@TedShifrin Once I become more familiar with differential geometry, will I then be able to understand the higher-dimensional forms of curl? I find curl in 3D very unintuitive.
If $0.0001f(n)^2$ is an assymptotic lower bound on $f(n)$ then $f(n)^2$ is also an assymptotic lower bound on $f(n)$. So $f(n)=\Omega(f(n)^2)$. That means that $\exists c>0, n_0 \in \mathbb{N}$ such that $f(n) \geq cf(n)^2 \Rightarrow 1 \geq f(n)$. @Axoren
Prima facie, this integral seems easy to calculate,but alas, this not's case $$I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(x)}\,dx$$
The numerical value is I=-1.122690024730644497584272...
How to evaluate this integral?
By against,I find:
@Axoren The algorithm requires f(n) microseconds(1 microsecond=$10^{-6}$ second). At each line we have a specific f(n) and for example if we are looking at 1 second, we use the fact that 1 second=$10^6$ microsecond and then we have $f(n)=10^6$ ms and so $\lg n=10^6 \Rightarrow n=2^{10^6}$
It should be the answer because of this http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=%28n%21%29%3D10%5E6 9 is the size of the problem so that it can be solved in time 10^6 microseconds. I am given the array and I should fill it with the values of n. I found that what I sent you in the web. I filled it by myself and wanted to verify it.. And I found for $f(n)=\lg n$ at 1 century that it is $2^{365 \cdot 24 \cdot 36 \cdot 10^{10}}=2^{31536 \cdot 10^{11}}$. Am I wrong? @Axoren
The algorithm requires f(n) microseconds(1 microsecond=$10^{-6}$ second). At each line we have a specific f(n) and for example if we are looking at 1 second, we use the fact that 1 second=$10^6$ microsecond and then we have $f(n)=10^6$ ms and so $\lg n=10^6 \Rightarrow n=2^{10^6}$
I found for $f(n)=\lg n$ at 1 century that it is $2^{365 \cdot 24 \cdot 36 \cdot 10^{10}}=2^{31536 \cdot 10^{11}}$.
A century so 100 years times 365 days times 24 hours times 3600 second times 10^6 for micro is the same as 10^10 times 365 times 24 times 36. And this to a power of 2. Yes. Seems fine @evinda
No, it isn't the source of the question... @quid I was given the table unfilled and I am asked to fill it with tha values of n. I found this site and wanted to verify my results, but this was different.
Every fourth year has an extra day. So add 25 days, but then IIRC every 100 year is an exception so subtract 1. For adding 24 days. Then one has 36524 days times 24 times 36 times 10^8 this is then the number in the list.
I wonder if there's a simple function of $d$ where $d$ is the number of days after January 1st, 0 AD/BC, that properly returns which day of the month it is.
@evinda I agree. It is not clear to me. Personally I would not bother with leap years, and the fact that every hundreds year is not a leap year is IMO not as widely known as to make it an implcit prerequisuty to answer such a question. The advice by @Axoren is really best. Do it with 365 and say that for simplicity you ignore leap years.
@evinda no this is the result for n. For n! you need to find the n such that n! is still less than or equal to that number. It should be somewhere around 15. One would need to check with a caclulator.
@evinda It's unlikely that $n!$ will equal any integer. However, you do know that so long as $n! < T$ where $T$ is how much time you actually have, you can always solve a factorial problem in time $T$
@quid So we find the differences till the difference we are looking at becomes negative, right? As for $n \lg n$, I haven't calculated it since I didn't now how.. Which is the easiest way?
Prima facie, this integral seems easy to calculate,but alas, this not's case $$I=\int_0^{\pi/2}\frac{x\log{\sin{(x)}}}{\sin(x)}\,dx$$
The numerical value is I=-1.122690024730644497584272...
How to evaluate this integral?
By against,I find:
I'd rather study complex analysis and learn how to compute integrals via residues. At least it's a new technique. What's the point in sticking to a bunch of substitution and clever tricks.
@BalarkaSen Well, in the last period of times I did tons of integrals by using complex analysis, but not sure how it works here. Maybe you teach me your way (using CA).
A fast Fourier transform (FFT) is an algorithm to compute the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its inverse. Fourier analysis converts time (or space) to frequency (or wavenumber) and vice versa; an FFT rapidly computes such transformations by factorizing the DFT matrix into a product of sparse (mostly zero) factors. As a result, fast Fourier transforms are widely used for many applications in engineering, science, and mathematics. The basic ideas were popularized in 1965, but some FFTs had been previously known as early as 1805. In 1994 Gilbert Strang described the fast Fourier transform as...