@MikeMiller so I have been wondering the following: suppose that you have an abelian group $A$, a group $G$ and a central extension $1 \to A \to E \to G \to 1$. I think (or hope) that this should induce an exact sequence on (non-abelian) cohomology $\dots \to H^1(X;A) \to H^1(X;E) \to H^1(X;G) \to H^2(X;A)$ via some Snake-lemma-like diagram chasing.
Now suppose the morphism $H^1(X;G) \to H^2(X;A)$ is natural in $X$, then this determines via Yoneda an element of $[K(1,G),K(A,2)]=H^2(G;A)$. Is this the same element in $H^2(G;A)$ that is determined via the standard algebraic construction for t…