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Q: Heteronormativity and binary gender assumptions

jorikiRecently quite a number of questions have been posted that contain heteronormative assumptions or assumptions about binary genders, e.g. questions about married couples that assume that these consist of female wives and male husbands, or questions about gender distributions in families that assum...

> P.S.: Interestingly, there's no tag that contains “code” or “conduct”.
There is a tag be-nice-policy which until rather recently was the term used instead of code of conduct, which I applied. I am not sure what is "interesting" about the lack of a code of conduct tag given that it is a rather recent introduction. You could've created it. Pointing out the lack in this form could be seen as trying to imply a lack of consideration for it, which might go against said CoC. Further, it's not something to be included in the body of the post. — quid ♦ 13 hours ago
6 hours later…
Wow! A new tag - according to the new tags page it was created 3 hours ago and it already has 69 questions. Most likely it was created by Adrian Keister - who also created the tag-excerpt and tag-wiki.

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