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@Chris I think assuming that the space in question, solSet, is a solution to a system of equations is a red herring.
@Chris: A homogeneous system is when the b vector is 0. Every subspace of a vector space must contain 0, which means if a solution set is a subspace it contains 0, which means 0 is a solution ie A0=b, but A0=0 so b=0.
You are essentially starting with an arbitrary subspace. You assume that it has dimension 1, which is fine, but unnecessary. Since projections are linear transformations, any projection onto your subspace gives you a linear transformation whose image is your subspace.
@Chris: Another possibility is that you're actually thinking about "the set of all vectors b such that Ax=b has a solution in x." This is a subspace, and it is the image of the linear transformation A.
@AntonioVargas: We are being asked if the solution set ( a specific one, we 've found it) is the image of a linear transformation. So the space in question is the solution set.

Projection in a 1-dimensional subspace is something like the identity function?
So the answer would be something like: Assuming we are in $ R^{1} $ the projection's solution set is the image of the projection, itself. In example, given the number x, the projection of x in $ R^{1} $ is the x itself. Would that be ok?

@anon: I fully understand your 1st answer. The 2nd one, not that much :/
@Chris I don't understand what you wrote. Maybe we should start from the beginning. Could you write out the question in full?
We are given a system of linear equations: $ 6*x + 5*y + 7*z + 4*w = 0, 6*x + 5*y + 3*z + 4*w = 0, 14*x + 1*y + 2*z + 4*w = 0 $, the solution set is all the x,y,z in R that (x,y,z,w) = w(-1/4, -1/2, 0, 1), where w belongs in R.
Is that correct up to here? @AntonioVargas
Uh, well I'd have to solve it myself to know, and I'm too lazy, so let's assume that's correct.
@AntonioVargas: Here: http://tinyurl.com/d2a65cm

So we are given this statement: "The solution set of the system is the image of a linear transformation", true or false?
@AntonioVargas: A little change on the coefficient of x coming up
It's true. The solution set $S = \{w(-1/4,-1/2,0,1) \colon w \in \mathbb{R}\}$ is a subspace of $\mathbb{R}^4$, so we can construct a map which projects any vector in $\mathbb{R}^4$ onto $S$. This map is a linear transformation whose range is $S$. Are you familiar with projecting onto a subspace?
This is exactly what Arturo does in #4 of his answer.
@AntonioVargas: The change of the coefficient:

$ 9*x + 5*y + 7*z + 4*w = 0,
9*x + 5*y + 3*z + 4*w = 0,
14*x + 1*y + 2*z + 4*w = 0 $, the solution set is all the x,y,z in R that (x,y,z,w) = w(-16/61, -20/61, 0, 1), where w belongs in R.

Ok, I got it better now! ("so we can construct a map which projects any vector in R4 onto S" :-) )
Range is something like the rank of a matrix?
No, that's the bad thing about it, our teacher hasn't talked about projections :-/
The range of a transformation $T$ is the set of all vectors $v$ such that you can find a vector $x$ satisfying $Tx = v$.
You might speak with your teacher about projections, they are interesting and useful.
I will surely do!
So it's something like the opposite of the kernel ? ( I am trying to correlate with the terms that I am already familiar with)

Thank you for your help!
It's kind of the opposite of the kernel, I guess. I think of it as the opposite of the domain. The domain of a transformation is the set of vectors which you can put into it, and the range is the set of vectors you can get out of it.
Great! Thank you for the clarification. :-)
No problem! Glad to help.
@tb it appears as if I did, too. Maybe next time ;-)
Is there a better video series than khan academy for calculus?
@Jordan I really don't know. Have you tried to Google "calculus video"?
a number of decent looking options come up
However, I don't have any experience with any of them.
Ok I was just wondering if there was an agreed upon "best" video series, khan academy skips some of what we cover in class
@robjohn let's hope so :)
@tb I seem to be missing you, unless you are a phantom :-)
watching chat from the transcript
@Benjamin: hello!
gotta run to the park. bbl
hi guys
@robjohn Hi
@robjohn Yes, we seem to play hide-and-seek :) I just saw that you decided run for moderator, after all. No big surprise... Thanks for doing this, good luck!
Bedtime for me... Good night!
any hint for the following. Show that a complex square matrix can be uniquely decomposed into the sum $A+iB$, were $A$ and $B$ are Hermitian?
@EricGregor $A = \frac{1}{2}(M + M^\ast)$ and $B = \cdots$. If you have two decompositions $A - A' = i(B' - B)$ is hermitian and skew-hermitian, so...
thanks @tb
Hi, I am doing differential equations. And I was asked to find the general solution and as an eigenvalue I had a complex number and my system look like:
wait, @tb, is if $B$ is hermitian is $iB$ skew hermitian?
-2x+3y=i(squ.root of 2)x
is that by definition?
-2x+2y=i(squ.rootof 2)y
@EricGregor $(iB)^\ast = -i B^\ast = -(iB)$
@tb still up I see :-)
@robjohn yeah, so much for my healthy intentions... :)
@tb who needs sleep?
:(.. so I would like to know, how do I check if they are redundant?
@robjohn that darn body of mine...
@tb such an impediment to the operation of the mind :-D
@robjohn "normal" people (whatever the hell "normal" means.) :D
@JM I'd be surprised to find them hereabouts :)
(and hi, n'all)
@tb Indeed. (And hi!)
@anilorap You didn't say what your original DE system was, so it's hard to say anything about correctness.
my original system is dx/dt=(-2,3) dy/dt=(-2,2)
Hmm, I see rob is now a candidate, and there are now four people with the "Tenacious" badge. One of these two things is a little bit troubling... ;)
@anilorap That's a bit hard to make sense of; you have a derivative on the left and ordered pairs on the right?
am sorry Its my first time using this.. but is a matrix
top [-2 3] bottom [-2 2]
@anilorap I see, so you have a $2\times 2$ matrix multiplied with the vector $\begin{pmatrix}x&y\end{pmatrix}^\top$.
so i found my eigenvalue
Well then you do have a pair of conjugate eigenvalues...
Lambda = +- i (sq.rootof 2)
is a complex eigenvalue.. so i will be working with +i(sq.rootof 2)
so i need to find my eigenvector by solving Ay=(lambda)y
@anilorap it would seem so.
thats how i got my two equations... -2x+3y=i(sq.rootof2)x and -2x+2y=i(sq.rootof2)y
@JM oh, at least we still don't have an unsung one...
@tb Well, that's one of the few comforts...
(this is not implying that there are robjohn songs that I'm aware of :))
so how do i know this two eq. are redundant?
@tb however, there are a lot of Robert Johnson songs
@anilorap start to solve them.
@anilorap What happens if you try row reduction?
ive been doing it for hours... i dont know what am doing wrong
@JM can i do that?
@robjohn Yes, but you wouldn't sing sweet home Chicago, for example, would you?
@anilorap Sure, you can row reduce. Arithmetic still works on complex numbers...
(I presume we have to wait for the next build to roll out)
$(-2-i\sqrt{2})x+3y=0$ and $-2x+(2-i\sqrt{2})y=0$ do they look any more dependent?
@tb Well, it says "rev 2012.5.1.2423" at the bottom, and it's May second already...
@tb effectuated? why not simply effected?
If the May 2 build rolls out and the bug's still there, then we have cause for a riot... >:)
@JM oh, yes. I'm still living in the past
@tb Tull is a great band. I've seen them twice in concert.
@robjohn You preach truth, brother. ;)
@robjohn because my English builds on my French, I assume. effectué sounds like the reason for this, but effectuated is not wrong, is it?
@tb I don't know; I've never heard the word before :-)
@robjohn Oh, yeah. I only saw them once, but I saw two concerts of Ian solo
@tb It's not wrong, but not very common either.
@JM I agree, the word is correct, but not common.
@robjohn I see. Thanks for pointing it out!
@tb otherwise, it works for me :-)
@robjohn Hi Rob. I cannot duplicate your partial fractions decomp (I don't know the Heavside method). I need to finish this problem tonight, though. If I accept your decomposition, what is my next step on that problem? I am supposed to be using residue theorem.
@Jeff I will write up the decomposition.
@robjohn wow. cool, thx.
@DavidWheeler Such an extension does not exist
To compute $A_k$, we need to compute $\dfrac{x^5+1}{x+\zeta^k}$ and evaluate at $x=-\zeta^k$. This is because for $j\not=k$, $\dfrac{x^5+1}{x+\zeta^j}=0$ when $x=-\zeta^k$. Using L'Hospital, we get $\dfrac{x^5+1}{x+\zeta^k}=5x^4=5\zeta^{4k}$. That is,
@tb at least interesting news.
@robjohn this is all with $\zeta=e^{\frac{2\pi}{5}}$, right?
I changed my gravatar nearly 24hr ago. Should I have to wait this long? Is there a way to force-propogate it?
@Jeff $\zeta=e^{i2\pi/5}$.
@anon It usually comes over as soon as I log out from gravatar.com
@anon It did change for me a few hours back (I see a round rainbow now).
Y U NO WRITE $i$ AFTER $2\pi$??
i forgot the i (i meant it like you have it). last time you had a coefficient of 1/5 in front of the whole thing.
@anon if that's me, it's cuz I forgot.
@anon are you talking to me or Jeff?
is it not the case that $i2\pi/5=2\pi i/5$?
@t.b. By round rainbow, do you mean this?
Is it unreasonable to ask for extra macros on math.sx? In particular it'd be really nice to have a \midrel defined by \def\midrel#1{\mathrel{}\middle#1\mathrel{}}. This would make writing sets much easier: $\left\{a \in \mathbb R \midrel| a > 0\right\}$.
@robjohn: Aesthetically, no!!
@anon exactly that.
@anon I don't see that :-(
@anon have you logged out from gravatar.com?
@robjohn I guess you have to reload the chat window.
@tb I've done that several times and I still see the old rainbow
I've been logging in/out and refreshing everything, nothing changes.
@anon you're sure the email addresses match?
is the computer plugged in?
I've never had any other address associated to mse or gravatar.
then I am at a loss.
now, gravatar tells me I have the new icon. MSE doesn't.
Caching problems, maybe?
I'll check.
Cache cleared, nothing changed. Except it wouldn't let me log out of the main for a few moments.
@anon By changing the size parameter of your icon in chat, I can see either the new one or the old one.
@kahen People don't tend to react very favorably to such proposals.
(there were a few other, similar meta threads but I can't seem to find them right now, maybe they were deleted by the OPs due to the huge number of downvotes)
@anon When the size is a power of two, I seem to get the older gravatar, but any other value displays the new one (in a different size, of course).
Still no joy...
@kahen, shouldn't that be \mathrel{\middle#1} ?
let me try a non-power of two
... and now the pattern's breaking. For $s = 256$, we get the new gravatar.
using \mathrel{} for spacing is weird
yes! when I look at 300 pixels, I get the new one.
mariano: you'd THINK it should be that, but that won't work because \middle will fail to see \left and \right in that case. Try it out yourself
@robjohn ``This is because for $\displaystyle j \ne k,\ \frac{x^5+1}{x+\zeta^j}=0$ when $x=-\zeta^k$''.
Let $k=2,\ j=3$, then $x=-\zeta^2$ and $\displaystyle\frac{(-\zeta^2)^5+1}{(-\zeta^2)+(\zeta)^3} = \frac{1-\zeta^{10}}{\zeta^2+\zeta^3}=\frac{1-1}{\text{not } 0}=0$.
just say \big#1 then
@Jeff yes, that is simply the distributive property.
@Jeff indeed
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez But that wouldn't scale, would it?
allows you to say \midrel{|}, \midrel[\big]{|}, or \midrel[\bigg]{|}
@anon: nice mandala
@tb, I don't think having it scale looks good at all :)
@anon: I still don't see it on chat :-(
in fact, I personally hate a bar there, and exclusively use a colon myself
Me either. I give up for now.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez I do, too :-)
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez That's why I always use the colon there... But scaling was the goal if I understood correctly.
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez oh :)
@anon did you try the links here?
@anon Well, there's something screwy. Removing the rating parameter (r=PG) causes it to display correctly, regardless of size.
@rob Yes, they correspond to your descriptions.
Do people see what is described in these links?
What about on the mainsite?
@robjohn I see the old one.
@anon It's funny, on FF it works just fine for me, while on other browsers (Safari and Chrome) I get your old Gravatar...
*The* correct way of implementing a resizable bar nowadays would be, I think, using \DeclarePairedDelimiterX from mathtools
This allows you to say \mathrel{\delimsize\mid} to get the corrent size
@AntonioVargas but not the new one?
@tb Madness!
No, just the old one, here in chat and in the list on the right. Chrome here.
@tb I am using Firefox and I see the old gravatar at power of two sizes.
@anon, could you maybe check what rating you assigned to your rainbow mandala?
@robjohn can you explain why computing $\displaystyle\frac{x^5+1}{x+\zeta^k}$ at $\displaystyle x=\zeta^k$ yields $A_k$?
Checked; I assigned G.
@anon the one shown here is PG...
@Jeff: Do you mean $x=-\zeta^k$? l'Hospital
@robjohn From main: FF, Safari
I also see the "old" one on anon's math.SE profile page. And I doubt it's a caching thing since I don't believe I've seen that particular gravatar before.
@Jeff $\displaystyle1=A_0\frac{x^5+1}{x+1}+A_1\frac{x^5+1}{x+\zeta}+A_2\frac{x^5+1}{x+\‌​zeta^2}+ A_3\frac{x^5+1}{x+\zeta^3}+A_4\frac{x^5+1}{x+\zeta^4}$
How about removing and reuploading, anon?
@Jeff all but one of the coefficients of $A_k$ is $0$
@tb Out of curiosity, what is the URL for both of those images? I understand if you're busy.
I'll try that JM
WOAH nelly, it just clicked
@anon yes, forgot the negative sign :(
@anon I see it now :-)
@tb Nevermind, it appears to have resolved.
@robjohn Aaahhh. OK. Is the l'Hosp you're using the same one in calculus used to calculate limits? Why does it work here?
@lewist Oh, it seems the https did the trick here (I have https everywhere installed on FF)
(and on Safari I just had the http link)
Jeff: FYI there is no 's' in l'Hôpital.
@kahen My whole life has been a lie!
Ahh neat, thanks t.b.
@anon Works for me now.
@Jeff whether we cancel the polynomials or we limit their quotient as we approach $\zeta^k$, we get the same thing.
Actually, Mathworld claims the two spellings are equivalent in French
And both used in English.
@kahen both seem to be used in many places.
@kahen his book was written under the spelling l'Hospital
I see. l'Hôpital must be a later spelling then
It might have to do with capitalization, though (like 'SZ' vs. ß in German)
@robjohn are you saying factoring (again!) the top and bottom and cancelling yields the same thing as using l'hosp? Also, did you mean "as we approach $-\zeta^k$?
@Jeff yes as $x\to-\zeta^k$
You could also use a change of variables and the geometric sum formula
both ô and os are correct; the spelling of that was changing at the time
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez and ôs shall be right out :-)
@robjohn that makes sense. it's sort of like the the second example everyone uses when teaching limits: $\displaystyle \lim_{x \rightarrow 1}\frac{x^2-1}{x-1}$
@robjohn Three, Sir!
@Jeff indeed
@tb Three.
@robjohn which i just showed to a student today! :D
that rabbit's dynamite!
@robjohn now the rest of your explanation falls into place.... so now, to integrate, i need to use residue theorem. i think just a straightforward applicatoin of that theorem solves the integral.
It is a bit sad that you are (mostly) limited to examples using rational functions where the denominator divides the numerator. at least until you have some result on sin, cos and tan.
@Jeff let me know if you have any trouble.
@kahen eh?
@robjohn i will (let you know, that is, not have trouble). and, btw, thank you.
well. examples like x^2-1/x-1, where x-1 | x^2-1.
@Jeff no problem
i guess exponentials could come into play as well
@kahen The case at hand was a polynomial, so that's all we needed.
Why are we talking l'Hôpital here anyway, I call that the definition of the derivative...
You could also say $$x=-\zeta w\implies\frac{x^n+1}{x+\zeta}=\frac{1}{\zeta}\frac{w^n-1}{w-1}=\frac{w^{n-1}+\cdots+w^1+w^0}{\zeta}\xrightarrow{w\to1}\frac{n}{\zeta}$$ for $n$ odd and $\zeta$ any $n$th root of unity
@tb well, in the case of a linear denominator, they are the same :-)
@anon that was the point of my comment that whether dividing and evaluating or limiting, we get the same thing.
Ah, I wasn't paying that much attention.
@robjohn but l'Hôpital isn't exactly exciting for analytic functions
@tb it still applies if you approach along the same path.
@tb chicken-egg... :D
@JM the whole point and only difficulty of l'Hôpital's rule is that you can infer the existence of a limit that doesn't obviously exist by looking at the derivatives.
right now, i'm just applying what you showed me to $\frac{1}{x^5+a^5}$. i don't think the $a$ changes much. I'm still using $\zeta=e^{\frac{2 \pi i}{5}}$. Should I use $\zeta=ae^{\frac{2 \pi i}{5}}$ instead? (Oh, also, I'm using $\omega$, cuz I like it better).
going from $x^5+1$ to $x^5+a^5$ is a simple change of variables.
does anyone know what it means to say
in a commutative ring that an ideal $I$ is a direct summand of $R$?
R can be written as a direct sum, with one of the summands being I?
that it is a direct summand of R when you view the latter as an R module
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez What do you mean?
what I wrote :)
a submodule $N\subseteq M$ of a module is a direct summand
when there is another $N'\subseteq M$ such that $N\oplus N'=M$
In abstract algebra, the direct sum is a construction which combines several modules into a new, larger module. The result of the direct summation of modules is the "smallest general" module which contains the given modules as submodules. This is an example of a coproduct. Contrast with the direct product, which is the dual notion. The most familiar examples of this construction occur when considering vector spaces (modules over a field) and abelian groups (modules over the ring Z of integers). The construction may also be extended to cover Banach spaces and Hilbert spaces. Constructi...
Ah ok@MarianoSuárezAlvarez That is clear
now $R$ is a module over itseld, and $I$ being an ideal means precisely that it is a submodule of $R$
wow. chat's clever. it pastes from wikipedia
so this means that there exists an ideal $J$ such that $I \oplus J = R$
as modules
for example, the ideal $\mathbb R\times0$ of the ring $\mathbb R\times\mathbb R$ is a summand
where I \oplus J = IJ = set of finite sums of terms of the form ij where i \in I and j\in J
I \oplus J is the direct sum of modules
oh. directy product, right.
(what you wrote is the product as ideals)
(which has nothing to do with the direct product :) )
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez It's ok I got it now
@robjohn wait a minute, when $j=k$ the fractions reduces to $0/0$.
be careful!
if you divide by zero this chat thing crashes
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez haha... fortunately i wrapped it in dollar signs
money fixes everything
Unfortunately, you can't fix a lack of money with money, because you have none.
well, you can fix lack of money with money, no?
you could, rather
@TheChaz try \$everything\$ :)
Oh you :D
Is $..$ supposed to be go through mathjax here?
Or do you just put it in chat out of habit?
@kahen yes
weird. it doesn't work for me. i just see LaTeX source and it doesn't get mathjax'ed
Did you read the link sufficiently? :P
ie are you using the bookmark?
oh, that's really funny
I've been using greasemonkey to see the latex on chat for a long time
I didn't realize that we could do that
that's a really slick trick
@mixedmath We have rob to thank...
that's really extraordinary
we should make and give him a hacker badge, indeed
@Jeff yes, and that is why we either cancel the fractions or take the limit.
@robjohn, you're awake! if $\displaystyle\zeta=e^{\frac{2 \pi i}{5}}$, how did you get $\displaystyle 5x^4=5 \zeta ^{4k}$.
plugging in $x=-\zeta^k$?
@Jeff if $x=-\zeta^k$... yeah, what anon said :-)
oh. duh! :D
Hm... I took the link and converted it to a greasemonkey script, but it doesn't seem to work. $x$...
nope. no worky
oh, I would recommending using the bookmark directly
@kahen The bookmark used to work automatically, but something happened to the Ajax "complete" event and now we have to invoke the bookmark periodically.
the LaTeX renders for a fraction of a second and then reverts to plain text
@robjohn when i type latex in here, the interpretation (the math format, whatever you call it) shows up for a moment, then it un-translates back into text
1 min ago, by robjohn
the LaTeX renders for a fraction of a second and then reverts to plain text
i think i finally completed the partial frac decomp. the $a^5$ doesn't change too much. I get that $\displaystyle A_k=\frac{1}{5a}\omega^{k}$
@robjohn oops. i didn't read all of the script :D (i've been working on a complex partial fraction decomposition). sorry
@mixedmath Interested in some commutative algebra?
ooh, commutative algebra
this should be good
I am trying to show that if the $A/R$, where $R$ is the nilradical is absolutely flat
then every prime ideal is maximal
my idea is this:
If $p$ is a prime ideal
Then we consider $A/p$
If I can show that this is absolutely flat and a local ring, then it is a field and hence $p$ is a maximal ideal.
Now I am guessing I have a surjective map $f : A/R \rightarrow A/p$
A/p is not going to be local
there goes my idea....
suppose $A$ is a domain
so that $p=0$ is a prime ideal
you are saying that all abs. flat domains are local
I don't think that is true
hm, my counter example is not commutative :)
you commutative people!
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez Hmmm, there goes my approach now I have to think of another one.
notice that you can suppose $R=0$
otherwise, you'd just mod out by $R$
you mean I can suppose the nilradical is zero
(because modding R out does not change the conclusion: R is contained in all primes)
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez I don't believe people are commutative... you put them in a long line, and if you swap any two of them, at least one becomes upset.
ok so you're claiming that if $A$ is absolutely flat then every prime idea is maximal, is that even true?
@Jeff I get $\displaystyle\frac{1}{x^5+a^5}=\frac{1}{5a^4}\left( \frac{1}{x+a}+\frac{\zeta}{x+a\zeta}+\frac{\zeta^2} {x+a\zeta^2}+\frac{\zeta^3}{x+a\zeta^3}+\frac{\zeta^4}{x+a\zeta^4}\right)$
I am claiming that if $A$ is abs flat and has trivial nilradical, then every prime is maximal
I don't have $\displaystyle \frac 1{5a}$.
Hmmm a boolean ring has every prime ideal maximal :D :D
...no exponent on the $a$
@Jeff plug in $x=0$, I think yours will fail.
How can you integrate?

$\int\sqrt{1-\cos(t)} dt$
@MarianoSuárezAlvarez We have a surjective map from $A/R$ to $A/p$ because
consider the canonical projection $\pi : A \rightarrow A/p$
@hhh $1-\cos(t)=2\sin^2(t/2)$
then because $R \subset \ker \pi$ we have an $A$ - linear map $f : A/R \rightarrow A/p$
where $f$ is defined by $f(\bar{a})$ = $\pi(a)$
But then because $\pi$ is surjective
the map $f$ is surjective too
@robjohn double angle -identity, well I wish I could remember those easily...yes now it is easy with that tip
this establishes why we have a surjective map $f: A/R \rightarrow A/p$
@robjohn I could find something here to help me remember things like that...
when $x=0$ i get $\displaystyle\frac 1{a^5}=\frac{1}{5a} \cdot \frac 5a$. Pretty clearly not right.
@hhh another to be familiar with is $\cos(x)=2\cos^2(x/2)-1$
Today's XKCD is a bit nice...
@JM A friend sent me this link which I thought of as we were having gravatar problems with anon.
I really hate to interrupt like this, but does maybe anyone have access to this paper? A friend of mine needs it for his bachelor thesis, and we're both not allowed to view it.
(I promise, it's the last time I'll ask ;)
@robjohn what did you plug in for $x$ when trying to find the $A_k$s? I used $x=-a\zeta^k$. But that's not working out so that the numerators are $0$.
One thing I don't get is this flatness stuff
$\cos(x+y)=\cos x\cos y - \sin x\sin y$ and $\sin(x+y)=\sin x\cos y +\sin y\cos x$, how to deduce them?
i think i need $x=-\zeta^k$ so that it becomes $-1$ and the numerator adds to $0$.
(I have probably seen them earlier but forgot)
or you use $e^{i\theta} = \cos \theta + i \sin \theta$
@kahen type up-arrow to get back a previous comment for editing.
@kahen :-)
@robjohn thanks, I saw that in the past in some book but never learnt to remember that perhaps I shuold start with assupmtion: two angles a and b, deduce the angles...and needequalities from thta...perhaps unit circle as a help?
that works up to two minutes after the comment is entered.
$\cos(x+y) + i\sin(x+y) = e^{i(x+y)} = e^{ix}e^{iy} = (\cos x + i\sin x)(\cos y + i\sin y)$. The real and imaginary parts of each expression have to be equal, so you just need to expand the RHS

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