The strikeout for inverse or inverted, or upsidedown
Also, that comment is BS
Protected only prevents people with less than 10 rep from answering.
If it's stopping people who have 101 because of the free 100 from other sites, that seems like a bug, to me. The entire point of the 100 points is to prevent things like that.
I noticed that I can't answer protected questions. I don't want to actually, but it says:
It was FAQ for Stack Exchange sites, but I also didn't have an ability to answer other protected questions.
I earned 270 reputation points + 100 reputation point bonus. Then I offered 350 reputation ...
I published a sequence that seems difficult to the general public, so I've thought of posting it here. It has a very simple logic (language independent). Can you figure out the next number?
If there were a bunch of answers all with 3 votes, and the question was very new, that would explain it. The youth of a question along with the sum of the upvotes of all the answers gets a question onto HNQ.
That took me a few reads to see what all went on there, but that was an impressive puzzle, pacoverflow - especially how it pretended to imitate the skit, and then went closer to the actual skit in the answer.
Someone tell Baszat to stop answering puzzles and give us more hints! Hehehehe
(that was another one that I looked into where the people in charge were like "we know lots of people want this but no, because we'll become a social network somehow if we add it (no we won't explain how)")
you can pin your own messages and unpin them, but you can't "unstar [your own] message as interesting"
it pops up a thing saying you can't star your own message (even though what you're trying to do is unstar it). obviously unpinning it works just as well
I'm kind of fine with keeping that one - we certainly have other puzzles where two answers provide information that others don't (lots of these on math puzzles, actually) - if the first answerer includes that information the post can be deleted; it's additional info otherwise, at the moment
there's a real vein of the higher-ups on SE (and to some degree, on individual SE sites) wanting all the benefits of mod/owner/operatorship but none of the responsibilities
(without looking, iirc, it's latin (+extended), cyrillic (+extended maybe?), greek, armenian, georgian, korean, IPA (though this might just be part of the latin extended))
so I feel like those need to be decrypted somehow (and one of the question titles leads me to believe the method or key or whatever may change from one question to the next)
The following rebus is one that should be very familiar to a great number of people, but may require an unexpected thought process.
$(\huge ma$$)\ \epsilon \ 1$
$\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \wedge$
Note: This puzzle may not be solvable if viewed on a mobile device.
thanks for the answers to my question regarding answers to the questions in question in your question, @Jonathan, so i'll take the strange correspondence as being nonspecific to the medium of StackExchange
(also, still enjoying staring at Logically Linked Numbers)