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so we don't have to go case-by-case
what was the purpose of having me check that e does not appear twice in any row or column in the table just created?
now, remember how i said you could think of groups as "functions"?
if e only occurs once in each row and column, that product must be unique, right?
i mean if ab = e, and ac = e, then e would occur in the row a*_ twice.
and if ab = e and db = e, then e would occur in the COLUMN _*b twice.
i feel like my knowledge that all groups have unique identities is like my knowledge that if i type 1+1 into my calculator, it will say 2
i'm pretty damn sure, but still
i feel like im missing some internal mechanism
right. the binary operation is a FUNCTION. so it has a unique value for each pair of inputs
a*b is always just ONE result
well, ciao for now
now writing ax = xa = e = ay = ya implies x = xe = x(ay) = (xa)y = ey = y
thanks a lot
is just a FORMAL way of expressing what happens in the cayley tables
maybe i'll be late for class
doubt my teacher will care
right, but you only showed me that identities are unique for a specific group
but we DO need the associative part...and functions are a good example of "generally associative" things
the exact same reasoning applies to inverses as to identities
ok, suppose we had a vector space...can there be 2 0-vectors?
wait are you saying to think of each element in a group as a function?
suppose so. then 0 = 0+0' = 0', and well, it looks like they are the same.
lots of different things might be groups.
but, in general, these can be thought of as functions "on some set", yes.
but not just ANY function will do. we can only consider INVERTIBLE functions (bijective ones), because we need inverses, yes?
hmm i'm thinking my mind might be a bit blown, i need to slow down
well, let's consider an easy example. suppose we have a 2-element set {x,y}
how many bijective functions are possible?
so, given an arbitrary cayley table (which uniquely defines a group)
my teacher is kicking me out
thanks a lot though i will think abotu this
i come here often, you'll probably see me again
Okay, this is annoying
> @Gigili You need to add what you have done to avoid the users repeating it to you and, you saying "I have done that and no solution comes out of it" comes across to me as just saying and not having done anything at all. – Kannappan Sampath 1 min ago
@DavidWheeler Not you, you're perfect.
Testing does cht work on iphone
It does?
we're just cool like that. we work on a variety of modern electronic devices.
@Gigili sounds like "edit wars"
one of the people now running for moderator edited one of my posts.
i had written a post where i used the variable $u$. i then added the parenthetical comment: (why $u$? because i like it. don't u?)
he changed it to "don't you?" totally obliterating the pun.
Is every group G isomorphic to another group H whose elements are functions and composition is the operation?
yes! there is, in fact a theorem to that effect called (oh, the irony) "cayley's theorem".
omg I love it
but to understand cayley's theorem, you have to get a handle on a special kind of group, called a "permutation group"
All bijections of a set
and there are "nicer" groups to play around with, before that
and bijections are functions. yes!
in fact, every group is a subgroup of some "bijection on a set group"
but these groups can be VERY big, and so sometimes we'd like a "smaller set" to use.
Im looking it up on wikipedia
in some ways, group theory is like chemistry...in order to understand molecules, we have to work with "atoms" first
and some of the "nicer" atoms we work with are "cyclic groups", which behave very nicely. they have good manners. they're abelian, even.
The proof relies on existence of inverses which I don't believe yet
Existence of inverses for elements of a group comes with definition, although I have no idea what proof you're talking about.
what inverses do you doubt the existence of?
Sorry I mean unique Inverses
@DavidWheeler It is it.
@KannappanSampath of course an "axiomatic" group comes with inverses guaranteed...but with a generally defined structure, the existence of inverses must be shown
It says By the existence of inverses, this function has a two-sided inverse
@DavidWheeler what do you mean generally defined structure.....? Please define things.
@KannappanSampath i think he's reading about Cayley's theorem
@KannappanSampath for example, "symmetries of a square"
Have you shown that is a group by checking the axioms?
(in which case, you'll need to show the existence of inverses, yes.)
@KannappanSampath yes, i know how to do that. But AbstractionOfMe is just learning things.
And, I thought you were talking about a "group" G. But, if you're talking about a set G which you need to show is a group. But, I wonder why call it a group before showing it is a group.
@KannappanSampath what he is struggling with is WHY inverses are unique...why must there be ONLY ONE?
And I explained what I've done so clearly and someone just jumped in ans asked what I have done.
Anyway, people making less precise definitions are apparently more decisive about users being rowdies on the site. I have nothing to offer them sigh.
What you have done is not: "I have done blah" You need to expand what blah is.
I can say I showed that $\zeta$ exists on the whole of $\Bbb C$ but it really does not work.
But how would you know what $\zeta$ is?
Anyway, I would be vocal about this; You HAVE NOT shown what you have done ang got your homework solved cleverly.
wouldn't it be more polite to say "i would find it better if you did (insert something here)" instead of "you need to do (insert the same something here)"?
one is a request, for clarity's sake. the other is an imperative.
I'm assuming there is such a thing as a "general" group.
I don't like being polite to people who explicitly cannot be polite with other users.
an imperative carries with it the tacit assumption of superiority
To you, but not necessarily to the rest of the world.
Like I picture a general triangle as 3 points moving around randomly in space connected by segments
someone who is the judge of their own superiority can be hard to swallow
Given any specific triangle S, the general one will at some time assume The shape of S
Someone who never observes simple rules of Capitalisation in almost every messages of theirs can be even more.
if someone is rude to you, being rude in return...it's a draw. if someone is rude to you, and you are civil in return...then THEY look bad.
What I said before still applies or does it? sigh.
@AbstractionOfMe well, there are different "flavors" of groups
@david, what do you mean
@DavidWheeler Good luck with being rude and polite.
I mean I don't yet know how to taste them
people amuse me. "oh, you didn't latex that right". "oh dear, your grammar is bad."
I should stop talking to people who actually are unworthy of talking to.
@AbstractionOfMe some groups are abelian, some are not. these display different kinds of behavior.
I picture abelian groups as tables symmetrical across the diagonal
Some people however amuse me even more -- In that, they think they are superior and can get away with abusing another NATION, a punishable offence.
@KannappanSampath you shouldn't pick at scabs. it just causes more bleeding.
What does an abelian group taste like
@AbstractionOfMe sort of sweet, with a chewy center.
Center like the core of the earth is in the center of the earth?
@DavidWheeler Why do you ping me?
@KannappanSampath why bring personal issues to a math chat room?
@DavidWheeler Who has? and what have they brought?
"Some people however amuse me even more -- In that, they think they are superior and can get away with abusing another NATION, a punishable offence." these are your words, yes?
Yes, how's that personal? And if it is and you agree it is, to keep things straight, you must have objected when those who did what is in question now did it.
it might be just me, i'm prone to mis-interpret things at times, but that sounds kind of aggressive.
Can one prove cayley's them without assuming unique inverses
The person concerned leaving the room displays clearly that they are being a troll and I'd contend they would have to be banned from the network.
@AbstractionOfMe unique inverses are part-and-parcel of what it means to have a group, so...no
@KannappanSampath i like talking with Gigili AND i like talking with you. so no matter which one of you forces the other to leave...I LOSE
(FWIW, it sounds more reasonable than your rowdy remark.)
You're being contradictory.
@KannappanSampath you seem to be quick to take offense at things. the word i used was "rambunctious". it means "bristling with wild (or youthful) enthusiasm". it's not an insult.
i try to be a friendly person. i have no reason to bear anyone ill will.
But I differ. The word you used comes across to me in an entirely different context.
(I do read transcripts, so I try to make sense.)
well, language can be subtle like that. words have NUANCES, the "dictionary meaning" of them isn't always faithful.
and cultural context can make a difference, too. perhaps where you live "rowdiness" would be seen as a greater social transgression than where i live, causing you to become even MORE upset.
so then you become "sensitized" looking for any perceived slight in anything i say. the trouble is, i'm more-or-less oblivious to that.
I am reasonably sure, rowdyism is not something people anywhere in the WORLD would welcome and your attributing that quality to me is more of an attempt to attribute falsehood to me.
(IOW: Do you know I am a rowdy? Then why attribute that to me?)
but see, you're already reacting defensively, responding to a perceived attack. in your mind, a simple mis-reading of my INTENT leads you to equate what i said with slander.
@david this is how I currently taste the property of associativity in binary operations: I picture one after another all Cayley tables C_1, ..., C_n^(n^2) over a set N of elements. Then I see basically a little l.e.d. That flashes on when the current table is associative and off when the current table is not
"a rowdy person" and "rambunctious" can mean two totally different things.
As I said, I am NOT misreading; please do not try to convince me that, your opinions of me are absolute truth, that for no positive epsilon, you'd find an element of false hood in the epsilon-neighbourhood of your statements.
I think I am bothered by not seeing any machinery in between the current table and the led
you hear: loud, reckless, annoying, perhaps....and i MEAN: enthusiastic, outspoken, youthful.
I don't actually know which tables are associative, just that some are because eg integers under addition is
@KannappanSampath i have only your behavior in this chat-room to judge by. in real life, you might be very different (and i would never know). i do not place so much importance on my own limited views of things as to call them "truth".
@AbstractionOfMe it can be difficult, just by looking at a table, to see if it is associative. that's why verifiying associativity of a group is often the hardest part.
@KannappanSampath what i AM saying is that you attach more malice to my words than what i type them with.
As I said, you're being contradictory. You say what you said were truth and I am perceiving them wrongly, but now you say, you don't know for sure if your opinions match the real life "me". This amply demonstrates, you quip words.
@KannappanSampath there is nothing in your replies that convinces me otherwise, although i still hold out some hope.
@KannappanSampath I am not sure if you are confused as to the possible meanings of David Wheeler's statement, or if you don't trust David's explanation as being truthful.
@DavidWheeler So, you have now come to a point to agree with my interpretation of your remark. This alone suggests enough for me.
@KannappanSampath life isn't like mathematics...verbal statements are rarely just "true" or "false". if you believe you are something other than what i said, that is your right.
And, my replies don't have to convince you otherwise. But, you simply are No ONE to form opinions and write them in a public domain.
hmm...ok, in this country there is a difference between murder, and manslaughter. the difference is not "the result of the crime"(death), but rather, what intent there was. i don't know how many times i have to say i didn't intend to insult you.
My argument is this: You claimed I am a rowdy which I am claiming is simply not your right. You absolutely have no right whatsoever that lets you do that in a public domain.
@KannappanSampath and who IS "someone to form opinions and write them in a public domain"? must we limit ourselves to purely factual statements at all times?
@david, I just had the thought that I could approach the question by considering a computer program that generates all groups of order n and show that such a program will never produce a group with non-unique identities
@AbstractionOfMe such a program exists already, called GAP
It could just generate all Cayley tables and backtrack if they fail one of the properties
@DavidWheeler Hey
@KannappanSampath Hey
You have done that and you quip now. Well, pointless arguing IMO. You simply will write things upside down every time and not agree on anything. Long live you and your opinions. And, support everybody else in their endeavours against other nations. Regards to you David Wheeler.
@KannappanSampath the irony of it all is i was DEFENDING you and asking for people not to judge you so harshly.
@DavidWheeler Can I ask you something
about galois theory
@BenjaminLim you can ask me anything. but if it's for a date, i'll have to decline.
I an assignment our lecturer asks to name an example of a non-normal, non-separable extension of degree 5
@DavidWheeler The thing is all the extensions I know that are not separable are normal anyway.
non-separable extensions are kind of tricky
well the one I know of is $\Bbb{F}_p(t)$
The problem is naming a non-normal extension of this that is not separable
I see a number of chat flags popping up from this room, do I need to remind people to be nice? :-)
@JoshGitlin You stole my thunder. :(
Thus if the program generates a table with 2 e's xa and xb in a row and 2 e's in the corresponding column ax and b x, then it will check (ax)b and a(xb) and delete the table because they're not equal
@JoshGitlin can you elucidate?
(FWIW, I did not raise any flag.)
@DavidWheeler Do you any example of an extension like that?
@DavidWheeler What is the question? Sorry, I am not up to speed here...
who is flagging comments, and for what reason?
@DavidWheeler I think the "who" is private info there... :)
@DavidWheeler I tried many things but I am out of ideas with this one.....
well, in the absence of such information i can give you my understanding of the situation...but take it with a grain of salt.
@DavidWheeler Yeah I can't tell you that
@DavidWheeler Are you talking about extensions :D?
I'm just here to keep the peace
@david: but how do I know the computer will behave as expected?
at some point in the past, apparently Gigili made a comment which Kannappan took to be an insult to his country. i wasn't here for that.
(It is stricken from the transcript.)
since then, things are "frosty" whenever they are both present. in a later discussion, people were discussing this incident, and i said something regarding Kannappan, to the effect of: "he's just rambunctious", to which he has taken some offence.
@KannappanSampath I have advised you before: "He abused me, he struck me, he overpowered me, he robbed me." Those who harbor such thoughts do not still their hatred. - Dhammapada verse 3
@DavidWheeler I'm translating that, lol.
personally, i like both of them, which makes the situation rather awkward for me.
@david did you see my question?
Not to rush you
apparently, they (Gigili and Kannappan) had a disagreement over an edit (i think), which brought all this to the surface again.
@BenjaminLim Yes, Ben. You did, but I am rather upset how some people behave.
@DavidWheeler Well if there's anything I can do to help, I'll do my best!
@AbstractionOfMe well for sets of small order, only a few tables will fit the bill. for a set of order 4, there are just two "different" tables.
Me too, hoping @JoshGitlin doesn't steal my thunder again.
again, without knowing who flagged (and why) it's hard to know if i am hitting the nail on the head...but that's my story, and i'm sticking to it.
@DavidWheeler Can you help me?
@BenjaminLim i am still thinking about it
@DavidWheeler Well, I still learned a new word, thanks. :P
@david, but how do I know I can trust the computer to remove all tables with 2+ inverses for an element, especially if it's calculating groups over some huge set?
Anyway, I should sleep now. Let me see what I can do to feel good.
I know that it should
But I dont know all the details of the insides of computers
what i am thinking about is $\Bbb{F}_5(t)(\sqrt[5]{t})$
Is there an axiom in math that says if person A says they will do X, then they will indeed do x?
X rather
@AbstractionOfMe the trouble with your approach, is that to be fully confident...you would have to try "every" group, and there's an infinite number of them....
So how do you fix that approach?
This place, after some reflection, looks like exactly not the place to hang around atleast when an "user" (I would like abuser here.) is here. So, I'll best achieve this by not being here at all.
remember where we started? if ax = xa = e AND ay = ya = e, then x = xe = x(ay) = (xa)y = ey = y?
I've thoroughly enjoyed this conversation
@david yes I temember
think of that as a statement where a,x, y and e are functions.
so "ay = ya = e" means "y undoes what a does"
Then what
or logically, sort of like this: imagine "a" means: turn light off", and "y" means "turn light on" is x means "something" (who knows what).
then something = something + do nothing = something + turn light off + turn light on
and we know that something + turn light off = does nothing, so
something = something + turn light off + turn light on = do nothing + turn light on, and thus something = turn light on
@Alenanno @JoshGitlin before, Kannappan has left, vowing never to return (or some such). what to do?
@DavidWheeler About what?
One thing: flags are for serious stuff. Don't flag posts at random. Every time you do, all moderators (from all sites) are alerted.
@DavidWheeler I guess hope he reconsiders? I've come late to the party and felt ill equipped to help much unfortunately.
i can't remember ever flagging anything.
@DavidWheeler I'm obviously talking to whom flagged, not you. :P Sorry if it was ambiguous.
Kannappan is quite gifted at math...when he's talking about it here, he really shines
@DavidWheeler We cannot do anything about it. You can tell him that you hope he reconsiders.
sigh i try...but not. getting. through.
i suppose its possible that someone flagged something, and then went afk, or just left. i won't lose too much sleep over it. maybe the last five minutes before bed. perhaps seven. or only three.
Disputes happen, but we're grown-ups. I think we can solve things by talking in a polite, constructive way. Misunderstanding in chat is easy. :P
one disadvantage of chat-rooms (versus something like skype, for example) is all sense of intonation is lost...simple kidding can erupt into something ugly
That is true
I add the :P after it or over-exaggerate the tone to show I'm joking. :D
Same here
Like I did with the thunder, about @JoshGitlin... Well, he did stole my thunder, but I'm not offended by that. Maybe. :P
well i'm deadly serious, mister. that's right, "mister". with a capital M.
This is my first chat on Math by the way.
Likewise I think
By the way, in addition to what @Alenanno said about chat flags:
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, Mar 1 at 14:44, by Arda Xi
Guys, guys. That flag button is a great responsibility. I realise it's a lot of fun to hate on/love Justin Bieber, but that doesn't mean you have to pull guys like me off of my cozy star ship and to here just to make sure nobody gets banned. :)
well welcome to the loony bin. just throw words like "measurable" and "uniformly continuous" around from time to time, you'll be fine.
in Ask Ubuntu General Room, Mar 1 at 14:49, by Arda Xi
So, Flagging 101: Flagging is srs bsns. If a flag passes, it suspends the flagged for at least 30 minutes. Not only that, but it pulls every active 10ker/mod into the room. Try to talk to the person before flagging, and only use that flag button if something needs to be removed NOW and the user can't be reasoned with. With that, I am off. Enjoy yourselves. :)
(I'm done. And yes, I have those bookmarked. :P)
Thanks @jrg, also LOL
@JoshGitlin howdy! :)
Hey there
You're here for the flagfest too? :-)
wow, 3 blues. must be defcon 2.
@DavidWheeler hhahahaaha
I was here, just didn't find the chat messages until now. :)
@AbstractionOfMe are you still here?
What's this machine-gun starring?
i guess if you can't flag, star!!!!1111
oh boy, LOL
gotta love those interwebs..they're really happening
@BenjaminLim did you check out that field?
Ok guys, I'll let you talk about numbers, letters, equations and so on. Goodnight!
Gee. Looks like I missed some fun...
sorry. i'll save you some next time.
oh well, looks like the party's over. a bientot, gendermes....
Hello all!

Can the rank of a matrix affect the solution set of the equivalent non-homogeneous linear system of equations? Thank you!
what do you mean by "affect"?
@Chris, yes, the rank can tell you whether the system has one, none, or infinitely-many solutions.
Well, I am thinking maybe, the solution set has one and only element or be infinite.

Well, I've been asked this question and I am trying to figure out the answer..
I am thinking that it does affect the solution set. We know that, if rank(matrix) == rank(matrix_) the solution set is nonempty...where matrix_ is the matrix containing as a last column the b1, b2 ,b3 .. etc (i don't know how this matrix is called in engilsh)
@AntonioVargas: Thank you! Is there any theorem?
@Chris Yes, here.
I didn't know it had a name until just now :)
@AntonioVargas: Thank you very much! I didn't even know its existence (obviously :P)
Also, I have this question here: http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/138969/can-a-solution-set-be-an-image-of-a-linear-transformation and I've got two answers which are difficult for me to understand. :-/
Could somebody help?

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