
The tag has been burninated and blacklisted. Users trying to use it will see the following message as it's rejected:
Please use tags that describe the technical aspects of your question. The fact that it's an exercise isn't relevant.
The wording there can be changed if needed, so if you hat...
When the algebra tag was blacklisted, somethings similar was discussed, see this comment. It seems that there was no possibility to customize the message for blacklisted tag; see Warning when using a blacklisted tag - is it customizable?.
@ArthurFischer Done. When the algebra tag was blacklisted, somethings similar was discussed, see this comment. It seems that there was no possibility to customize the message for blacklisted tag; see Warning when using a blacklisted tag - is it customizable?. If such thing is possible now, maybe we could add some message for algebra tag? — Martin Sleziak 7 mins ago

We don't always blacklist problematic tags or terms, but when we do it's because they've become such a nuisance on a site that we can't control them any other way. Vague / meta tags that keep coming back, domains or urls that we really don't want links to, etc.
When someone tries to use a blackl...
@MartinSleziak. So the short answer is "yes". The custom message must be pretty short however, fitting on a couple of lines at most. Links are allowed, so one suggestion would be to link to a (new) meta-post explaining why the (algebra) tag is not allowed, and providing a list of options for existing tags (and basic descriptions).
@ArthurFischer So I suppose it would just say that abstract-algebra or algebra-precalculus should be used instead.
I guess it is not necessary to open a separate meta thread just about the wording for the customized message for algebra tag.
Sorry, the 'algebra' tag is not allowed. Use abstract-algebra or algebra-precalculus instead. [More info](link to some qiestion on meta).
@MartinSleziak If we go the meta-thread route, I would prefer a new faq question. IMHO it would be somewhat cleaner than linking to the actual historical discussion, which can be a bit murky and hard to wade through.
And I used "Sorry, the 'algebra' tag is not allowed", since I think this is the default wording for blacklisted tags.
@ArthurFischer Creating a new post would certainly provide a cleaner explanation thatn the older discussion.
Maybe it's worth going through posts tagged tag-blacklist to see whether the same thing would be useful for some other tags?
3 hours later…
@MartinSleziak Upon further reflection, I may have misinterpreted his words. This is exactly what he told me:
@MartinSleziak I want homework dealt with before getting involved with something else. But graph and graphs are both already blacklisted.
The current list of blacklisted (and intrinsic) tags is: math, mathematics, proof, equation, equations, algebra, graph, graphs, untagged, gm.general-mathematics, exercises-and-solutions
I'm been working on sole-homework-tag questions, polishing the titles / content, and adding relevant tags. This is something that should be done (and should have been done), no matter what happens with the tag. Visitors to this room are welcome to join the campaign...
@ArthurFischer Yes, I know that graph is already blacklisted. I wondered, whether it should have customized message, too.
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