@DarrinThomas A) you're not being banned, the system will do it if you post like three -4voted questions in a short time (you didn't do that) B) Flimzy has a right to VTC whatever he wants, he's not a moderator and he needs four other people to back him up in his decision
I have the opinion that on "little research required" questions, if we make the answers absolutely amazing, then they're good, they inspire well written and high quality answers
When a question is a low-quality, one should consider whether it could be improved. Yes, voting to close is one possibility. But one should note that "Low Quality" isn't a VTC ground. Downvote is more legitimate.
However the really good approach, and from my perspective the only acceptable one at this stage for the site, is to try to make a constructive criticism.
Many questions can be improved by commenting on it.
Downvoting can be done any time
Downvoting first and not leaving any comment is not responsible, and should be avoided at this stage of the site development
The idea is that the scope, approach, tone, definitions, etc. of the site has to be defined by the community. But at this time the community isn't clearly formed.
For one, it is troubling that 3 out of 5 nominated for moderators (and thus reasonably active users) haven't been around the last 2 weeks as reported by Quill.
We see that only few people got the entudiast badge for coming every day in the last 30 days of the site.
I haven't much experience with new sites, but it is normal that a site needs time to find its right balance and right place at the beginning. That's the whole idea behind the "beta" part.
And that was the problem that I expressed yesterday, that I see that Language Learning seems to be going more to a single subset of Linguistics. And thus would be essentially useless. But it's not single persons opinions that matter on that, it's the sum of everyone's opinion that does.
but discussing opinions/views/... with people you don't know, from a background that you don't know, on a medium where, as you mentioned, emotions are hard to transmit, in a language that isn't necessarily your own...
can lead to some heated exchanges
one should try to keep civil at all times, and as far as I've seen, that has been kept.
@bilbo_pingouin AFAIK, EL&U and ELL are the only graduated language sites (and elections come with graduation). And we've had some around for 6-7 years... So you're right. If we get elected leadership, it'll be quite a while :)
@Quill Pro-tem nomination is a manual process by the SE staff. They aren't likely to invite people who aren't active (and constructively so). And if someone stops being active, they can be removed (this happened on Spanish.SE).
well, it's hard to make such decisions... there are many parameters to take into account... you might consider nominating yourself Quill, to give them more choices :)
I would like to nominate...
Although his main site rep is low, he has been very participatory and thoughtful both on meta and on chat. He's clearly concerned about the long-term health of this site, and has been a driving force behind trying to define our on-topic questions, and narrowing...
@bilbo_pingouin PythonMaster has been around a lot, but he has made a habit of doing things not the SE way. Maybe that's not serious.
I guess I just have the impression that a lot of PythonMaster's contributions are of newbie quality. They're not ill-intended... he's clearly enthusiastic and with a positive attitude. I just see a lack of experience. (He is young--not that I hold that him against him)
I really do not understand people upvoting answers by merely copy pasting chunks of web pages without citing their sources. If questions can so easily be answered by a mere google search then they should not have been asked in the first place. Not asking to close these types of questions and not downvoting their answers (eg : languagelearning.stackexchange.com/questions/588/…) does not help build a good reputation for the site.
In the bottom, under the last "emphasis mine": > <sub>[From here](http://www.onestopenglish.com/methodology/methodology/teaching-approaches/teaching-approaches-total-physical-response/146503.article)</sub>