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@evinda That's why such a notation may be misleading and you should stick to standard big-o notation
Because the function itself may not be much-less than the function it's bigO of.
A ok.. But I could use << right? How can I explain it that with f<<g I mean $g=\Omega(f)$?
@TedShifrin Once I become more familiar with differential geometry, will I then be able to understand the higher-dimensional forms of curl? I find curl in 3D very unintuitive.
@evinda You would just state it.
$f(n) \ll g(n) \implies g(n) = \Omega(f(n))$
With f<<g I mean that $g=\Omega(f)$.
Like that @Axoren?
You would simply say that, yes.
But the same ambiguity happens.
@Axoren A ok..
Consider now $0.0001f(n)^2 < f(n)$ on some interval.
Which it clearly is, on some interval
By your notation, we would write $f(n) \ll 0.0001f(n)^2$
$f(n) \ll g(n) \iff g(n) \in \Omega(f(n))$
So wouldn't this be: $0.0001f(n)^2 \ll f(n)$ ? @Axoren
Oh, my mistake.
Yes, the lower-bound would be on the bottom.
But do you see how $0.0001f(n)^2$ isn't an assymptotic lower bound on $f(n)$?
Specifically, when $f(n) > 10000$
ugh, wait
If $0.0001f(n)^2$ is an assymptotic lower bound on $f(n)$ then $f(n)^2$ is also an assymptotic lower bound on $f(n)$. So $f(n)=\Omega(f(n)^2)$. That means that $\exists c>0, n_0 \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $f(n) \geq cf(n)^2 \Rightarrow 1 \geq f(n)$. @Axoren
@robjohn Hope you won't miss this one (it's too nice)
Q: How to evaluate $I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(x)}\,dx$

user178256Prima facie, this integral seems easy to calculate,but alas, this not's case $$I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(x)}\,dx$$ The numerical value is I=-1.122690024730644497584272... How to evaluate this integral? By against,I find: $$I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(2x)}\,d...

This notation is already confusing ME
@evinda I would ask your instructor if they're comfortable with you introducing your own notations in to your homework.
Because confusing the person grading your work is generally bad for all involved.
@Axoren Ok..
As one of my math professors used to say "You make my job painfully easy."
@Axoren Did you also take a look at the table I sent you?
I can't make heads or tails of it.
What are the values in the cells?
@Axoren The algorithm requires f(n) microseconds(1 microsecond=$10^{-6}$ second).
At each line we have a specific f(n) and for example if we are looking at 1 second, we use the fact that 1 second=$10^6$ microsecond and then we have $f(n)=10^6$ ms and so $\lg n=10^6 \Rightarrow n=2^{10^6}$
But if you look at the factorial
What does 9 mean in that?
the easiest way to find the $n$ for $f(n)=n!$, is by simply iterating through $n$ and check when it reaches the required time @Axoren
@evinda What does 9 mean in this context?
Is it the answer?
This problem looks "completed".
Though I haven't checked anything.
@evinda What are they asking from you, since it seems like this problem isn't a problem?
Is anyone aware of any worked examples of equivalent metric spaces? I know this post exist but it is about general metrics $d$ and $d_1$.
It should be the answer because of this http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%28n%21%29%3D10%5E6
9 is the size of the problem so that it can be solved in time 10^6 microseconds.
I am given the array and I should fill it with the values of n.
I found that what I sent you in the web. I filled it by myself and wanted to verify it.. And I found for $f(n)=\lg n$ at 1 century that it is $2^{365 \cdot 24 \cdot 36 \cdot 10^{10}}=2^{31536 \cdot 10^{11}}$.
Am I wrong? @Axoren
If it's the answer, I have no idea what you're expected to do with this problem
@Axoren A ok...
@quid Do you maybe have an idea?
The algorithm requires f(n) microseconds(1 microsecond=$10^{-6}$ second).
At each line we have a specific f(n) and for example if we are looking at 1 second, we use the fact that 1 second=$10^6$ microsecond and then we have $f(n)=10^6$ ms and so $\lg n=10^6 \Rightarrow n=2^{10^6}$
I found for $f(n)=\lg n$ at 1 century that it is $2^{365 \cdot 24 \cdot 36 \cdot 10^{10}}=2^{31536 \cdot 10^{11}}$.
Am I wrong?
Hi @evinda Let me see.
Not sure. Let me try.
A century so 100 years times 365 days times 24 hours times 3600 second times 10^6 for micro is the same as 10^10 times 365 times 24 times 36. And this to a power of 2. Yes. Seems fine @evinda
So it should be $2^{31536 \cdot 10^{11}}$, right? @quid
@evinda yes.
It seems there is a different number given on that page though.
Is this the source of your question @evinda
The reason might be that one can be more precise with a century.
In that one could count in the leap days.
No, it isn't the source of the question... @quid
I was given the table unfilled and I am asked to fill it with tha values of n.
I found this site and wanted to verify my results, but this was different.
@quid So how do they calculate it?
Every fourth year has an extra day. So add 25 days, but then IIRC every 100 year is an exception so subtract 1. For adding 24 days. Then one has 36524 days times 24 times 36 times 10^8 this is then the number in the list.
But this seems a bit complicated to me.
@quid It's easier to measure it as the average * 100
@Axoren maybe. but what is the average?
A little bit short of 365.25
Let me see if I can find the quantity
Well 365.24 my result divided by 100 :-)
Because every 4 centuries is a leap year
But this would not match the result for years. Where a standard year is assumed. So we might also assume a standard century.
I wonder if there's a simple function of $d$ where $d$ is the number of days after January 1st, 0 AD/BC, that properly returns which day of the month it is.
If I assume that there 365 days, should I consider at the century the leap years? @quid @Axoren
@evinda Express it in your answer that you're accounting or neglecting leap years.
Or provide both answers, either or.
Neither should be harder than the other.
@evinda I agree. It is not clear to me. Personally I would not bother with leap years, and the fact that every hundreds year is not a leap year is IMO not as widely known as to make it an implcit prerequisuty to answer such a question. The advice by @Axoren is really best. Do it with 365 and say that for simplicity you ignore leap years.
How do we calculate the average? :/ @Axoren @quid
I just gave you the average
Every year has that many days in it.
Any more accurate and you'd have to hook yourself up the NASA's observation servers
Let me see actually... do they have a setting for seeing how many days are ACTUALLY in a year?
@quid A ok..So for $f(n)=\lg n$ it is $2^{31536 \cdot 10^{11}}$, right?
@Axoren :D
@evinda yes I would give this answer, and perhaps add that I ignore leap years.
Ugh, I can't figure out how to measure the observed solar-days, but I could find the number of lunar-days.
But it requires a lot more effort than I'm willing to put into it.
It's all sun-target-observer on the HORIZONs thing
When the sun is the target, it's confusing
@quid @Axoren For n! at century, is the result equal to $31536 \cdot 10^{11}$ ? :/
Well, factorial's harder.
You need the inverse factorial.
It's easier to use the inverse Gamma function and then find the nearest integer value.
But even that's tricky.
@evinda no this is the result for n. For n! you need to find the n such that n! is still less than or equal to that number. It should be somewhere around 15. One would need to check with a caclulator.
@quid's solution is fairly easier. Assuming the actual answer is near 15, simply trying 20+ factorials will net you the answer.
With what calculator could I check it? 'In wolfram I didn't get a result.
@Axoren Why do we want n!<100?
Use the new link
@evinda it was just meant as illustration.
Math.SE chat screwed up the link
I hate the * notation *.
Sometimes, you just want to say *
@Axoren Doesn't it has to hold that $n!=365 \cdot 24 \cdot 36 \cdot 10^8 \cdot 100$ ?
Oh. It seems my guess was wrong.
So don't we want the equality but an inequality @quid ?
@evinda It's unlikely that $n!$ will equal any integer. However, you do know that so long as $n! < T$ where $T$ is how much time you actually have, you can always solve a factorial problem in time $T$
@evinda yes. because no factorial will fit exactly. It is like for powers of 2.
@evinda So, you want to find the largest problem such that you can solve it in time $T$
That's going to be the largest $n$ for which $n! < T$
Funnily enough, $P(c = n! \text{ for some } n \in \mathbb N)$ is an interesting problem.
Just how likely is is for a natural number for be the factorial of a natural number?
Yes, it is interesting..
@Axoren @quid
Is the following right?
& 1 \text{ century }\\
- & -\\ \\
\lg n & 2^{31536 \cdot 10^{11}}\\ \\
\sqrt{n} & 994519296 \cdot 10^{22}\\ \\
n & 31536 \cdot 10^{11}\\ \\
n \lg n & 68610956750\\ \\
n^2 & 56156922\\ \\
n^3 & 146645\\ \\
2^n & 51\\ \\
n! & 16
The number of microseconds in a century are $3155695200000$
$2^{51} = 2251799813685248$
That's a much larger number, by 3 digits.
That would take around 1000 centuries to perform, not 1.
@Axoren I think not.
For which f(n) do you mean? @Axoren
The last one, evinda.
@quid What don't you think?
f(n)=n! ? @Axoren
f(n) = 2^n
My mistake.
But also, for $n!$, $16!$ is larger than 3155695200000
So are the last two results wrong? @Axoren
@Axoren the number of seconds is (withou leap years) 31536 times 10^{11}
this is larger than what you claim.
The base 2 log of 31536 times 10^{11} is 51 plus a little so 51 is correct.
100 years * 356.2425 days/year * 24 hours/day * 60 minutes/hour * 60 seconds/minute * 1000000 microseconds/second
Oh I see.
I'm short a magnitude of 1000
The factorial one is still wrong, unfortunately.
Consider 17!
So is f(n)=2^n right? @Axoren
So is it 18?
@evinda it is 17 for the factorial
@evinda The "number of solutions" includes $n = 0$
Other than that the results seem correct. Exceot I do not see how you did the n lg n one
@quid How do we find that it is 17?
@evinda You check values of $n$ one at a time until they reach 17
I calculate 31536 times 10^{11} - 17! this is positive and 31536 times 10^{11} - 18! which is negative.
Then, you check 18 and see that it fails.
@quid So we find the differences till the difference we are looking at becomes negative, right?
As for $n \lg n$, I haven't calculated it since I didn't now how.. Which is the easiest way?
You can take its inverse
Which is $\frac n {ProductLog(n)}$
@Axoren Isn't there an other way?
Exhaustive search, starting from $n = 1$ and counting up
Alternatively, you can pick a terribly large number for which you are sure it doesn't hold
And then binary search between it and 1 to find the value.
@evinda for the first, yes. For the other I agree with @Axoren
Personally, I like the inverse function idea because of it's $O(1)$ time complexity.
But how do we come to the number 68610956750?
Is it right? Because at the year, I found for f(n)=n*lgn the result 797633893349 which is bigger :/
@Axoren So can we compute the inverse without the use of the program?
And having found it, how do we use it?
@evinda We can make Wolfram or Mathematic compute the inverse.
The approximate form will give you the closest approximation.
Then, you pick the largest integer less than that
Ok, I will think about it tomorrow.. I will go to sleep now..
Thanks for your help @quid @Axoren
Good night!!!
Good night, @evinda
You are welcome @evinda and good night!
ppl keep upvoting my stupid answer. why me?
Don't like it, delete it.
Or edit it.
To remove the stupid
Out of curiousity, is there a mathjax Cyrillic alphabet? I'm wanting to do $\cyrb$ but its not displaying
someday my brilliant idiocy will be recognized for what it is...n't
2 hours later…
echo echo
i give up
i surender
i submit
4 hours later…
Hi guys
@SayanChattopadhyay I have a nice question for you
Q: How to evaluate $I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(x)}\,dx$

user178256Prima facie, this integral seems easy to calculate,but alas, this not's case $$I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(x)}\,dx$$ The numerical value is I=-1.122690024730644497584272... How to evaluate this integral? By against,I find: $$I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(2x)}\,d...

You can start with the simpler one $$\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(2x)}\,dx=-\frac{\pi^3}{48}$$
@BalarkaSen ^^^
Don't do integrals.
@BalarkaSen keep it there if one day you change your mind
I won't, I assure you.
I'd rather study complex analysis and learn how to compute integrals via residues. At least it's a new technique. What's the point in sticking to a bunch of substitution and clever tricks.
@BalarkaSen Well, in the last period of times I did tons of integrals by using complex analysis, but not sure how it works here. Maybe you teach me your way (using CA).
I haven't even tried it, just speaking that I am against sticking to real analytic methods. Never saw you do stuff using complex analysis.
@BalarkaSen Aha ... (you don't know many things then)
Hello @Chris'ssis i have a problem with poles.
Nope, I haven't studied any analysis.
I believe I have to sooner or later... horrifying.
@ADG I also have one for you. See the link above.
I think that a function of the form $\phi(z)/(1+z^6)$ has poles at $z=e^{ik\pi/6}$ and $\phi(z)/z$ at z=0 but W|A says there are no poles
@Chris'ssis was working on it btw
it's not necessary, @ADG.
Consider $(1+z^6)/(1+z^6)$.
what about $\frac{(z^2-1)*\log(z)}z$ at z=0??
You tell me.
@BalarkaSen why this
Forget W|A. Tell me if it's a pole of not.
Use the definitions.
is the definition $\lim_{z\to0}\frac{(z^2-1)*\log(z)}z*z$ to be a constant not equal to zero??
Recall what a pole is.
the limit is not a constant that's why?? @BalarkaSen
sorry i don't know the proper defnition
An analytic function $f$ is said to have a pole at $z = a$ of order $n$ if $(z-a)^n f(z)$ is holomorphic near an nbhd of $a$.
but at $z\to0$, $(z^2-1)\to-1$ and $log(z)\to-\infty$ and $1/z\to\infty$ so product$\to\infty$?? @BalarkaSen
Well, look at $(z^2-1)\log(z)$
Is it holomorphic around $z = 0$?
@BalarkaSen nope
Thus it's not a pole.
niether is $z^k(z^2-1)log(z)$ for $k\ge1$
In particular, log(z) is not holomorphic near $z = 0$.
Ok @BalarkaSen so what would be the method to find poles acc.r to you??
Depends on the function.
what about my first function : $$\frac{(z^2-1)\log(z)}{z}$$
It doesn't have a pole.
ususally i mostly see denominators, is it correct?
Sure, but only if your numerator is behaves nicely.
OK thanks
Usually you should look out for catching something other than poles when you find singularities, @ADG
I am trying to find f(x) lim x -> sin(-2x) / 1x
In this case, we caught a ramification point.
@BalarkaSen what is "ramification point."
I apologize if I am not great at mathematics.
@ADG It's technical, the definition. Involves Riemann surfaces and stuff.
@BalarkaSen I don't see any way of doing it without using complex analysis ... $$\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{e^{a x}}{1-e^x} \ dx, 1>a>0$$
@Chris'ssis ??
@ADG Something happened?
@Chris'ssis did you solvced that??
@edition what do you want?
@ADG in 2 different ways, and also some slightly modified versions of it.
@Chris'ssis why don't yu answer then?
re: Limits of functions.
@ADG Well, the question is for @BalarkaSen, I'm sure he has some fun working on it.
@edition @ what do you want to say?
@Chris'ssis I'm not trying it.
@Chris'ssis i tried diff x(sinx)^(2a) wrt a
@BalarkaSen and using CA
what is the limit (x -> 0) for sin(2x)/1x?
@edition what is 1x?
i don't know complex analysis, @ADG. and i don't like integrals.
sorry, it was sin(-2x)/1x
@BalarkaSen do u need complex analysis for topolpgy
@edition isn't the limit $\lim_{x\to0}\frac{\sin2x}{x}=\lim_{x\to0}\frac{\sin(-2x)}{(-2x)}\frac{-2x}{x}=1‌​*-2=-2$??
not even analysis.
Thanks for the question @Chris'ssis
I will do my best in solving it
@BalarkaSen what is the need of going to multiple dimensions, i.e. studying topology??
@SayanChattopadhyay Welcome. I finally meet someone polite here. :-)
@edition can't get you?
Why polite@Chris'ssis I was just talking normally
ah, yes it is. thanks.
@SayanChattopadhyay he's a lone character you see?
@SayanChattopadhyay chris'sis.
@ADG How do you plan to compute the integrals from that link (btw)?
@Chris'ssis how's ur progress on your book
@SayanChattopadhyay Excellent.
@Chris'ssis what's yourr real name ? is chris really your brother? are you female?
how does FFT actually work?
@edition FFT=??
@ADG I don't enjoy talking about personal questions. :-)
Aren't these questions tooooooo personal@ADG
Fast fourier transform. I have seen it used in Audacity.
to both: aren't you curious?
I just don't understand how FFT works.
Nope.....he/she is a friend and to whom I talk......
A fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse. Fourier analysis converts time (or space) to frequency (or wavenumber) and vice versa; an FFT rapidly computes such transformations by factorizing the DFT matrix into a product of sparse (mostly zero) factors. As a result, fast Fourier transforms are widely used for many applications in engineering, science, and mathematics. The basic ideas were popularized in 1965, but some FFTs had been previously known as early as 1805. In 1994 Gilbert Strang described the fast Fourier transform as...
Why would @Chris'ssis answer such question....these are unnecessary@ADG
@SayanChattopadhyay maybe. maybe not?
@Chris'ssis recently you told me about (this)[ms.mcmaster.ca/courses/20102011/term4/math2zz3/Lecture1.pdf] but how can i use to integrate something?
@ADG I don't remember the context.
@Chris'ssis anyways i know we can use FT to do improper integrals but how to do that?
@Chris'ssis how do u integrate something like this.....
@SayanChattopadhyay are you sure??
Sure ???@ADG
@SayanChattopadhyay Not sure what is the meaning of that.
@SayanChattopadhyay i agree with crisis
Why @Chris'ssis it just means sin of i
@SayanChattopadhyay no x?? then it'sconstant!
Then what about this.....
@SayanChattopadhyay (sinx)^i or sin(x^i)??
$$\sin ^{1+i}(x) \sin ^2(x)^{-\frac{1}{2}-\frac{i}{2}} (-\cos (x)) \, _2F_1\left(\frac{1}{2},\frac{1}{2}-\frac{i}{2};\frac{3}{2};\cos ^2(x)\right)$$
This is what Mathematica shows. Maybe it can be brought to a nicer form.
@SayanChattopadhyay limits??
@edition tell your problem ?? maybe nobody knows FFT?
Oh I can type limits in latex
could you explain sin1+i(x)sin2(x)−12−i2(−cos(x))2F1(12,12−i2;32;cos2(x))?
@SayanChattopadhyay is it indefinite then??
No it is like as x tends to infinity
@SayanChattopadhyay what do you mean by that??
Even I did t get what u wrote @Chris'ssis
lim _x arrow infinity
I am so stupid at mathematics.
OK BYE things aren't making sense so. I got english exam tommorow
Who has to study for English exams
@SayanChattopadhyay me obviously??
It's so easy
BYE it's really not making................... sense!
I mean English is so easy @ADG

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