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@JonasTeuwen My tutor was talking about dealing with operators whose eigenvalues lie in some (sector?) of $\mathbb{C}$?
A sector?
@BrianMScott How would I ping Norbert? I cannot comment on his answer since it is deleted.
Oh, the $\mathcal H^\infty$ calculus? 8-).
@BenjaminLim It was just a pun anyway: calculus (plural calculi) is Latin for 'pebble'.
@robjohn As a comment to the question or to your answer.
@JonasTeuwen I really don't know about it.
@BrianMScott Now that's something interesting before this I never knew what the meaning of the word $calculus$ was.
@BenjaminLim Well, it's basically all the stuff about the $f(T)$. But then for different $f$.
@BenjaminLim As I recall, in a mathematical sense it referred originally to the pebbles used for abacus-like computation.
@JonasTeuwen No wiki article on H infinity calculus?
@BenjaminLim No.
Maybe I'll write one in the near future. Let me write that down.
any articles for people with knowledge of only finite dimensional spaces?
Well, those are quite boring on finite-dimensional spaces.
@BrianMScott Right. I will be taking an analysis class in the coming semester :D
Then your linear operators are matrices. Then you have for example for a matrix $A$ $\mathrm{e}^{tA}$ defined as the power series $$\mathrm{e}^{tA} = \sum_{n = 0}^\infty \frac{t^n A^n}{n!}.$$
I'm sure you know that one.
@JonasTeuwen yes.
@Norbert hi there
Well, that is a very basic functional calculus :-).
Someone has invited me?
Ok, i will return it back
@Norbert, I didn't mean that you should delete your answer, It might be useful for others than the OP
What does OP means?
I feel bad that you deleted your answer if it was due to my comment.
Original Poster. The person who asked the question.
Original poster
Nice I was always wondering...
Goodnight people.. See you tomorrow!
Sweet dreams
@BenjaminLim So now. We can have trouble on infinite-dimensional spaces where our operators are not continuous, then something as simple as a power series usually doesn't work.
afk brb
I'd like to compare the functional calculus $f(T)$ to overloading the operator $f$ (as in programming).
@JonasTeuwen I know that in infinite dimensional spaces it is possible for a linear operator to not be continuous?
That’s right: for continuity you need it to be bounded.
@BenjaminLim Sure. Consider the differentiation operator $Tf = f'$ on the space of continuously differentiable functions.
And so you might understand that unbounded operators are quite important in the field of (partial) differential equations.
@JonasTeuwen I'm looking at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discontinuous_linear_map and these seem pretty interesting.
@BenjaminLim You could better look at "unbounded operator".
@BrianMScott I guess I'll have to wait a year before getting to learn this stuff.
@BenjaminLim Oh, that is a nice article too.
I'm not sure if an undergraduate course on functional analysis would do unbounded operators. At least not here.
@JonasTeuwen One thing I find is that whenever I work in analysis my mind has one mode of thinking, algebra another.
As for unbounded operators. Are there any books on quantum mechanics which have a complete description of basics, using unbounded operators? As far as I know bounded are not fit for purposes of physics.
@BenjaminLim Isn't that normal?
@Norbert I have asked a question about that. Let me look it up.
@JonasTeuwen haha, although I got to say algebra is a lot more abstract (at least for me).
If I want to prove the BCT I can draw balls and stuff on paper but drawing Spec$(\mathbb{Z}[x])$?
@JonasTeuwen thanks
i'm now downloading Johnny's mathematical foundations of QM
@Norbert Sorry, I had a call from my wife and I needed to go afk for a bit.
@robjohn This is my first chating in my life, and not on my naitive language. Please don't use abbreviations, actually I don't know what afk means
I don’t either, but I’m guessing from context that it’s away from [k]omputer; brb has to be be right back.
@robjohn And don't apologies for that comment. It is not necessary to make such efforts
@BrianMScott Thanks for clarifying
@Brian "keyboard", not "komputer"
@Norbert Ah, AFK = Away From Keyboard :-)
Ah, of course. Thanks. (Here I was thinking that it was a foreign-influenced abbreviation.)
And the infamous PEBKAC :-).
I had to look that one up: Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair.
AFK BRB sounds like a cat getting sick... when you're just saying that you are going Away From your Keyboard and you'll Be Right Back.
I like the German DBDDHKP.
@Norbert if you like chatting, and you spend some time here, you might want to install the MathJax bookmarklet. It allows you to read things like $\int_0^\infty e^{-x}\mathrm{d}x$.
Does anyone know from where originated iff abbreviation?
You can look here
I don't know where iff = if and only if originated.
Bye guys, I'm going away now have to do some stuff.
@robjohn You too kind to have such an avatar
But this page talks about iff
The problem of russian language that we have no such a shortcut. In mathematical text we had write - тогда и только тогда когда
@BenjaminLim bye
@Norbert: actually this answers your question, I think.
@robjohn Halmos I believe :-).
@JonasTeuwen That is what it says here :-)
Oh! Kelley.
@robjohn I don't think I like "iff", it somehow minimizes the importance of the statement to me.
I just read JM's starred comment. Now he's gone and ruined Citizen Kane, Star Wars, and Soylent Green for me :-p
@JonasTeuwen it certainly is faster to type.
@robjohn Sure. Then replace "iff" -> "if and only if" :-).
s/iff/if and only if
probably need escapes in there
@Tom hi there. You seem to be in a lot of chat rooms :-)
Or just write an emacs rule that automatically translate iff to if and only if?
hi all
@Srivatsan hey there!
@robjohn Yeah, all rooms relevant to me. :)
@TomWijsman Wow. That's a lot. I have a hard enough time keeping up with one or two.
I don't actively read them though, just want to lurk now and then / be available when necessary.
@JonasTeuwen It might be dif and only ificult to get right.
I don't really have a reason to be in Mathematics though, but it's easy to access the room when I need it though....
@TomWijsman sounds like the only way to remain sane (I know I'm making an assumption here) :-)
@HenningMakholm Sure, but with spaces in front of it and after it?
@JonasTeuwen That would work iff, and that is a big iff, the relevant instances are always followed by space.
@TomWijsman yeah, the light is always on here :-)
the lights are on, but nobody's home
(Oh, come on world-at-large, two upvotes in the next 5 minutes, how hard can it be?)
@HenningMakholm Okay, do you have an example where we would want to write "if and only if" without having it followed by a space?
@JonasTeuwen He gave you one just a few lines up. It's only a little contrived.
Oh, sorry. Sleepy.
So you can have a word <space>iffblah.
Right, then just \newcommand{\iff}{if and only if}...
Okay. A natural number $n$ is prime if and only if$n$ has exactly 2 divisors in $\mathbb N$.
@JonasTeuwen That’s a bit if and only ify.
I would want to put a space there actually. Must be sleepy and missing something 8-).

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