are really good at copying someone else's example
all of the downvotes wat
did I maked somebody made
there are no comments on the questions
are the quesitons spam?
I don't know; they're not my downvotes
they seem good questions
woa everything just went positive on my questions
I think i'll lie low for awhile
It me be the algorithmn used be SE
don't want to make that thing mad
@Quill hey man save some of the questions for someone else
@Quill you don't have to answer all of them
@DarrinThomas I upvoted the questions
thanks. I think I'll stop asking for now
also @DarrinThomas, you can answer your own questions btw ;)
I'm pretending to be dumb to help you guys out
so if you want to make good content for the site, you can write the question and the answer before posting
as long as you don't downvote my stuff
3 hours later…
Flimzy has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
@Quill Done. (I didn't even know I could do that... heh)
Awesome :)
Yeah, moderators have powers everywhere on Chat, and Room Owners have room specific powers (except moving messages; they can move them anywhere)
@DarrinThomas: What's with all the terrible questions?
@DarrinThomas Please don't pretend to be dumb. It makes you look like a troll. :/
And it pollutes the site with really bad questions.
oh is that why I lost points
whats bad with the questions
they all have one answer
no need for opinion
They can all be answered by Google in 5 seconds.
They show exactly 0 research effort
that's my point
They are more basic than basic.
good questions can be answer by google
So your point is you want to ask bad questions?
that's not true.
because they have one answer
Good questions require knowledge.
really good questions require critical thinking
which is the formation of an OPINION
If a question can be answered by the first Google link, then you haven't done research, and your question, by definition, ought to be down-voted.
Questions with one answer doesn't make them either good or bad, but questions with little research required are low quality
if you want great questions you have to be open to opinion
@DarrinThomas That's not true. Some good questions may require critical thinking, others not.
Critical thinking is irrelevant to the definition of a good question, though.
It's purely incidental.
hmm I am not sure about that
open ended questins have mutiple answers
"How many bathrooms are there in all the language schools in new York?" this requires critical thinking. But it's a terrible question.
multiple answers means you have to express why yours is good
Open-ended has no correlation with critical thinking.
"How many bathrooms are there in all the language schools in new York?" this requires critical thinking. But it's a terrible question.
What part confuses you?
this question has one answer
so it's not critical thinking at all
just count the toilets
Okay, so what is the answer?
buy me a plane ticket to new york with room and board and I'll have an answer in 1 week
No you won't.
It would take months, if not years, to get that answer by counting.
Which is why it's used as a prototypical critical thinking exercise in job interviews.
okay I don't want to make you made
It's not about being mad
well it's hard to read emtions when people type
it's about, you seem to not grasp what makes for good and bad questions.
well, i'm only a teacher for ten years with advaced training in making assessment
So you are probably right that I don;t know what i am talking about
That's great. Did you learn to use google?
what that?
More importantly, did you learn to use SE?
huh I thought this was a google site?
Or mouse-over the down-vote button on a question, which says "This question does not show any research effort"
This is why I'm downvoting all of your "pretending to be dumb" questions
they show no research effort (at your own admission)
We don't want dumb questions
Nothing personal
we want smart questions
I'm not taking it personally.
I'm suggesting how you can improve your questions.
Well maybe you should answer all of them for me
And why creating a bunch of bad questions at once is a terrible idea.
Creating an amazing answer doesn't make the questions okay
I'm not going to answer your questions, I'm voting to close them all, because they don't belong here. They make this site worse.
Since it's so easy
All right, I will stick to answering quesitons
@Flimzy yeah.. doing that kinda thing is a great way to get banned
I will refrain from asking
What @Quill
That's true. @Quill has a point.
you were helping me out byy answering
and you said the questions were okay
You can get question banned if you ask a lot of Low Quality questions
People who repeatedly ask bad qeustions get auto-banned by the system.
@Quill you said the questions were okay
what changed
I have the opinion that lower quality questions are okay, creating an authorative source for a easy research point is good
@Quill you should have warned me
I don't want trouble
For some values of lower quality
I saw a big argument over questions
I developed clear one answer questions
Now the questions are being closed and there is talk of banishment
@DarrinThomas: I'm sure you can ask some good questions.
Let's be cool about this
I can ask questions that are impossible to answer but wha'ts the point
"What are the benefits of Task-Based Language Learning?" could be a good question.
that's opinion
(assuming you've done your research, and know the basic)
It's good-subjective.
but you guys are barking about opinion
Not really.
It's not really about opinions, either.
I ask nonopinion questions and I get spanked
You can list all of the potential benefits
and then each reader can decide if they apply to their situation
@DarrinThomas A) you're not being banned, the system will do it if you post like three -4voted questions in a short time (you didn't do that) B) Flimzy has a right to VTC whatever he wants, he's not a moderator and he needs four other people to back him up in his decision
but the benefits are opinion
"XYZ Language learning is good because it provides: Apples, Oranges, and Pears"
Whether an apple is a benefit is of course an opinion. But each reader can decide for himself.
Well I just want to apologize before things get ugly
Just in case several people agree with mr Flimzy
@DarrinThomas Benefits are not opinions, really. But if you feel that way, feel free not to post any questions.
people use to say smoking was good for you
I thought you were trying to understand what makes a good question
Now I think you're just trying to be pedantic.
and they had data
So I'll let you be pedantic on your own time, without wasting mine.
that's why benefits are opinon
Have a good day.
@Quill should I delete the questions
I dont want people upset
Don't do anything rash
Low quality questions generally inspire others to post low quality questions
he sounded upset and I don't want trouble
Flimzy wants a high quality for the site, and I commend him for that
okay I'll wait and see. but I don not want to cause trouble and everyone needs to know that
I have the opinion that on "little research required" questions, if we make the answers absolutely amazing, then they're good, they inspire well written and high quality answers
I hope others see it the same way
For now I sit in silence and see what happens
For example, this is a "no research required" question, but the answer is so amazing that the question becomes a good one
On another note, the pro tempore moderators should be announced soon
There's five nominations on the Meta post, with three possible slots
that's good
I'm sad to note that three of them haven't been around in nearly 2 weeks
clear leadership will help
Not that people can't lead without being a moderator
I'm trying to do that at the moment and it's going pretty well :)
yeah but its always good to know who is clearly the one for psycho9logical reasons
Time to end work... see you later
@Flimzy to answer your toilet question in new york
you can't count all the toilets
it's almost impossible
instead you count one borrough or a neighborhood
and you use that to estimate how many are in the entire city or state
in other words you take a sample to know about the entire population of toilets in NY
@Flimzy I will make a better effort in trying to support this site
When a question is a low-quality, one should consider whether it could be improved. Yes, voting to close is one possibility. But one should note that "Low Quality" isn't a VTC ground. Downvote is more legitimate.
However the really good approach, and from my perspective the only acceptable one at this stage for the site, is to try to make a constructive criticism.
Many questions can be improved by commenting on it.
Downvoting can be done any time
Downvoting first and not leaving any comment is not responsible, and should be avoided at this stage of the site development
@bilbo_pingouin I want calirification on the opinion matter
do we want opinions are not?
How is this going to be decided
is it by voting or does the elected leadership call this
we won't get any elected leadership for at least a year. And I'd surprised if we get it in one year from now.
so how do we make decisions here
It's good to disagree but eventually something has to be decided
pro-tem moderators will be selected by the SE staff, but they are not elected.
so the mods call the shots?
Any decision should come from a conscensus.
That's not the idea.
Ok i'm going in circles
pro-tem mods should be there to ensure that things stay clean.
how do we get to consensus?
Well, after discussing the different point of views, we would hope that a common view would come up
you guys aren't doing to well at this?
If opinions in lets do it
if opinions out lets do it
but right now some want opinion some don't and we can't even agree on what is an opinion
for crying out loud
there are two problems with that. 1) there weren't many discussions on the subject, so no common view is established.
and 2) more importantly where do you draw the line on opinions vs non-opinion
that's called good subjective and bad subjective
drawing the line on opinion is also an opinion
but where is the border
i'm getting dizzy
but an opinion we vote is the law of this place
we have to draw a border
it will never be perfect but it provides some stability
start a meta post to address it, people will be able to express their views, and others will vote
will if the meta post gets down voted 10 times i'm in trouble
you are part of the community, and a such you are as entitled as anyone to lead that discussion
it won't.
All right Ill have some guts
if am banished it was nice meeting you
don't obsess on that. You won't get banished for asking to set a definition on opinion-based
however, don't expect too much from it
1) there isn't much activity on the site these days
first you encourage then you discourage
2) we don't have much material to draw our conclusions from
so the bickering is because were still a baby site
I'm saying if you want an answer now, that's the way to go
I have some opinion about why there is some bickering, but that's not particularly constructive.
There isn't a generally adopted view, because we are a "baby site".
sory my opinion came out again
can't help it sometimes
The idea is that the scope, approach, tone, definitions, etc. of the site has to be defined by the community. But at this time the community isn't clearly formed.
my question about opinion has already been asked
For one, it is troubling that 3 out of 5 nominated for moderators (and thus reasonably active users) haven't been around the last 2 weeks as reported by Quill.
We see that only few people got the entudiast badge for coming every day in the last 30 days of the site.
well IMO (again that opinion) it's hard to identify what is unique about this site
It seems that the SE sites are becoming narrower and narrower in scope
When you go niche there aren;t a lot of people in this small markets
When there;s overlap there's cannibalism
I haven't much experience with new sites, but it is normal that a site needs time to find its right balance and right place at the beginning. That's the whole idea behind the "beta" part.
And that was the problem that I expressed yesterday, that I see that Language Learning seems to be going more to a single subset of Linguistics. And thus would be essentially useless. But it's not single persons opinions that matter on that, it's the sum of everyone's opinion that does.
there has to be something here because you survived area 51
There are more than 150 sites already there, it's to be expected that newer ones focus more on a niche.
the site has been defined, committed to and beta
but with the niche thing it's hard to get the traffic
SE has the same requirements for all sites when it comes to stats
SE gives an opportunity for a community to form and push their site. If they don't they'll close the site.
wow this is tough
no wonder people are stressed
I don't think people are stressed due to a pressure from SE to build something...
I agree but it's seems there stressed about something
but discussing opinions/views/... with people you don't know, from a background that you don't know, on a medium where, as you mentioned, emotions are hard to transmit, in a language that isn't necessarily your own...
can lead to some heated exchanges
one should try to keep civil at all times, and as far as I've seen, that has been kept.
yeah everything is polite from a US view
but I can't talk like that where I live
@bilbo_pingouin thank you for your advice I hope to do better here as I learn
Well I don't know where you are from, so I can't judge on that. But if you see something that crossed a line for you, do flag it.
Be it on chat, on any site, directed to you or not... flag it and a moderator will review it.
In the middle of a discussion people might forget their normal care.
@DarrinThomas no problem. No one was born a 20k user.
Yeah, Flimzy and I have been around on SE for a while
Yeah, I wanted to add that many people on the chat are long-termed SE users, active on other sites
@DarrinThomas That's the right way to answer... and that requires critical thinking.
looking at the starred table on the rights, Quill, Flimzy and Gilles certainly are active since some time
@bilbo_pingouin AFAIK, EL&U and ELL are the only graduated language sites (and elections come with graduation). And we've had some around for 6-7 years... So you're right. If we get elected leadership, it'll be quite a while :)
CR, WB, SR... and a few others are graduated as well...
does not change the rest of your comment though...
@bilbo_pingouin Ah nice.
@bilbo_pingouin On this subject, I'm worried that some of those nominated-no-show users are gonna get the mod emails and totally ruin our leadership
@Quill Pro-tem nomination is a manual process by the SE staff. They aren't likely to invite people who aren't active (and constructively so). And if someone stops being active, they can be removed (this happened on Spanish.SE).
I trust the CMs to make the right decision, however it does still worry me slightly
I'm honestly worried about the lack of extensive SE experience among the nominations.
well, it's hard to make such decisions... there are many parameters to take into account... you might consider nominating yourself Quill, to give them more choices :)
I see a lot of enthusiasm, but not a lot of SE experience.
@Flimzy Yeah... you're the only candidate with good experience
I thought of nominating Quill, actually.
@Quill And a lot of people don't like me... so :)
My rep is horrible though
Just look at Monical Cellio on WB
she has 5k rep when many are in the 20-30k and was quite easily elected
moderators do not have to be the highest contributors, IMHO
Monica Cellio is Monica Cellio though... some mods are just amazing
you are active on meta, chat, etc.
and that's, in my book, worth some rep for moderator selection
meeting TTYL
See you later
There... you're nominated now
A: Who should our moderators be?

FlimzyI would like to nominate... Quill Although his main site rep is low, he has been very participatory and thoughtful both on meta and on chat. He's clearly concerned about the long-term health of this site, and has been a driving force behind trying to define our on-topic questions, and narrowing...

@Quill Don't forget to edit the question and accept the nomination... if you want to accept :)
I literally can't edit it <_<
then you can comment, and someone else (me?) will edit your reply into the answer
my comment sounds like generic filler ;-;
"I accept" doesn't need to have a lot of substance :)
If you ever think a candidacy needs substance, just watch modern American politics.
"Make Language Learning Great Again!"
@Flimzy you should have done it as a community wiki
@bilbo_pingouin I never think of that. But I've made it CW now.
@Flimzy is that politics? I thought it was a humour talk show :D
@bilbo_pingouin I wish :/
2 hours later…
@Quill I just checked and all the moderators candidates have been on the site in the last 24 hours.
And our top user hasn't posted since April 21
And about the lack of SE experience, well, apart from the two of you, PythonMaster and Tom Au seem to have quite a bit of it
@Quill I checked when was the last time he was seen
which was 13 or 14 hours ago
going back to SE experience, fi12 might be on the lower side, but Hatchet has maybe a bit more...
@Quill on meta he last posted on April 29... that's still some time, but less :)
@bilbo_pingouin PythonMaster has been around a lot, but he has made a habit of doing things not the SE way. Maybe that's not serious.
I guess I just have the impression that a lot of PythonMaster's contributions are of newbie quality. They're not ill-intended... he's clearly enthusiastic and with a positive attitude. I just see a lack of experience. (He is young--not that I hold that him against him)
I think Quill is young, too.
I just saw that PythonMaster indicates an age of 14... but I don't know if that's true...
@bilbo_pingouin Heh... if that is true, it could explain things.
anyway, I'm not the one making the calls... and the CM have some experience behind it...
and it's a 3 spots...
so having an active enthusiast moderator could be balanced by a more cautious, experienced one
@bilbo_pingouin Yes, that's possible.
hm.. I just realised that someone starred your "and a lot of people don't like me" line... I'm not sure how to understand that
@bilbo_pingouin haha
That was me
That's like a Facebook like for "My cat died :("
I think flimSy made a typo
Everybody loves him
@Flimzy it is :)
@DarrinThomas No, the z in flimzy is not a typo
@Flimzy I'm 17, yeah
I meant your typo about hate
Young != newbie necessarily, there's awesome mods like Doorknob that are younger than me
Anyway men don't talk about feelings where I live
Quill you look about14
thanks man
The mod should be il
IOld enough to vote
@DarrinThomas In which jurisdiction?
According to us Philippine and thai law
And Mexico
I've met some users that feel that younger users are somehow inferior to older users, some of them have even attacked me personally in the comments...
A mod needs maturity
@Quill If you haven't been personally attacked on SE, you haven't been on SE long enough :P
The ability to handle conflict wisely
@DarrinThomas Maturity is a fluid thing... You can meet grown adults that are less mature than children
Nobody in this room is qualified
@Quill get married bro and well talk
6 hours later…
I really do not understand people upvoting answers by merely copy pasting chunks of web pages without citing their sources. If questions can so easily be answered by a mere google search then they should not have been asked in the first place. Not asking to close these types of questions and not downvoting their answers (eg : languagelearning.stackexchange.com/questions/588/…) does not help build a good reputation for the site.
@Laure I agree.
@Laure I agree. But in that case, the sources were there.
@ANeves even with my glasses on I can't see them, invisible to my eyes only? Anyway they're easily found by copy pasting the answer in google.
In the bottom, under the last "emphasis mine":
> <sub>[From here](http://www.onestopenglish.com/methodology/methodology/teaching-approaches/teaching-approaches-total-physical-response/146503.article)</sub>
I'm downvoting so much tonight I'm be able to stay here long... but glad to see a few (not many) agree with me.
You can only see a really small and not-visible "From here".
@ANeves Righto! Well I'm been around SE for quite a while and sources are generally more"visible". Doesn't change my downvotes though.
It's hard not to agree with that. :)
2 hours later…
@Laure I'm working on fleshing them out at the moment
I hope I can change your mind on them, although if I cannot, I have no problem with your downvotes

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