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@RandomVariable however, if you pass on the positive side of $0$, you will continue on to the other branches.
@robjohn Yeah, you can't also be circling around the origin at the same time. But the fact that a rotation of $4 \pi$ brings you back to where you started is consistent with the branch point behaving like a square-root singularity. I was looking for that consistency, but I wasn't quite seeing it.
There must be a post on meta.stackexchange somewhere about why they allow someone to vote to delete a question again (after it is undeleted) - but not vote to close it again, after it is reopened. But I can't seem to find a post on meta.SE about it. Does anyone happen to have a link?
@RandomVariable if you look at the branch cut for $z\lt-\frac1e$, it is a crossing of two sheets, $\mathrm{W}_{-1}$ branching to $\mathrm{W}_0$ which passes through $\mathrm{W}_0$ branching to $\mathrm{W}_1$. For $-\frac1e\lt z\lt0$, $\mathrm{W}_{-1}$ branches to $\mathrm{W}_1$.
What are the critical points of the system of equations?
$\dot{x}=2y+\sin x \\
\dot{y}=x+xy+3ye^x $
@CarlMummert can the same person cast a delete vote after undeletion? (not counting op)
I want to linearize it
@anon: yes - which is a pain because I always expect the system to prevent me from doing that!
certainly many questions have been closed/reopened multiple times
but when I do it the portrait doesnt correspond to the one that I plotted
@CarlMummert Do you ever vote for closing other questions than ones containing integrals, series and limits?
Yes, actually I do @Chris's sis.
And there are of course many integration questions that are perfectly fine - but also some PSQ questions, much like in other areas.
@CarlMummert Why do you think that people that are very good at integrals, series and limit never vote for closing those questions that you usually vote for closing?
@Chris's sis: perhaps their interest in the area makes them less than impartial?
@CarlMummert Maybe they understand the beauty and the potential of the questions and the answers from which they can learn something new and become better.
@CarlMummert as a professor, if you always attend only problems from the textbooks I doubt you'll ever be great.
I don't like the mediocrity at all, that's why I put so much price on these questions. I cannot imagine myself without attending problems coming from my research or others research.
@robjohn Maybe if I had the ability to rotate the plot myself I would be better able to see that.
@RandomVariable you can always copy the GIF from the answer and play it on a local player that you can step.
@CarlMummert some people have great dreams, some dream to become like Ramanujan or even more in the area of integrals, series and limits - I'm such an example. I need what you usually like to vote for closing.
@Semiclassical That answer seems to be about the branch point at the origin. My question is about the branch point at $z= - \frac{1}{e}$.
Not bad
imo-official.org/… :/ 2014 was not a good year for France :c
@Chris'ssis sorry... That exercice you gave was really not for me !
@Ramanewbie Why?
@Chris'ssis I've never learnt integrals
@Chris'ssis he's serious
@Chris'ssis yes, it's not a joke or sth...
@Ramanewbie OK
@Hippalectryon OK
@hippa see... Exactly what I told you... gyazo.com/cc3f67eee731a6027d8eb273b89be30b
@Ramanewbie that is ONE example
@hippa but it's brand new, from today
so it's another one again... @hippa
@hippa btw did you see my Tox invit
I haven't opened Tox for weeks
too busy ? @hippa
@Ramanewbie just go here and check bfmtv.com/politique/sondage
I see 1.972, 1.008, 1.051, 1.015, 1.002, ...
@hippa I'm sure you picked up just the ones what were weird... e__e
I picked up the first one I saw
opened random ones
And I didn't skip any
ok ok... but I didn't say that ALL were 1024 people... @hippa
Of the 5 i saw, none were 1024
@Ramanewbie And no, I don't see any invite.
@hippa I'm going to give you your ID so that you can tell me if it's correct...
@hippa is it : 2F53F25C59FE749625BDF126122B0D7F1495955A8A7525C7BC803FE641B93F0E314CE8DF3197 ?
I just got one
one what @hippa
@Ramanewbie nvm
@MikeMiller If you're not busy, can you tell me a bit about Hatcher's discussion on cycles and manifolds on page 109? I have only just opened the book to read it carefully once again without skipping minute details before finishing the exercises, and this paragraph attracted my attention.
What bit would you like explained? (I've got a few minutes, but not too long.)
@RandomVariable ahh, fair point. i suspect the sources cited in that answer, though, would address that case as well
Like, understanding the nonmanifold points of $K_\xi$. I don't understand why $K_\xi$ is a manifold near the interiors of the $(n-2)$ simplices.
It's not obvious to me. I bet you could do it, but it would take some thinking. Maybe you should try to prove it and ping me with your proof?
OK, maybe I should, yeah.
It seems nontrivial but interesting, I just glanced at it when I first read it.
And also come up with a chain $\xi$ for some space $X$ such that $K_\xi$ is not a manifold at interior of some n-3 simplex.
Very interesting, the kind of geometric things I'd like to think about.
Will tell you about it if I find something.
Can you do it where it's not a manifold at the $n-3$ simplex itself, rather than on the interior? (If you've got a 3-dim simplex, say, the interior is a silly thing. I'd like to see it fail here.)
Suppose $R$ a ring.
What does the notation $R(X)$ mean?
Polynomial ring, @Noclue
Isn't that R[X]
@MikeMiller I'd have to think about it. Give me some time.
@Balarka I actually saw you write it here: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/21529/…
@Noclue Oh right. It's the field.
so I was wondering
could you explain it more?
I wrote it there?
You wrote Q(X)
so i was wondering
Oh no that's a function field :P
R(X) is the field of rational function on X with coefficients from R
Q(X) is something different here : it's the function field over Q coming from the variety X.
@BalarkaSen That's only a standard thing if R is a field. I don't think anyone says R(X) otherwise.
Morning @mike.
@NoClueWhatI'mDoingHere yes.
your discussion is very interesting
@MikeMiller i was confused. he never mentioned he was referring to what i wrote.
@RandomVariable and the paper of Corless et al they cite is available in pdf form on Waterloo's technical archive as CS-93-03
A: How to evaluate $I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(x)}\,dx$

Chris's sisThe closed form of the integral $$\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(x)}\,dx$$

@Hippalectryon ^^^ @Ramanewbie
@Chris'ssis q_q you sound like Cleo now xD
thanks@balarka once again
@NoClueWhatI'mDoingHere it's a stupid idea, all in all. no idea how someone could find it remotely interesting.
@Hippalectryon Maybe they are the same.
@Chris'ssis you want me to do it ?
@ABeautifulMind nooo
i just talked about it since Sanath insisted on it.
this thing your discussing is interesting
sorry for my bad enligsh
why can't i vote on my own post math.stackexchange.com/questions/1169218/…
@RandomVariable in fact, they discuss the image of the curve $-1/e+\epsilon e^{i t}$ for $-\pi < t\leq \pi$ on page 18 of that paper. so you might be able to extract an answer from there.
Morning, @Sanath.
Hi, @Balarka
How's life?
Quite fun.
I just read your idea in the chat room.
Not an idea, @Sanath. Just an arbitrary question.
I mean, who cares about the degree $[\mathbf Q(X) : \mathbf Q]$, anyway?
Ok, the statement following the question.
@Balarka want to move this discussion to our room?
i am on the room right now.
alright, cool
I need support for reopening this very nice question
Q: Other integral related to Ahmed's integral

user178256I have a doubt regarding the evaluation of the following integral : $$ \int_0^\frac{1}{\sqrt{5}} \frac{\tan^{-1}\left({\sqrt{(1 + x^2)/2}}\right)} {(1 + 3x^2)\sqrt{1 + x^2}}\,du = \frac{\pi^2\sqrt{2}}{60}. $$ Could anybody please help by offering useful hints or solutions? I think very difficul...

@Ramanewbie @Hippalectryon @BalarkaSen @ABeautifulMind @Semiclassical
@Chris'ssis done already :-)
@Hippalectryon thanks!
@Hippalectryon Why did you vote to close it if you intended to vote to reopen it? Nothing changed since your vote to close.
@Hippalectryon did you vote for closing??
@MikeMiller I closed it due to the lack of work shown
But that hasn't changed.
Oh, I see. The comment.
But if it's a highly interesting one, it changes
Except for the comment, yeah
If you think the comment changes whether or not the question should be closed, I think you should edit it into the question itself.
It's still missing context
I second that, @Mike
No point in closing something and reopening it if nothing's been changed.
there's a difference between the interest of the mathematical problem being posed, and the quality of the question itself as formulated by the proposer
i'm not sure where i come down on what standards should be applied, but there does need to be a balance
I guess I need to hit the bed now. Bye, everyone.
later pal
Are straight men holding hands common in the US?
Hi @ted.
hi Jasper
um, no ... not common anywhere that I've been :P
Le ted is back !
Le ted? Comment?
This grammar might be slightly le wrong indeed
Quel horreur de faire un tel erreur :D
you obviously need to, er, eemprove your eenglish, frenchman
@BalarkaSen You're totally le right :D
@Balarka: You advertised you were going to sleep.
can't possibly go sleep when you've just arrived. hi, @Ted, btw.
nonsense ... I put my students to sleep every class.
that's just because they're thick.
most of the grads are.
um, no, I wouldn't say that
I hardly ever teach grads
ok, that changes things.
Balarka, the critic ... the grad students can't meet his 14 yr old standards :P
@BalarkaSen Which part, lol.
that's not what i meant @Ted
i have sat on several classes with the grads, and most of the time they just snore and pretend to be listening while fiddling with their phones. disgusting.
@robjohn that guy posted anotehr question here math.stackexchange.com/questions/1170193/…. If you like it vote to reopen. I'd like to add a hint there.
plus, they can't tell the definition of disjoint union. more disgusting.
Yes, I wouldn't allow that behavior (or behaviour).
i write american english, no probs.
I don't understand how people go to grad school unless they are obsessed and passionate about math.
me neither.
I know a nonzero number of people who use their phones as a way to look up things relevant to the lecture (if they don't have a computer).
i mean, i'd think about something if i've been told about it, not just store them in my head or pretend to understand a great deal.
Yes, my students occasionally do that, but they're still engaging ... not snoring.
@ted I think men holding hands is pretty common in India
o, btw, good night, @Mike
very unlike the grad students here.
I always wonder what to do with this sort of question. I mostly want to say "Yes. It's not hard. You should prove it yourself."
@Semiclassical That paper was actually the original source of my confusion. I didn't understand how three branches could share a square-root singularity. Robjohn posted an answer to my question, and that was what I was asking him about.
on what basis thinkest thou that, Jasper?
Ah grad school.....
@Julian: Did you sort out that topology question?
@TedShifrin Just reading it on the internet. Indian men here do it too.
one of them told the head of the department that he likes to differentiate while trying to get admitted. and he was supposed to be doing lots of more stuff than just differentiating in his undegrads. good lord, indian educational system sucks so much.
I haven't been able to think about it since the last time we discussed due to a long week of ice hockey.
ah, ok, @Julian ... You just need to think carefully about unions and intersections of complements.
and did i tell you about the computing the fundamental group of the moebius strip story, @Mike?
you'll have a good laugh, wait a tick
No. If it's about the grad students there, I doubt I care.
@Balarka: There are stupid people everywhere. Math is hard.
@Ted Except that it's not...
Maybe you're just not doing hard math, @teadawg1337.
eh, yes it is
it's a good hard, but it is hard
A third vote for "math is hard".
Up until late undergrad studies, it's a breeze.
@Ted wonders how stupid people gets up to grad school
hi @Alex
Hello @Ted. :)
not if you get stuck in my class as a freshman, @teadawg
I'm having to work a lot harder with complex analysis
It seems that in the Muslim countries, man and woman don't hold hands in public but man and man hold hands as friendship, lol.
math is hard, @teadawg1337. and you have to think a lot to keep up with it.
unfortunately, in the US we've watered down our education so that we have students getting through an undergraduate math degree who can't do much of anything ...
@TedShifrin Same here.
teadawg will likely go through most of his undergraduate days not being challenged. It sucks.
The only time I'm challenged is with self-study

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