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Better to think about a saddle surface, @Danu, to see the two linear rulings, but OK.
Go to sleep, @Balarka.
What course would include Riemann–Stieltjes integration?
(Undergraduate) real analysis, @Lozansky, although many courses I bet will skip it. You can find it in Rudin.
There's only time for so much.
Yeah we skipped it
Although I'm in engineering
@Balarka, @Ted: I got a copy of the exercises associated to Taubes' book.
I think my measure theory professor assumed we knew it without teaching it. So I learned it in measure theory.
Oh, cool. If I knew the book at all, I'd ask for 'em, @MikeM. But ... meh
@PVAL: It all gets subsumed by Lebesgue for the appropriate measure, anyhow.
@TedShifrin Okay. So anything one-dimensional thing should at least intersect one of the generators of the $\Bbb P^1$'s
@Ted It's a very good book.
Yup. What does primitive mean?
I don't doubt it, Mike. Taubes is a classy guy.
That's what I'm trying to understand
in terms of geometry
I have no idea (yet)
@TedShifrin I think that I have been asked to prove that for certain cases they agree. That was in another lifetime though.
Hint, Danu. Go back to the formulation in terms of $L$, rather than $\Lambda$.
@TedShifrin Yeah, I'm just trying to use that $\Lambda$ is $L$'s dual
Imagine how many lifetimes ago it was for me, @PVAL. And I took graduate real analysis junior year of college.
Doesn't Huybrechts give a concrete criterion, @Danu? He should. I mentioned it several days ago, I think.
Ain't no geometry in Huybrechts
In terms of $L$, dammit.
Yeah, you said intersect with hyperplane
I got that much
I'm gonna go look.
Lemme search the chat
I'm gonna look in Huybrechts.
Ah, you did say something about geometric interpretation of primitive cohomology
I don't find it explicitly in Huybrechts. Look on the back of p. 14 and p. 15 of my notes.
The point is that you can express primitive cohomology in terms of kernel of the appropriate power of $L$.
Because of $*L^k$ being some power of $L$ (up to a factor)?
That's what tells you about intersecting null with appropriate-dimensional linear spaces.
I think it actually uses the representation theory.
I think Huybrechts may have it buried in there, but it's not clearly displayed.
In the earlier or later chapters?
$\phi\in H^p$ is primitive $\iff p\le n$ and $L^{n-p+1}\phi = 0$.
Because I'm pretty familiar with the earlier ones by now.
It may actually be back in 1 where he does all the representation theory set-up. I dunno.
Let's see, I know where to look.
But it should fall out of Lefschetz decomposition, anyhow.
Yeah, prop. 1.2.30, item (v)
LOL, yeah.
That's where you get your geometry!
or so they say...
That's what I am saying.
Don't you dare contradict me.
You're plural by now
Balarka already showed me I was a dumb idiot.
like the god that you are
Oh shaddup.
I do find it regrettable that Huybrechts has like 0 geometry
Well, he wasn't going to rewrite Griffiths/Harris.
Anyhow, now you can do my exercise. I leave you quiet for a while.
@TedShifrin So based on the above we have that something is primitive exactly (since $n=p=2$) when it doesn't intersect with the hyperplanes that yield the Kahler form
Well, it can intersect set-theoretically, but the net intersection number of the divisor with the Kähler divisor (hyperplane class) is 0, yes.
Ah, I have to count orientation-dependent intersection numbers
Everything is + in the complex world. But remember that divisors have integer coefficients.
What do you mean by everything is $+$?
Any two complex submanifolds that meet transversely intersect in a + orientation.
Oh, right
because permuting two at a time is an even permutation
Right, and canonical complex structure blah blah ...
I can live with that
BTW, if you take $\omega$ as we said, what is $\int \omega\wedge\omega$?
I thought that $w^n\propto *1$
Sure. So what? :) What's the volume, then?
Ah okay
Note how geometrically you can do this with $(L_1+L_2)\cdot (L_1+L_2)$ ... which is ... ?
@TedShifrin The $L_i^2$ terms should be zero, so $L_1\cdot L_2+L_2\cdot L_1$?
Which is ... ?
In terms of intersections I just want to say $L_1\cdot L_2$ is one
But I'm generally pretty overwhelmed with this
Indeed. So the answer is $1+1=2$.
I don't really understand how to do this intersection stuff
in any non-trivial-to-visualize case
Note that this is the degree of the quadric surface you get embedding $\Bbb P^1\times \Bbb P^1$ in $\Bbb P^3$. (Think saddle surface.)
Draw it as the axes ... $x$-axis is one $\Bbb P^1$, $y$-axis is the other $\Bbb P^1$. Now it's obvious.
Or think of it on the saddle $z=xy$ with the obvious rulings.
Note that if you intersect a hyperplane in $\Bbb P^3$ that happens to be tangent to the surface, you get exactly the two axes, hence $L_1+L_2$.
I know you have to learn to visualize this a bit, but I'm trying to provide geometric intuition that you're not getting from reading.
Yeah, I really appreciate it
but I'm mostly terrified when you ask me this stuff :P
You can put me on ignore, too. :D
Just switch off my mathematical light bulb
OK, so what cohomology class or divisor should I write down that's killed by intersecting with $L_1+L_2$?
$-L_1+L_2$ or minus that
Yup. That's primitive.
You know how I feel right now
And note that the primitive stuff plus the multiples of the Kähler class gives you all of $H^2$.
OK, I'll leave you now. :P
So the #1 thing I'll try to bother Rui (my second private (behind you) though he doesn't know it yet) with is this geometric stuff
I was already happy that I actually managed to do an exercise today
LOL ... OK. You can promote him ahead of me.
No, no Ted
Well, you develop intuition by doing more exercises. Not that Mike and I haven't told you this.
Your soul has already been signed over to me by L.U. Cifer himself
@TedShifrin I'm going to push for a complex geometry topic and when I get it I'll go through all my typed notes (I'm at 70 pages now already) but while doing exercises
@MikeMiller Can you e-mail me a version?
I'd appreciate it.
It'll be good to have a specific question to think about and then refer to the stuff you've sorta learned to make it make more sense.
G'night, @Balarka.
@TedShifrin Sorta :'(
On to Hermitian vector bundles and your supervisor's great invention
@TedShifrin You sound like an alarm clock, but one which tells to go to sleep, not wake up.
I have my uses, @Balarka.
The best kind of alarm clock
Also I probably won't be able to work much on complex geometry over the next week
I'm going back to my hometown for 5 days starting tomorrow
Writing is too hard.
I was planning to prepare my seminar talk
It is not easy, @PVAL, I agree.
@PVAL-inactive Understanding is what's real hard
Well, don't forget everything, @Danu.
@Danu I understand everything fine.
@TedShifrin It'll be a nice warmup---the seminar is about characteristic classes :P
Expressing that understanding in an acceptable way however...
@PVAL-inactive Then you've got the world at your feet
@Danu Aren't you going to learn char classes.
@BalarkaSen Yeah, I'll start now.
@PVAL: Don't ever try to get it all right the first time. Just write. Then go back and rethink/revise later.
My first presentation will be on the very early stuff in MS
Half recap of (co)homology stuff
Half Stiefel-Whitney classes definition ish stuff
section 4
ok. I'm here if you want me.
@TedShifrin That's what I am doing. Even doing that its going slow. I mean it took me like two hours to write like a page today (which is by no means final or finished).
Do you make an outline first?
So you have a sketch in your head of what you want to say in what order, approximately?
I think @Danu's flipped what's left of his lid.
Not a fan of Beatles.
It's 12:50 and I'm eating avocados and drinking whisky
Sounds about right @Ted
I am sort of just writing everything I need to say down, and then figuring out the order as I'm doing it.
I love avocados, but not with whisky.
@TedShifrin And right you are
It's 4:30 and I'm starving.
4:30 AM, when you're supposed to be sleeping.
Have a little snack and go to sleep.
Holy crap @Balarka
BTW, @Danu, I'll be AWOL for at least two weeks, so have fun without me.
dafuq are you doing up
@TedShifrin "fun" :D
I'm doing math.
No fun without the Tedster
@Ted I wrote a short note to a few experts explaining what I was doing and asking if it was new and interesting. It got a few positive responses, but still seems a far cry from something anyone would feel comfortable posting.
Even I don't get to the point of being up at 4:30 doing math. I stop at 3, latest!
@TedShifrin When are you leaving?
So I've just been expanding on that note and rewriting the parts that need rewriting.
Well, the fact that they're interested is exciting and encouraging, @PVAL. Just have to make it into something presentable.
Nov. 1, @Balarka.
@Ted Weren't you leaving around Nov 1st, though?
Oh lol
@TedShifrin I've set the entirely arbitrary deadline for myself of having it posted by christmas.
Have another glass of whisky. It's almost my martini time, @Danu.
I still think I can hold myself to that.
OK, @PVAL. Good for you :)
@TedShifrin Nice.
@TedShifrin Coming back right when Trump wins the game? Nice.
No, a week after, @Balarka ... Or driving to the moon.
I gotta stay up a few more hours for laundry to finish
According to 538 Trumps chances are less than 20%.
Looked to me like Trump plunged in the polls
I'm inclined to believe 538.
I don't want to jinx us (or the world), but yes.
Good for everyone
Everyone (except his mindless angry supporters) realized he's a blathering idiot.
And the video of his acting like a spoiled brat going to rape women is more than most can abide.
Amazing how all these bible-thumpers and people afraid for a transgendered woman to be in the bathroom with them make excuses right and left for this twit.
But I digress.
Note the jump from +4 to +6 in the past 4 days
It's kind of unfortunate to me that what seems to have brought him down is him joking to someone else in a private conversation. Considering he's been nothing more than a con-artist his entire career as far I can tell .
18 messages moved to Trash
@PVAL I need to write too. Do I know what your note is about?
@Balarka I will when I get home.
@MikeMiller Kind of. I'll send you a copy if I have something presentable a non-trivial amount of time before I can post it. The thing I sent out is a note, however the thing I am writing is a paper!
Hey, is anyone here familiar with recurrence relations? I'm wondering if there are any math techniques/fields for converting closed form functions into recurrence relations. All the information I've found seems to only deal with the reverse, e.g., "solving" recurrence relations.

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