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Same here, unless they are in charge of that department of course..
@TedShifrin I need to learn nonetheless.
@TedShifrin See, I found an exception in your universe:
2 mins ago, by Studentmath
Same here, unless they are in charge of that department of course..
That's not right, I bet @Studentmath. Department heads have all sorts of powers, but not to alter drop date.
No, @skull. You haven't.
Yea, I don't think the math department head here has any say either
I've had a friend whose head of department allowed him to drop after last drop date from a certain course and switch to another (of course with extra costs).
They can ask for leniency...
The administration run by CUNY (the public school system here) is pretty much set in stone I think
But for private schools they might be more lenient
I know at Harvard one of my friends asked the professor to let him in the class and the professor added him to the registry
Yes, we can with letters do a switch from one class to another, but the Dean has to approve it.
No, the professor didn't. Not literally.
@Ted I guess that's the situation here too, of course.
I've been at universities both private and public. There is bureaucracy everywhere. Faculty are not super-powers.
Anyway, I thought we were going to continue with groups/rings/fields but we stopped after groups and we aren't doing rings or fields at all so I kind of don't want credit for this course so I can re-take it
Of course, just head of departments, if they care enough, usually have the connections to overpass them.
Not in my experience at 3 big universities, @Studentmath.
Our Director of Undergrad Studies (there is one in each dept) can add people to courses during the add dates despite capacity. The dean of the college has to approve any late drops. Late adds are handled by the registrar's staff, and usually only for typos.
Maybe because they're big. In my current math courses (getting 'advanced') we have about 13 students per course (not per teacher, per course..)
I was Associate Dept Head here for 8 years and have advised thousands of students. I know the ropes :)
Everyone ignores our math class capacities
@TedShifrin American universities... I recalled Studentmath as being in Israel.
There's always like 35/25 students enrolled for the course
That's right @MikeM
Well, I'm tired of arguing. It's not helping poor mr eyeglasses learn his math, which really is the point.
Then again my university is also an exception in Israel, even..
14 mins ago, by Ted Shifrin
Yes, @skull. But it has nothing to do with individuals. Colleges have universal policies.
@TedShifrin Some colleges are more bureaucratic than others. College of Ag here handled a few late drops from my course -- I got an email informing me it happened. College of Arts and Sciences - I filled out a two page form requiring more info than my gradebook has.
If I pass algebra I'll have to study it on my own because we haven't covered rings or fields
Nevertheless, @Jack, it requires deans' intervention.
What else have you taken, Mr. Glasses?
Calculus and Probability
How're you doing in probability?
Not that good
And single variable or multi?
Hah, almost the same courses I've taken this semester
@TedShifrin Yes, definitely. I just meant that in some colleges you go ask the dean's secretary and you are dropped within the week, and in some colleges you wait a month for the committee to meet to review the binders of forms that have been turned in :-)
Just instead of Algebra, Graph Theory...
Where are you at with probability?
I'm going to have to study real analysis over the summer because I am doing so poorly in calculus and real analysis is much harder than this
Mr eyeglasses, you can teach me probability so I can teach it in the fall. :)
We finished the textbook (that our professor wrote)
business school is most reasonable - they ask me current grade, grade before the "event", and whether I think the drop fits uni policy. takes like 2 minutes to fill out.
You have more bureaucracy than we do, @Jack.
Hah, not there just yet, will be in.. two months I think, maybe one.
We spend millions and millions on it, so it better be big!
this semester, for each failing grade assigned, we have to explain why it was assigned
I am overloaded with work, I never studied so much as I do now, it feels odd. I am used to studying few days before the test, doing half of the works and it's all fine...
I'm looking forward to teaching something I've never studied :)
It's exciting, isn't it?
@Ted Do you have any recommendations for introductory real analysis books for slower students
Generally, cramming for exams doesn't work too well with serious college math.
Yes, Prof @Ted, hence I started studying seriously this semester.
Have you taken linear alg, mr eyeglasses?
@TedShifrin Do you use webwork? My former office-mate just finished a junior level prob class. He is leaving to be a fancy six figure actuary, but had time to put together a pretty interesting (but standard) course.
@Ted Yes, it's a pre-requisite for our calculus course
@Ted But I feel my linear algebra is EXTREMELY weak
Hah, the opposite way around here, Mr. Glasses
Prereq for calc? With proofs?
Yes, @Jack. I actually wrote 300 problems for my multivariable math course.
If anyone could take a look at this question, will greatly appreciate it: math.stackexchange.com/questions/788479/…
I feel extremely weak with this flow and I have no lectures to study from...
I'd have to go relearn it, @Studentmath ... It's been 30 years or so.
Woha. I thought you haven't taught Graph Theory at all?
Linear alg is the place to learn proofs, mr eyeglasses. Analysis is hard.
@Ted Should I use your book if I can find it at the library
I haven't, @Studentmath, but this was in Strang's applied math course.
omg I remember not liking Strang's linear algebra book for some reason
Which, mr eyeglasses? Linear alg?
Ah yes, it has many uses I heared..
Yes @Ted Your linear algebra book or your multivariable book
Can't decide if I want to walk home or take the bus./
Linear would be better for you, my eyeglasses. It focuses on proofs and we tried to help students learn how to attack proofs. The multi book is quite hard.
@Ted I tried using Velleman's Proof book but it was pretty dry
Most if those proofs books are ....
Haha, do you dislike them
Clearly Ted prefers Lay.
Yes, @Mike, I always prefer linear books that save dot product for chapter 8. :(
...proofs need to be taught starting right at elementary algebra, imo
Prof @Ted, mine did!
(chapter 6)
I dislike any linear algebra book that doesn't at least spend a little time on the geometric interpretation of the determinant
Section 2 of chapter 1 in both my books! :)
Do you teach QR methods before/instead of LU methods?
I agree strongly, @Mike.
@TedShifrin do you agree with me?
4 mins ago, by skullpatrol
...proofs need to be taught starting right at elementary algebra, imo
No, @Jack, in truth. I'm also not biased toward a numerical sort of course, either. But I loved learning years ago the reversed QR alg to get eigenvalues/eigenvectors.
Under the geometric interpretation/definition, "A invertible iff det A nonzero" is trivialized and doesn't come out of left field
Not really, @skull, but having teachers/students explain would be a good start.
This is sad. We only have the title "Geometry and Topology : Manifolds, Varieties, and Knots"
what matters more than when we introduce proofs is how
the godawful geometry we subject high school students to ruins the excitement
careful, @Mike, there might be some circular reasoning if you try to be rigorous. :)
but elementary algebra is the perfect setting
Well, mr eyeglasses, they have good taste!
Unfortunately this book won't even be useful to me until probably after I graduate
@TedShifrin One way to view solving with QR is just orthogonal projection to pull out the coordinates. How much $\vec{i}$ in the solution? I don't know, let me use a dot product and find out! -- It immediately gives least squares too, since that is just what happens when you don't find all the coordinates.
Mr eyeglasses, send me an email.
@MikeMiller connecting arithmetic to algebra is important, imo
No that book is a compilation of research articles. I merely edited that.
Okay, sent an e-mail
But QR, with all the Gram-Schmidt, is computationally much more intensive than LU, @Jack.
@TedShifrin nope, same asymptotic, more stable, only use 2 times as many ops
Hmm, I'll have to work that out :) Thanks.
Gah, this depresses me. Think I will move to next work and leave it for now. Or go to sleep...
@MikeMiller I do agree that the tradition set out by Euclid's Elements of geometric proofs given first is hard to go against.
Mr eyeglasses, check your mail.
Hi, anyone could solve my problem? math.stackexchange.com/questions/787485/…
Do you mean locally or globally, @Victor? Locally the answer is yes (c.f. Fourier series)
@MikeMiller - What is the difference between global and local as you say?
If you mean only the trigonometric integral could locally express by fourier series, then i probably mean globally
I mean that, if you write $F(a) = \int_0^a f(t)dt$, then if one picks a point $p \in \mathbb R$, one can express $F$ as an infinite series of sines and cosines on $(p-\varepsilon,p+\varepsilon)$ (for sufficiently small $\varepsilon$).
@MikeMiller - Then what is globally mean?
Hey everyone.
That $F$ can be expressed that way on $(-\infty,\infty)$, @Victor
Can anyone tell me what the actual definition of a differential is?
Not of a function, just something like $dx$.
@MikeMiller, what?
@Anthony You mean differential forms?
Read Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds.
Much fun.
@PedroTamaroff Well I've been reading about differential forms, and I'm running in circles.
What does that mean?
How is a differential form defined?
@MikeMiller - What about the integral of non- periodic function?
Then could it be express as fourier series?
@Anthony It is something that takes a point in your space, and gives you an alternating multilinear form.
But so a differential form is a map.
A differential $k$-form is something that to each point in your space assigns an alternating $k$ form.
So it is a map $\Bbb R^n\to \bigwedge^k(\Bbb R^n)$.
So, back to intro to analysis, what does the differential inside the integral mean?
$\int_a^b dx$
integrating a $k$-form
You're integrating the $1$-form $f(x) dx$.
hence yikes
@PedroTamaroff Do you think "the map $\pi$ restricted to $V$" should be written $\pi|V$ or $\pi|_V$?
I prefer the latter.
I thought integration was defined as a map acting on functions.
Usually, a $k$ form takes the form $$\omega=\sum_{i_1<\cdots <i_k} \alpha_{i_1\ldots i_k} dx_{i_1}\wedge\cdots \wedge x_{i_k}$$ where the $\alpha_{I}$ are functions, usually smooth or $C^2$.
yikes as fuck i'm outta here
@MikeMiller You scared bro?
It ain't gonna bite.
Okay hold on. Let me see what I have.
@MikeMiller Depends.
@PedroTamaroff I ain't scared, I'm scared for Antonio.
The first is more readable to me, sometimes.
For example if say $V$ has some ugly notation like $H_n^1(C;0)$.
Then I prefer the first.
For readability.
Yeah so I thought an integral was a map from intervals to $\mathbb{R}$.
@Anthony You mean from functions to $\Bbb R$, right?
Well, you have a "bilinear form" if you may!
$\langle f,I\rangle =\int_I f$.
That makes no reference to differentials though!
Well, here you have something similar.
@Anthony Yes, you're integrating $f(x)dx$ along the curve $I$.
Well I mean, that's what I've been doing since high school, but it seems like the $dx$ is almost just notation.
I mean, it isn't, but if a differential form is a map, then you're multiplying the product of functions?
Gah, I quit.. I won't manage it tonight, I just can't figure it out..
Can I set all the outgoing vertices from t to be 0 and the incomnig ones to have full capacity, and therefore cutting t would be the same as the net flow?
@PedroTamaroff It always just seemed to me that the differential told you what variable you were integrating with respect to.
Does @Anthony need a course on differential forms? I just blundered back in ....
@TedShifrin it would seem that way. I've been shuffling through papers on them all day.
@FernandoMartin HAI.
Atiyah is informal as f*** in some proofs. =O
Still awesome book.
Don't get mad at me.
Well, not to self promote, but you have my lectures on this stuff at your disposal on the web :D
I'm just confused, again, because I thought that something like $dx$ was just a marker as to what variable you were integrating with respect to. In my analysis course we didn't really talk about differentials...
@TedShifrin where?
See my profile, @Anthony.
@Anthony Well, in that case $dx$ is that. Kinda...
Yeah, we make it that in beginning calc and then we finagle when we do subs.
Which Atiyah? @Pedro (I know Sir Michael, so don't be a wise ass. :))
@TedShifrin Instead of writing dir. lim., is it canonical nowadays to write $\varinjlim$?
It was standard even when I was your age, @Mike :)
I guess it was too hard to draw in the arrow in the 60s.
Ok, thanks.
Yeah, typewriters sucked.
Hey, they had their class.
@TedShifrin Commutative Algebra.
I really mean what I say Ted.
Oh, ok ... You don't usually refer to CA by Atiyah :)
I mean the book.
What do you mean @Pedro?
Yeah, what do you mean?
@FernandoMartin Some proofs are just "this will work", put in informally. But the proof doesn't really check the claim correctly.
for instance?
Theorem 5.11.
@Studentmath, without computers and LaTeX, I would never have started writing books. In many ways, I regret the technology :)
They say $\overline A\subseteq\overline B$, when they mean $\overline A$ injects into $\overline B$.
Incorrectness I am skeptical of, @Oedro. Not belaboring everything, sure.
that's pretty standard bro
I can't imagine doing works without the computer. Since I was in first grade it was already useable for pretty much everything I wanted..
@TedShifrin Do you know when it became standard to have "sheaf" refer to the functor sending open sets to groups/modules whatever, instead of having it refer to the space of stalks?
You're being way too pedantic, @Pedro. Grad level stuff expects an intelligent reader.
The injection is given by the map $\overline{\pi i}:A/\mathfrak p_1\to B/\mathfrak q_1$ induced by $i:A\to B$ composed by $\pi:B\to B/\mathfrak q_1$ that has kernel $\mathfrak p_1=A\cap \mathfrak q_1$.
I know the former is now standard and the latter is what Gunning calls a sheaf.
I don't mind filling in the details
The last line of the theorem is also not incredibly straightforward
If $\pi':A\to A/\mathfrak p_1$, then we have $\overline{\pi i}\pi '=\pi i$
This is needed to prove the claim.
But that's ok with me
They also write an intersection when again it is the pullback by $\overline{\pi i}$.
oh no
oh no!!
@Mike: with Grothendieck, maybe ....presheaf and sheaf are different. In alg land, there's still l'espace étalé ...
Dunno, I'm just saying it is simple stuff that can be written down.
but then the book would be 800 pages long, and filled with boring details I can fill on my own
It's just a matter of taste, I suppose
Right @Fernando. It's better to impart understanding and intuition than pedantry.
@TedShifrin I know the difference. Gunning defines a sheaf as what would now be called l'espace étalé.
@FernandoMartin Not true!
It's just three more lines, tops.
You're right, @PedroTamaroff, it's not true that it's a matter of taste
three more lines for that line
It would truly be a bad book if the authors filled in every detail
then five more lines for the last line
do that for every theorem in the book
Right. But he does the associated presheaf, too. It's just a matter if the order, really.
@TedShifrin: Could you answer my comments here math.stackexchange.com/questions/496906/…
Well, I am just saying they could just give the hint and let you fill in.
@TedShifrin I know; I'm not criticising it. I'm just curious as to the history.
@Mike: you should also look at Godement in the library. Another classic.
Which Godement? Topologie algébrique et théorie des faisceaux?
btw @Pedro, remember what we thought about today about rings where every $A$-module is free?
the result is true, but our proof works only in the commutative case
Yes @Mike.
@TedShifrin Unfortunately my library doesn't have it. I'm looking it up and it looks amazing, though.
I'll have to read this... both for the content and for my French.
@20824: A partial derivative is not a number. It operates on functions. In general, a directional derivative operates on functions and we associate that operator with a geometric tangent vector.
@FernandoMartin Why?
Also, I am just opposing bad notation @FernandoMartin @TedShifrin
I'm not sure :)
but this post suggests we overlooked some detail
(good) abuse of notation is good notation
When things get more complicated, bad notation obscures thing.
At least to me.
I'm not sure where the argument goes wrong but they seem to be using a whole lot of machinery to prove it
@Mike: Maybe another book for your moving van. I used to have a xerox copy from grad school before I bought the book in Paris. I'll see if I still have the xerox in my office.
@TedShifrin But for example, f(x, y) = x + y and the partial derivative with respect to x is df/dx = 1 and it is a number, right? May be I should say partial derivative is a number when the function f is given. Right?
@20824 Ah, no. "1" in this case means the function on R^2 that sends every point to the number 1.
@FernandoMartin I have to go now. Let me know what you find out.
ok, see you
@TedShifrin Hahaha, I like this comment in a review of that book.
""We have therefore tried to write a book which presupposes no
familiarity with algebraic topology . . . ." This statement is taken
from the preface of the book under review, and surprisingly enough,
the author may have succeeded in his attempt. Of course, until the
appearance of the second volume of this work, the reader may find
himself still unfamiliar with algebraic topology"
No, it's only a number when you have a function AND a point. But you need n such numbers to reconstruct the first-order Taylor polynomial of $f$ at $p$, assuming $f(p)=0$.
LOL ... It presupposes the topology knowledge, but it does spectral sequences @Mike.
I know, I saw that. I just found that bit funny. The review right after it is a review of Bourbaki's Algebra, calling the author "polycephalic".
What does Cohomologie à valeurs mean?
Cohomology with values in ...
Ah, okay.
Did you take the bus home?
Anyone up for some algebra proofchecking? it's simple
I promise
Yes, @TedShifrin. I decided it was too hot to walk.
I don't trust you, @Fernando.
@TedShifrin Oh, that is right. It made more sense now. But another question I have is whether the definition of tangent vector based on partial derivative depends on the function f. For example, given a chart at p of a manifold M, then we have a basis for the tangent vector space as d/dx_1, ..., d/dx_n. But it is clear that if we use different f, then the basis with change. Right?
No, the vectors stay the same. They tell you in which directions to take directional derivatives of any $f$.
I'm trying to prove that if $R$ is a ring such that every $R$-module is free, then $R$ is a division ring
I think my proof is incorrect since all proofs I found use a lot of machinery I don't, but I can't find the mistake
You need @anon or @Karl.
Ahhhh, I found it. Sneaky.
Surely there must be a counterexample to test your proof out with?
I ended up proving that $A/(x)=0$ for any $x$
Ah, good.
@TedShifrin I forgot to say... I'm sick of Serre's notation (in reading his rep. theory book).
but that doesn't imply $x$ is a unit in the non-commutative case :)
He identifies representations with the vector spaces they act on. Usually one can decipher his meaning. Sometimes it's pain.
@TedShifrin So if a differential is a map, why doesn't it get written as such under the integral?
@FernandoMartin Don't use two-sided ideals. if Ax=A, then 1 is in Ax...
@TedShifrin So no matter what f I have, for a given chart, 2*d/dx_1 + 3*d/dx_2 + ... + 4*d/dx_n represents the same tangent vector at point p. However, for different f the result will be different. Right?
I can't quotient by an ideal if it's not two-sided
I didn't prove that $Ax=A$, I proved that $A/(x)=0$
The integral is given by applying that map to the derivatives of parametrizations, and the chsnge of variables thm says you get something welk-defined.
Subtle @Fernando.
You can quotient the regular module A with the left-submodule Ax :-)
Right @20824
Ah, I didn't know @Jack was still here. Nice to have a resident algebra guru :)
@TedShifrin Thank you very much! Could you shed some light on this question please? math.stackexchange.com/questions/788529/…
Then maybe my argument holds. What I thought of is the following:
@TedShifrin Applying the map to the derivatives of parametrizations? I'm not following. Can you tell me what $\int_a^b xdx$ means, then? In light of viewing the differential as a linear map
Consider $A/Ax$, it's free by hypothesis, so $A/Ax \simeq A^Y$ for some set $Y$
(but yes A/(x) = 0 is not sufficient to conclude A is a division ring or that x is invertible. the Weyl algebra A=k[x][d/dx] also satisfies A/(x) =0, but that is because d/dx * x = 1 + x * d/dx, so 1 is in the two-sided ideal containing x.)
If $Y$ is non-empty, then there's an element $y\in A^Y$ such that $yx\neq 0$
(namely, pick $1$ in some coordinate of $y$)
@Anthony: the meaning doesn't change in regions in $\Bbb R^n$. It just becomes the usual Riemann integral, because the parametrization in that case is the identity.
This is a contradiction, since $x$ right-annihilates $A/Ax$, so $Y$ must be empty.
Have I lied somewhere? :P
@20824: I hope you've taken abstract algebra or a good linear algebra class. You shouldn't be doing this level of diff geo course without that background.
@FernandoMartin That looks good. I didn't check your left-right, so there might be small problems, but easy to fix if they are there.
Thanks for your help @Jack, I'll think about it
i'm headed out :-) good luck!
Night @Jack
@TedShifrin It is near the the end of my diff geo class actually. We mostly studied curves and surfaces before. But suddenly the teacher started talking things like this.
@TedShifrin So then with something like $\int_a^b udu$ where $u=x^2$. What is the du telling me to do, in terms of this map? because the normal Riemann integral I was taught made no reference to differentials!
I think I got the solution!
I feel like a genius!
I should be ashamed it took me so long though
@Anthony there are multiple ways of interpreting the integral
in the cases we're talking about, differentials and the riemann integral you were taught are equivalent
Thank you @20824
Are you saying differentials together with the Riemann integral? I just want to know if the differential next to the integral always carries more information than just which variable you're integrating with respect to, and if it does, what's the meaning? In @TedShifrin 's lecture he mentions a map. I don't I'm terribly misunderstanding things, it's just in the (only) rigorous definition of an integral I've seen it doesn't make reference to differentials.
I can
t comment here, I'm just saying that the standard Riemann integral and the integral in terms of differentials can be defined differently - and in the full generalities they lead one to consider be different things - while still giving the same results in this case
That makes sense. And I don't doubt it. I'm just fishing for what the definition in terms of differentials is.
Oh, okay.
Thanks for your comments though.
No prob, for what they were worth.
NNah, still haven't got it right..
$\exp$ test
$\text{exp}$ test
Q: How do you graph a fractal on a line, as a function of time and position?

Enjoys MathI'm writing ANSI C code for work and just got bug-free my LED Light Show Library. The first project it's going on is a sound bar with 10 volume indicator (1-color (white)) leds that are lined-up. I've already done a lot of the UI indicator light shows (such as dimming down to zero brightness), ...

@Mike: Here's an elementary argument: given $x\in R$, the left $R$-module $R/Rx$ is free, and so it's isomorphic to $R^X$. If $X$ were non-empty, we'd have an element $y\in R^X$ such that $xy\neq 0$, which contradicts the fact that $x$ left-annihilates $R/Rx$. This proves that $R/Rx=0$, and so every element is left-invertible; a symmetric argument over the right $R$-module $R/xR$ proves right-invertibility.
@FernandoMartin Let $r + Rx$ be in $R/Rx$. Why is $xr + Rx = 0 \in R/Rx$? -- I think you need one more step, you need to choose $r$ specially.
@JackSchmidt I just had this conversation with him - he doesn't think it's salvageable, though you seem to imply it is
Yes, what I wrote there is not correct.
How is it even possible.. wolframalpha.com/input/…
Well, I am off to bed, I gave this question way more than enough, 7 am here already.
If anyone could take a look and see if he can aid me in my struggles, I will appreciate it greatly:
Q: Maximal flow and minimal cut in complete graphs

StudentmathThe question is as follows: We define on the complete graph $K_n$ with the vertices {$v_1, v_2, ... , v_n$} the following directions: for every j>i, the edge $v_i v_j$ is directed from $v_i$ to $v_j$ if |i-j| is odd, and from $v_j$ to $v_i$ if |i-j| is even. We define the capacity function c(...

@Studentmath $\sum_{x=1}^{n-1} n = n(n-1)$
$\sum_{x=1}^{n-1}x = n(n-1)/2$
And 2x.. nice, yes.
Precisely 0.
Was just playing with possible routes and flows, nothing works.. at least I practice some long lost summation skills/knowledge
Good night..
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
I'm getting sick of book recommendation questions.
> However the hint says I should use uniform convergence of integrals to show analyticity.
What does "uniform convergence of integrals" mean?
@MattN. Looks like they have a new tag for it. Add book-recommendation to my list of thirty or so ignored tags.
@KarlKronenfeld Yeah. : ) And thanks for the information, I hadn't noticed the new tag.
@DanielFischer The sup norm applied to the integrals?
I'm not sure I should have posted that answer.
@MattN. Context. (The obvious answer would be Morera, but for some reason, the OP doesn't want that.)
@DanielFischer I'm confused. Does he mean to use the sup norm in the definition of the derivative?
Hello :)
@MattN. I have no idea what the OP wants to do.
I have a special question, can someone help me with ?
@ALJIMohamed Without seeing your question, we don't know. Ask it - or link to it, if it is a question on the site - and we shall see.
Q: Can you please suggest how do they get equation (2.9) on this book?

ALJI MohamedI have a problem of $minimization$. When $E(w)$ is minimized, that means $w$ verify (2.8). My question is I don't know how do they get (2.9) ?? here is an extract of math book ... ?

here it is
it is simple
I am sure It is obvious
I simply do'nt get it that's all
but It is definitely simple
I'm also sick of people posting a question on SE and then additionally posting it on chat.
sorry @MattN. , I tought it is a special question
@DanielFischer I don't understand the idea of posting a question on SE and then posting a link to it on chat.
it is not like others, and It may be out of subject
I mean, within a couple of minutes. It's ok if the question is more than a week old and didn't get enough attention.
okey @MattN. I won't do that again ...
That's of course just my personal grumpy opinion.
@MattN [How](http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/379713/why-is-n2-fracn22-fracn22/379956#379956)|
@KarlKronenfeld Hahaha : D
I don't think I need to say anything.
can't figure out why that doesn't work

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