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@DylanMoreland Which one? :P
The latter. At the moment I am nothing other than hopeful.
@DylanMoreland it is a fine book. i wasn't trying to hit it but rather convey the message my lecturer did.
@Eugene Hey
I'll be leaving now. I have physics course tomorrow at 7am and its 12:22 now...
wow on saturday?
@Eugene Yes
good night then
Night. We'll be talking soon!
@DylanMoreland never heard of Iwaniec-Kowalski. maybe i'll check it out as well
hi @anon
the subject of modular forms really is a beautiful one
bad connection :/
i like silverman but some of his notation is god-awful
can I ask small maths question here?
solve the equation $log(3x+5)+log(2x)=2$, for x
$log6x^2+10x$=2 i don't know how to do further more.
ask Wolfram
is this base 10 or base e?
@Eugene base e... bytheway can you please also clarify base 10 and base e diferent? thanks alot
if it's base $e$ then $e^2 = 6x^2 + 10x$
they're not. they just differ up to a constant factor
@Eugene so $e^2=6x^2+10x$ is the answer?
no but you should be able to solve it from there
@Eugene aww, it is like that (wolframalpha.com/input/?i=e^2%3D6x^2%2B10x)
well i gave you a hint to solve it already
@Eugene sorry, i'm very bad maths, can you please give me more hint? thx
@SbSangpi did any of the answers help you in your derivative question?
Do you need further help?
@JoeL he left
@JoeL yes please thx
Yes to which question?
@Eugene no.i'm here thx
Yes you need help still or you understand it now?
@JoeL yes, log(3x+5)+log(2x)=2, for x, log base "e" thx
Did you use Eugene's hints?
He got you to where you needed to use the quadratic formula.
@JoeL don't take me wrong. I don't know how I am gonna use that quadratic formula. thx
Subtract $e^2$ to get it in the form $Ax^2+Bx+C=0$.
I forgot that Mathemagician's keyboard is incapable of typing a space after a comma, or something.
@JoeL yes, so $0=6x^2+10x-e^2$ still i can't subract
@JoeL most days i feel like this
@SbSangpi You seem to be in calculus (based on your last question on product rule of a function involving $e$) . . . but you cannot solve a quadratic?
When I started teaching someone told me, "You can give them the answers and they'll still get it wrong, so don't worry about it."
Sounds true.
@JoeL thx
@DylanMoreland haha. it would be a lot easier on me
@joel this is also fairly common for me
I remember going through like five years worth of those starting from the beginning (like 1997 or something?) a while back.
It was entertaining to say the least.
@JoeL an ambitious undertaking. unfortunately they got less funny once he graduated
There were still some that were quite hilarious though.
Too bad I don't have any bookmarked on hand or favorited.
@JoeL i like this one
Q: Proof That 1=0 --- Why is it False?

TheG3niusSo I devised this proof that 1=0. Of course it is false, but I don't know why. Why? x+1=y (x+1)/y=1 ((x+1)/y)-1=0 ((x+1)/y)-(y/y)=0 x-y+1/y=0 x-y+1=0 x-y+1=x-y+1/y y(x-y+1)=x-y+1 y=1 x+1=1 x=0 ** y-1=x (y-1)/x=1 ((y-1)/x)-1=0 ((y-1)/x)-(x/x)=0 y-x-1/x=0 y-x-1=0 y-x-1=y-x-1/x x(y-x-1)=y-x-1 x=1 *...

dear lord
I can already tell that this is going to be a great thread.
abstract algebra huh?
Yeah lol
I didn't even want to bother editing it.
@Eugene nice link
1 data point not enuf..wat??????
At least he acknowledges that it has to be wrong.
That's a decent start.
turns out it's theoretically impossible
@DylanMoreland lol
Wait, 1 = 0 isn't right?
That looks fun to TeX.
@JoeL it is mod 1
I'm sure that's what the OP was considering.
Some abstract algebra ish, you know.
George Takei has a great new picture up
This Potato fellow is doing a lot of exercises in this book.
So good for him. But he seems to be kind of rushing through the details.
which book?
And when you're learning linear algebra I don't see the point of that. Nothing is all that hard to check.
ah golan
doesn't that imply that the reals have a maximal element?
or rather $X$
I'm usually not this petty. I need more sleep.
how much do you get on average anyway?
i'm assuming you've passed the quals already right?
huh cohen has a paper on computing rank via 3-descent
i wonder what's the benefit of that
2 hours later…
This is a friend of mine and it's his first question. Would be nice if he got an answer.
I just made a trivial edit to bump it.
An old (7 months) answer of mine has just gotten 4 upvotes in the last hour. Does that seem a bit odd?
@robjohn Well, the thread has been bumped recently.
@MattN Do you think that we should use the fact that we know what finitely-generated abelian groups look like in that exercise?
@MartinSleziak Ah, that would explain it! thanks.
@MattN I've tried add a comment, where the problem is restated using abelian groups (instead of additive sets). I hope my reformulation is correct.
Maybe more people will have a look at that problem, if it is stated in a more familiar language.
@robjohn : What did you use to draw figure in that answer?
See comments to his answer.
@MartinSleziak Thanks. For some reason, I did not hear the ping from RajeshD.
I have a quick question
@RajeshD It's quicker to just ask :-)
1 hour later…
@robjohn : I've posted it on main site itself here
@tb Are you planning on answering this? : )
Is that true @Matt?
I don't know : )
I always imagined tb as some values much greater than zero.
sucks in air between teeth
wonders why
@Gigili I wouldn't know, honestly.
wonders too
@Ilya As if...
Hi @Matt. Hi @Gigili
Hi Ilya.
In any case. I am off to make more coffee and do more commutative algebra.
'Ello, Ilya.
how are things?
seems that here in chat some unpleasant persons have gone away
two days ago that was a disaster
I think, skull has created them to show that he's not that bad
Haha, great theory.
it's not a theory yet - I haven't proved anything
I've come to the conclusion myself!
Jasper would correct
@Ilya Huh?
what is your huh about?
You repeated what I said which doesn't make much sense.
@Gigili what did I repeat?
You said come and I don't know what did you mean by it.
@Gigili you wrote "I've came" which is incorrect. That's why I've corrected you.
I wrote I've come.
Clark Kent told me that this is the best way to make friends online.
Which is?
such a cute frog!
@Gigili anyway, how are you doing?
Doing fine, what about you?
Doing math
Have you noticed how similar are your avatar and Jordan's?
of course
I thought that should make him a cool guy
It might give the impression that you're the same person.
Which is quite dangerous.
btw, just approved 2 of your edits
@MattN nice...
@Gigili what do you mean?
@tb: Guten morgen
Guten Morgen, Ilya
anzr reminds me of Pz. kpfw. III or whatever
@Ilya Thanks, you saved my life! I don't know why others don't show any interest in approving my edits.
I've glued some of these tanks. Liked German techniques
@Gigili why should they?
@Ilya Why shouldn't they?
@Gigili by accident I've pressed "review" button instead of "users". Wanted to show you my second account user. He has totally different gravatar. But you never know if I lie or not.
I'm very popular.
@Gigili: how do you know?
@Ilya You don't have a second account.
yet again. How do you know?
@Ilya Everyone wants to have my signature when they meet me in person.
Quick question before I'm off again:
@Ilya I know you better than you.
@MattN: quick answer: no.
@Gigili you don't. When is my B-Day?
I wonder why they say quick question when it's not quick at all.
@Ilya August.
Everybody lies
@Gigili that's my second name. What is the date?
So a functor preserving $0 \to M \to \dots$ as $0 \to Hom(M,N) \to \dots$ is left exact (and possibly also exact).
What sort of exact is a functor that turns $0 \to M \to \dots$ into $\dots \to Hom(M,N) \to 0$?
@Ilya Oh sorry, I thought you asked about your second name. Your birthday is surely on October.
@Gigili you have the last try
Contra-exact perhaps? : )
@Ilya Umm, it's right on the tip of my tongue.
@MattN I don't understand the question... Left exact means that kernels are preserved, right exact that cokernels are preserved. But what do you mean with the "What sort of exact" part?
Not sure. I probably misunderstood the definition.
Left exactness of $F$ is the following statement: whenever $k: K \to A$ is a kernel of $f: A \to B$ then $F(k): F(K) \to F(A)$ is a kernel of $F(f): F(A) \to F(B)$.
I thought the definition was that a functor is left exact if it turns short exact sequences into left exact sequences.
The best answer is always the one which is posted as comment.
@MattN That's equivalent to what I said.
@tb So what if you have a functor that turns a short left exact sequence into a short right exact sequence?
Like for example $Hom(-,N)$?
Never mind, the question is probably still non-sensical. I'll think about it some more.
@MattN The point is that $\operatorname{Hom}({-},N)$ is a contravariant functor.
It reverses the direction of arrows.
Ooh, so it's still right exact.
Even though the zero comes out at the other end?
The contravariant Hom turns right exact sequences into left exact sequences, not the other way around.
I have to pop out for groceries : ,/
Yes, it is left exact from $\mathcal{A}^{\rm op} \to \mathsf{Ab}$.
See you in a bit.
See you.
I should eat something. What though? Hm.
@Eugene Hi.
@DylanMoreland Hi.
this question is insanely popular
@BenjaminLim Hi.
@all : I have typed up an answer after a long time. It would be helpful if you could point out any mistakes/improvements.
@skullpatrol hi
@BenjaminLim Whatz up?
juz sayin' hi
@Gigili: fail :)
@Ilya You have a chalk fetish
@RajeshD There's no "*" in Math, you should rather use "$\times$".
@Gigili convolution?
@Ilya Hi.
@Ilya Pft, okay.
hey, who starred my swearing?
But the whole equation doesn't make much sense as it is.
Or it does.
@Gigili Oh! Oh! You've considered all possible cases!
@Ilya +1 to you
@Eugene +1 - what do you mean? You wanna me to bring you to some private party?
@Ilya as if i get invited to private parties.
@Ilya I'm awesome like that.
@Eugene that's why I wrote that you need me to go there. I thought you wanna be my +1 there
@Gigili Oh! Oh!
Poh poh.
@Ilya oh so it looks like i do get invited to private parties. =)
@Eugene no.
@Ilya oh well.
@Gigili poh poh means grandmother in cantonese
@Gigili: unstarring revenge?
If Ilya invites you to the private party, it won't be private anymore.
@Eugene You mean Ilya is like a grandmother?
@Eugene "poh poh" means "I don' give a fuc, I don' giv a fuc" in Russian
@Gigili he's a private partying grandmother
@Ilya I don't star and unstar anything right at the moment. I starred you in my mind a decade ago so I don't bother starring your messages.
that granny will hardly kick your soft asses ina moment
@Gigili the kindest ^_^
wasn't stackoverflow created only 3 years ago?
oh, don't ask about that story
But Ilya was created long ago, longer than you could imagine.
(It wasn't me who made that silly mistake)
@Gigili the silly mistake of creating @Ilya?
The silly mistake of not creating him sooner.
@Gigili thanks for the reply. I intended to use $\ast$ as convolution operation. This symbol is used for convolution in books i've read.
@Ilya "hardly" usually means "not very much".
@DavidWallace That was quick.
@Gigili I'm awesome like that.
We're the same person. QED.
> viewed: 218,018 times
@Ilya : good to see your english not very greatly different from mine
I wonder how many badges the user has earned for that batman question.
@tb Does it follow from the properties of a functor that it has to be contravariant or can I have a functor $F$ from $R$-modules to itself such that $F: M \mapsto Hom(M,N)$ and $F: (f: M \to M^\prime) \mapsto (F(f): Hom(M,N) \to Hom(M^\prime, N))$?
: )
@MattN How would you define this $F$?
@Gigili 7 bronze 3 silver and 3 gold, check his home page, that is the only question he has asked, and a reasonable assumption that he hadn't had deleted questions earlier.
@RajeshD It is amazing that he's gotten more than 1000 rep on one question alone!
and that puts him in the top 25% overall? That means 75% of the users here have less than 1142.
@RajeshD and answered it :-)
@robjohn that's nothing check out the answer
that's 3820 rep points for just one answer.
man i kinda enjoyed solving this one
Q: How many digits of $\pi$ are currently known?

YAKHow many digits of $\pi$ are currently known?

oh no he's back
I got bounty :)
i answer questions out of interest and not rep points.
No taste for sucess
BTW from which country are you ?
Hmmm... Canadian
Which is the best University in you country
i am Indian
I want to come for Masters In CS
Just completed my bachelors here
You there
@Eugene : Hellllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooooo Boyyyyyyyyyyyyy
@DylanMoreland For example, how about if $f: M \to M^\prime$ then $F(f) := Hom(M,N) \to Hom(M^\prime, N)$?
That's not a definition, yet.
Yes, I'm trying to think of how to write something meaningful.
Too bad I don't have an inverse $f^{-1}$.
But surely I can find a way without it.
Maybe. It's probably hard to write down something that's actually functorial.
I am trying to pick a $g: M^\prime \to M$ given an $f$ but I'm not sure how.
Maybe even impossible. In some categories there is always a natural dual map (elliptic curves have this, for example), but not here.
Anyway, it's like pulling back functions along a continuous/smooth map. Pretty natural.

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