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The tag was created, but since it has already been removed from the question where it was created, it will probably disappear soon.
Other new tags are (created by Javier) and (created by E. Joseph).
Q: What is the intuition for the concept of gradual element?

JavierThe notion of a fuzzy subset is intuitively given as a map $\mu:X \to [0,1]$ as a mapping specifying different "degrees of membership" in a set $X$. However, I don't see such an intuitive explanation for the concept of gradual element which I have defined as a mapping $\epsilon:]0,1] \to X$ Is...

Q: A linear form can not be too small on rational points

E. JosephNotations. Let $\xi=(\xi_1,\xi_2,\xi_3,\xi_4)\in\mathbb( R\setminus\mathbb Q)^4$ such that $\xi_1\xi_4-\xi_2\xi_3\ne 0$ and the $\xi_i$ are linearly independent over $\mathbb Q$. I have the following linear form: $$\begin{matrix}L\colon & \mathbb R^6 & \to & \mathbb R \\ &(\eta_1,\ldots,\eta_6) &

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