right, and the confusing is that we use the notation p(. | .), i.e. the notation to denote a conditional, to denote a likelihood actually, i.e. some function of w
w is the only thing that can vary here
sorry, the notation p(. | .) is a little bit unfortunate if you are a pervert :P
Btw, do you think that the following diagram well represent the supervised learning setting?
This should be the PGM that represents the underlying process of a typical supervised learning problem
X_i and Y_i are the random variables associated with the dataset (observables, that's why the grey color) and W is r.v. associated with the parameters (hidden variables)
@Drathora But, in this case, it will be a function of w, which is the only one that can vary, although x and y can be arbitrary, but they should be fixed, right?
Probability measures are just a particular case where the total measure is 1
Yeah, in most literature the assumed base measure is the lebesgue measure for continuous distributions and the counting measure for discrete distributions
And the reason I mentioned that is that a common way of considering product measures m(x,y) is by considering them as a family of measures $m_x(y)$, parameterised by this x
well, that's already too many details because, although the word measure doesn't scare me, I don't know much about measure theory
Let's instead recap the stuff about realizations, r.v.s and variables by looking at the paper arxiv.org/pdf/1601.00670.pdf that I mentioned at the beginning
and connecting it to the discussion about the likelihood
Hmm. I can't say I've really heard the term thrown about. If I had to guess I'd say something along the lines of the probability distribution we use to model whatever it is we're trying to interpret,
Right, I want to say that training the neural networks with MSE for regression has a probabilistic interpretation and it's the derivation shared above (plus other parts). Does that make sense?
Ok... but the weird thing is that people like to say that likelihoods are not probability distributions, which seems to go against what you have just said
can u clarify that?
I mean, we already talked about that, but I am a little slow :P
another thing that confuses me a little bit is the following. When I see a conditional density, e.g. p(y|x), it's hard for me to understand that y can be fixed (because it's on the left) and x can actually vary, because, usually, y is the one allowed to vary and x is fixed. In general, can the right side vary and the left side be fixed? I guess so, otherwise, we couldn't define the likelihood, right?
another thing: I want to say that I define the likelihood as the composite function BETWEEN the Gaussian (density) function and the neural network (in my case, the model I am using). Does this make sense and, specifically, is the "between" the actual right word to use there, i.e. do we say "compositive function between function x and function y"?
If I use the notation "$\mathcal{N}(\mu, \sigma)$", does that necessarily imply that it's a prob. dist. or can it also mean that it's Gaussian density? What's the convention in statistics?